Astroviridae (taxid:39733)



Non-enveloped, spherical, capsid of about 35 nm with T=3 icosahedral symmetry. Surface projections are small and surface appears rough, spikes protruding from the 30 vertices.
The capsid precursor protein (180 copies per particle) undergoes C-terminal cleavages by host caspases during virus maturation. Infectious particles are generated by further cleavages of VP70 by extracellular proteases resulting in three structural proteins .



Monopartite, linear ssRNA(+) genome of 6.8-7kb in size. The 5'-terminus is linked to a VPg protein and the 3'-terminus has a poly(A) tract.


The virion RNA is infectious and serves as both the genome and viral messenger RNA. The genome contains three overlapping open reading frames (ORF1a, ORF1b, and ORF2). The nonstructural proteins are translated from the genomic RNA as two large polyproteins, nsP1a and nsP1a/1b, through a translational ribosomal frameshifting mechanism. ORF1a and ORF1b encode the viral protease and polymerase respectively (and probably other proteins involved in genome replication). ORF2 is expressed from a subgenomic RNA and encodes the VP90 capsid precursor protein.




  1. Attachement to host receptors probably mediates endocytosis of the virus into the host cell.
  2. Uncoating, and release of the viral genomic RNA into the cytoplasm.
  3. Viral RNA is translated into two processed polyproteins to produce replication proteins.
  4. Replication occurs in viral factories made of membrane vesicles derived from the ER. A dsRNA genome is synthesized from the genomic ssRNA(+).
  5. The dsRNA genome is transcribed/replicated thereby providing viral mRNAs/new ssRNA(+) genomes.
  6. Subgenomic RNA translation gives rise to the capsid protein precursor.
  7. Assembly of new virus particles.
  8. Non-lytic virus release and maturation of the capsid by proteolytic cleavages.

Host-virus interaction

Adaptive immune response inhibition

Human astrovirus inhibits host complement factors .

Apoptosis modulation

Host cell apoptosis and host caspases activation seems necessary for maturation of human astrovirus particles .

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to website)

32 entries grouped by strain

3 entries

Human astrovirus-1 (HAstV-1) reference strain

NS1AB_HASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
NS1A_HASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
CAPSD_HASV1 Capsid polyprotein VP90 [Cleaved into: Capsid polyprotein VP70; Capsid protein VP34; Capsid protein ...

3 entries

Turkey astrovirus 1 (TAstV-1) reference strain

NS1AB_TASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
NS1A_TASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
CAPSD_TASV1 Capsid polyprotein VP90

3 entries

Avian nephritis virus 1 (ANV-1)

NS1AB_ANV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
NS1A_ANV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
CAPSD_ANV1 Capsid polyprotein VP90

3 entries

Human astrovirus-4 (HAstV-4)

NS1AB_HASV4 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
NS1A_HASV4 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
CAPSD_HASV4 Capsid polyprotein VP90 [Cleaved into: Capsid polyprotein VP70; Capsid protein VP34; Capsid protein ...

3 entries

Human astrovirus-5 (HAstV-5)

NS1AB_HASV5 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
NS1A_HASV5 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
CAPSD_HASV5 Capsid polyprotein VP90 [Cleaved into: Capsid polyprotein VP70; Capsid protein VP34; Capsid protein ...

3 entries

Human astrovirus-8 (HAstV-8)

NS1AB_HASV8 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
NS1A_HASV8 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
CAPSD_HASV8 Capsid polyprotein VP90 [Cleaved into: Capsid polyprotein VP70; Capsid protein VP34; Capsid protein ...

3 entries

Mink astrovirus 1 (MAstV-1)

NS1AB_MASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
NS1A_MASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
CAPSD_MASV1 Capsid polyprotein VP90

3 entries

Ovine astrovirus 1 (OAstV-1)

NS1AB_OASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
NS1A_OASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
CAPSD_OASV1 Capsid polyprotein VP90

3 entries

Turkey astrovirus 2 (TAstV-2)

NS1AB_TASV2 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
NS1A_TASV2 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: VPg; Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine ...
CAPSD_TASV2 Capsid polyprotein VP90

1 entry

Human astrovirus-2 (HAstV-2)

CAPSD_HASV2 Capsid polyprotein VP90 [Cleaved into: Capsid polyprotein VP70; Capsid protein VP34; Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Human astrovirus-3 (HAstV-3)

CAPSD_HASV3 Capsid polyprotein VP90 [Cleaved into: Capsid polyprotein VP70; Capsid protein VP34; Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Human astrovirus-6 (HAstV-6)

CAPSD_HASV6 Capsid polyprotein VP90 [Cleaved into: Capsid polyprotein VP70; Capsid protein VP34; Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Human astrovirus-7 (HAstV-7)

CAPSD_HASV7 Capsid polyprotein VP90 [Cleaved into: Capsid polyprotein VP70; Capsid protein VP34; Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Porcine astrovirus 1 (PAstV-1)

CAPSD_PASV1 Capsid polyprotein VP90
These structures were created with the help of Colabfold by Jason Nomburg, Nathan Price and Jennifer Doudna (ModelArchive).

Astrovirus MLB2 taxid:683172

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-06990
Non-structural polyprotein 1AB ma-jd-viral-19192
Putative serine protease ma-jd-viral-59942

Astrovirus MLB3 taxid:1247114

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-06993
Non-structural polyprotein 1AB ma-jd-viral-19194
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59960

Astrovirus VA3 taxid:683174

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07019
Non-structural polyprotein 1AB ma-jd-viral-19184
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59956

Astrovirus VA4 taxid:1247113

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07024
Non-structural polyprotein 1AB ma-jd-viral-19195
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59967

Astrovirus wild boar/WBAstV-1/2011/HUN taxid:1137931

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07010
Non-structural polyprotein 1AB ma-jd-viral-19191
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59955

Bovine astrovirus taxid:1435485

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07007
NSP1a ma-jd-viral-59958
Non-structural polyprotein 1AB ma-jd-viral-40579

Bovine astrovirus B170/HK taxid:1027244

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07004
Non-structural polyprotein 1AB ma-jd-viral-40580
Nsp1a ma-jd-viral-59961

Bovine astrovirus B18/HK taxid:1027245

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07016
Non-structural polyprotein 1AB ma-jd-viral-40578
Nsp1a ma-jd-viral-59957

Bovine astrovirus B76-2/HK taxid:1027247

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07003
Nsp1a ma-jd-viral-59945

Bovine astrovirus B76/HK taxid:1027248

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07015
Nsp1a ma-jd-viral-59947

Bovine astrovirus CH13 taxid:1522059

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07017
ORF1A nonstructural polyprotein ma-jd-viral-59964

Dromedary astrovirus taxid:1662272

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07012
Nonstructural protein ma-jd-viral-29454
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59963

Feline astrovirus 2 taxid:1389204

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-06991
Nsp1a ma-jd-viral-59940

Feline astrovirus D1 taxid:1538452

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07023
Non-structural polyprotein 1AB ma-jd-viral-19187
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59953

Human astrovirus BF34 taxid:1518575

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07022
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59941

Human astrovirus VA1 taxid:645687

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07021
Non-structural protein 1a ma-jd-viral-59966

Mouse astrovirus M-52/USA/2008 taxid:1074210

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07002
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59954

Ovine astrovirus 1 taxid:1239577

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07018
Non-structural polyprotein 1A ma-jd-viral-59951

Porcine astrovirus 1 taxid:1239567

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-06989

Porcine astrovirus 2 taxid:1105378

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07009
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59943

Porcine astrovirus 3 taxid:1254425

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07020
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59949

Porcine astrovirus 4 taxid:1105379

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07006
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59965

Porcine astrovirus 5 taxid:1093928

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07014
ORF1a ma-jd-viral-59968

Rabbit astrovirus TN/2208/2010 taxid:1161132

Protein ModelArchive
Capsid polyprotein VP90 ma-jd-viral-07001
Non-structural polyprotein 1AB ma-jd-viral-19183