Viral short tail ejection system (kw:KW-1244)

The short tail of Podoviridae acts as a molecular machine that ejects the viral DNA from the capsid into the host cell cytoplasm. The ejection system consists of a central tube, the connector which attaches the tail to the phage capsid and released inner core proteins.

Upon binding to the host cell surface, podoviruses display a tube-like extension of their short tail that penetrates both host membranes. This tail extension comes from the release of viral core proteins with channel forming properties .

The source of the forces that drive viral genome ejection is probably in part due to osmotic pressure imbalance between the virus inside and the host cytoplasm .

Gram(-) hosts:


  1. Attachment to a host cell outer membrane (OM) receptor.
  2. Ejection proteins in the head form a channel that penetrates the OM. Virion-associated exolysin (if present) hydrolyzes the peptidoglycan layer.
  3. Channel extends through the inner membrane (IM). Some viruses may use an IM receptor.
  4. Viral DNA translocation into the host cytoplasm.

Gram(+) hosts:


  1. Attachment to a host cell wall receptor.
  2. Virion-associated exolysin (if present)hydrolyzes the peptidoglycan layer.
  3. ? Channel formation or tunneling of a way through the host cell wall ?
  4. Viral DNA translocation into the host cytoplasm.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

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33 entries grouped by strain

6 entries

Escherichia phage T7 (Bacteriophage T7) reference strain

EXLYS_BPT7 Peptidoglycan transglycosylase gp16 (EC 4.2.2.n1) (Internal core protein gp16)
GP15_BPT7 Internal virion protein gp15 (Gene product 15) (Gp15)
PORTL_BPT7 Portal protein (Gene product 8) (Gp8) (Head-to-tail connector)
GP14_BPT7 Internal virion protein gp14 (Gene product 14) (Gp14)
TUBE1_BPT7 Tail tubular protein gp11 (Gene product 11) (Gp11)
TUBE2_BPT7 Tail tubular protein gp12 (Gene product 12) (Gp12)

4 entries

Bacillus phage phi29 (Bacteriophage phi-29) reference strain

PORTL_BPPH2 Portal protein (Connector protein) (Gene product 10) (gp10) (Gene product 19) (gp19) (Head-to-tail ...
GP13_BPPH2 Morphogenesis protein 1 (Gene product 13) (gp13) (Protein p13) [Includes: Lysozyme-like glycosidase ...
DIT9_BPPH2 Tail knob protein gp9 (Distal tube protein) (Gene product 9) (gp9) (Protein p9)
TUB11_BPPH2 Proximal tail tube connector protein (Gene product 11) (gp11) (Lower collar protein) (Protein p11)

4 entries

Salmonella phage P22 (Bacteriophage P22) reference strain

PORTL_BPP22 Portal protein (Gene product 1) (Gp1) (Head-to-tail connector)
NEEDL_BPP22 Tail needle protein gp26 (Head completion protein) (Packaged DNA stabilization protein) (Tail ...
EXLYS_BPP22 Peptidoglycan hydrolase gp4 (Gene product 4) (Gp4) (Internal virion protein gp4) (Tail adapter ...
GP16_BPP22 Internal virion protein gp16 (Ejection protein gp16) (E protein gp16)

2 entries

Acyrthosiphon pisum secondary endosymbiont phage 1 (Bacteriophage APSE-1) reference strain

EXLYS_BPAPS Peptidoglycan hydrolase gp27 (Gene product 27) (Gp27) (Internal virion protein gp27)
PORTL_BPAPS Portal protein (Gene product 19) (Gp19) (Head-to-tail connector)

2 entries

Enterobacteria phage SP6 (Bacteriophage SP6) reference strain

EXLYS_BPSP6 Peptidoglycan hydrolase gp36 (Gene product 36) (Gp36)
PORTL_BPSP6 Portal protein (Head-to-tail connector)

2 entries

Pseudomonas phage phiKMV reference strain

EXLYS_BPKMV Peptidoglycan hydrolase gp36 (EC (Gene product 36) (Gp36)
PORTL_BPKMV Portal protein (Head-to-tail connector)

1 entry

Bacillus phage Nf (Bacteriophage Nf) reference strain

DIT9_BPNF Tail knob protein gp9 (Distal tube protein) (Gene product 9) (gp9) (Protein p9) (Tail protein)

1 entry

Bordetella phage BPP-1 reference strain

PORTL_BPBPP Probable portal protein (Gene product 21) (gp21) (Head-to-tail connector)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage N4 (Bacteriophage N4) reference strain

PORTL_BPN4 Probable portal protein (94 kDa protein) (Gene product 59) (gp59) (Head-to-tail connector)

1 entry

Helicobacter pylori bacteriophage KHP30 reference strain

PORTL_BPKHP Portal protein (Head-to-tail connector gp8) (Putative portal protein ORF17)

1 entry

Salmonella phage epsilon15 reference strain

PORTL_BPE15 Portal protein (Head-to-tail connector)

1 entry

Staphylococcus phage 44AHJD reference strain

PORTL_BP44A Portal protein (Connector protein) (Gene product 19) (gp19) (Head-to-tail connector) (Probable ...

3 entries

Bacillus phage B103 (Bacteriophage B103)

DIT9_BPB03 Tail knob protein gp9 (Distal tube protein) (Gene product 9) (gp9) (Protein p9)
PORTL_BPB03 Portal protein (Gene product 10) (gp10) (Head-to-tail connector) (Upper collar protein)
TUB11_BPB03 Proximal tail tube connector protein (Gene product 11) (gp11) (Lower collar protein) (Protein p11)

3 entries

Bacillus phage PZA (Bacteriophage PZA)

PORTL_BPPZA Portal protein (Connector protein) (Gene product 10) (gp10) (Gene product 19) (gp19) (Head-to-tail ...
DIT9_BPPZA Tail knob protein gp9 (Distal tube protein) (Gene product 9) (gp9) (Protein p9)
TUB11_BPPZA Proximal tail tube connector protein (Gene product 11) (gp11) (Lower collar protein) (Protein p11)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage T3 (Bacteriophage T3)

PORTL_BPT3 Portal protein (Gene product 8) (Gp8) (Head-to-tail connector)