Nucleocapsids assembled or in the process of being built induce formation of a membrane curvature in the host cell membrane and wrap up in the forming bud which is eventually pinched off by membrane scission to release the enveloped particle

Many viruses, such as arena-, filo-, flavi-, hepadna-, herpes-, rhabdo-, and some paramyxoviruses, recruit host ESCRT proteins for budding.
However, for orthomyxo-, toga-, and corona- the budding is ESCRT-independent

The only prokaryotic viruses known to bud are the Plasmaviridae

Cell defense:
Tetherin expression that follows the establishment of the cell antiviral state impairs the release of many enveloped viruses

ISG15 expression that follows the establishment of the cell antiviral state inhibits ESCRT-mediated viral budding. ISG15 is conjugated to CHMP5 and thereby disrupts further protein associations needed for functional ESCRT complex association