Captovirus (taxid:2948650)



Enveloped, rod-shaped virion about 900 nm long and 24 nm in diameter. Genomic DNA is packaged into a helical core.


Linear dsDNA genome of about 20 kb, encoding for 40 proteins. Extremities of the DNA are modified in an unknown manner.


The genome is organized in operons.



  1. Adsorption: the phage attaches to target cell
  2. Injection: viral DNA is injected in host cell cytoplasm
  3. Transcription and translation of early genes
  4. Replication of genomic DNA
  5. Transcription and translation of late genes
  6. Genomic DNA is packaged in new virions
  7. Mature virions are released from the cell

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to website)

40 entries grouped by strain

40 entries

Acidianus filamentous virus 1 (isolate United States/Yellowstone) (AFV-1) reference strain

CAPS1_AFV1Y Major capsid protein 1 (MCP1)
CAPS2_AFV1Y Major capsid protein 2 (MCP2)
Y075_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF75
Y108_AFV1Y Putative transmembrane protein ORF108
Y063_AFV1Y Putative transmembrane protein ORF63
Y116_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF116
Y224_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF224
GT300_AFV1Y Putative glycosyltransferase ORF300 (EC 2.4.-.-)
Y080_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF80
Y052_AFV1Y Transmembrane protein ORF52
Y274_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF274
Y307_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF307
Y055_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF55
Y807_AFV1Y Putative transmembrane protein ORF807
Y102_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF102
Y146_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF146
GT313_AFV1Y Putative glycosyltransferase ORF313 (EC 2.4.-.-)
Y137_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF137
Y221_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF221
Y195_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF195
Y110_AFV1Y Putative zinc finger protein ORF110
Y094_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF94
Y065_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF65
Y223_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF223
Y074_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF74
Y426_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF426
Y135_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF135
Y115_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF115
Y144_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF144
Y166_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF166
Y048_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF48
Y077_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF77
Y059B_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF59b
Y095_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF95
Y059A_AFV1Y Putative zinc finger protein ORF59a
Y157_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF157
Y072_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF72
Y099_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF99
Y190_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF190
Y150_AFV1Y Uncharacterized protein ORF150