Activation of host NF-kappa-B by virus (kw:KW-1074)

NF-kappa-B is a pleiotropic transcription factor which is present in almost all cell types and is involved in many biological processed such as inflammation, immunity, differentiation, cell growth, tumorigenesis and apoptosis. In unstimulated cells, NF-kappa-B dimers are sequestered in the cytoplasm via physical association with NF-kappa-B inhibitory proteins, called I-kappa-Bs. Upon activation, NF-kappa-B separates from I-kappa-B and migrates to the nucleus to activate gene transcription.


Multiple families of viruses have evolved sophisticated strategies to positively regulate nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) signaling. Different viruses including HIV, herpesviruses, and HCV block apoptosis and prolong survival of the host cell in order to gain time for replication and increase viral progeny production. In addition, several oncogenic viruses are able to install a program of constitutive expression of NF-kB-dependent anti-apoptotic which results in cell transformation and uncontrolled proliferation.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

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88 entries grouped by strain

2 entries

Human herpesvirus 2 (strain HG52) (HHV-2) (Human herpes simplex virus 2) reference strain

ICP27_HHV2H mRNA export factor (Immediate-early protein IE63) (Infected cell protein 27) (ICP27) (VMW63)
US02_HHV2H Protein US2

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African swine fever virus (strain Badajoz 1971 Vero-adapted) (Ba71V) (ASFV) reference strain

IAP_ASFB7 Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP)

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Epstein-Barr virus (strain AG876) (HHV-4) (Human herpesvirus 4) reference strain

LMP1_EBVA8 Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) (Protein p63)

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Epstein-Barr virus (strain B95-8) (HHV-4) (Human herpesvirus 4) reference strain

LMP1_EBVB9 Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) (Protein p63) [Cleaved into: Protein p25]

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Equine herpesvirus 2 (strain 86/87) (EHV-2) reference strain

VCLAP_EHV2 CARD domain-containing protein E10

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayr (isolate Human/Japan/Okamoto/-) (HBV-C) reference strain

X_HBVCJ Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate France/Tiollais/1979) (HBV-D) reference strain

X_HBVD3 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (isolate Caribbea HS-35 subtype A) (HTLV-1) reference strain

TAX_HTL1C Protein Tax-1 (Protein X-LOR) (Protein PX) (Trans-activating transcriptional regulatory protein of ...

1 entry

Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (strain Japan ATK-1 subtype A) (HTLV-1) reference strain

TAX_HTL1A Protein Tax-1 (Protein X-LOR) (Protein PX) (Trans-activating transcriptional regulatory protein of ...

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Human cytomegalovirus (strain Merlin) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5) reference strain

UL144_HCMVM Membrane glycoprotein UL144 (TNF alpha-like receptor UL144) (UL144 protein)

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Human herpesvirus 1 (strain 17) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1) reference strain

ICP27_HHV11 mRNA export factor (Immediate-early protein IE63) (Infected cell protein 27) (ICP27) (VMW63)

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Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) reference strain

VFLIP_HHV8P Viral FLICE protein (vFLIP)

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Human respiratory syncytial virus B (strain B1) reference strain

M21_HRSVB Protein M2-1 (Envelope-associated 22 kDa protein) (Transcription antitermination factor M2-1)

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Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 8) (WHV) reference strain

X_WHV5 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Woolly monkey hepatitis B virus (isolate Louisville) (WMHBV) reference strain

X_WMHBV Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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African swine fever virus (isolate Pig/Haiti/H811/1981) (ASFV)

IAP_ASFH8 Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) (IAP-like protein p27)

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African swine fever virus (isolate Pig/Kenya/KEN-50/1950) (ASFV)

IAP_ASFK5 Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP)

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African swine fever virus (isolate Pig/Portugal/Lis 60/1960) (ASFV)

IAP_ASFL6 IAP-like protein p27

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African swine fever virus (isolate Pig/Spain/E-75/1975) (ASFV)

IAP_ASFE7 IAP-like protein p27

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African swine fever virus (isolate Tick/Malawi/Lil 20-1/1983) (ASFV)

IAP_ASFM2 Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP)

1 entry

African swine fever virus (isolate Tick/South Africa/Pretoriuskop Pr4/1996) (ASFV)

IAP_ASFP4 Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP)

1 entry

African swine fever virus (isolate Tick/South Africa/Pretoriuskop Pr5/1996) (ASFV)

IAP_ASFP5 Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP)

1 entry

African swine fever virus (isolate Tick/South Africa/Wildebeeslaagte M1/1996) (ASFV)

IAP_ASFM1 Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP)

1 entry

African swine fever virus (isolate Tick/Zimbabwe/Chiredzi Ch1/1983) (ASFV)

IAPL_ASFCH Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP)

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African swine fever virus (isolate Warthog/Namibia/Wart80/1980) (ASFV)

IAP_ASFWA Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP)

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African swine fever virus (strain E-70 MS16) (ASFV)

IAP_ASFE1 Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP)

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Arctic squirrel hepatitis virus (ASHV)

X_ASHV Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Chimpanzee hepatitis B virus (isolate United Kingdom/LSH/1988) (HBVcpz)

X_HBVCP Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Epstein-Barr virus (strain Cao) (HHV-4) (Human herpesvirus 4)

LMP1_EBVC Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) (Protein p63)

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Epstein-Barr virus (strain GD1) (HHV-4) (Human gammaherpesvirus 4)

LMP1_EBVG Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) (Protein p63)

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Epstein-Barr virus (strain Raji) (HHV-4) (Human herpesvirus 4)

LMP1_EBVR Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) (Protein p63)

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Gibbon hepatitis B virus subtype ayw3q (isolate Hope) (HBVgbn)

X_HBVGB Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Gorilla hepatitis B virus (isolate Cameroon/gor97) (HBVgor)

X_HBVGO Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Ground squirrel hepatitis virus (strain 27) (GSHV)

X_GSHV Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype A1 subtype adw2 (isolate South Africa/84/2001) (HBV-A)

X_HBVA6 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 (isolate Japan/11D11HCCW/1998) (HBV-A)

X_HBVA7 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw (isolate Japan/Nishioka/1983) (HBV-A)

X_HBVA2 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (isolate Germany/991/1990) (HBV-A)

X_HBVA4 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (strain Rutter 1979) (HBV-A)

X_HBVA3 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype A3 (isolate Cameroon/CMR711/1994) (HBV-A)

X_HBVA9 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype A3 (isolate Cameroon/CMR983/1994) (HBV-A)

X_HBVA8 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B/C subtype adw (isolate Okinawa/pODW282/1998) (HBV-B)

X_HBVB4 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B1 (isolate Japan/Ry30/2002) (HBV-B)

X_HBVB8 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B1 (isolate Japan/Yamagata-2/1998) (HBV-B)

X_HBVB7 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B1 subtype adw (isolate Japan/pJDW233/1988) (HBV-B)

X_HBVB1 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B2 (isolate Indonesia/pIDW420/1988) (HBV-B)

X_HBVB2 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype B2 (isolate Vietnam/16091/1992) (HBV-B)

X_HBVB5 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B2 (isolate Vietnam/9873/1997) (HBV-B)

X_HBVB3 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B2 subtype adw (isolate China/patient4/1996) (HBV-B)

X_HBVB6 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C (isolate Vietnam/3270/2000) (HBV-C)

X_HBVC0 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ad (isolate Japan/S-179/1988) (HBV-C)

X_HBVC5 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype adr (isolate Japan/A4/1994) (HBV-C)

X_HBVC8 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype adr (isolate Japan/Nishioka/1983) (HBV-C)

X_HBVC1 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype adr (strain Japan/adr4/1983) (HBV-C)

X_HBVC3 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ar (isolate Japan/S-207/1988) (HBV-C)

X_HBVC2 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayw (isolate Australia/AustRC/1992) (HBV-C)

X_HBVC9 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayw (isolate China/Tibet127/2002) (HBV-C)

X_HBVC7 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype D (isolate France/alpha1/1989) (HBV-D)

X_HBVD2 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype D (isolate Germany/1-91/1991) (HBV-D)

X_HBVD7 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate Australia/AustKW/1991) (HBV-D)

X_HBVD5 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate Italy/CI/1992) (HBV-D)

X_HBVD6 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate Japan/JYW796/1988) (HBV-D)

X_HBVD4 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype E (isolate Chimpanzee/Ch195/1999) (HBV-E)

X_HBVE3 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype E (isolate Cote d'Ivoire/ABI-129/2003) (HBV-E)

X_HBVE2 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype E (isolate Cote d'Ivoire/ABI-212/2003) (HBV-E)

X_HBVE4 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype E subtype ayw4 (isolate Kou) (HBV-E)

X_HBVE1 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype F1 subtype adw4 (isolate El Salvador/1116Sal/1997) (HBV-F)

X_HBVF2 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Argentina/sa16/2000) (HBV-F)

X_HBVF4 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Brazil/w4B) (HBV-F)

X_HBVF1 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 subtype adw4q (isolate Senegal/9203) (HBV-F)

X_HBVF6 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype G (isolate IG29227/2000) (HBV-G)

X_HBVG3 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype H (isolate United States/LAS2523/2002) (HBV-H)

X_HBVH1 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype H subtype adw4 (isolate Nicaragua/1853Nic/1997) (HBV-H)

X_HBVH2 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype H subtype adw4 (isolate Nicaragua/2928Nic/1997) (HBV-H)

X_HBVH3 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (isolate Melanesia mel5 subtype C) (HTLV-1)

TAX_HTL1L Protein Tax-1 (Protein X-LOR) (Trans-activating transcriptional regulatory protein of HTLV-1)

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Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (isolate Zaire EL subtype B) (HTLV-1)

TAX_HTL1F Protein Tax-1 (Protein X-LOR) (Trans-activating transcriptional regulatory protein of HTLV-1)

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain Toledo) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

UL144_HCMVO Membrane glycoprotein UL144 (TNF alpha-like receptor UL144) (UL144 protein)

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Human herpesvirus 1 (strain HFEM) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

ICP27_HHV1E mRNA export factor (Immediate-early protein IE63) (Infected cell protein 27) (ICP27)

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Human respiratory syncytial virus

M21_HRSV Protein M2-1 (Envelope-associated 22 kDa protein) (Transcription antitermination factor M2-1) (Vp24)

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Human respiratory syncytial virus A (strain A2)

M21_HRSVA Protein M2-1 (Envelope-associated 22 kDa protein) (Transcription antitermination factor M2-1) (Vp24)

1 entry

Orangutan hepatitis B virus (isolate Somad) (HBVoru)

X_HBVOR Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

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Ovine respiratory syncytial virus (strain WSU 83-1578) (ORSV)

M21_ORSVW Protein M2-1 (Envelope-associated 22 kDa protein)

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Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 1) (WHV)

X_WHV1 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2) (WHV)

X_WHV2 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 59) (WHV)

X_WHV3 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 7) (WHV)

X_WHV4 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)

1 entry

Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate w64/pWS23) (WHV)

X_WHV6 Protein X (HBx) (Peptide X) (pX)