Ackermannviridae (taxid:2169529)



Non-enveloped, head-tail structure. The icosahedral head is about 93 nm in diameter. Has a neck without a collar, and a small base plate. The tail of about 140 nm in width and 20 nm in length is contractile. Fibers about 38 nm in length are attached on the tail.


Linear, dsDNA genome of about 155 kb, encoding for 190 to 216 proteins, and one to seven tRNAs.


Genes are transcribed by operons.




  1. Adsorption: the phage attaches to the target cell through its tail fibers.
  2. Ejection of the viral DNA into host cell cytoplasm by contraction of the tail sheath.
  3. Transcription and translation of early genes.
  4. Replication of the viral genome. Transcription and translation of late genes.
  5. Assembly of an empty procapsid and packaging of the genome.
  6. Viral tail fibers assembly and viral tail assembly.
  7. Mature virions are released from the cell by lysis.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

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11 entries grouped by strain

7 entries

Salmonella phage ViI reference strain

SERDT_BPSAV Serinyltransferase (Amino acid:DNA transferase) (AADT) (gp247)
HMUD1_BPSAV 5-hmdU DNA kinase 1 (5-hydroxymethyluracil DNA kinase) (P-loop kinase) (gp67)
PORTL_BPSAV Portal protein (gp20)
TSP_BPSAV Tail sheath protein (TSP)
PLP_BPSAV O-seryl-dTMP PLP-dependent decarboxylase
HMUD2_BPSAV 5-hmdU DNA kinase 2 (5-hydroxymethyluracil DNA kinase) (P-loop kinase) (gp243)
CAPSD_BPSAV Major capsid protein (Major head protein)

3 entries

Serratia phage KSP90 (Serratia marcescens bacteriophage KSP90)

CAPSD_BPSK9 Major capsid protein (Virion protein D)
IGLVP_BPSK9 Ig-like virion protein (Virion protein E)
TUBE_BPSK9 Tail tube protein (Virion protein F)

1 entry

Klebsiella phage 0507KN21 (Taipeivirus 0507KN21)

DEPOL_BPK05 Probable tail spike protein (Depolymerase, capsule KN2-specific) [Cleaved into: Mature tail spike ...