Salasmaviridae (taxid:2842328)


Non-enveloped, head-tail structure with Podo-type morphology. The prolate capsid is about 45 x 54 nm, with a T=3, Q=5 symmetry . The tail is non-contractile and has a collar with 12 appendages attached to the neck region that are important for host cell recognition and entry. The 55 capsid (head) fibers are not always present and may have been lost in some lab strains. They may enhance the attachment of the virions onto the host cell wall.


Linear, dsDNA genome of about 16 to 20 kb encoding between 20 and 30 genes, with a terminal protein covalently attached at the 5' end.






  1. Adsorption: the phage attaches to target cell through its tail fibers.
  2. Ejection by short tail system: viral DNA is injected in host cell periplasm.
  3. Transcription and translation of early genes
  4. Replication of genomic DNA by strand displacement by the viral DNA polymerase, formation of viral genome concatemers.
  5. Transcription and translation of late genes
  6. Assembly of empty procapsids and viral genome packaging.
  7. Mature virions are released from the cell by lysis.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

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92 entries grouped by strain

24 entries

Bacillus phage phi29 (Bacteriophage phi-29) reference strain

GP1_BPPH2 DNA replication protein 1 (Gene product 1) (gp1)
DPOL_BPPH2 DNA polymerase (EC (EC 3.1.11.-) (Gene product 2) (gp2) (Protein p2)
TERM_BPPH2 Primer terminal protein (TP) (DNA terminal protein) (Gene product 3) (gp3) (Protein p3) (Terminal ...
NP_BPPH2 Histone-like protein p6 (Double-stranded DNA-binding protein p6) (Gene product 6) (gp6) ...
PKG16_BPPH2 DNA packaging protein (ATPase gp16) (EC 3.6.4.-) (Gene product 16) (gp16) (Protein p16)
GP167_BPPH2 DNA replication protein 16.7 (Gene product 16.7) (gp16.7) (Protein p16.7)
FIB12_BPPH2 Pre-neck appendage protein (Gene product 12) (gp12) (NP1) (Protein p12) [Cleaved into: gp12*]
CAPSF_BPPH2 Capsid fiber protein (Gene product 8.5) (gp8.5) (Head fiber protein) (Protein p8.5)
TF4_BPPH2 Late genes activator p4 (Gene product 4) (gp4) (Protein p4)
PORTL_BPPH2 Portal protein (Connector protein) (Gene product 10) (gp10) (Gene product 19) (gp19) (Head-to-tail ...
SCAF_BPPH2 Capsid assembly scaffolding protein (Gene product 7) (gp7) (Head morphogenesis protein) (Protein p7) ...
GP13_BPPH2 Morphogenesis protein 1 (Gene product 13) (gp13) (Protein p13) [Includes: Lysozyme-like glycosidase ...
GP17_BPPH2 DNA replication protein 17 (Gene product 17) (gp17) (Protein p17)
DIT9_BPPH2 Tail knob protein gp9 (Distal tube protein) (Gene product 9) (gp9) (Protein p9)
ENLYS_BPPH2 Endolysin (EC (Lysis protein) (Lysozyme) (Muramidase) (Protein p15)
HOLIN_BPPH2 Antiholin (Gene product 14) (gp14) (Lysis inhibitor 14-131) (Protein p14) [Includes: Holin (Lysis ...
CAPSD_BPPH2 Major capsid protein (Gene product 8) (gp8) (Major head protein) (Protein p8)
TUB11_BPPH2 Proximal tail tube connector protein (Gene product 11) (gp11) (Lower collar protein) (Protein p11)
SSB_BPPH2 Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) (Gene product 5) (gp5) (Protein p5)
GP55_BPPH2 Gene product 5.5 (gp5.5) (Gene product 5B) (gp5B) (Protein p5.5)
P56_BPPH2 Protein p56
GP166_BPPH2 Gene product 16.6 (gp16.6) (Protein p16.6)
GP168_BPPH2 Gene product 16.8 (gp16.8) (Protein p16.8)
GP169_BPPH2 Gene product 16.9 (gp16.9) (Protein p16.9)

4 entries

Bacillus phage Nf (Bacteriophage Nf) reference strain

DPOL_BPNF DNA polymerase (EC (EC 3.1.11.-) (Gene product 2) (gp2) (Protein p2)
NP_BPNF Double-stranded DNA-binding protein (Gene product 6) (gp6) (Nucleoid-associated protein p6) (Protein ...
DIT9_BPNF Tail knob protein gp9 (Distal tube protein) (Gene product 9) (gp9) (Protein p9) (Tail protein)
SSB_BPNF Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) (Gene product 5) (gp5) (Protein p5)

5 entries

Streptococcus phage Cp-1 (Bacteriophage Cp-1) reference strain

LYS_BPCP1 Lysozyme (EC (CP-1 lysin) (Endolysin) (Muramidase)
TERM_BPCP1 Terminal protein
DPOL_BPCP1 DNA polymerase (EC (EC 3.1.11.-)
CAPSD_BPCP1 Major capsid protein (Gene product 9) (gp9) (Major head protein)
VLYS_BPCP1 Holin (Lysis protein)

3 entries

Bacillus phage GA-1 (Bacteriophage GA-1) reference strain

SSB_BPGA1 Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) (Gene product 5) (gp5) (Protein p5)
CAPSD_BPGA1 Major capsid protein (Gene product 8) (gp8) (Major head protein)
P56_BPGA1 Protein p56

26 entries

Bacillus phage PZA (Bacteriophage PZA)

DPOL_BPPZA DNA polymerase (EC (EC 3.1.11.-) (Gene product 2) (gp2) (Protein p2)
TERM_BPPZA DNA terminal protein (Gene product 3) (gp3) (Protein p3)
NP_BPPZA Histone-like protein p6 (Double-stranded DNA-binding protein) (Double-stranded DNA-binding protein ...
PORTL_BPPZA Portal protein (Connector protein) (Gene product 10) (gp10) (Gene product 19) (gp19) (Head-to-tail ...
FIB12_BPPZA Preneck appendage protein (Gene product 12) (gp12) (Protein p12) [Cleaved into: gp12*]
GP13_BPPZA Morphogenesis protein 1 (Gene product 13) (gp13) (Protein p13) [Includes: Lysozyme-like glycosidase ...
HOLIN_BPPZA Antiholin (Gene product 14) (gp14) (Lysis inhibitor 14-131) (Protein p14) [Includes: Holin (Lysis ...
ENLYS_BPPZA Endolysin (EC (Lysis protein) (Lysozyme) (Muramidase) (Protein p15)
PKG16_BPPZA DNA packaging protein (ATPase gp16) (EC 3.6.4.-) (Gene product 16) (gp16) (Protein p16)
GP167_BPPZA DNA replication protein 16.7 (Gene product 16.7) (gp16.7) (Protein p16.7)
P56_BPPZA Protein p56
GP1_BPPZA DNA replication protein 1 (Gene product 1C) (gp1C)
TF4_BPPZA Late genes activator p4 (Gene product 4) (gp4) (Protein p4)
SSB_BPPZA Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) (Gene product 5) (gp5) (Protein p5)
CAPSD_BPPZA Major capsid protein (Gene product 8) (gp8) (Major head protein) (Protein p8)
CAPSF_BPPZA Capsid fiber protein (Gene product 8.5) (gp8.5) (Head fiber protein) (Protein p8.5)
SCAF_BPPZA Capsid assembly scaffolding protein (Gene product 7) (gp7) (Head morphogenesis protein) (Protein p7) ...
DIT9_BPPZA Tail knob protein gp9 (Distal tube protein) (Gene product 9) (gp9) (Protein p9)
GP17_BPPZA DNA replication protein 17 (Gene product 17) (gp17) (Protein p17)
TUB11_BPPZA Proximal tail tube connector protein (Gene product 11) (gp11) (Lower collar protein) (Protein p11)
VG1A_BPPZA Early protein GP1A
GP55_BPPZA Gene product 5B (gp5B) (Protein p5B)
GP166_BPPZA Gene product 16.6 (gp16.6) (Protein p16.6)
GP165_BPPZA Gene product 16.5 (gp16.5) (Early protein GP16.5) (Protein p16.5)
GP168_BPPZA Gene product 16.8 (gp16.8) (Protein p16.8)
GP169_BPPZA Gene product 16.9 (gp16.9) (Protein p16.9)

1 entry

Bacillus phage phi29 (Bacteriophage phi-29)

GP165_BPPH2 Gene product 16.5 (gp16.5) (Protein p16.5)

17 entries

Bacillus phage B103 (Bacteriophage B103)

DPOL_BPB03 DNA polymerase (EC (EC 3.1.11.-) (Gene product 2) (gp2) (Protein p2)
TERM_BPB03 DNA terminal protein (Gene product 3) (gp3) (Protein p3)
NP_BPB03 Histone-like protein p6 (Double-stranded DNA-binding protein) (Double-stranded DNA-binding protein ...
FIB12_BPB03 Pre-neck appendage protein (Gene product 12) (gp12) (Late protein GP12) (NP1) (Protein p12)
VG13_BPB03 Morphogenesis protein 1 (Late protein GP13) [Includes: Lysozyme-like glycosidase (EC 3.2.1.-); ...
HOLIN_BPB03 Antiholin (Gene product 14) (gp14) (Protein p14) [Includes: Holin]
ENLYS_BPB03 Endolysin (EC (Lysis protein) (Lysozyme) (Muramidase) (Protein p15)
PKG16_BPB03 DNA packaging protein (ATPase gp16) (EC 3.6.4.-) (Gene product 16) (gp16) (Protein p16)
VG4_BPB03 Late genes activator (Early protein GP4)
SSB_BPB03 Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) (Gene product 5) (gp5) (Protein p5)
SCAF_BPB03 Capsid assembly scaffolding protein (Gene product 7) (gp7) (Head morphogenesis protein) (Protein p7) ...
CAPSD_BPB03 Major capsid protein (Gene product 8) (gp8) (Major head protein) (Protein p8)
CAPSF_BPB03 Capsid fiber protein (Gene product 8.5) (gp8.5) (Head fiber protein) (Protein p8.5)
DIT9_BPB03 Tail knob protein gp9 (Distal tube protein) (Gene product 9) (gp9) (Protein p9)
PORTL_BPB03 Portal protein (Gene product 10) (gp10) (Head-to-tail connector) (Upper collar protein)
TUB11_BPB03 Proximal tail tube connector protein (Gene product 11) (gp11) (Lower collar protein) (Protein p11)
VG17_BPB03 Early protein GP17

3 entries

Bacillus phage Nf (Bacteriophage Nf)

TERM_BPNF DNA terminal protein (Gene product 3) (gp3) (Protein p3)
VG4_BPNF Late genes activator (Early protein GP4) (GPF)
VG85_BPNF Head fiber protein (Late protein GP8.5)

6 entries

Bacillus phage phi15 (Bacteriophage phi-15)

GP167_BPPH5 DNA replication protein 16.7 (Gene product 16.7) (gp16.7) (Protein p16.7)
GP17_BPPH5 DNA replication protein 17 (Gene product 17) (gp17) (Protein p17)
GP166_BPPH5 Gene product 16.6 (gp16.6) (Protein p16.6)
GP165_BPPH5 Gene product 16.5 (gp16.5) (Early protein GP16.5) (Protein p16.5)
GP168_BPPH5 Gene product 16.8 (gp16.8) (Protein p16.8)
GP169_BPPH5 Gene product 16.9 (gp16.9) (Protein p16.9)

1 entry

Bacillus phage M2 (Bacteriophage M2)

DPOL_BPM2 DNA polymerase (EC (EC 3.1.11.-) (Gene product 2) (gp2) (Protein p2)

1 entry

Streptococcus phage Cp-7 (Bacteriophage Cp-7)

LYS_BPCP7 Lysozyme (EC (CP-7 lysin) (Endolysin) (Muramidase)

1 entry

Streptococcus phage Cp-9 (Bacteriophage Cp-9)

LYS_BPCP9 Lysozyme (EC (CP-9 lysin) (Endolysin) (Muramidase)