RNA editing (kw:KW-0691)

Note: The canonic definition of editing implies a post-transcriptional event, but in virology this term is also used for polymerase slippage.


Some viruses encode genes that express multiple proteins by using overlapping open reading frames (ORFs) through a process known as RNA editing. In these viruses, the RNA polymerase reads the same template base more than once, resulting in insertions (0, 1, 2, etc. base insertions) that lead to different mRNAs, producing different types of proteins.

Editing the genomic template would be disastrous because the change is irreversible. Therefore, this only occurs during transcription in negative-stranded RNA viruses; no editing occurs during replication.

co-transcriptional editing, Negative stranded RNA virus

Genus Virus Major insertions Protein % Upstream sequence Position Reference
Respirovirus BPIV3 1 to 6 Gs P / V / D 33-33-33 AGGGAAUUAAAAAAGGG 707-723
Respirovirus hPIV3 1 to 6 Gs P / V / D 33-33-33 AAAGAAUUAAAAAAGGG 707-723
Henipavirus Nipah virus 1 G P / V / W 50-25-25 AGGGAAUUAAAAAAGGG 707-723
Respirovirus Sendai virus 1 G P / V / W 70-25-5 GACUCAACAAAAAAGGG 934-950
Morbilivirus Measles virus 1 G P / V / W 60-35-5 ACACCCAUUAAAAAGGG 676-692
Morbilivirus Phocine distemper virus 1 G P / V / W - GAACCCAUUAAAAAGGG 676-692
Morbilivirus Rinderpest virus 1 G P / V / W - AAACCCAUUAAAAAGGG 676-692
Morbilivirus Canine distemper virus 1 G P / V / W - GGAUCCAUUAAAAAGGG 675-691
Morbilivirus Dolphin morbillivirus 1 G P / V / W - AAAUCCAUUAAAAAGGG 676-692
Rubulavirus Simian virus 5 2 G V / P - CAUCGAUUUUAAGAGGG 474-490
Rubulavirus Mumps virus 2 G V / P - AACAGAAUUUAAGAGGG 447-463
Rubulavirus Parainfluenza virus type 4 2 G V / P - CAGGAUAUUUAAGAGGG 441-457 -
Rubulavirus La piedad, Michoacan virus 2 G V / P - AGCAGUUUUAAAAAGGG 486-502
Rubulavirus Parainfluenza virus type 2 2 G V / P - CCCCAACUUUAAGAGGG 470-486
Ebolavirus Ebolavirus 1 A sGP / GP / ssGP - GACCCUUUGAUUUUUUU 870-886

co-transcriptional editing, Positive stranded RNA virus

Genus Virus Major insertions Protein % Upstream sequence Position Reference
Potyvirus Turnip mosaic virus 1 A P3 / P3N-PIPO 98-2 CUCCAUUUUGGAAAAAA 2954
Potyvirus Plum Pox Virus 1 A P3 / P3N-PIPO 98.4-1.6 ......GUGGAAAAAA 2913
Potyvirus Sweet potato feathery mottle virus 1 A P1 / P1N-PISPO 88.2/11.8 .......AUGGAAAAAA 1389
Potyvirus Sweet potato feathery mottle virus +1 A or -1 A P3 / P3N-PIPO 98.2/1.2 or 0.6 UGAGCUUAUGGAAAAAA 3955

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to uniprot.org website)

133 entries grouped by strain

3 entries

Hendra virus (isolate Horse/Autralia/Hendra/1994) reference strain

V_HENDH Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_HENDH Phosphoprotein (Protein P)
W_HENDH Protein W

3 entries

Newcastle disease virus (strain Chicken/United States/B1/48) (NDV) reference strain

V_NDVB1 Protein V
W_NDVB1 Protein W
PHOSP_NDVB1 Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

1 entry

Sendai virus (strain Ohita) (SeV) reference strain

PHOSP_SENDO Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

3 entries

Zaire ebolavirus (strain Mayinga-76) (ZEBOV) (Zaire Ebola virus) reference strain

VSGP_EBOZM Pre-small/secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP) [Cleaved into: Small/secreted glycoprotein (sGP); ...
VGP_EBOZM Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: Shed GP (GP1,2-delta); GP1; GP2]
VSSGP_EBOZM Super small secreted glycoprotein (SsGP)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype I (isolate D380) (HDV) reference strain

SHDAG_HDVD3 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)
LHDAG_HDVD3 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)

2 entries

Human parainfluenza 2 virus (strain Toshiba) (HPIV-2) reference strain

V_PI2HT Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_PI2HT Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Measles virus (strain Ichinose-B95a) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus) reference strain

V_MEASC Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_MEASC Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Mumps virus (strain Miyahara vaccine) (MuV) reference strain

V_MUMPM Non-structural protein V (Non-structural protein NS1)
PHOSP_MUMPM Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Parainfluenza virus 5 (strain W3) (PIV5) (Simian virus 5) reference strain

V_PIV5 Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_PIV5 Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

1 entry

Rinderpest virus (strain RBOK) (RDV) reference strain

PHOSP_RINDR Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

1 entry

Simian virus 41 (SV41) reference strain

V_SV41 Non-structural protein V

2 entries

Tupaia paramyxovirus (TPMV) reference strain

V_TPMV Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_TPMV Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

1 entry

Peste-des-petits-ruminants virus (PPRV) reference strain

PHOSP_PPRV Phosphoprotein

3 entries

Nipah virus

V_NIPAV Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_NIPAV Phosphoprotein (Protein P)
W_NIPAV Protein W

3 entries

Reston ebolavirus (strain Philippines-96) (REBOV) (Reston Ebola virus)

VGP_EBORE Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]
VSGP_EBORE Pre-small/secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP) [Cleaved into: Small/secreted glycoprotein (sGP); ...
VSSGP_EBORE Super small secreted glycoprotein (SsGP)

3 entries

Reston ebolavirus (strain Reston-89) (REBOV) (Reston Ebola virus)

VGP_EBORR Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]
VSGP_EBORR Pre-small/secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP) [Cleaved into: Small/secreted glycoprotein (sGP); ...
VSSGP_EBORR Super small secreted glycoprotein (SsGP)

3 entries

Sendai virus (strain Fushimi) (SeV)

PHOSP_SENDF Phosphoprotein (Protein P)
V_SENDF Protein V
W_SENDF Protein W

3 entries

Sendai virus (strain Hamamatsu) (SeV)

V_SENDA Protein V
PHOSP_SENDA Phosphoprotein (Protein P)
W_SENDA Protein W

3 entries

Sendai virus (strain Harris) (SeV)

PHOSP_SENDH Phosphoprotein (Protein P)
V_SENDH Protein V
W_SENDH Protein W

2 entries

Sendai virus (strain Ohita) (SeV)

V_SENDO Protein V
W_SENDO Protein W

3 entries

Sendai virus (strain Z) (SeV) (Sendai virus (strain HVJ))

V_SENDZ Protein V
PHOSP_SENDZ Phosphoprotein (Protein P)
W_SENDZ Protein W

3 entries

Sudan ebolavirus (strain Human/Uganda/Gulu/2000) (SEBOV) (Sudan Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOSU Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]
VSGP_EBOSU Pre-small/secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP) [Cleaved into: Small/secreted glycoprotein (sGP); ...
VSSGP_EBOSU Super small secreted glycoprotein (SsGP)

3 entries

Zaire ebolavirus (strain Kikwit-95) (ZEBOV) (Zaire Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOZ5 Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]
VSGP_EBOZ5 Pre-small/secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP) [Cleaved into: Small/secreted glycoprotein (sGP); ...
VSSGP_EBOZ5 Super small secreted glycoprotein (SsGP)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype I (isolate American) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVAM Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVAM Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype I (isolate Italian) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVIT Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVIT Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype I (isolate Japanese M-1) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVM1 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVM1 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype I (isolate Japanese M-2) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVM2 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVM2 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype I (isolate Japanese S-2) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVS2 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVS2 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype I (isolate Lebanon-1) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVL1 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVL1 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype I (isolate Nauru) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVNA Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVNA Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype I (isolate US-2) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVU2 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVU2 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype I (isolate Woodchuck) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVWO Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVWO Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype II (isolate 7/18/83) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDV83 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDV83 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype II (isolate Japanese S-1) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVS1 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVS1 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype II (isolate TW2476) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVTW Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVTW Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype III (isolate Peru-1) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVP1 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVP1 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype III (isolate VnzD8349) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVV2 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVV2 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype III (isolate VnzD8375) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVV3 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVV3 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Hepatitis delta virus genotype III (isolate VnzD8624) (HDV)

LHDAG_HDVV1 Large delta antigen (L-HDAg) (p27)
SHDAG_HDVV1 Small delta antigen (S-HDAg) (p24)

2 entries

Human parainfluenza 2 virus (HPIV-2)

V_PI2H Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_PI2H Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Human parainfluenza 4a virus (strain Toshiba) (HPIV-4a)

V_PI4HA Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_PI4HA Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Human parainfluenza 4b virus (strain 68-333) (HPIV-4b)

V_PI4HB Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_PI4HB Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Measles virus (strain Edmonston) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

V_MEASE Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_MEASE Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Measles virus (strain Edmonston-AIK-C vaccine) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

PHOSP_MEASA Phosphoprotein (Protein P)
V_MEASA Non-structural protein V

2 entries

Measles virus (strain IP-3-Ca) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

V_MEASI Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_MEASI Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Measles virus (strain Yamagata-1) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

V_MEASY Non-structural protein V
PHOSP_MEASY Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Mumps virus (strain Enders) (MuV)

V_MUMPE Non-structural protein V (Non-structural protein NS1)
PHOSP_MUMPE Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Mumps virus (strain SBL) (MuV)

V_MUMPS Non-structural protein V (Non-structural protein NS1)
PHOSP_MUMPS Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Mumps virus (strain SBL-1) (MuV)

V_MUMP1 Non-structural protein V (Non-structural protein NS1)
PHOSP_MUMP1 Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Newcastle disease virus (strain Ulster/2C) (NDV)

PHOSP_NDVU2 Phosphoprotein (Protein P)
V_NDVU2 Non-structural protein V

2 entries

Phocine distemper virus (PDV)

PHOSP_PHODV Phosphoprotein (Protein P)
V_PHODV Non-structural protein V

2 entries

Reston ebolavirus (strain Siena/Philippine-92) (REBOV) (Reston Ebola virus)

VGP_EBORS Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]
VSGP_EBORS Pre-small/secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP) [Cleaved into: Small/secreted glycoprotein (sGP); ...

2 entries

Rinderpest virus (strain Kabete O) (RDV)

PHOSP_RINDK Phosphoprotein (Protein P)
V_RINDK Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Rinderpest virus (strain RBOK) (RDV)

V_RINDR Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Simian virus 41 (SV41)

PHOSP_SV41 Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

2 entries

Sudan ebolavirus (strain Boniface-76) (SEBOV) (Sudan Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOSB Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]
VSGP_EBOSB Pre-small/secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP) [Cleaved into: Small/secreted glycoprotein (sGP); ...

2 entries

Sudan ebolavirus (strain Maleo-79) (SEBOV) (Sudan Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOSM Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]
VSGP_EBOSM Pre-small/secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP) [Cleaved into: Small/secreted glycoprotein (sGP); ...

2 entries

Tai Forest ebolavirus (strain Cote d'Ivoire-94) (TAFV) (Cote d'Ivoire Ebola virus)

VGP_TAFVC Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; GP2-delta]
VSGP_TAFVC Pre-small/secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP) [Cleaved into: Small/secreted glycoprotein (sGP); ...

2 entries

Zaire ebolavirus (strain Eckron-76) (ZEBOV) (Zaire Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOEC Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]
VSGP_EBOEC Pre-small/secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP) [Cleaved into: Small/secreted glycoprotein (sGP); ...

2 entries

Zaire ebolavirus (strain Gabon-94) (ZEBOV) (Zaire Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOG4 Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]
VSGP_EBOG4 Pre-small/secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP) [Cleaved into: Small/secreted glycoprotein (sGP); ...

1 entry

Bovine parainfluenza 3 virus (BPIV-3)

PHOSP_PI3B Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

1 entry

Canine distemper virus (strain Onderstepoort) (CDV)

PHOSP_CDVO Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

1 entry

Human parainfluenza 3 virus (strain Wash/47885/57) (HPIV-3) (Human parainfluenza 3 virus (strain NIH 47885))

PHOSP_PI3H4 Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

1 entry

Measles virus (strain Edmonston B) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

PHOSP_MEASF Phosphoprotein (Protein P)

1 entry

Measles virus (strain Edmonston-Moraten vaccine) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

PHOSP_MEASM Phosphoprotein

1 entry

Measles virus (strain Edmonston-Schwarz vaccine) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

V_MEASW Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Sendai virus (strain 6/94) (SeV)

PHOSP_SEND6 Phosphoprotein (Protein P)