Orthohantavirus (taxid:1980442)

Orthohantavirus is a genus of ssRNA- viruses in the Hantaviridae family that infect Rodents and rarely humans. In humans, these viruses can cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, or Hantavirus pulmonary syndromes.



Enveloped, spherical. Diameter from 80 to 120nm.



Segmented Negative-stranded RNA linear genome, L segment is between 6.8 and 12 kb, M segment between 3.2 and 4.9 kb and S segment between 1 and 3 kb.
Encodes for four to six proteins. Some hantaviruses also encode a NSs protein on their S segment.


The viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase (L) binds to a promoter on each encapsidated segment, and transcribes the mRNA. These are capped by L protein during synthesis using cap snatching . Transcription is terminated by a strong hairpin sequence at the end of each gene. mRNAs are capped by L protein during synthesis. Puumala virus expressed an additional NSs by leaky scanning in the NS gene.




  1. Virus attaches to host receptors though Gn-Gc glycoprotein dimer, and is endocytosed into vesicles in the host cell.
  2. Fusion of virus membrane with the vesicle membrane; ribonucleocapsid segments are released in the cytoplasm.
  3. Transcription, viral mRNAs are capped in the cytoplasm.
  4. Replication presumably starts when enough nucleoprotein is present to encapsidate neo-synthetized antigenomes and genomes.
  5. The ribonucleocapsids buds at Golgi apparatus, releasing the virion by exocytosis.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to uniprot.org website)

45 entries grouped by strain

4 entries

Puumala virus (strain Sotkamo/V-2969/81) reference strain

GP_PUUMS Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...
L_PUUMS RNA-directed RNA polymerase L (Protein L) (EC (Large structural protein) (RdRp) ...
NCAP_PUUMS Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)
NSS_PUUMS Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

3 entries

Hantaan virus (strain 76-118) (Korean hemorrhagic fever virus) reference strain

NCAP_HANTV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)
GP_HANTV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...
L_HANTV RNA-directed RNA polymerase L (Protein L) (EC (Large structural protein) (RdRp) ...

4 entries

Andes orthohantavirus (ANDV) (Andes virus)

NCAP_ANDV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)
L_ANDV RNA-directed RNA polymerase L (Protein L) (EC (Large structural protein) (RdRp) ...
GP_ANDV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...
NSS_ANDV Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

4 entries

Puumala virus (strain Bank vole/Russia/CG1820/1984)

GP_PUUMG Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...
NCAP_PUUMG Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)
L_PUUMG RNA-directed RNA polymerase L (Protein L) (EC (Large structural protein) (RdRp) ...
NSS_PUUMG Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

4 entries

Tula orthohantavirus (TULV) (Tula virus)

GP_TULV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...
NCAP_TULV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)
L_TULV RNA-directed RNA polymerase L (Protein L) (EC (Large structural protein) (RdRp) ...
NSS_TULV Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

3 entries

Black Creek Canal orthohantavirus (BCCV) (Black Creek Canal virus)

GP_BCCV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...
L_BCCV RNA-directed RNA polymerase L (Protein L) (EC (Large structural protein) (Replicase) ...
NCAP_BCCV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

3 entries

Dobrava-Belgrade orthohantavirus (DOBV) (Dobrava virus)

GP_DOBV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...
L_DOBV RNA-directed RNA polymerase L (Protein L) (EC (Large structural protein) (RdRp) ...
NCAP_DOBV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

3 entries

Sin Nombre orthohantavirus (SNV) (Sin Nombre virus)

NCAP_SINV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)
L_SINV RNA-directed RNA polymerase L (Protein L) (EC (Large structural protein) (RdRp) ...
GP_SINV Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

2 entries

Prospect Hill virus (PHV)

GP_PHV Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...
NCAP_PHV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

2 entries

Puumala virus (strain K27)

GP_PUUMK Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...
NCAP_PUUMK Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

2 entries

Puumala virus (strain P360)

GP_PUUMP Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...
NCAP_PUUMP Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

2 entries

Seoul virus (strain 80-39)

GP_SEOU8 Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...
L_SEOU8 RNA-directed RNA polymerase L (Protein L) (EC (Large structural protein) (RdRp) ...

2 entries

Seoul virus (strain SR-11) (Sapporo rat virus)

GP_SEOUS Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...
NCAP_SEOUS Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Hantaan virus (strain B-1) (Korean hemorrhagic fever virus)

GP_HANTB Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Hantaan virus (strain Hojo) (Hojo virus) (Korean hemorrhagic fever virus)

GP_HANTH Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Hantaan virus (strain Lee) (Lee virus) (Korean hemorrhagic fever virus)

GP_HANTL Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

New York virus (NYV)

GP_NYV Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Puumala virus (strain Evo/12CG/93)

NCAP_PUUME Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Puumala virus (strain Udmurtia/894CG/91)

NCAP_PUUMU Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Seoul virus (strain R22)

GP_SEOUR Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...
These structures were created with the help of Colabfold by Jason Nomburg, Nathan Price and Jennifer Doudna (ModelArchive).

Puumala virus (strain Sotkamo/V-2969/81) taxid:39002

Protein ModelArchive
Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) ma-jd-viral-59483
Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N) ma-jd-viral-32489