List of glycoproteins found on different herpes virions and their putative function.

Conservation Name HHV-1 Varicella HCMV HHV6 EBV KSHV Function
All gB UL27 ORF31 UL55 U39 BALF4 ORF8 -
AllgLUL1ORF60UL115U82BKRF2ORF47Fusion (gH chaperone)
AllgNUL49.5ORF 9aUL73U46BLRF1ORF53 
AlphagKUL53ORF5xxxxEssential for infection of neuronal axons
AlphagEUS8ORF64xxxxgE/gI is important for anterograde axonal transport
AlphagIUS7ORF67xxxxgE/gI is important for anterograde axonal transport
AlphagCUL44ORF14xxxxSkin-tropic factor
BetagOxxUL74U47xxgH/gL chaperone
BetaUL128xxUL128xxxTropism/infect epithelial cells but not fibroblasts
BetaUL130xxUL130xxxTropism/infect epithelial cells but not fibroblasts
BetaUL131AxxUL131AxxxTropism/infect epithelial cells but not fibroblasts
BetagQ1 xxxU100xxTropism /requires for use of CD46
BetagQ2xxxU100xxTropism /requires for use of CD46
Gammagp350xxxxBLLF1xTropism/ B-Lymphocytes (CR2-binding)
Gammagp42xxxxBZLF2xTropism/ B-Lymphocytes (CR2-binding)
GammaBMRF2xxxxBMRF2xTropism/Epithelial cells (b1 integrin) RGD motif
GammagK8.1AxxxxxgK8.1ATropism?/Heparan sulfate binding
GammagK8.1BxxxxxgK8.1BTropism?/Heparan sulfate binding