Begomovirus (taxid:10814)



Non-enveloped, about 38 nm in length and 22 nm in diameter (for MSV), twinned (geminate) incomplete T=1 icosahedral symmetry capsid that contains 22 pentameric capsomers made of 110 capsid proteins (CP). Each geminate particle contains only a single circular ssDNA.



Bipartite: components A and B (with some exceptions like TYLCV, ToLCV and AYVV which are monopartite), circular, ssDNA genome (+) of about 2.6 kb per component (5.2 kb in total). 3' terminus has no poly(A) tract. There are coding regions in both the virion (positive) and complementary (negative) sense strands.
The genome is replicated through double-stranded intermediates. The replication (Rep) protein initiates and terminates rolling circle replication, the host DNA polymerase being used for DNA replication itself. There is a potential stem-loop structure in the intergenic region that includes a conserved nonanucleotide sequence (TAATATTAC) where ssDNA synthesis is initiated. Component B is dependent on A for replication. The A and B components each have a common region (CR), which consists of a block of approximately 200bp within the IR and corresponds to the non-coding region common for topocu- and begomoviruses. The common region also contains two divergent promoters which differentially regulate the temporal expression of the viral genes.


Transcription is bidirectional from the common region (CR). Proteins are expressed from subgenomic RNAs (sgRNAs). Leaky scanning is probably used for the expression of some of the overlapping proteins.

In bipartite begomoviruses, the A component encodes five or six proteins. On the v-sense: the CP. On the c-sense: Rep, a transcriptional activator (TrAP/AL2), a replication enhancer (REn), AC4, and, in some strains an optional protein AV2. The B component encodes two proteins involved in movement. BC1 on the c-sense and BV1 on the v-sense.

Monopartite begomoviruses encode six proteins: Rep, TrAP, CP, REn, C4, and V2.




  1. Virus penetrates into the host cell.
  2. Uncoating, the viral ssDNA genome penetrates into the nucleus.
  3. The ssDNA is converted into dsDNA with the participation of cellular factors.
  4. bidirectional dsDNA transcription from the IR promoter produces viral mRNAs and translation of viral proteins.
  5. Replication is initiated by cleavage of the(+)strand by REP, and occurs by rolling circle producing ssDNA genomes.
  6. These newly synthesized ssDNA can either
    a) be converted to dsDNA and serve as a template for transcription/replication
    b) be encapsidated by CP and form virions released from the cell by budding
    c) be transported outside the nucleus, to a neighboring cell through plasmodesmata (cell-cell movement) with the help of viral movement proteins.

Host-virus interaction

Cell-cycle modulation

Begomovirus protein Rep is responsible for inhibiting host retinoblastoma protein and inducing transition from the G1 to S phase in preparation for virus replication since the virus targets differentiated non-dividing cells. .

Suppression of host silencing-mediated antiviral defense

Begomovirus viral proteins are able to suppress host cell RNA silencing

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

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130 entries grouped by strain

9 entries

Indian cassava mosaic virus (ICMV) reference strain

REP_ICMV Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein AC1) (Protein AL1)
CAPSD_ICMV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
TRAP_ICMV Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
NSP_ICMV Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
AC4_ICMV Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)
REN_ICMV Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)
AV2_ICMV Protein AV2
MVP_ICMV Movement protein BC1 (Movement protein BL1)
YAL4_ICMV Putative uncharacterized protein AC5

8 entries

African cassava mosaic virus (isolate Nigerian) (ACMV) (Cassava latent virus (isolate Nigerian)) reference strain

REP_CLVN Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (40.4 kDa protein) (Protein AC1) ...
CAPSD_CLVN Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
TRAP_CLVN Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (15.2 kDa protein) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
NSP_CLVN Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (29.4 kDa protein) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
AC4_CLVN Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)
AV2_CLVN Uncharacterized 13.1 kDa protein
REN_CLVN Replication enhancer protein (REn) (15.9 kDa protein) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)
MVP_CLVN Movement protein BC1 (33.7 kDa protein) (Movement protein BL1)

8 entries

Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (strain Vigna) (MYMV) reference strain

REP_MYMVV Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein AC1) (Protein AL1)
TRAP_MYMVV Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
CAPSD_MYMVV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
NSP_MYMVV Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
AC4_MYMVV Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)
REN_MYMVV Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)
AV2_MYMVV Protein AV2
MVP_MYMVV Movement protein BC1 (Movement protein BL1)

7 entries

Abutilon mosaic virus (isolate West India) (AbMV) reference strain

REP_ABMVW Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein AC1) (Protein AL1)
CAPSD_ABMVW Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
TRAP_ABMVW Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
NSP_ABMVW Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
MVP_ABMVW Movement protein BC1 (Movement protein BL1)
AC4_ABMVW Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)
REN_ABMVW Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)

7 entries

Bean golden yellow mosaic virus (isolate Puerto Rico) (BGYMV) (Bean golden mosaic virus (isolate Puerto Rico)) reference strain

REP_BGYMV Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (40.2 kDa protein) (Protein AC1) ...
CAPSD_BGYMV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
TRAP_BGYMV Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (19.6 kDa protein) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
NSP_BGYMV Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
AC4_BGYMV Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)
REN_BGYMV Replication enhancer protein (REn) (15.6 kDa protein) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)
MVP_BGYMV Movement protein BC1 (Movement protein BL1)

7 entries

Bean golden yellow mosaic virus (isolate Puerto Rico-Japan) (BGYMV) reference strain

REP_BGYMJ Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (40.2 kDa protein) (Protein AC1) ...
CAPSD_BGYMJ Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
TRAP_BGYMJ Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (19.6 kDa protein) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
NSP_BGYMJ Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
REN_BGYMJ Replication enhancer protein (REn) (15.6 kDa protein) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)
MVP_BGYMJ Movement protein BC1 (Movement protein BL1)
AC4_BGYMJ Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)

7 entries

Squash leaf curl virus (SLCV) reference strain

NSP_SLCV Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
MVP_SLCV Movement protein BC1 (Movement protein BL1)
REP_SLCV Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein AC1) (Protein AL1)
CAPSD_SLCV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
TRAP_SLCV Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
AC4_SLCV Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)
REN_SLCV Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)

7 entries

Tomato golden mosaic virus (strain Yellow vein) (TGMV) reference strain

TRAP_TGMVY Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
REP_TGMVY Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein AC1) (Protein AL1)
AC4_TGMVY Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)
CAPSD_TGMVY Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
REN_TGMVY Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)
NSP_TGMVY Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
BC1_TGMVY Movement protein BC1 (Movement protein BL1)

6 entries

Pepper huasteco yellow vein virus (PHYVV) (Pepper huasteco virus) reference strain

REP_PHUV Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein AC1) (Protein AL1)
CAPSD_PHUV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
TRAP_PHUV Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
NSP_PHUV Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
AC4_PHUV Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)
REN_PHUV Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)

5 entries

Tomato leaf curl virus (strain Australia) (ToLCV) reference strain

TRAP_TLCVA Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein C2) (Protein L2)
CAPSD_TLCVA Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
REN_TLCVA Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein C3) (Protein L3)
AV2_TLCVA Protein V2
AC4_TLCVA Protein C4 (10.9 kDa protein) (Protein L4)

6 entries

Tomato mottle virus (isolate Florida) (ToMoV) reference strain

REP_TMOV Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein AC1) (Protein AL1)
TRAP_TMOV Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
CAPSD_TMOV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
NSP_TMOV Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
REN_TMOV Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)
BC1_TMOV Movement protein BC1 (Movement protein BL1)

6 entries

Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV) reference strain

REP_TYCSV Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein C1)
TRAP_TYCSV Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein C2) (Protein L2)
CAPSD_TYCSV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
REN_TYCSV Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein C3) (Protein L3)
AC4_TYCSV Protein C4 (11.1 kDa protein) (Protein L4)
AV2_TYCSV Protein V2

6 entries

Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (strain Israel) (TYLCV) reference strain

REP_TYLCI Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein C1)
TRAP_TYLCI Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein C2) (Protein L2)
CAPSD_TYLCI Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
REN_TYLCI Replication enhancer protein (REn) (15.6 kDa protein) (Protein C3) (Protein L3)
AV2_TYLCI Protein V2
AC4_TYLCI Protein C4 (10.9 kDa protein) (Protein L4)

8 entries

African cassava mosaic virus (isolate West Kenyan 844) (ACMV) (Cassava latent virus (isolate West Kenyan 844))

REP_CLVK Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (40.4 kDa protein) (Protein AC1) ...
CAPSD_CLVK Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
NSP_CLVK Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
TRAP_CLVK Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (15.2 kDa protein) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
AC4_CLVK Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)
AV2_CLVK Protein AV2
REN_CLVK Replication enhancer protein (REn) (15.9 kDa protein) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)
MVP_CLVK Movement protein BC1 (33.7 kDa protein) (Movement protein BL1)

7 entries

Cabbage leaf curl virus (isolate Jamaica) (CaLCuV)

TRAP_CALCV Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
REP_CALCV Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (40.2 kDa protein) (Protein AC1) ...
NSP_CALCV Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
CAPSD_CALCV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
REN_CALCV Replication enhancer protein (REn) (15.6 kDa protein) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)
AC4_CALCV Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)
MVP_CALCV Movement protein BC1 (Movement protein BL1)

7 entries

Potato yellow mosaic virus (isolate Venezuela) (PYMV)

REP_PYMVV Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein AC1) (Protein AL1)
CAPSD_PYMVV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
TRAP_PYMVV Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein AC2) (Protein AL2)
NSP_PYMVV Nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) (Protein BR1) (Protein BV1)
AC4_PYMVV Protein AC4 (Protein AL4)
REN_PYMVV Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein AC3) (Protein AL3)
MVP_PYMVV Movement protein BC1 (Movement protein BL1)

1 entry

Tomato leaf curl virus (strain Australia) (ToLCV)

REP_TLCVA Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein C1)

6 entries

Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus (TYLCCNV)

TRAP_TYLCC Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein C2) (Protein L2)
REP_TYLCC Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein C1)
REN_TYLCC Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein C3) (Protein L3)
CAPSD_TYLCC Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
AV2_TYLCC Protein V2
AC4_TYLCC Protein C4 (10.9 kDa protein) (Protein L4)

6 entries

Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (isolate Spain-1) (TYLCSV)

REP_TYCS1 Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein C1)
TRAP_TYCS1 Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein C2) (Protein L2)
CAPSD_TYCS1 Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
REN_TYCS1 Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein C3) (Protein L3)
AC4_TYCS1 Protein C4 (10.9 kDa protein) (Protein L4)
AV2_TYCS1 Protein V2

6 entries

Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (isolate Spain-2) (TYLCSV)

REP_TYCS2 Replication-associated protein (Rep) (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.21.-) (Protein C1)
TRAP_TYCS2 Transcriptional activator protein (TrAP) (Protein C2) (Protein L2)
AV2_TYCS2 Protein V2
CAPSD_TYCS2 Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)
REN_TYCS2 Replication enhancer protein (REn) (Protein C3) (Protein L3)
AC4_TYCS2 Protein C4 (10.9 kDa protein) (Protein L4)