Ambisense transcription in negative stranded RNA viruses
An ambisens genome is a genome which both nucleic acid strands encode for proteins . This expression strategy is found in four genera of segmented negative stranded RNA viruses: Arenavirus, Phlebovirus, Tospovirus, and Tenuivirus. It depends on solid transcription termination signals to avoid creating dsRNA, a pattern recognized by all cells to trigger antiviral response. All the ambisens negative standed RNA viruses indeed encode a hairpin to stop transcription.
Non-segmented negative stranded RNA viruses, and orthomyxoviridae have leaky termination signal, preventing them to use this transcription strategy
Ambisense sendai viruses are inherently unstable but are useful to study viral RNA synthesis
Philippe Le Mercier, Dominique Garcin, St?phane Hausmann, Daniel Kolakofsky
J. Virol. June 2002; 76: 5492?5502
Philippe Le Mercier, Dominique Garcin, St?phane Hausmann, Daniel Kolakofsky
J. Virol. June 2002; 76: 5492?5502
Expression strategies of ambisense viruses
Marie Nguyen, Anne-Lise Haenni
Virus Res. June 2003; 93: 141?150
Marie Nguyen, Anne-Lise Haenni
Virus Res. June 2003; 93: 141?150