Tymovirus (taxid:12148)



Non-enveloped, isometric capsid with T=3 icosahedral symmetry, about 30 nm in diameter.



Linear, C-rich, ssRNA(+) genome of 6.3 kb. The 3'-terminus has a tRNA-like structure.


The virion RNA is infectious and serves as both the genome and viral messenger RNA. The ORF1 encodes a polyprotein whichis expressed by leaky scanning. The capsid protein is translated from a subgenomic RNA.




  1. Virus penetrates into the host cell.
  2. Uncoating, and release of the viral genomic RNA into the cytoplasm.
  3. The viral RNA is translated to produce the protein necessary for RNA synthesis (replication and transcription).
  4. Replication occurs in viral factories. A dsRNA genome is synthesized from the genomic ssRNA(+).
  5. The dsRNA genome is transcribed/replicated thereby providing viral mRNAs/new ssRNA(+) genomes.
  6. The RdRp recognizes an internal subgenomic promoter on the negative-sense RNA to transcribe the 3'co-terminal subgenomic RNA that will generate the capsid protein.
  7. Assembly of new virus particles.
  8. Movement protein allows cell-to-cell movement.

Host-virus interaction

Modulation of host ubiquitin pathway by virus

Turnip yellow mosaic virus 98K replication protein counteracts degradation of the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) by host ubiquitin-proteasome system. The 98K replication protein mediates deubiquitylation of RdRp leading to its stabilization .

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to uniprot.org website)

22 entries grouped by strain

3 entries

Turnip yellow mosaic virus reference strain

POLN_TYMV Non-structural replication polyprotein (206 kDa polyprotein) (206K) [Cleaved into: ...
CAPSD_TYMV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (Virion protein)
P69_TYMV 69 kDa protein (p69)

3 entries

Eggplant mosaic virus

POLN_EPMV Non-structural replication polyprotein [Cleaved into: Methyltransferase/Protease (EC 2.1.1.-) (EC ...
CAPSD_EPMV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (Virion protein)
P69_EPMV 70 kDa protein

3 entries

Erysimum latent virus (ELV)

POLN_ELV Non-structural replication polyprotein [Cleaved into: Methyltransferase/Protease (EC 2.1.1.-) (EC ...
CAPSD_ELV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (Virion protein)
Y48K_ELV Uncharacterized 48 kDa protein

3 entries

Ononis yellow mosaic virus

POLN_OYMV Non-structural replication polyprotein [Cleaved into: Methyltransferase/Protease (EC 2.1.1.-) (EC ...
CAPSD_OYMV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (Virion protein)
P69_OYMV 66 kDa protein

3 entries

Turnip yellow mosaic virus (isolate Australia)

POLN_TYMVA Non-structural replication polyprotein (206 kDa polyprotein) (206K) [Cleaved into: ...
CAPSD_TYMVA Capsid protein (Coat protein) (Virion protein)
P69_TYMVA 69 kDa protein (p69)

2 entries

Kennedya yellow mosaic virus (strain Jervis bay) (KYMV)

POLN_KYMVJ Non-structural replication polyprotein [Cleaved into: Methyltransferase/Protease (EC 2.1.1.-) (EC ...
CAPSD_KYMVJ Capsid protein (Coat protein) (Virion protein)

2 entries

Turnip yellow mosaic virus (isolate TYMC)

POLN_TYMVC Non-structural replication polyprotein (206 kDa polyprotein) (206K) [Cleaved into: ...
P69_TYMVC 69 kDa protein (p69)

1 entry

Belladonna mottle virus (BMDV)

CAPSD_BMDV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (Virion protein)

1 entry

Cacao yellow mosaic virus

CAPSD_CAYMV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (Virion protein)

1 entry

Physalis mottle virus (PhMV) (Belladonna mottle virus-Iowa)

CAPSD_PHMV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (Virion protein)
These structures were created with the help of Colabfold by Jason Nomburg, Nathan Price and Jennifer Doudna (ModelArchive).

Andean potato latent virus taxid:73819

Protein ModelArchive
Coat protein (Virion protein) ma-jd-viral-27460
Putative movement protein ma-jd-viral-43062

Andean potato mild mosaic virus taxid:1296569

Protein ModelArchive
Coat protein (Virion protein) ma-jd-viral-27461
Putative movement protein ma-jd-viral-43057

Asclepias asymptomatic virus taxid:1027880

Protein ModelArchive
Coat protein (Virion protein) ma-jd-viral-27463
Movement protein ma-jd-viral-43061

Chayote mosaic virus taxid:71030

Protein ModelArchive
Coat protein (Virion protein) ma-jd-viral-27458
Overlapping protein ma-jd-viral-43060

Diascia yellow mottle virus taxid:547467

Protein ModelArchive
Coat protein (Virion protein) ma-jd-viral-27462
Movement protein MP ma-jd-viral-43058

Nemesia ring necrosis virus taxid:312009

Protein ModelArchive
Coat protein (Virion protein) ma-jd-viral-27457
Putative movement protein ma-jd-viral-43063

Tomato blistering mosaic virus taxid:1010616

Protein ModelArchive
Coat protein (Virion protein) ma-jd-viral-27459
Putative movement protein ma-jd-viral-43059