Inhibition of host RLR pathway by virus (kw:KW-1113)

The cellular RIG-like receptors (RLR) belong to an innate sensor pathway that recognize RNA virus products and activates cellular antiviral state. Upon viral infection, RIG-I and related RNA helicases, MDA5 and LGP2 recognize viral "foreign" RNA and trigger intracellular signaling events that induce innate immunity, the first line of defense against microbial infection. These sentry proteins initiate a signaling cascade by interacting with the downstream partner MAVS, located to the mitochondria. Downstream signaling, resulting in the production of cytokines and interferons, has been linked to a number of pathways that ultimately activate transcription factors IRF3, IRF7 and NF-kappa-B.

Inhibition by viruses

Many viral antagonists of the signaling cascade leading to interferon production have been identified. The influenza A virus NS1 protein has been shown to inhibit RIG-I through direct interaction, while paramyxovirus V protein binds and inhibits MDA5 to abrogate its signaling actions. Hepatitis viruses A, B and C affect the cascade by impairing MAVS protein. Downstream, cellular IRF3 and IRF7 can be activated by both RLR and TLR pathway, and are targeted by many viruses including Epstein-Barr virus, Ebolaviruses, Rotaviruses or Papillomaviruses.

Comments MAVS is often described as activating IKBKE (IKK-i or IKK epsilon and/or TBK1 kinases that phosphorylates IRF3. Most results suggest that the IKBKE kinase is preferentially activated by RLR when TBK1 would be activated by TLRs and DNA sensors .

There are evidences showing direct activation of ISG (Interferon Stimulated Genes)upon IKBKE activation. IKBKE could activate STAT1-STAT2 to induce this response .


Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

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712 entries grouped by strain

6 entries

Vaccinia virus (strain Copenhagen) (VACV) reference strain

PG067_VACCC Protein OPG067 (Protein E5)
PG065_VACCC RNA-binding protein OPG065 (RNA-binding protein E3) (p25)
PG036_VACCC Protein OPG036 (Protein N2)
PG176_VACCC Protein OPG176
A52_VACCC Protein A52
PG044_VACCC Protein K7

6 entries

Vaccinia virus (strain Western Reserve) (VACV) (Vaccinia virus (strain WR)) reference strain

PG065_VACCW RNA-binding protein OPG065 (RNA-binding protein E3) (p25)
PG067_VACCW Protein OPG067 (Protein E5)
PG036_VACCW Protein OPG036 (Protein N2)
PG176_VACCW Protein OPG176
PG044_VACCW Protein K7
A52_VACCW Protein A52

4 entries

African swine fever virus (strain Badajoz 1971 Vero-adapted) (Ba71V) (ASFV) reference strain

P14_ASFB7 Protein p14.5 (pE120R)
M1249_ASFB7 Minor capsid protein M1249L (pM1249L)
VF301_ASFB7 Uncharacterized protein E301R
VF267_ASFB7 Protein I267L (pI267L)

4 entries

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain 17) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1) reference strain

RNB_HHV11 Accessory factor US11 (Vmw21)
ICP0_HHV11 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ICP0 (EC (Alpha-0 protein) (Immediate-early protein IE110) ...
ITP_HHV11 Inner tegument protein (EC 3.5.1.-) (EC (Viral deamidase UL37)
ICP34_HHV11 Neurovirulence factor ICP34.5 (Infected cell protein 34.5) (protein gamma(1)34.5)

4 entries

Human herpesvirus 2 (strain HG52) (HHV-2) (Human herpes simplex virus 2) reference strain

ICP27_HHV2H mRNA export factor (Immediate-early protein IE63) (Infected cell protein 27) (ICP27) (VMW63)
ICP34_HHV2H Neurovirulence factor ICP34.5 (Infected cell protein 34.5) (protein gamma(1)34.5)
ICP0_HHV2H E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ICP0 (EC (RING-type E3 ubiquitin transferaseICP0) (VMW118 ...
RNB_HHV2H Probable RNA-binding protein

4 entries

Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) reference strain

ORF45_HHV8P Protein ORF45
VIRF2_HHV8P Viral IRF2-like protein (vIRF-2)
VIRF4_HHV8P Viral IRF4-like protein (vIRF-4)

4 entries

Monkeypox virus reference strain

PG065_MONPV RNA-binding protein OPG065
PG036_MONPV Protein OPG036
PG044_MONPV Protein K7
PG176_MONPV Protein OPG176

4 entries

Variola virus (isolate Human/India/Ind3/1967) (VARV) (Smallpox virus) reference strain

PG065_VAR67 RNA-binding protein OPG065 (Protein E3)
PG067_VAR67 Protein OPG067 (Protein E5)
PG036_VAR67 Protein OPG036 (Protein N2)
PG176_VAR67 Protein OPG176

3 entries

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (strain A51908) (BRS) reference strain

NCAP_BRSVA Nucleoprotein (Protein N) (Nucleocapsid protein)
NS1_BRSVA Non-structural protein 1 (Non-structural protein 1C)
NS2_BRSVA Non-structural protein 2 (NS2) (Non-structural protein 1B)

3 entries

Epstein-Barr virus (strain B95-8) (HHV-4) (Human herpesvirus 4) reference strain

BZLF1_EBVB9 Lytic switch protein BZLF1 (EB1) (Protein Z) (Trans-activator protein BZLF1) (Zta) (bZIP ...
LMP1_EBVB9 Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) (Protein p63) [Cleaved into: Protein p25]
KR2_EBVB9 Serine/threonine-protein kinase BGLF4 (EC

3 entries

Human respiratory syncytial virus B (strain B1) reference strain

NS2_HRSVB Non-structural protein 2 (NS2) (Non-structural protein 1B)
NCAP_HRSVB Nucleoprotein (Protein N) (Nucleocapsid protein)
NS1_HRSVB Non-structural protein 1 (Non-structural protein 1C)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 H1N1) reference strain

PB2_I34A1 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I34A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I34A1 Protein PB1-F2

3 entries

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (2019-nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) reference strain

R1A_SARS2 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor nsp1 ...

pdb 6Y2E; 6Y2F; 6Y2G; 6YHU; 6YYT; 7BV2; 7C33; 7CZ4; 7D3I; 7D47; 7D64; 7D6H; 7DAT; 7DAU; 7DAV; 7DCD; 7DGB; 7DGF; 7DGG; 7DGH; 7DGI; 7DHJ; 7DJR; 7DK1; 7DPP; 7DPU; 7DPV; 7E35; 7EIN; 7EIZ; 7EN8; 7EN9; 7EXM; 7FAY; 7FAZ; 7JIR; 7JIT; 7JIV; 7JIW; 7JN2; 7JRN; 7KOJ; 7KOK; 7KOL; 7KRX; 7M1Y; 7NT1; 7NT2; 7NT3; 7NTQ; 7NTT; 7NTV; 7NTW; 7NUK; 7NW2; 7NWX; 7NXH; 7OFS; 7OFT; 7OFU; 7P51; 7QCG; 7QCH; 7QCI; 7QCJ; 7QCK; 7QCM; 7QL8; 7RBR; 7RBS; 7RZC; 7SDR; 7SGU; 7SGV; 7SGW; 7SQE; 7TIA; 7TIU; 7TIV; 7TIW; 7TIX; 7TIY; 7TIZ; 7TJ0; 7TLL; 7TOB; 7TUU; 7TVS; 7TVX; 7TZJ; 7U28; 7U29; 7UJ9; 7UJG; 7UJU; 7UV5; 7V1T; 7V7M; 7VFA; 7VFB; 7VH8; 7VIC; 7VJW; 7VJX; 7VJY; 7VJZ; 7VK0; 7VK1; 7VK2; 7VK3; 7VK4; 7VK5; 7VK6; 7VK7; 7VK8; 7VLP; 7VLQ; 7VTH; 7VU6; 7VVT; 7W9G; 7WO1; 7WO2; 7WO3; 7WOF; 7WQB; 7WYM; 7WYP; 7WZO; 7X6J; 7X6K; 7XAR; 7XB3; 7XB4; 7XC3; 7XC4; 7XQ6; 7XQ7; 7XRS; 7YBG; 7Z0P; 7Z4S; 8AJ1; 8AYS; 8AZC; 8AZD; 8AZI; 8AZL; 8AZM; 8AZN; 8AZO; 8AZP; 8B0S; 8B0T; 8C9L; 8C9O; 8C9P; 8C9Q; 8C9U; 8CA6; 8CA8; 8CAC; 8CAJ; 8CRF; 8CRM; 8CX9; 8DI3; 8DKJ; 8EIR; 8FIG; 8G62; 8GQC; 8GQT; 8GTV; 8GTW; 8GVD; 8GVY; 8GW1; 8GWB; 8GWE; 8GWF; 8GWG; 8GWI; 8GWK; 8GWM; 8GWN; 8GWO; 8GXG; 8GXH; 8GXI; 8GY6; 8GZB; 8H3G; 8H3K; 8H3L; 8H4Y; 8H51; 8H57; 8H5F; 8H5P; 8H6I; 8H6N; 8H7K; 8H7W; 8H82; 8HBK; 8HBL; 8HHT; 8HHU; 8HI9; 8HOL; 8HOM; 8HOZ; 8HQG; 8HQH; 8HQI; 8HQJ; 8HTV; 8HUR; 8HUV; 8HUW; 8HUX; 8HVK; 8HVL; 8HVM; 8HVN; 8HVO; 8HVU; 8HVV; 8HVW; 8HVX; 8HVY; 8HVZ; 8HZR; 8I30; 8IFP; 8IFQ; 8IFR; 8IFS; 8IFT; 8IG4; 8IG7; 8IG8; 8IG9; 8IGA; 8IGB; 8IGN; 8IGO; 8IGX; 8IGY; 8IHO; 8ILC; 8J35; 8J37; 8J3A; 8J3B; 8JOP; 8R0V; 8R11; 8R12; 8R14; 8R16; 8R19; 8RV4; 8RV5; 8RV6; 8RV7; 8RV8; 8RV9; 8RVA; 8RVB; 8RZC; 8RZD; 8RZE; 8SPJ; 8SXO; 8UFM; 8UHO; 8UIA; 8UOB; 8UUF; 8UUH; 8UUU; 8UUV; 8UUW; 8UUY; 8WS3; 8WSI; 8WSK; 8WTI; 8WZP; 8YA5; 8YLS; 9BRW; 9BRX; 9CSY; 9EPL; 9EPM; 9EWM; 9EWN; 9EWO; 9FQ9; 9FQA; 9FW2; 9FX6; 9FZ4; 9FZK; 9IK2

R1AB_SARS2 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

pdb 5R7Y; 5R7Z; 5R80; 5R81; 5R82; 5R83; 5R84; 5R8T; 5RE4; 5RE5; 5RE6; 5RE7; 5RE8; 5RE9; 5REA; 5REB; 5REC; 5RED; 5REE; 5REF; 5REG; 5REH; 5REI; 5REJ; 5REK; 5REL; 5REM; 5REN; 5REO; 5REP; 5RER; 5RES; 5RET; 5REU; 5REV; 5REW; 5REX; 5REY; 5REZ; 5RF0; 5RF1; 5RF2; 5RF3; 5RF4; 5RF5; 5RF6; 5RF7; 5RF8; 5RF9; 5RFA; 5RFB; 5RFC; 5RFD; 5RFE; 5RFF; 5RFG; 5RFH; 5RFI; 5RFJ; 5RFK; 5RFL; 5RFM; 5RFN; 5RFO; 5RFP; 5RFQ; 5RFR; 5RFS; 5RFT; 5RFU; 5RFV; 5RFW; 5RFX; 5RFY; 5RFZ; 5RG0; 5RG1; 5RG2; 5RG3; 5RGG; 5RGH; 5RGI; 5RGJ; 5RGK; 5RGL; 5RGM; 5RGN; 5RGO; 5RGP; 5RGQ; 5RGR; 5RGS; 5RGT; 5RGU; 5RGV; 5RGW; 5RGX; 5RGY; 5RGZ; 5RH0; 5RH1; 5RH2; 5RH3; 5RH4; 5RH5; 5RH6; 5RH7; 5RH8; 5RH9; 5RHA; 5RHB; 5RHC; 5RHD; 5RHE; 5RHF; 5RL0; 5RL1; 5RL2; 5RL3; 5RL4; 5RL5; 5RL6; 5RL7; 5RL8; 5RL9; 5RLB; 5RLC; 5RLD; 5RLE; 5RLF; 5RLG; 5RLH; 5RLI; 5RLJ; 5RLK; 5RLL; 5RLM; 5RLN; 5RLO; 5RLP; 5RLQ; 5RLR; 5RLS; 5RLT; 5RLU; 5RLV; 5RLW; 5RLY; 5RLZ; 5RM0; 5RM1; 5RM2; 5RM3; 5RM4; 5RM5; 5RM6; 5RM7; 5RM8; 5RM9; 5RMA; 5RMB; 5RMC; 5RMD; 5RME; 5RMF; 5RMG; 5RMH; 5RMI; 5RMJ; 5RMK; 5RML; 5RMM; 5ROB; 5RS7; 5RS8; 5RS9; 5RSB; 5RSC; 5RSD; 5RSE; 5RSF; 5RSG; 5RSH; 5RSI; 5RSJ; 5RSK; 5RSL; 5RSM; 5RSN; 5RSO; 5RSP; 5RSQ; 5RSR; 5RSS; 5RST; 5RSU; 5RSV; 5RSW; 5RSX; 5RSY; 5RSZ; 5RT0; 5RT1; 5RT2; 5RT3; 5RT4; 5RT5; 5RT6; 5RT7; 5RT8; 5RT9; 5RTA; 5RTB; 5RTC; 5RTD; 5RTE; 5RTF; 5RTG; 5RTH; 5RTI; 5RTJ; 5RTK; 5RTL; 5RTM; 5RTN; 5RTO; 5RTP; 5RTQ; 5RTR; 5RTS; 5RTT; 5RTU; 5RTV; 5RTW; 5RTX; 5RTY; 5RTZ; 5RU0; 5RU1; 5RU2; 5RU3; 5RU4; 5RU5; 5RU6; 5RU7; 5RU8; 5RU9; 5RUA; 5RUC; 5RUD; 5RUE; 5RUF; 5RUG; 5RUH; 5RUI; 5RUJ; 5RUK; 5RUL; 5RUM; 5RUN; 5RUO; 5RUP; 5RUQ; 5RUR; 5RUS; 5RUT; 5RUU; 5RUV; 5RUW; 5RUX; 5RUY; 5RUZ; 5RV0; 5RV1; 5RV2; 5RV3; 5RV4; 5RV5; 5RV6; 5RV7; 5RV8; 5RV9; 5RVA; 5RVB; 5RVC; 5RVD; 5RVE; 5RVF; 5RVG; 5RVH; 5RVI; 5RVJ; 5RVK; 5RVL; 5RVM; 5RVN; 5RVO; 5RVP; 5RVQ; 5RVR; 5RVS; 5RVT; 5RVU; 5RVV; 5S18; 5S1A; 5S1C; 5S1E; 5S1G; 5S1I; 5S1K; 5S1M; 5S1O; 5S1Q; 5S1S; 5S1U; 5S1W; 5S1Y; 5S20; 5S22; 5S24; 5S26; 5S27; 5S28; 5S29; 5S2A; 5S2B; 5S2C; 5S2D; 5S2E; 5S2F; 5S2G; 5S2H; 5S2I; 5S2J; 5S2K; 5S2L; 5S2M; 5S2N; 5S2O; 5S2P; 5S2Q; 5S2R; 5S2S; 5S2T; 5S2U; 5S2V; 5S2W; 5S2X; 5S2Y; 5S2Z; 5S30; 5S31; 5S32; 5S33; 5S34; 5S35; 5S36; 5S37; 5S38; 5S39; 5S3A; 5S3B; 5S3C; 5S3D; 5S3E; 5S3F; 5S3G; 5S3H; 5S3I; 5S3J; 5S3K; 5S3L; 5S3M; 5S3N; 5S3O; 5S3P; 5S3Q; 5S3R; 5S3S; 5S3T; 5S3U; 5S3V; 5S3W; 5S3X; 5S3Y; 5S3Z; 5S40; 5S41; 5S42; 5S43; 5S44; 5S45; 5S46; 5S47; 5S48; 5S49; 5S4A; 5S4B; 5S4C; 5S4D; 5S4E; 5S4F; 5S4G; 5S4H; 5S4I; 5S4J; 5S4K; 5S6X; 5S6Y; 5S6Z; 5S70; 5S71; 5S72; 5S73; 5S74; 5SA4; 5SA5; 5SA6; 5SA7; 5SA8; 5SA9; 5SAA; 5SAB; 5SAC; 5SAD; 5SAE; 5SAF; 5SAG; 5SAH; 5SAI; 5SBF; 5SKW; 5SKX; 5SKY; 5SKZ; 5SL0; 5SL1; 5SL2; 5SL3; 5SL4; 5SL5; 5SL6; 5SL7; 5SL8; 5SL9; 5SLA; 5SLB; 5SLC; 5SLD; 5SLE; 5SLF; 5SLG; 5SLH; 5SLI; 5SLJ; 5SLK; 5SLL; 5SLM; 5SLN; 5SLO; 5SLP; 5SLQ; 5SLR; 5SLS; 5SLT; 5SLU; 5SLV; 5SLW; 5SLX; 5SLY; 5SLZ; 5SM0; 5SM1; 5SM2; 5SM3; 5SM4; 5SM5; 5SM6; 5SM7; 5SM8; 5SM9; 5SMA; 5SMB; 5SMC; 5SMD; 5SME; 5SMF; 5SMG; 5SMH; 5SMI; 5SMK; 5SML; 5SMM; 5SMN; 5SOI; 5SOJ; 5SOK; 5SOL; 5SOM; 5SON; 5SOO; 5SOP; 5SOQ; 5SOR; 5SOS; 5SOT; 5SOU; 5SOV; 5SOW; 5SOX; 5SOY; 5SOZ; 5SP0; 5SP1; 5SP2; 5SP3; 5SP4; 5SP6; 5SP7; 5SP8; 5SP9; 5SPA; 5SPB; 5SPC; 5SPD; 5SPE; 5SPF; 5SPG; 5SPH; 5SPI; 5SPJ; 5SPK; 5SPL; 5SPM; 5SPN; 5SPO; 5SPP; 5SPQ; 5SPR; 5SPS; 5SPT; 5SPU; 5SPV; 5SPW; 5SPX; 5SPY; 5SPZ; 5SQ0; 5SQ1; 5SQ2; 5SQ3; 5SQ4; 5SQ5; 5SQ6; 5SQ7; 5SQ8; 5SQ9; 5SQA; 5SQB; 5SQC; 5SQD; 5SQE; 5SQF; 5SQG; 5SQH; 5SQI; 5SQJ; 5SQK; 5SQL; 5SQM; 5SQN; 5SQO; 5SQP; 5SQQ; 5SQR; 5SQS; 5SQT; 5SQU; 5SQV; 5SQW; 5SQX; 5SQY; 5SQZ; 5SR0; 5SR1; 5SR2; 5SR3; 5SR4; 5SR5; 5SR6; 5SR7; 5SR8; 5SR9; 5SRA; 5SRB; 5SRC; 5SRD; 5SRE; 5SRF; 5SRG; 5SRH; 5SRI; 5SRJ; 5SRK; 5SRL; 5SRM; 5SRN; 5SRO; 5SRP; 5SRQ; 5SRR; 5SRS; 5SRT; 5SRU; 5SRV; 5SRW; 5SRX; 5SRY; 5SRZ; 5SS0; 5SS1; 5SS2; 5SS3; 5SS4; 5SS5; 5SS6; 5SS7; 5SS8; 5SS9; 5SSA; 5SSB; 5SSC; 5SSD; 5SSE; 5SSF; 5SSG; 5SSH; 5SSI; 5SSJ; 5SSK; 5SSL; 5SSM; 5SSN; 5SSO; 5SSP; 5SSQ; 5SSR; 6LU7; 6LZE; 6M03; 6M0K; 6M2N; 6M2Q; 6M71; 6VWW; 6VXS; 6W01; 6W02; 6W4B; 6W4H; 6W61; 6W63; 6W6Y; 6W75; 6W9C; 6W9Q; 6WC1; 6WCF; 6WEN; 6WEY; 6WIQ; 6WJT; 6WKQ; 6WKS; 6WLC; 6WNP; 6WOJ; 6WQ3; 6WQD; 6WQF; 6WRH; 6WRZ; 6WTC; 6WTJ; 6WTK; 6WTM; 6WTT; 6WUU; 6WVN; 6WX4; 6WXC; 6WXD; 6WZU; 6X1B; 6X4I; 6XA4; 6XA9; 6XAA; 6XB0; 6XB1; 6XB2; 6XBG; 6XBH; 6XBI; 6XCH; 6XDH; 6XFN; 6XG3; 6XHM; 6XHU; 6XIP; 6XKF; 6XKH; 6XKM; 6XMK; 6XOA; 6XQS; 6XQT; 6XQU; 6XR3; 6Y2E; 6Y2F; 6Y2G; 6Y84; 6YB7; 6YNQ; 6YVA; 6YVF; 6YWK; 6YWL; 6YWM; 6YYT; 6YZ1; 6Z2E; 6Z5T; 6Z6I; 6Z72; 6ZCT; 6ZLW; 6ZM7; 6ZME; 6ZMI; 6ZMO; 6ZMT; 6ZN5; 6ZOJ; 6ZOK; 6ZON; 6ZP4; 6ZPE; 6ZRT; 6ZRU; 6ZSL; 7A1U; 7ABU; 7ADW; 7AEG; 7AEH; 7AF0; 7AGA; 7AHA; 7AK4; 7AKU; 7ALH; 7ALI; 7AMJ; 7ANS; 7AOL; 7AP6; 7APH; 7AQE; 7AQI; 7AQJ; 7AR5; 7AR6; 7ARF; 7AU4; 7AVD; 7AWR; 7AWS; 7AWU; 7AWW; 7AX6; 7AXM; 7AXO; 7AY7; 7B2J; 7B2U; 7B3E; 7B5Z; 7B77; 7B83; 7BAJ; 7BAK; 7BAL; 7BB2; 7BE7; 7BF3; 7BF4; 7BF5; 7BF6; 7BFB; 7BGP; 7BIJ; 7BQ7; 7BQY; 7BRO; 7BRP; 7BTF; 7BUY; 7BV1; 7BV2; 7BWQ; 7BZF; 7C2I; 7C2J; 7C2K; 7C2Q; 7C2Y; 7C6S; 7C6U; 7C7P; 7C8B; 7C8R; 7C8T; 7C8U; 7CA8; 7CAM; 7CB7; 7CBT; 7CJD; 7CJM; 7CMD; 7COM; 7CUT; 7CUU; 7CWB; 7CWC; 7CX9; 7CYQ; 7D1M; 7D1O; 7D7K; 7D7L; 7DDC; 7DG6; 7DIY; 7DVX; 7DVY; 7DW0; 7DW6; 7E18; 7E19; 7E5X; 7E6K; 7EQ4; 7FR0; 7FR1; 7FR2; 7FR3; 7FR4; 7FR5; 7FR6; 7FR7; 7FR8; 7FR9; 7FRA; 7FRB; 7FRC; 7FRD; 7GAV; 7GAW; 7GAX; 7GAY; 7GAZ; 7GB0; 7GB1; 7GB2; 7GB3; 7GB4; 7GB5; 7GB6; 7GB7; 7GB8; 7GB9; 7GBA; 7GBB; 7GBC; 7GBD; 7GBE; 7GBF; 7GBG; 7GBH; 7GBI; 7GBJ; 7GBK; 7GBL; 7GBM; 7GBN; 7GBO; 7GBP; 7GBQ; 7GBR; 7GBS; 7GBT; 7GBU; 7GBV; 7GBW; 7GBX; 7GBY; 7GBZ; 7GC0; 7GC1; 7GC2; 7GC3; 7GC4; 7GC5; 7GC6; 7GC7; 7GC8; 7GC9; 7GCA; 7GCB; 7GCC; 7GCD; 7GCE; 7GCF; 7GCG; 7GCI; 7GCJ; 7GCK; 7GCL; 7GCM; 7GCN; 7GCO; 7GCP; 7GCQ; 7GCR; 7GCS; 7GCT; 7GCU; 7GCV; 7GCW; 7GCX; 7GCY; 7GCZ; 7GD0; 7GD1; 7GD2; 7GD3; 7GD4; 7GD5; 7GD6; 7GD7; 7GD8; 7GD9; 7GDA; 7GDB; 7GDC; 7GDD; 7GDE; 7GDF; 7GDG; 7GDH; 7GDI; 7GDJ; 7GDK; 7GDL; 7GDM; 7GDN; 7GDO; 7GDP; 7GDQ; 7GDR; 7GDS; 7GDT; 7GDU; 7GDV; 7GDW; 7GDX; 7GDY; 7GDZ; 7GE0; 7GE1; 7GE2; 7GE3; 7GE4; 7GE5; 7GE6; 7GE7; 7GE8; 7GE9; 7GEA; 7GEB; 7GEC; 7GED; 7GEE; 7GEF; 7GEG; 7GEH; 7GEI; 7GEJ; 7GEK; 7GEL; 7GEM; 7GEN; 7GEO; 7GEQ; 7GER; 7GES; 7GET; 7GEU; 7GEV; 7GEW; 7GEX; 7GEY; 7GEZ; 7GF0; 7GF1; 7GF2; 7GF3; 7GF4; 7GF5; 7GF6; 7GF7; 7GF8; 7GF9; 7GFA; 7GFB; 7GFC; 7GFD; 7GFE; 7GFF; 7GFG; 7GFH; 7GFI; 7GFJ; 7GFK; 7GFL; 7GFM; 7GFN; 7GFO; 7GFP; 7GFQ; 7GFR; 7GFS; 7GFT; 7GFU; 7GFV; 7GFW; 7GFX; 7GFY; 7GFZ; 7GG0; 7GG1; 7GG2; 7GG3; 7GG4; 7GG5; 7GG6; 7GG7; 7GG8; 7GG9; 7GGA; 7GGB; 7GGC; 7GGD; 7GGE; 7GGF; 7GGG; 7GGH; 7GGI; 7GGJ; 7GGK; 7GGL; 7GGM; 7GGN; 7GGO; 7GGP; 7GGQ; 7GGR; 7GGS; 7GGT; 7GGU; 7GGV; 7GGW; 7GGX; 7GGY; 7GGZ; 7GH0; 7GH1; 7GH2; 7GH3; 7GH4; 7GH5; 7GH6; 7GH7; 7GH8; 7GH9; 7GHA; 7GHB; 7GHC; 7GHD; 7GHE; 7GHF; 7GHG; 7GHH; 7GHI; 7GHJ; 7GHK; 7GHL; 7GHM; 7GHN; 7GHO; 7GHP; 7GHQ; 7GHR; 7GHS; 7GHT; 7GHU; 7GHV; 7GHW; 7GHX; 7GHY; 7GHZ; 7GI0; 7GI1; 7GI2; 7GI3; 7GI4; 7GI5; 7GI6; 7GI7; 7GI8; 7GI9; 7GIA; 7GIB; 7GIC; 7GID; 7GIE; 7GIF; 7GIG; 7GIH; 7GII; 7GIJ; 7GIK; 7GIL; 7GIM; 7GIN; 7GIO; 7GIP; 7GIQ; 7GIR; 7GIS; 7GIT; 7GIU; 7GIV; 7GIW; 7GIX; 7GIY; 7GIZ; 7GJ0; 7GJ1; 7GJ2; 7GJ3; 7GJ4; 7GJ5; 7GJ6; 7GJ7; 7GJ8; 7GJ9; 7GJA; 7GJB; 7GJC; 7GJD; 7GJE; 7GJF; 7GJG; 7GJH; 7GJI; 7GJJ; 7GJK; 7GJL; 7GJM; 7GJN; 7GJO; 7GJP; 7GJQ; 7GJR; 7GJS; 7GJT; 7GJU; 7GJV; 7GJW; 7GJX; 7GJY; 7GJZ; 7GK0; 7GK1; 7GK2; 7GK3; 7GK4; 7GK5; 7GK6; 7GK7; 7GK8; 7GK9; 7GKA; 7GKB; 7GKC; 7GKD; 7GKE; 7GKF; 7GKG; 7GKH; 7GKI; 7GKJ; 7GKK; 7GKL; 7GKM; 7GKN; 7GKO; 7GKP; 7GKQ; 7GKR; 7GKS; 7GKT; 7GKU; 7GKV; 7GKW; 7GKX; 7GKY; 7GKZ; 7GL0; 7GL1; 7GL2; 7GL3; 7GL4; 7GL5; 7GL6; 7GL7; 7GL8; 7GL9; 7GLA; 7GLB; 7GLC; 7GLD; 7GLE; 7GLF; 7GLG; 7GLH; 7GLI; 7GLJ; 7GLK; 7GLL; 7GLM; 7GLN; 7GLO; 7GLP; 7GLQ; 7GLR; 7GLS; 7GLT; 7GLU; 7GLV; 7GLW; 7GLX; 7GLY; 7GLZ; 7GM0; 7GM1; 7GM2; 7GM3; 7GM4; 7GM5; 7GM6; 7GM7; 7GM8; 7GM9; 7GMA; 7GMB; 7GMC; 7GMD; 7GME; 7GMF; 7GMG; 7GMH; 7GMI; 7GMJ; 7GMK; 7GML; 7GMM; 7GMN; 7GMO; 7GMP; 7GMQ; 7GMR; 7GMS; 7GMT; 7GMU; 7GMV; 7GMW; 7GMX; 7GMY; 7GMZ; 7GN0; 7GN1; 7GN2; 7GN3; 7GN4; 7GN5; 7GN6; 7GN7; 7GN8; 7GN9; 7GNA; 7GNB; 7GNC; 7GND; 7GNE; 7GNF; 7GNG; 7GNH; 7GNI; 7GNJ; 7GNK; 7GNL; 7GNM; 7GNN; 7GNO; 7GNP; 7GNQ; 7GNR; 7GNS; 7GNT; 7GNU; 7GRE; 7GRF; 7GRG; 7GRH; 7GRI; 7GRJ; 7GRK; 7GRL; 7GRM; 7GRN; 7GRO; 7GRP; 7GRQ; 7GRR; 7GRS; 7GRT; 7GRU; 7GRV; 7GRW; 7GRX; 7GRY; 7GRZ; 7GS0; 7GS1; 7GS2; 7GS3; 7GS4; 7GS5; 7GS6; 7GYY; 7GYZ; 7GZ0; 7GZ1; 7GZ2; 7GZ3; 7GZ4; 7GZ5; 7GZ6; 7GZ7; 7GZ8; 7GZ9; 7GZA; 7GZB; 7GZC; 7GZD; 7GZE; 7GZF; 7GZG; 7GZH; 7GZI; 7GZJ; 7GZK; 7GZL; 7GZM; 7GZN; 7GZO; 7GZQ; 7GZR; 7GZS; 7GZT; 7GZU; 7GZV; 7GZW; 7GZX; 7GZY; 7GZZ; 7H00; 7H01; 7H02; 7H03; 7H04; 7H05; 7H06; 7H07; 7H08; 7H09; 7H0A; 7H0B; 7H0C; 7H0D; 7H0E; 7H0F; 7H0G; 7H0H; 7H0I; 7H0J; 7H0K; 7H0L; 7H0M; 7H0N; 7H0O; 7H0P; 7H0Q; 7H0R; 7H0S; 7H0T; 7H0U; 7H0V; 7H0W; 7H0X; 7H0Y; 7H0Z; 7H10; 7H11; 7H12; 7H13; 7H14; 7H15; 7H16; 7H17; 7H18; 7H19; 7H1A; 7H1B; 7H1C; 7H1D; 7H1E; 7H1F; 7H1G; 7JFQ; 7JHE; 7JIB; 7JKV; 7JME; 7JOY; 7JP0; 7JP1; 7JPE; 7JPY; 7JPZ; 7JQ0; 7JQ1; 7JQ2; 7JQ3; 7JQ4; 7JQ5; 7JQB; 7JQC; 7JR3; 7JR4; 7JST; 7JSU; 7JT0; 7JT7; 7JU7; 7JUN; 7JVZ; 7JW8; 7JYC; 7JYY; 7JZ0; 7K0E; 7K0F; 7K0R; 7K1L; 7K1O; 7K3N; 7K3T; 7K40; 7K5I; 7K6D; 7K6E; 7K7P; 7K9P; 7KAG; 7KEG; 7KEH; 7KF4; 7KFI; 7KG3; 7KHP; 7KOA; 7KPH; 7KQO; 7KQP; 7KQW; 7KR0; 7KR1; 7KRI; 7KVL; 7KVR; 7KX5; 7KXB; 7KYU; 7L0D; 7L10; 7L11; 7L12; 7L13; 7L14; 7L1F; 7L5D; 7L6R; 7L6T; 7L8I; 7L8J; 7LB7; 7LBN; 7LBR; 7LBS; 7LCO; 7LCR; 7LCS; 7LCT; 7LDL; 7LDX; 7LFE; 7LFP; 7LFZ; 7LG2; 7LG3; 7LG7; 7LGO; 7LHQ; 7LKD; 7LKE; 7LKR; 7LKS; 7LKT; 7LKU; 7LKV; 7LKW; 7LKX; 7LLF; 7LLZ; 7LMD; 7LME; 7LMF; 7LOS; 7LTJ; 7LTN; 7LW3; 7LW4; 7LYH; 7LYI; 7LZT; 7LZU; 7LZV; 7LZW; 7LZX; 7LZY; 7LZZ; 7M00; 7M01; 7M02; 7M03; 7M04; 7M2P; 7M8M; 7M8N; 7M8O; 7M8P; 7M8X; 7M8Y; 7M8Z; 7M90; 7M91; 7MAT; 7MAU; 7MAV; 7MAW; 7MAX; 7MAZ; 7MB0; 7MB1; 7MB2; 7MB3; 7MB6; 7MB7; 7MB8; 7MB9; 7MBG; 7MBI; 7MC5; 7MC6; 7ME0; 7MGR; 7MGS; 7MHF; 7MHG; 7MHH; 7MHI; 7MHJ; 7MHK; 7MHL; 7MHM; 7MHN; 7MHO; 7MHP; 7MHQ; 7MLF; 7MLG; 7MNG; 7MPB; 7MRR; 7MSW; 7MSX; 7N06; 7N0B; 7N0C; 7N0D; 7N33; 7N3K; 7N44; 7N5Z; 7N6N; 7N7R; 7N7U; 7N7W; 7N7Y; 7N83; 7N89; 7N8C; 7NBR; 7NBS; 7NBT; 7NBY; 7NEO; 7NEV; 7NF5; 7NFV; 7NG3; 7NG6; 7NIJ; 7NIO; 7NN0; 7NNG; 7NT4; 7NTS; 7O46; 7O7Y; 7O7Z; 7O80; 7O81; 7ORR; 7ORU; 7ORV; 7ORW; 7P2G; 7P2O; 7PFL; 7PFM; 7PHZ; 7PKU; 7PXZ; 7PZQ; 7Q5E; 7Q5F; 7QBB; 7QG7; 7QGI; 7QIF; 7QKA; 7QT5; 7QT6; 7QT7; 7QT8; 7QT9; 7R1T; 7R1U; 7R2V; 7R7H; 7RB0; 7RB2; 7RBZ; 7RC0; 7RFR; 7RFS; 7RFU; 7RFW; 7RLS; 7RM2; 7RMB; 7RME; 7RMT; 7RMZ; 7RN0; 7RN1; 7RN4; 7RNH; 7RNK; 7RNW; 7RQG; 7RVM; 7RVN; 7RVO; 7RVP; 7RVQ; 7RVR; 7RVS; 7RVT; 7RVU; 7RVV; 7RVW; 7RVX; 7RVY; 7RVZ; 7RW0; 7RW1; 7S3K; 7S3S; 7S4B; 7S6W; 7S6X; 7S6Y; 7S6Z; 7S70; 7S71; 7S72; 7S73; 7S74; 7S75; 7S82; 7SD9; 7SDA; 7SDC; 7SET; 7SF1; 7SF3; 7SFB; 7SFH; 7SFI; 7SGH; 7SH7; 7SH8; 7SH9; 7SHB; 7SI9; 7T2T; 7T2U; 7T2V; 7T42; 7T43; 7T44; 7T45; 7T46; 7T48; 7T49; 7T4A; 7T4B; 7T70; 7T8M; 7T8R; 7T9W; 7T9Y; 7TA4; 7TA7; 7TB2; 7TBT; 7TC4; 7TDU; 7TE0; 7TEH; 7TEK; 7TEL; 7TFR; 7TGR; 7THH; 7TI9; 7TJ2; 7TQ2; 7TQ3; 7TQ4; 7TQ5; 7TQ6; 7TQV; 7TW7; 7TW8; 7TW9; 7TWF; 7TWG; 7TWH; 7TWI; 7TWJ; 7TWN; 7TWO; 7TWP; 7TWQ; 7TWR; 7TWS; 7TWT; 7TWV; 7TWW; 7TWX; 7TWY; 7TX0; 7TX1; 7TX3; 7TX4; 7TX5; 7U92; 7UKK; 7ULT; 7UR9; 7URB; 7US4; 7UU6; 7UU7; 7UU8; 7UU9; 7UUA; 7UUB; 7UUC; 7UUD; 7UUE; 7UUG; 7UUP; 7VAH; 7VVP; 7WHC; 7WOH; 7WQ8; 7WQ9; 7WQA; 7WQK; 7X6Y; 7X6Z; 7X70; 7YWR; 7Z2K; 7Z3U; 7Z59; 7ZB6; 7ZB7; 7ZB8; 7ZQV; 7ZV5; 7ZV7; 7ZV8; 8A23; 8A4Q; 8A4T; 8A4Y; 8A55; 8ACD; 8ACL; 8AEB; 8AIQ; 8AIU; 8AIV; 8AIZ; 8AJ0; 8AOU; 8AZ8; 8B2T; 8B56; 8BFO; 8BFQ; 8BGA; 8BGD; 8BS1; 8BS2; 8BSD; 8BWU; 8BZN; 8BZV; 8C19; 8C1A; 8C5M; 8CDC; 8CMF; 8CMG; 8CRF; 8CRK; 8CRM; 8CYU; 8CYZ; 8CZ4; 8CZ7; 8CZW; 8CZX; 8D34; 8D4J; 8D4K; 8D4L; 8D4M; 8D4N; 8D4P; 8DCZ; 8DD1; 8DD6; 8DD9; 8DDI; 8DDL; 8DDM; 8DFE; 8DFN; 8DGB; 8DIB; 8DIC; 8DID; 8DIE; 8DIF; 8DIG; 8DIH; 8DII; 8DJJ; 8DK8; 8DKH; 8DKK; 8DKL; 8DKZ; 8DL9; 8DLB; 8DMD; 8DMN; 8DOX; 8DOY; 8DPR; 8DQU; 8DRR; 8DRS; 8DRT; 8DRU; 8DRV; 8DRW; 8DRX; 8DRY; 8DRZ; 8DS0; 8DS1; 8DS2; 8DSU; 8DT9; 8DZ0; 8DZ1; 8DZ2; 8DZ6; 8DZ9; 8DZA; 8DZB; 8DZC; 8E1Y; 8E25; 8E26; 8E4J; 8E4R; 8E4W; 8E5C; 8E5X; 8E5Z; 8E61; 8E63; 8E64; 8E65; 8E68; 8E69; 8E6A; 8EHJ; 8EHK; 8EHL; 8EHM; 8EIR; 8EJ7; 8EJ9; 8EKE; 8EOY; 8ERS; 8EUA; 8EY2; 8EYJ; 8EZV; 8EZZ; 8F02; 8F2C; 8F2D; 8F2E; 8F44; 8F45; 8F46; 8F4S; 8F4Y; 8FIV; 8FIW; 8FRJ; 8FRK; 8FTC; 8FTL; 8FWN; 8FWO; 8FY6; 8FY7; 8GFK; 8GFN; 8GFO; 8GFR; 8GFU; 8GIA; 8GW4; 8GWJ; 8GWS; 8GY6; 8HDA; 8HEF; 8HQF; 8I4S; 8INQ; 8INT; 8INU; 8INW; 8INX; 8INY; 8J32; 8J36; 8J38; 8J39; 8JCJ; 8JCK; 8JCL; 8JCM; 8JCN; 8JCO; 8JPQ; 8JUX; 8K67; 8K68; 8K6A; 8K6B; 8K6C; 8K6D; 8OKB; 8OKC; 8OKK; 8OKL; 8OKM; 8OKN; 8OSX; 8OT0; 8OTO; 8OTR; 8OV1; 8OV2; 8OV3; 8OV4; 8P54; 8P55; 8P56; 8P57; 8P58; 8P5A; 8P5B; 8P5C; 8P86; 8P87; 8PH4; 8Q71; 8QDC; 8RF2; 8RF3; 8RF4; 8RF5; 8RF6; 8RF8; 8RFC; 8RFD; 8RFF; 8RJV; 8RJY; 8RJZ; 8RV4; 8RV5; 8RV6; 8RV7; 8RV8; 8RV9; 8RVA; 8RVB; 8RZC; 8RZD; 8RZE; 8S8W; 8S8X; 8S9Z; 8SG6; 8SH6; 8SH8; 8SK4; 8SKH; 8STY; 8STZ; 8SXR; 8T7Y; 8TBE; 8TPB; 8TPC; 8TPD; 8TPE; 8TPF; 8TPG; 8TPH; 8TPI; 8TQH; 8TQJ; 8TQL; 8TQT; 8TQU; 8TV6; 8TV7; 8TY3; 8TY4; 8TY5; 8TYJ; 8U2X; 8UAB; 8UD2; 8UD3; 8UD4; 8UD5; 8UH5; 8UH8; 8UH9; 8UIF; 8UPS; 8UPV; 8UPW; 8UR9; 8UTE; 8UUG; 8UVM; 8V4U; 8V7T; 8V7W; 8V8E; 8V8G; 8VD7; 8VDJ; 8VEC; 8VQX; 8VSG; 8WZQ; 8XAB; 8YRH; 8YSA; 9ARQ; 9ARS; 9ART; 9ASV; 9ASW; 9ASY; 9ASZ; 9AT0; 9AT1; 9AT3; 9AT4; 9AT5; 9AT6; 9AT7; 9AUJ; 9AUK; 9AUL; 9AUM; 9AUN; 9AUO; 9AVQ; 9AZX; 9BPF; 9BRV; 9DW6; 9EMJ; 9EML; 9EMV; 9EO6; 9EOR; 9EOX; 9EUN; 9FEH; 9FW2; 9FX7; 9FZ4; 9FZK

ORF9B_SARS2 ORF9b protein (ORF9b) (Accessory protein 9b) (ORF-9b) (Protein 9b)

2 entries

Bat coronavirus HKU4 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/HKU4/2004) reference strain

R1A_BCHK4 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
ORF4B_BCHK4 Non-structural protein ORF4b (ORF4b)

2 entries

Bat coronavirus HKU5 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/HKU5/2004) reference strain

R1A_BCHK5 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
ORF4B_BCHK5 Non-structural protein ORF4b (ORF4b)

2 entries

Epstein-Barr virus (strain AG876) (HHV-4) (Human herpesvirus 4) reference strain

KR2_EBVA8 Serine/threonine-protein kinase BGLF4 (EC
LMP1_EBVA8 Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) (Protein p63)

2 entries

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a (isolate H77) (HCV) reference strain

F_HCV77 F protein (Alternate reading frame protein/F-protein) (ARFP/F) (Frameshifted protein) (p16) (p17)
POLG_HCV77 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

2 entries

Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 (isolate Human/China/HeBei/1987) (HEV) reference strain

POLN_HEVCH Non-structural polyprotein pORF1 [Includes: Methyltransferase (EC 2.1.1.-) (EC 2.7.7.-); Putative ...
ORF3_HEVCH Protein ORF3 (pORF3) (Vp13)

2 entries

Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) reference strain

R1A_CVH22 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVH22 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63) reference strain

R1A_CVHNL Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVHNL Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Human cytomegalovirus (strain AD169) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5) reference strain

VPAP_HCMVA DNA polymerase processivity factor (Polymerase accessory protein) (PAP) (Protein ICP36)
PP65_HCMVA 65 kDa phosphoprotein (pp65) (65 kDa matrix phosphoprotein) (Phosphoprotein UL83) (Tegument protein ...

2 entries

Human cytomegalovirus (strain Merlin) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5) reference strain

VPAP_HCMVM DNA polymerase processivity factor (Polymerase accessory protein) (PAP) (Protein ICP36)
PP65_HCMVM 65 kDa phosphoprotein (pp65) (65 kDa matrix phosphoprotein) (Phosphoprotein UL83) (Tegument protein ...

2 entries

Human metapneumovirus (strain CAN97-83) (HMPV) reference strain

VGLG_HMPVC Major surface glycoprotein G (Attachment glycoprotein G) (Membrane-bound glycoprotein) (mG)
M22_HMPVC Protein M2-2

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Goose/Guangdong/1/1996 H5N1 genotype Gs/Gd) reference strain

PB1F2_I96A0 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I96A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (isolate United Kingdom/H123990006/2012) (MERS-CoV) (Betacoronavirus England 1) reference strain

R1A_MERS1 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor nsp1 ...
ORF4B_MERS1 Non-structural protein ORF4b (ORF4b)

2 entries

Porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (strain Purdue) (TGEV) reference strain

R1A_CVPPU Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVPPU Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Puumala virus (strain Sotkamo/V-2969/81) reference strain

GP_PUUMS Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...
NSS_PUUMS Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

2 entries

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) reference strain

R1A_SARS Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor nsp1 ...
ORF9B_SARS ORF9b protein (Accessory protein 9b) (ORF-9b) (Protein 9b)

1 entry

Alethinophid 1 reptarenavirus (isolate AlRrV1/Boa/USA/BC/2009) (Golden Gate virus) reference strain

NCAP_GOGV Nucleoprotein (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Bat coronavirus HKU9 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/HKU9) reference strain

R1A_BCHK9 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Borna disease virus (strain V) (BDV) reference strain

PHOSP_BDVV Phosphoprotein (P protein) (p23) (p24)

1 entry

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (isolate NADL) (BVDV) (Mucosal disease virus) reference strain

POLG_BVDVN Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

1 entry

Cupixi mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Brasil/BeAn 119303/1970) (CPXV) reference strain

NCAP_CPXVB Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Dengue virus type 1 (strain Nauru/West Pac/1974) (DENV-1) reference strain

POLG_DEN1W Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Capsid protein) (Core protein); Protein prM ...

1 entry

Encephalomyocarditis virus (strain Rueckert) (EMCV) reference strain

POLG_EMCVR Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Equine herpesvirus 1 (strain Ab4p) (EHV-1) (Equine abortion virus) reference strain

ICP0_EHV1B E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ICP0 (EC (RING-type E3 ubiquitin transferase ICP0)

1 entry

Feline coronavirus (strain FIPV WSU-79/1146) (FCoV) reference strain

R1AB_FIPV Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

1 entry

Hantaan virus (strain 76-118) (Korean hemorrhagic fever virus) reference strain

GP_HANTV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...

1 entry

Hendra virus (isolate Horse/Autralia/Hendra/1994) reference strain

V_HENDH Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype adr (isolate Japan/Nishioka/1983) (HBV-C) reference strain

DPOL_HBVC1 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayr (isolate Human/Japan/Okamoto/-) (HBV-C) reference strain

DPOL_HBVCJ Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate France/Tiollais/1979) (HBV-D) reference strain

DPOL_HBVD3 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate Japan/JYW796/1988) (HBV-D) reference strain

DPOL_HBVD4 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Human coronavirus HKU1 (isolate N5) (HCoV-HKU1) reference strain

R1A_CVHN5 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43) reference strain

R1A_CVHOC Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Human hepatitis A virus genotype IB (isolate HM175) (HHAV) (Human hepatitis A virus (isolate Human/Australia/HM175/1976)) reference strain

POLG_HAVHM Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human papillomavirus 30 reference strain

VE6_HPV30 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus 31 reference strain

VE6_HPV31 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus 35 reference strain

VE6_HPV35 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus 39 reference strain

VE6_HPV39 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus type 16 reference strain

1 entry

Human papillomavirus type 18 reference strain

1 entry

Human papillomavirus type 26 reference strain

VE6_HPV26 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus type 34 reference strain

VE6_HPV34 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus type 70 reference strain

VE6_HPV70 Protein E6

1 entry

Human parainfluenza 2 virus (strain Toshiba) (HPIV-2) reference strain

V_PI2HT Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Human rhinovirus A serotype 89 (strain 41467-Gallo) (HRV-89) reference strain

POLG_HRV8A Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Aichi/2/1968 H3N2) reference strain

NS1_I68A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza C virus (strain C/Ann Arbor/1/1950) reference strain

NS1_INCAA Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) (JCV) reference strain

ST_POVJC Small t antigen (ST) (ST-AG)

1 entry

Lassa virus (strain Mouse/Sierra Leone/Josiah/1976) (LASV) reference strain

NCAP_LASSJ Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Latino mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Bolivia/MARU 1924/1965) (LATV) reference strain

NCAP_LATVB Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (strain Armstrong) (LCMV) reference strain

NCAP_LYCVA Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Measles virus (strain Ichinose-B95a) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus) reference strain

V_MEASC Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Mumps virus (strain Miyahara vaccine) (MuV) reference strain

V_MUMPM Non-structural protein V (Non-structural protein NS1)

1 entry

Murine coronavirus (strain 2) (MHV-2) (Murine hepatitis virus) reference strain

R1A_CVM2 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Murine coronavirus (strain A59) (MHV-A59) (Murine hepatitis virus) reference strain

R1A_CVMA5 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Murine pneumonia virus (strain 15) (MPV) reference strain

NS2_MPV15 Non-structural protein 2 (NS2) (Non-structural protein 1B)

1 entry

Newcastle disease virus (strain Chicken/United States/B1/48) (NDV) reference strain

V_NDVB1 Protein V

1 entry

Oliveros mammarenavirus (isolate Mouse/Argentina/RIID 3229/1990) (OLVV) reference strain

NCAP_OLVVA Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Parainfluenza virus 5 (strain W3) (PIV5) (Simian virus 5) reference strain

V_PIV5 Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Parana mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Paraguay/12056/1965) (PARV) (Paran mammarenavirus) reference strain

NCAP_PARVP Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Pirital mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Venezuela/VAV-488/1995) (PIRV) reference strain

NCAP_PIRVV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Poliovirus type 1 (strain Mahoney) reference strain

POLG_POL1M Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (strain Lelystad) (PRRSV) reference strain

NCAP_PRRSL Nucleoprotein (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Monkey/South Africa/SA11-H96/1958/G3P5B[2]) (RV-A) (Simian Agent 11 (isolate SI/South Africa/H96/58)) reference strain

NSP1_ROTSH Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United States/D/1974/G1P1A[8]) (RV-A) reference strain

NSP1_ROTAD Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/SA11-Both/G3P5B[2]) (RV-A) (Simian Agent 11 (strain Both)) reference strain

NSP1_ROTS1 Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus C (isolate RVC/Human/United Kingdom/Bristol/1989) (RV-C) reference strain

NSP1_ROTHC Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

SFTS phlebovirus (isolate SFTSV/Human/China/HB29/2010) (Severe fever with thrombocytopenia virus) reference strain

NSS_SFTSV Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

1 entry

Seneca Valley virus (isolate -/United States/SSV-001/2002) (SVV) reference strain

POLG_SVV1 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 ...

1 entry

Simian virus 41 (SV41) reference strain

V_SV41 Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Tacaribe virus (strain Franze-Fernandez) (TCRV) reference strain

NCAP_TACVF Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Thogoto virus (isolate SiAr 126) (Tho) reference strain

ML_THOGV Protein ML (ML)

1 entry

Toscana virus (Tos) reference strain

NSS_TOSV Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

1 entry

Tupaia paramyxovirus (TPMV) reference strain

V_TPMV Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Uukuniemi virus (strain S23) (UUKV) reference strain

NSS_UUKS Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

1 entry

Whitewater Arroyo mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/United States/AV 9310135/1995) (WWAV) reference strain

NCAP_WWAVU Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 8) (WHV) reference strain

DPOL_WHV5 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Zaire ebolavirus (strain Mayinga-76) (ZEBOV) (Zaire Ebola virus) reference strain

VP35_EBOZM Polymerase cofactor VP35 (Ebola VP35) (eVP35)

6 entries

African swine fever virus (isolate Pig/Kenya/KEN-50/1950) (ASFV)

P14_ASFK5 Protein p14.5 (pE120R)
36011_ASFK5 Protein MGF 360-11L
36014_ASFK5 Protein MGF 360-14L
M1249_ASFK5 Minor capsid protein M1249L (pM1249L)
VF301_ASFK5 Uncharacterized protein E301R
VF267_ASFK5 Protein I267L (pI267L)

6 entries

African swine fever virus (isolate Tick/Malawi/Lil 20-1/1983) (ASFV)

M1249_ASFM2 Minor capsid protein M1249L (pM1249L)
36011_ASFM2 Protein MGF 360-11L
36014_ASFM2 Protein MGF 360-14L
VF301_ASFM2 Uncharacterized protein E301R
P14_ASFM2 Structural protein p14.5
VF267_ASFM2 Protein I267L (pI267L)

6 entries

African swine fever virus (isolate Tick/South Africa/Pretoriuskop Pr4/1996) (ASFV)

36011_ASFP4 Protein MGF 360-11L
36014_ASFP4 Protein MGF 360-14L
P14_ASFP4 Structural protein p14.5
M1249_ASFP4 Minor capsid protein M1249L (pM1249L)
VF301_ASFP4 Uncharacterized protein E301R
VF267_ASFP4 Protein I267L (pI267L)

5 entries

African swine fever virus (isolate Warthog/Namibia/Wart80/1980) (ASFV)

36014_ASFWA Protein MGF 360-14L
P14_ASFWA Structural protein p14.5
M1249_ASFWA Minor capsid protein M1249L (pM1249L)
VF301_ASFWA Uncharacterized protein E301R
VF267_ASFWA Protein I267L (pI267L)

3 entries

Andes orthohantavirus (ANDV) (Andes virus)

NCAP_ANDV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.-.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)
GP_ANDV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...
NSS_ANDV Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

3 entries

Human respiratory syncytial virus

NCAP_HRSV Nucleoprotein (Protein N) (Nucleocapsid protein)
NS2_HRSV Non-structural protein 2 (NS2) (Non-structural protein 1B)
NS1_HRSV Non-structural protein 1 (Non-structural protein 1C)

3 entries

Human respiratory syncytial virus A (strain A2)

NCAP_HRSVA Nucleoprotein (Protein N) (Nucleocapsid protein)
NS1_HRSVA Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (Non-structural protein 1C)
NS2_HRSVA Non-structural protein 2 (NS2) (Non-structural protein 1B)

3 entries

Human respiratory syncytial virus B (strain 18537)

NCAP_HRSV1 Nucleoprotein (Protein N) (Nucleocapsid protein)
NS1_HRSV1 Non-structural protein 1 (Non-structural protein 1C)
NS2_HRSV1 Non-structural protein 2 (NS2) (Non-structural protein 1B)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Ann Arbor/6/1960 H2N2)

PB1F2_I60A0 Protein PB1-F2
PB2_I60A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I60A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Beijing/39/1975 H3N2)

PB2_I75A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I75A0 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I75A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Brevig Mission/1/1918 H1N1) (Influenza A virus (strain A/South Carolina/1/1918 H1N1))

PB2_I18A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I18A0 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I18A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Duck/Germany/1949 H10N7)

PB2_I49A1 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I49A1 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I49A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Henry/1936 H1N1)

NS1_I36A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I36A0 Protein PB1-F2
PB2_I36A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Hickox/1940 H1N1)

PB2_I40A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I40A0 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I40A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Hong Kong/1/1968 H3N2)

NS1_I68A4 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I68A4 Protein PB1-F2
PB2_I68A4 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Hong Kong/5/1983 H3N2)

PB2_I83A8 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I83A8 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I83A8 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/1/1971 H3N2)

PB2_I71A1 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I71A1 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I71A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/101/1972 H3N2)

PB2_I72A4 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I72A4 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I72A4 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/102/1972 H3N2)

PB2_I72A3 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I72A3 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I72A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/110/1976 H3N2)

PB2_I76A6 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I76A6 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I76A6 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/18/1978 H3N2)

PB2_I78A8 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I78A8 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I78A8 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/2/1978 H3N2)

PB2_I78A7 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I78A7 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I78A7 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/4/1980 H3N2)

PB2_I80A4 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I80A4 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I80A4 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Port Chalmers/1/1973 H3N2)

PB2_I73A5 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
PB1F2_I73A5 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I73A5 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Russia:St.Petersburg/8/2006 H1N1)

NS1_I06A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I06A0 Protein PB1-F2
PB2_I06A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Colorado/1/1977 H3N2)

PB1F2_I77A4 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I77A4 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I77A4 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Huston/AA/1945 H1N1)

NS1_I45A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I45A0 Protein PB1-F2
PB2_I45A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Iowa/1943 H1N1)

NS1_I43A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I43A0 Protein PB1-F2
PB2_I43A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Phila/1935 H1N1)

NS1_I35A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I35A3 Protein PB1-F2
PB2_I35A3 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

3 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Wilson-Smith/1933 H1N1) (Influenza A virus (strain A/WS/1933 H1N1))

PB2_I33A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I33A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I33A0 Protein PB1-F2

3 entries

Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (strain CV777) (PEDV)

R1A_PEDV7 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_PEDV7 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...
VEMP_PEDV7 Envelope small membrane protein (E protein) (sM protein)

2 entries

Bat coronavirus 512/2005 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/512/2005)

R1A_BC512 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BC512 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Epstein-Barr virus (strain GD1) (HHV-4) (Human gammaherpesvirus 4)

KR2_EBVG Serine/threonine-protein kinase BGLF4 (EC
LMP1_EBVG Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) (Protein p63)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Brazil/11/1978 H1N1)

NS1_I77AA Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I77AA Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/31.2/2002 H5N1 genotype X1)

PB1F2_I02A2 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I02A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/37.4/2002 H5N1 genotype X2)

PB1F2_I02A3 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I02A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/715.5/2001 H5N1 genotype E)

PB1F2_I01A3 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I01A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/96.1/2002 H5N1 genotype Y)

PB1F2_I02A5 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I02A5 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/FY150/2001 H5N1 genotype D)

PB1F2_I01A2 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I01A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/YU22/2002 H5N1 genotype Z)

PB1F2_I02A6 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I02A6 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/YU562/2001 H5N1 genotype B)

PB1F2_I01A1 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I01A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Pennsylvania/1/1983 H5N2)

PB1F2_I83A5 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I83A5 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Pennsylvania/1370/1983 H5N2)

NS1_I83A6 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I83A6 Protein PB1-F2

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Scotland/1959 H5N1)

PB1F2_I59A0 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I59A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Shantou/4231/2003 H5N1 genotype V)

PB1F2_I03A1 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I03A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Victoria/1/1985 H7N7)

PB1F2_I85A3 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I85A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chile/1/1983 H1N1)

PB2_I83A1 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I83A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/China:Nanchang/11/1996 H1N1)

PB2_I96A3 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I96A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Duck/Czechoslovakia/1956 H4N6)

NS1_I56A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I56A1 Protein PB1-F2

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Duck/England/1/1956 H11N6)

NS1_I56A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I56A2 Protein PB1-F2

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Duck/Hokkaido/8/1980 H3N8)

NS1_I80A6 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I80A6 Protein PB1-F2

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Duck/Hong Kong/2986.1/2000 H5N1 genotype C)

PB1F2_I00A0 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I00A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/England/878/1969 H3N2)

NS1_I69A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I69A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Fort Monmouth/1/1947 H1N1)

NS1_I47A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I47A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Grey teal/Australia/2/1979 H4N4)

PB1F2_I79A7 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I79A7 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Guinea fowl/Hong Kong/38/2002 H5N1 genotype X0)

PB1F2_I02A1 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I02A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Gull/Maryland/704/1977 H13N6)

PB1F2_I77AF Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I77AF Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Hong Kong/156/1997 H5N1 genotype Gs/Gd)

NS1_I97A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I97A1 Protein PB1-F2

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Hong Kong/212/2003 H5N1 genotype Z+)

PB1F2_I03A0 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I03A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/India/6263/1980 H1N1)

NS1_I80AA Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I80AA Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Japan/305/1957 H2N2)

NS1_I57A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I57A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Korea/426/1968 H2N2)

PB2_I68A5 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I68A5 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningrad/134/17/1957 H2N2)

PB2_I57A2 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I57A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningrad/134/1957 H2N2)

PB2_I57A1 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I57A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningrad/134/47/1957 H2N2)

PB2_I57A3 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I57A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Malaysia:Malaya/302/1954 H1N1)

NS1_I54A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I54A2 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/New Zealand:South Canterbury/35/2000 H1N1)

PB2_I00A1 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I00A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Qu/7/1970 H3N2)

NS1_I70A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I70A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Seal/Massachusetts/1/1980 H7N7)

PB1F2_I80A2 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I80A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Silky Chicken/Hong Kong/SF189/2001 H5N1 genotype A)

PB1F2_I01A0 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I01A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Silky Chicken/Hong Kong/YU100/2002 H5N1 genotype X3)

PB1F2_I02A4 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I02A4 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Singapore/1/1957 H2N2)

PB2_I57A5 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I57A5 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Iowa/15/1930 H1N1)

NS1_I30A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I30A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Wisconsin/1/1961 H1N1)

PB2_I61A1 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
NS1_I61A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Tokyo/3/1967 H2N2)

NS1_I67A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I67A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Ireland/1378/1983 H5N8)

NS1_I83A4 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I83A4 Protein PB1-F2

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Minnesota/501/1978 H6N8)

PB1F2_I78AC Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I78AC Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Minnesota/833/1980 H4N2)

PB1F2_I80A8 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I80A8 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Ontario/6118/1968 H8N4)

PB1F2_I68A3 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I68A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Ontario/7732/1966 H5N9)

NS1_I66A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB1F2_I66A0 Protein PB1-F2

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Wisconsin/1/1966 H9N2)

PB1F2_I66A1 Protein PB1-F2
NS1_I66A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Albany/12/1951 H1N1)

NS1_I51A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I51A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

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Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Memphis/10/1996 H1N1)

NS1_I96A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I96A2 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

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Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Texas/UR06-0195/2007 H1N1)

NS1_I07A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I07A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USSR/90/1977 H1N1)

NS1_I77AB Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I77AB Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Udorn/307/1972 H3N2)

NS1_I72A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I72A2 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/X-31 H3N2)

NS1_I000X Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PB2_I000X Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

2 entries

Ovine respiratory syncytial virus (strain WSU 83-1578) (ORSV)

NS1_ORSVW Non-structural protein 1 (Non-structural protein 1C)
NS2_ORSVW Non-structural protein 2 (NS2) (Non-structural protein 1B)

2 entries

Puumala virus (strain Bank vole/Russia/CG1820/1984)

GP_PUUMG Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...
NSS_PUUMG Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

2 entries

Tula orthohantavirus (TULV) (Tula virus)

GP_TULV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...
NSS_TULV Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

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Variola virus

PG067_VARV Protein OPG067 (Protein E5)
PG036_VARV Protein OPG036 (Protein N2)

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Allpahuayo mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Peru/CLHP-2472/1997) (ALLV)

NCAP_ALLVP Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

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Arctic squirrel hepatitis virus (ASHV)

DPOL_ASHV Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Bat coronavirus 133/2005 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/133/2005)

R1A_BC133 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Bat coronavirus 279/2005 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/279/2005)

R1A_BC279 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Bat coronavirus HKU3 (BtCoV) (SARS-like coronavirus HKU3)

R1A_BCHK3 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Bat coronavirus Rp3/2004 (BtCoV/Rp3/2004) (SARS-like coronavirus Rp3)

R1A_BCRP3 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

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Bear Canyon mammarenavirus (isolate Mouse/United States/AV A0070039/2000) (BCNV)

NCAP_BCNVU Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

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Black Creek Canal orthohantavirus (BCCV) (Black Creek Canal virus)

GP_BCCV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...

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Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1)

PHOSP_BDV1 Phosphoprotein (P protein) (p23) (p24)

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Bovine coronavirus (strain 98TXSF-110-ENT) (BCoV-ENT) (BCV)

R1A_CVBEN Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Bovine coronavirus (strain 98TXSF-110-LUN) (BCoV-LUN) (BCV)

R1A_CVBLU Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Bovine coronavirus (strain Mebus) (BCoV) (BCV)

R1A_CVBM Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Bovine coronavirus (strain Quebec) (BCoV) (BCV)

R1A_CVBQ Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

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Bovine enterovirus (strain VG-5-27) (BEV)

POLG_BOVEV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Bovine herpesvirus 1.1 (strain Cooper) (BoHV-1) (Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus)

ICP0_BHV1C E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ICP0 (EC (IER 2.9/ER2.6) (P135 protein) (RING-type E3 ...

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Bovine herpesvirus 1.2 (strain K22) (BoHV-1) (Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus)

ICP0_BHV1K E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ICP0 (EC (IER 2.9/ER2.6) (P135 protein) (RING-type E3 ...

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Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (strain 391-2) (BRS)

NCAP_BRSV3 Nucleoprotein (Protein N) (Nucleocapsid protein)

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Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (strain Rb94) (BRS)

NCAP_BRSVR Nucleoprotein (Protein N) (Nucleocapsid protein)

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Bovine viral diarrhea virus (strain CP7) (BVDV) (Mucosal disease virus)

POLG_BVDVC Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

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Bovine viral diarrhea virus (strain SD-1) (BVDV) (Mucosal disease virus)

POLG_BVDVS Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

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Chapare mammarenavirus (isolate Human/Bolivia/810419/2003)

NCAP_CHAVB Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

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Chimpanzee hepatitis B virus (isolate United Kingdom/LSH/1988) (HBVcpz)

DPOL_HBVCP Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Classical swine fever virus (strain Alfort/Tuebingen) (CSFV) (Hog cholera virus)

POLG_CSFAT Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

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Classical swine fever virus (strain Brescia) (CSFV) (Hog cholera virus)

POLG_CSFVB Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

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Coxsackievirus A16 (strain G-10)

POLG_CX16G Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus A16 (strain Tainan/5079/98)

POLG_CX16T Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus A21 (strain Coe)

POLG_CXA21 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus A24 (strain EH24/70)

POLG_CXA24 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus A9 (strain Griggs)

POLG_CXA9 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B1 (strain Japan)

POLG_CXB1J Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P3; Protein 3AB; P2; P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B2 (strain Ohio-1)

POLG_CXB2O Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B3 (strain Nancy)

POLG_CXB3N Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B3 (strain Woodruff)

POLG_CXB3W Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B4 (strain E2)

POLG_CXB4E Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B4 (strain JVB / Benschoten / New York/51)

POLG_CXB4J Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B5 (strain Peterborough / 1954/UK/85)

POLG_CXB5P Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B6 (strain Schmitt)

POLG_CXB6S Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

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Dengue virus type 1 (strain Brazil/97-11/1997) (DENV-1)

POLG_DEN1B Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small envelope ...

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Dengue virus type 1 (strain Singapore/S275/1990) (DENV-1)

POLG_DEN1S Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 2 (isolate Thailand/0168/1979) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN28 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 2 (strain 16681-PDK53) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN27 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 2 (strain Jamaica/1409/1983) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN2J Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 2 (strain Peru/IQT2913/1996) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN2Q Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 2 (strain Puerto Rico/PR159-S1/1969) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN2P Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 2 (strain Thailand/16681/1984) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN26 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 2 (strain Thailand/NGS-C/1944) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN2N Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 3 (strain China/80-2/1980) (DENV-3)

POLG_DEN3C Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 3 (strain Martinique/1243/1999) (DENV-3)

POLG_DEN3M Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 3 (strain Philippines/H87/1956) (DENV-3)

POLG_DEN3P Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 3 (strain Singapore/8120/1995) (DENV-3)

POLG_DEN3I Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 3 (strain Sri Lanka/1266/2000) (DENV-3)

POLG_DEN3S Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 4 (strain Dominica/814669/1981) (DENV-4)

POLG_DEN4D Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 4 (strain Philippines/H241/1956) (DENV-4)

POLG_DEN4P Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 4 (strain Singapore/8976/1995) (DENV-4)

POLG_DEN4S Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 4 (strain Thailand/0348/1991) (DENV-4)

POLG_DEN4T Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dengue virus type 4 (strain Thailand/0476/1997) (DENV-4)

POLG_DEN4H Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Dobrava-Belgrade orthohantavirus (DOBV) (Dobrava virus)

GP_DOBV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...

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Echovirus 1 (strain Human/Egypt/Farouk/1951) (E-1)

POLG_EC01F Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 11 (strain Gregory)

POLG_EC11G Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 12 (strain Travis)

POLG_EC12T Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

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Echovirus 30 (strain Bastianni)

POLG_EC30B Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

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Echovirus 5 (strain Noyce)

POLG_EC05N Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 6 (strain Charles)

POLG_EC06C Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 9 (strain Barty)

POLG_EC09B Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 9 (strain Hill)

POLG_EC09H Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

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Encephalomyocarditis virus

POLG_EMCV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...

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Encephalomyocarditis virus (strain emc-b nondiabetogenic)

POLG_EMCVB Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...

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Encephalomyocarditis virus (strain emc-d diabetogenic)

POLG_EMCVD Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...

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Epstein-Barr virus (strain Cao) (HHV-4) (Human herpesvirus 4)

LMP1_EBVC Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) (Protein p63)

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Epstein-Barr virus (strain Raji) (HHV-4) (Human herpesvirus 4)

LMP1_EBVR Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) (Protein p63)

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Equine herpesvirus 1 (strain V592) (EHV-1) (Equine abortion virus)

ICP0_EHV1V E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ICP0 (EC (Infected cell protein 0) (RING-type E3 ubiquitin ...

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Gibbon hepatitis B virus subtype ayw3q (isolate Hope) (HBVgbn)

DPOL_HBVGB Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Gorilla hepatitis B virus (isolate Cameroon/gor97) (HBVgor)

DPOL_HBVGO Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Ground squirrel hepatitis virus (strain 27) (GSHV)

DPOL_GSHV Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Guanarito mammarenavirus (isolate Human/Venezuela/NH-95551/1990) (GTOV)

NCAP_GTOVV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

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Hantaan virus (strain B-1) (Korean hemorrhagic fever virus)

GP_HANTB Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

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Hantaan virus (strain Hojo) (Hojo virus) (Korean hemorrhagic fever virus)

GP_HANTH Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

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Hantaan virus (strain Lee) (Lee virus) (Korean hemorrhagic fever virus)

GP_HANTL Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

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Heartland virus (HTRV)

NSS_HTRV Non-structural protein NS-S (NSs)

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Hepatitis B virus genotype A1 subtype adw (isolate Philippines/pFDW294/1988) (HBV-A)

DPOL_HBVA5 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype A1 subtype adw2 (isolate South Africa/84/2001) (HBV-A)

DPOL_HBVA6 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 (isolate Japan/11D11HCCW/1998) (HBV-A)

DPOL_HBVA7 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw (isolate Japan/Nishioka/1983) (HBV-A)

DPOL_HBVA2 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (isolate Germany/991/1990) (HBV-A)

DPOL_HBVA4 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (strain Rutter 1979) (HBV-A)

DPOL_HBVA3 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype A3 (isolate Cameroon/CMR711/1994) (HBV-A)

DPOL_HBVA9 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype A3 (isolate Cameroon/CMR983/1994) (HBV-A)

DPOL_HBVA8 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B/C subtype adw (isolate Okinawa/pODW282/1998) (HBV-B)

DPOL_HBVB4 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B1 (isolate Japan/Ry30/2002) (HBV-B)

DPOL_HBVB8 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B1 (isolate Japan/Yamagata-2/1998) (HBV-B)

DPOL_HBVB7 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B1 subtype adw (isolate Japan/pJDW233/1988) (HBV-B)

DPOL_HBVB1 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B2 (isolate Indonesia/pIDW420/1988) (HBV-B)

DPOL_HBVB2 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B2 (isolate Vietnam/16091/1992) (HBV-B)

DPOL_HBVB5 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B2 (isolate Vietnam/9873/1997) (HBV-B)

DPOL_HBVB3 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype B2 subtype adw (isolate China/patient4/1996) (HBV-B)

DPOL_HBVB6 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C (isolate Vietnam/3270/2000) (HBV-C)

DPOL_HBVC0 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ad (isolate Japan/S-179/1988) (HBV-C)

DPOL_HBVC5 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype adr (isolate Japan/A4/1994) (HBV-C)

DPOL_HBVC8 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype adr (isolate Korea/Kim/1989) (HBV-C)

DPOL_HBVC4 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype adr (strain Japan/adr4/1983) (HBV-C)

DPOL_HBVC3 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ar (isolate Japan/S-207/1988) (HBV-C)

DPOL_HBVC2 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

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Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayw (isolate Australia/AustRC/1992) (HBV-C)

DPOL_HBVC9 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayw (isolate China/Tibet127/2002) (HBV-C)

DPOL_HBVC7 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype D (isolate France/alpha1/1989) (HBV-D)

DPOL_HBVD2 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype D (isolate Germany/1-91/1991) (HBV-D)

DPOL_HBVD7 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate Australia/AustKW/1991) (HBV-D)

DPOL_HBVD5 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate Italy/CI/1992) (HBV-D)

DPOL_HBVD6 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype E (isolate Chimpanzee/Ch195/1999) (HBV-E)

DPOL_HBVE3 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype E (isolate Cote d'Ivoire/ABI-129/2003) (HBV-E)

DPOL_HBVE2 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype E (isolate Cote d'Ivoire/ABI-212/2003) (HBV-E)

DPOL_HBVE4 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype E subtype ayw4 (isolate Kou) (HBV-E)

DPOL_HBVE1 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype F1 (isolate Argentina/sa11/2000) (HBV-F)

DPOL_HBVF3 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype F1 subtype adw4 (isolate El Salvador/1116Sal/1997) (HBV-F)

DPOL_HBVF2 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Argentina/sa16/2000) (HBV-F)

DPOL_HBVF4 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Brazil/w4B) (HBV-F)

DPOL_HBVF1 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 subtype adw4q (isolate Senegal/9203) (HBV-F)

DPOL_HBVF6 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype G (isolate IG29227/2000) (HBV-G)

DPOL_HBVG3 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype G (isolate United States/USG17/2002) (HBV-G)

DPOL_HBVG2 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype H (isolate United States/LAS2523/2002) (HBV-H)

DPOL_HBVH1 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype H subtype adw4 (isolate Nicaragua/1853Nic/1997) (HBV-H)

DPOL_HBVH2 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis B virus genotype H subtype adw4 (isolate Nicaragua/2928Nic/1997) (HBV-H)

DPOL_HBVH3 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a (isolate 1) (HCV)

POLG_HCV1 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate BK) (HCV)

POLG_HCVBK Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate Con1) (HCV)

POLG_HCVCO Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate HC-J1) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJ1 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate HC-JT) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJT Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate HCR6) (HCV)

POLG_HCVR6 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate Japanese) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate Taiwan) (HCV)

POLG_HCVTW Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (strain HC-J4) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJ4 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1c (isolate HC-G9) (HCV)

POLG_HCVH9 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1c (isolate India) (HCV)

POLG_HCVIN Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2a (isolate HC-J6) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJ6 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2a (isolate JFH-1) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJF Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2b (isolate HC-J8) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJ8 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2b (isolate JPUT971017) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJP Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2c (isolate BEBE1) (HCV)

POLG_HCVBB Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2k (isolate VAT96) (HCV)

POLG_HCVVA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 3a (isolate NZL1) (HCV)

POLG_HCVNZ Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 3a (isolate k3a) (HCV)

POLG_HCVK3 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 3b (isolate Tr-Kj) (HCV)

POLG_HCVTR Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 3k (isolate JK049) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJK Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 4a (isolate ED43) (HCV)

POLG_HCVED Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 5a (isolate EUH1480) (HCV)

POLG_HCVEV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 5a (isolate SA13) (HCV)

POLG_HCVSA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6a (isolate 6a33) (HCV)

POLG_HCV6A Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6a (isolate EUHK2) (HCV)

POLG_HCVEU Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6b (isolate Th580) (HCV)

POLG_HCVT5 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6d (isolate VN235) (HCV)

POLG_HCVVN Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6g (isolate JK046) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJL Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6h (isolate VN004) (HCV)

POLG_HCVVP Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6k (isolate VN405) (HCV)

POLG_HCVVO Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis GB virus B (GBV-B) (GB virus B)

POLG_GBVB Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein; Envelope glycoprotein E1; Envelope glycoprotein E2 ...

1 entry

Human coronavirus HKU1 (isolate N1) (HCoV-HKU1)

R1A_CVHN1 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Human coronavirus HKU1 (isolate N2) (HCoV-HKU1)

R1A_CVHN2 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

Human enterovirus 70 (strain J670/71) (EV70) (EV-70)

POLG_HE701 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human enterovirus 71 (EV71) (EV-71)

POLG_HE71 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human enterovirus 71 (strain 7423/MS/87) (EV71) (EV-71)

POLG_HE71M Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human enterovirus 71 (strain USA/BrCr/1970) (EV71) (EV-71)

POLG_HE71B Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human enterovirus D68 (EV68) (EV-68)

POLG_HED68 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human hepatitis A virus genotype IA (isolate GBM) (HHAV) (Human hepatitis A virus (isolate Human/Germany/GBM/1976))

POLG_HAVGB Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human hepatitis A virus genotype IA (isolate H2) (HHAV) (Human hepatitis A virus (isolate Human/China/H2/1982))

POLG_HAVH2 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human hepatitis A virus genotype IA (isolate LA) (HHAV) (Human hepatitis A virus (isolate Human/Northern California/LA/1974))

POLG_HAVLA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human hepatitis A virus genotype IB (isolate MBB) (HHAV) (Human hepatitis A virus (isolate Human/Northern Africa/MBB/1978))

POLG_HAVMB Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human hepatitis A virus genotype IIA (isolate CF-53) (HHAV) (Human hepatitis A virus (isolate Human/France/CF-53/1979))

POLG_HAVCF Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human hepatitis A virus genotype IIB (isolate SLF88) (HHAV) (Human hepatitis A virus (isolate Human/Sierra Leone/SLF88/1988))

POLG_HAV88 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human hepatitis A virus genotype IIIA (isolate NOR-21) (HHAV) (Human hepatitis A virus (isolate Human/Norway/NOR-21/1998))

POLG_HAVNO Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human hepatitis A virus genotype IIIB (isolate HAJ85-1) (HHAV) (Human hepatitis A virus (isolate Human/Japan/HAJ85-1/1985))

POLG_HAVJ8 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain CVG-2) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

ICP34_HHV1D Neurovirulence factor ICP34.5 (Infected cell protein 34.5) (protein gamma(1)34.5)

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain F) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

ICP34_HHV1F Neurovirulence factor ICP34.5 (Infected cell protein 34.5) (protein gamma(1)34.5)

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain MGH-10) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

ICP34_HHV1N Neurovirulence factor ICP34.5 (Infected cell protein 34.5) (protein gamma(1)34.5)

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain MP) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

RNB_HHV1M RNA-binding protein (Vmw21)

1 entry

Human papillomavirus 33

VE6_HPV33 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus 45

VE6_HPV45 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus 51

VE6_HPV51 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus 52

VE6_HPV52 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus 58

VE6_HPV58 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus 68

VE6_HPV68 Protein E6

1 entry

Human papillomavirus 69

VE6_HPV69 Protein E6

1 entry

Human parainfluenza 2 virus (HPIV-2)

V_PI2H Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Human parainfluenza 4a virus (strain Toshiba) (HPIV-4a)

V_PI4HA Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Human parainfluenza 4b virus (strain 68-333) (HPIV-4b)

V_PI4HB Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus A (strain S-2) (HRSV-S2)

NS1_HRSS2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (Non-structural protein 1C)

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 14 (HRV-14)

POLG_HRV14 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 16 (HRV-16)

POLG_HRV16 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 1A (HRV-1A)

POLG_HRV1A Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 1B (HRV-1B)

POLG_HRV1B Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 2 (HRV-2)

POLG_HRV2 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 3 (HRV-3)

POLG_HRV3 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus C (strain C15) (HRV-C15)

POLG_HRV15 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Alaska/6/1977 H3N2)

NS1_I77A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Anas acuta/Primorje/695/1976 H2N3)

NS1_I76A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Beijing/352/1989 H3N2)

NS1_I89A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Blue-winged teal/Minnesota/993/1980 H6N6)

NS1_I80AE Non-structural protein 1 (NS1)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Budgerigar/Hokkaido/1/1977 H4N6)

NS1_I77AG Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Brescia/1902 H7N7)

NS1_I02A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Germany/n/1949 H10N7)

NS1_I49A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/220/1997 H5N1 genotype Gs/Gd)

NS1_I97A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Duck/Alberta/60/1976 H12N5)

NS1_I76A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Equine/Alaska/1/1991 H3N8)

NS1_I91A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Equine/Jillin/1/1989 H3N8)

NS1_I89A7 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Equine/London/1416/1973 H7N7)

NS1_I73A4 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Equine/New Market/1/1977 H7N7)

NS1_I77A9 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Equine/Prague/1/1956 H7N7)

NS1_I56A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Equine/Tennessee/5/1986 H3N8)

NS1_I86A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Fort Warren/1/1950 H1N1)

NS1_I50A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Fowl plague virus/Rostock/8/1934 H7N1)

NS1_I34A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Goose/Guangxi/345/2005 H5N1 genotype G)

PB1F2_I05A1 Protein PB1-F2

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Gull/Maryland/1824/1978 H13N6)

NS1_I78AF Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Gull/Massachusetts/26/1980 H13N6)

NS1_I80AC Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Gull/Minnesota/945/1980 H13N6)

NS1_I80AD Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Herring gull/DE/677/1988 H2N8)

NS1_I88A4 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Kiev/59/1979 H1N1)

PB2_I79A4 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Kitakyushu/159/1993 H3N2)

PB2_I93A0 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningrad/1/1954 H1N1)

NS1_I54A0 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Mallard/Alberta/827/1978 H8N4)

NS1_I78A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Mallard/Alberta/88/1976 H3N8)

NS1_I76A5 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Mallard/New York/6750/1978 H2N2)

NS1_I78A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Mallard/New York/6874/1978 H3N2)

NS1_I78A4 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Mallard/Ohio/556/1987 H5N9)

NS1_I87A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/8/1988 H3N2)

PB2_I88A3 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Northern Territory/60/1968 H3N2) (Influenza A virus (strain NT60)) (Influenza A virus (strain A/NT/60/1968 H3N2))

PB2_I68A6 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Pintail/Alberta/119/1979 H4N6)

NS1_I79A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Pintail/Alberta/121/1979 H7N8)

NS1_I79A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Pintail/Alberta/268/1978 H6N2)

NS1_I78AA Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Pintail/Alberta/358/1979 H3N6)

NS1_I79A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Ruddy Turnstone/New Jersey/47/1985 H4N6)

NS1_I85A7 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Seal/Massachusetts/133/1982 H4N5)

NS1_I82A3 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Shearwater/Australia/1972 H6N5)

NS1_I72A5 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Tennessee/24/1977 H1N1)

PB2_I77AC Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Wisconsin/1/1967 H1N1)

PB2_I67A2 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Teal/China/2978.1/2002 H5N1 genotype W)

PB1F2_I02A7 Protein PB1-F2

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Tern/Turkmenia/18/1972 H3N3)

NS1_I72A6 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Bethlehem-Glilit/1492-B/1982 H1N1)

NS1_I82A8 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Canada/1963 H6N8)

NS1_I63A1 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Oregon/1971 H7N3)

NS1_I71A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Victoria/3/1975 H3N2)

PB2_I75A3 Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Wa-182)

NS1_I000W Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Whale/Maine/328/1984 H13N2)

NS1_I84A2 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza C virus (strain C/California/1978)

NS1_INCCA Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza C virus (strain C/Hyogo/1/1983)

NS1_INCHY Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Influenza C virus (strain C/Yamagata/1964)

NS1_INCY6 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

1 entry

Ippy mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Central African Republic/Dak An B 188 d/1970) (IPPYV)

NCAP_IPPYV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Junin mammarenavirus (JUNV) (Junn mammarenavirus)

NCAP_JUNIN Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Lassa virus (strain GA391) (LASV)

NCAP_LASSG Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (strain WE) (LCMV)

NCAP_LYCVW Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Machupo virus (MACV)

NCAP_MACHU Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Measles virus (strain Edmonston) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

V_MEASE Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Measles virus (strain Edmonston-AIK-C vaccine) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

V_MEASA Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Measles virus (strain Edmonston-Schwarz vaccine) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

V_MEASW Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Measles virus (strain IP-3-Ca) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

V_MEASI Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Measles virus (strain Yamagata-1) (MeV) (Subacute sclerose panencephalitis virus)

V_MEASY Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Mengo encephalomyocarditis virus

POLG_ENMGO Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Mobala mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Central African Republic/Acar 3080/1983) (MOBV)

NCAP_MOBVC Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Mopeia virus (MOPV)

NCAP_MOPEI Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Mumps virus (strain Enders) (MuV)

V_MUMPE Non-structural protein V (Non-structural protein NS1)

1 entry

Mumps virus (strain SBL) (MuV)

V_MUMPS Non-structural protein V (Non-structural protein NS1)

1 entry

Mumps virus (strain SBL-1) (MuV)

V_MUMP1 Non-structural protein V (Non-structural protein NS1)

1 entry

Murine coronavirus (strain JHM) (MHV-JHM) (Murine hepatitis virus)

R1A_CVMJH Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...

1 entry

New York virus (NYV)

GP_NYV Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Newcastle disease virus (strain Ulster/2C) (NDV)

V_NDVU2 Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Nipah virus

V_NIPAV Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Orangutan hepatitis B virus (isolate Somad) (HBVoru)

DPOL_HBVOR Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Phocine distemper virus (PDV)

V_PHODV Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Pichinde mammarenavirus (PICV) (Pichind mammarenavirus)

NCAP_PIARV Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Poliovirus type 1 (strain Sabin)

POLG_POL1S Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Poliovirus type 2 (strain Lansing)

POLG_POL2L Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Poliovirus type 2 (strain W-2)

POLG_POL2W Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Poliovirus type 3 (strain 23127)

POLG_POL32 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P3; Protein 3AB; P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Poliovirus type 3 (strains P3/Leon/37 and P3/Leon 12A[1]B)

POLG_POL3L Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Porcine enterovirus 9 (strain UKG/410/73)

POLG_PEV9U Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Prospect Hill virus (PHV)

GP_PHV Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Puumala virus (strain K27)

GP_PUUMK Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Puumala virus (strain P360)

GP_PUUMP Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Reston ebolavirus (strain Philippines-96) (REBOV) (Reston Ebola virus)

VP35_EBORE Polymerase cofactor VP35

1 entry

Reston ebolavirus (strain Reston-89) (REBOV) (Reston Ebola virus)

VP35_EBORR Polymerase cofactor VP35

1 entry

Rinderpest virus (strain Kabete O) (RDV)

V_RINDK Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Rinderpest virus (strain RBOK) (RDV)

V_RINDR Non-structural protein V

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Cat/Japan/FRV64/1989/G3P5B[3]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTF6 Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Cow/South/Africa/Offal agent/1965/G8P6[1]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTAP Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Cow/Thailand/A44/1988/G10P8[11]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTBA Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Cow/United States/B223/1983/G10P8[11]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTBB Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Dog/United States/K9/1981/G3P5A[3]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTD9 Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Equine/United Kingdom/H2/1976/G3P4[12]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (isolate H-2))

NSP1_ROTEH Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Equine/United Kingdom/L338/1988/G13P12[18]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTEL Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Human/Belgium/B4106/2000/G3P11[14]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (isolate B4106))

NSP1_ROT41 Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Human/India/116E/1986/G9P8[11]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTHU Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Human/Japan/IGV-80-3/XXXX/GXP[X]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTHI Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Human/United Kingdom/A64/1987/G10P11[14]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTH7 Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Human/United States/WI61/1983/G9P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTWI Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Monkey/United States/TUCH/2003/G3P[24]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTTU Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Mouse/Brazil/EHP/1981/G16P[20]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTME Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Cow/France/RF/1975/G6P6[1]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTRF Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Cow/United Kingdom/UK/1975/G6P7[5]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTBU Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Cow/United States/B641/XXXX/G6P7[5]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTB4 Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Cow/United States/WC3/1981/G6P7[5]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus (strain Wistar calf 3))

NSP1_ROTW3 Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Indonesia/69M/1980/G8P4[10]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTH6 Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Japan/AU-1/1982/G3P3[9]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTH3 Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Japan/K8/1977/G1P3A[9]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTHJ Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Japan/KU/1995/G1P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTHK Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Philippines/L26/1987/G12P1B[4]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTHL Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United Kingdom/ST3/1975/G4P2A[6]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain St. Thomas 3))

NSP1_ROTHT Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United States/DS-1/1976/G2P1B[4]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain DS1))

NSP1_ROTHD Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United States/P/1974/G3P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTHP Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United States/Wa/1974/G1P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTHW Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Venezuela/M37/1982/G1P2A[6]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTHM Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Monkey/United States/RRV/1975/G3P5B[3]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTRH Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Pig/Mexico/YM/1983/G11P9[7]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTPY Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Pig/United States/Gottfried/1983/G4P2B[6]) (RV-A)

NSP1_ROTPG Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Pig/United States/OSU/1977/G5P9[7]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain Ohio State University))

NSP1_ROTP5 Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Rabbit/United States/ALA/XXXX/G3P11[14]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain Alabama))

NSP1_ROTRA Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/SA11-4F/G3P6[1]) (RV-A) (Simian Agent 11 (strain 4F))

NSP1_ROTS4 Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/SA11-FEM/G3P6[1]) (RV-A) (Simian Agent 11 (strain FEM))

NSP1_ROTSF Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/SA11-Patton/G3P[X]) (RV-A) (Simian Agent 11 (strain Patton))

NSP1_ROTSP Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Rotavirus C (strain RVC/Pig/United States/Cowden/1980) (RV-C)

NSP1_ROTPC Non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) (NCVP2) (Non-structural RNA-binding protein 53) (NS53)

1 entry

Sabia mammarenavirus (isolate Human/Brasil/SPH114202/1990) (SABV) (Sabi mammarenavirus)

NCAP_SABVB Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Sendai virus (strain Fushimi) (SeV)

V_SENDF Protein V

1 entry

Sendai virus (strain Hamamatsu) (SeV)

V_SENDA Protein V

1 entry

Sendai virus (strain Harris) (SeV)

V_SENDH Protein V

1 entry

Sendai virus (strain Ohita) (SeV)

V_SENDO Protein V

1 entry

Sendai virus (strain Z) (SeV) (Sendai virus (strain HVJ))

V_SENDZ Protein V

1 entry

Seoul virus (strain 80-39)

GP_SEOU8 Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Seoul virus (strain R22)

GP_SEOUR Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Seoul virus (strain SR-11) (Sapporo rat virus)

GP_SEOUS Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Simian hepatitis A virus genotype V (isolate AGM-27) (SHAV) (Simian hepatitis A virus (isolate Cercopithecus/Kenya/AGM-27/1985))

POLG_HAVS2 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Sin Nombre orthohantavirus (SNV) (Sin Nombre virus)

GP_SINV Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Sudan ebolavirus (strain Human/Uganda/Gulu/2000) (SEBOV) (Sudan Ebola virus)

VP35_EBOSU Polymerase cofactor VP35

1 entry

Suid herpesvirus 1 (strain Indiana-Funkhauser / Becker) (SuHV-1) (Pseudorabies virus (strain Indiana-Funkhauser / Becker))

ICP0_SUHVF E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ICP0 (EC (Early protein 0) (EP0) (RING-type E3 ubiquitin ...

1 entry

Suid herpesvirus 1 (strain NIA-3) (SuHV-1) (Pseudorabies virus (strain NIA-3))

UL13_SUHVN Serine/threonine-protein kinase UL13 (EC

1 entry

Swine vesicular disease virus (strain H/3 '76) (SVDV)

POLG_SVDVH Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Swine vesicular disease virus (strain UKG/27/72) (SVDV)

POLG_SVDVU Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Tamiami mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/United States/W 10777/1964) (TAMV)

NCAP_TAMVU Nucleoprotein (EC 3.1.13.-) (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

1 entry

Tembusu virus (TMUV)

POLG_TMUV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (strain BeAn 8386) (TMEV)

POLG_TMEVB Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (strain DA) (TMEV)

POLG_TMEVD Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (strain GDVII) (TMEV)

POLG_TMEVG Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Vaccinia virus (strain Ankara) (VACV)

PG044_VACCA Protein K7

1 entry

Vaccinia virus (strain Dairen I) (VACV)

PG067_VACCD Protein OPG067 (Protein E5)

1 entry

Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 1) (WHV)

DPOL_WHV1 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2) (WHV)

DPOL_WHV2 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 59) (WHV)

DPOL_WHV3 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 7) (WHV)

DPOL_WHV4 Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Woolly monkey hepatitis B virus (isolate Louisville) (WMHBV)

DPOL_WMHBV Protein P [Includes: DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC; RNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC ...

1 entry

Yaba-like disease virus (YLDV)

E3_YLDV Protein E3 homolog (Protein E3L homolog)

1 entry

Zaire ebolavirus (strain Kikwit-95) (ZEBOV) (Zaire Ebola virus)

VP35_EBOZ5 Polymerase cofactor VP35 (Ebola VP35) (eVP35)