Virus proteins folds
Viral hallmark proteins (VHP) is a small set of viral protein folds that are widely distributed among viruses and play key roles in replication and capsid formation.
Replication folds
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) Reverse Transcribing polymerase (RTase) Protein-primed DNA polymerase Superfamily 3 helicase Rolling-circle replication endonuclease
Capsid folds
Capsids are protein shells that protect viral genomes. There are about 20 unrelated varieties of these proteins. Most of these folds have evolved independently several times from ancestral proteins of cellular organisms .
icosahedral capsid
Single-jelly roll, horizontal T=1 BTV-fold T=2 Single/double-jelly roll vertical T=13 HK97 fold T=1, T=3, T=4 beta sheet Lenar fold Retro-CA fold Double jelly roll, vertical T=21->T=277 Chy-PRO, toga fold alpha helical, Flavi fold alpha helical, HBV fold
helical capsid
Adnaviria (SIRV2-like folding) Monodnaviria (Inovirus-like, plectro-like, Spira-like) Kitriniviricota (TMV-like, Clostero-like, Tymovirales) Pisuviricota (Poty-like, Amalga-like, Polymyco-like) Baculo-like Negarnaviricota (Rhabdo-, Pneumo-, Paramyxo-,Borna-, Filo-, Aspi-,Flu-, Hanta-, Bunya-, Phenui-,Arena-, Nairo-)
Fusion protein folds
Type I TypeII TypeIII
Virion formation folds
genome packaging ATPase-nuclease (large terminase subunit) portal protein capsid maturation protease Matrix proteins