Viral genome integration (kw:KW-1179)

Many viruses are able to insert their genetic material into host chromosomes. Three kind of integration exist:

Mandatory integration

Viruses for which this is an obligatory event during viral replication. This is the cases for the retroviridae, pseudoviridae, metaviridae, some myoviridae and siphoviridae. Integration of the viral DNA results in permanent insertion of the viral genome into the host chromosomal DNA, referred as a provirus in the case of retroviruses or prophage in the case of prokaryotic viruses.

Occasional integration

This kind of integration is not necessary for virus replication, but confers some advantages to the host/virus couple. It can facilitate long term asymptomatic infection of cells (latency),and also provide an advantage to the host cell. Many bacterial toxines are carried out by prophages for example.

Endogenous viral elements (EVE) image

Viruses integrated long time ago and "fossilized" into a host genome, through a rare and sometimes accidental process. There are two kinds of endogenous viruses: endogenous retroviruses, and rare RNA virus integration.

Endogenous retro-viruses: Integrated viral genome can remain latent and be passively replicated along with the host genome and passed on to the cell's offspring. Host's environmental condition changes can however reactivate the virus leading to viral transcription and production of new infectious viruses (productive infection).
Retrovirus genomes that become integrated in the germline are referred as endogenous retroviruses (ERV) to distinguish them from horizontally transmitted, not passed on to host progeny, termed "exogenous" retroviruses. Hepadnaviridae have ben found also integrated inhost genome, notably in plants

Endogenous ssDNA viruses: SsDNA viruses like circoviridae which don't encode for an integrase have been found integrated in many genomes. It can happen also in plants: Geminivirus genome have been found in the tobacco genome.

Rare RNA virus integration:dsRNA, ssRNA(+) and ssRNA(-) viruses do not get reverse transcribed and are unable to integrate in host genome. Still Arenavirus reverse-transcribed genome has been detected in mice. Also Bornaviridae, filoviridae and Totiviridae sequences have been found integrated into several mammalian genome, and Rhabdoviridae in insect genomes indicating tat this event can occur although it's very rare.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to website)

136 entries grouped by strain

1 entry

Acholeplasma phage L2 (Bacteriophage L2) reference strain

VINT_BPL2 Probable integrase/recombinase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-) (ORF5)

1 entry

Acidianus two-tailed virus (ATV) reference strain

Y241_ATV Putative integrase ORF241

1 entry

Avian leukosis virus subgroup A (isolate RSA) (ALV-A RSA) reference strain

POL_ALVA Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; p2A; p2B; p10; Capsid protein p27, alternate ...

1 entry

Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (strain Cork) (CAEV-Co) reference strain

POL_CAEVC Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Protease (Retropepsin) (EC 3.4.23.-); Reverse ...

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage P4 (Bacteriophage P4) reference strain

VINT_BPP4 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Escherichia phage 186 (Bacteriophage 186) reference strain

VINT_BP186 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Escherichia phage P2 (Bacteriophage P2) reference strain

VINT_BPP2 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Escherichia phage lambda (Bacteriophage lambda) reference strain

VINT_LAMBD Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Feline immunodeficiency virus (isolate Petaluma) (FIV) reference strain

POL_FIVPE Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Protease (Retropepsin) (EC 3.4.23.-); Reverse ...

1 entry

Frog virus 3 (isolate Goorha) (FV-3) reference strain

VINT_FRG3G Integrase homolog

1 entry

Haemophilus phage HP1 (strain HP1c1) (Bacteriophage HP1) reference strain

VINT_BPHC1 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (isolate Caribbea HS-35 subtype A) (HTLV-1) reference strain

POL_HTL1C Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (strain Japan ATK-1 subtype A) (HTLV-1) reference strain

POL_HTL1A Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Human T-cell leukemia virus 2 (HTLV-2) reference strain

POL_HTLV2 Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Human T-cell leukemia virus 3 (strain 2026ND) (HTLV-3) reference strain

POL_HTL32 Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype A (isolate MAL) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1MA Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype A (isolate U455) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1U4 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate ARV2/SF2) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1A2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate BRU/LAI) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1BR Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate HXB2) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1H2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate MN) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1MN Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate RF/HAT3) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1RH Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (strain 89.6) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1B9 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype C (isolate 92BR025) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV192 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype C (isolate ETH2220) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1ET Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype D (isolate ELI) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1EL Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F1 (isolate VI850) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1VI Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype H (isolate 90CF056) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV190 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group N (isolate YBF30) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1YF Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group O (isolate ANT70) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1AN Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate BEN) (HIV-2) reference strain

POL_HV2BE Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human spumaretrovirus (SFVcpz(hu)) (Human foamy virus) reference strain

POL_FOAMV Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr125Pol) [Cleaved into: Protease/Reverse transcriptase/ribonuclease H (EC ...

1 entry

Jembrana disease virus (JDV) reference strain

POL_JEMBR Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr170Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16 (MA); Capsid protein p26 (CA); ...

1 entry

Moloney murine leukemia virus (isolate Shinnick) (MoMLV) reference strain

POL_MLVMS Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr180gag-pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); RNA-binding ...

1 entry

Mouse mammary tumor virus (strain BR6) (MMTV) reference strain

POL_MMTVB Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp21; Protein p3; ...

1 entry

Mouse mammary tumor virus (strain C3H) (MMTV) reference strain

POL_MMTVC Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp21; Protein p3; ...

1 entry

Mycobacterium phage D29 (Mycobacteriophage D29) reference strain

VINT_BPMD2 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Mycobacterium phage L5 (Mycobacteriophage L5) reference strain

VINT_BPML5 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-) (Int-L5) (L5 Int)

1 entry

Pseudomonas phage Pf1 (Bacteriophage Pf1) reference strain

INTG_BPPF1 Putative integrase

1 entry

Salmonella phage P22 (Bacteriophage P22) reference strain

VINT_BPP22 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Simian foamy virus (isolate chimpanzee) (SFVcpz) reference strain

POL_SFVCP Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr125Pol) [Cleaved into: Protease/Reverse transcriptase/ribonuclease H (EC ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate CPZ GAB1) (SIV-cpz) (Chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus) reference strain

POL_SIVCZ Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate EK505) (SIV-cpz) (Chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus) reference strain

POL_SIVEK Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate MB66) (SIV-cpz) (Chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus) reference strain

POL_SIVMB Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate PBj14/BCL-3) (SIV-sm) (Simian immunodeficiency virus sooty mangabey monkey) reference strain

POL_SIVSP Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate TAN1) (SIV-cpz) (Chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus) reference strain

POL_SIVTN Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Sputnik virophage reference strain

V10_SPTNK Putative integrase V10

1 entry

Sulfolobus spindle-shape virus 1 (SSV1) reference strain

VINT_SSV1 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Xenotropic MuLV-related virus (isolate VP62) (XMRV) reference strain

POL_XMRV6 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr180gag-pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); RNA-binding ...

1 entry

AKV murine leukemia virus (AKR (endogenous) murine leukemia virus)

POL_MLVAV Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); RNA-binding phosphoprotein p12 (pp12); ...

1 entry

Avian leukosis virus (ALV)

POL_ALV Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; p2A; p2B; p10; Capsid protein p27, alternate ...

1 entry

Baboon endogenous virus (strain M7)

POL_BAEVM Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); RNA-binding phosphoprotein p12 (pp12); ...

1 entry

Bovine immunodeficiency virus (strain R29) (BIV) (Bovine immunodeficiency-like virus)

POL_BIV29 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr170Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16 (MA); p2L; Capsid protein p26 ...

1 entry

Bovine leukemia virus (isolate Australian) (BLV)

POL_BLVAU Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Bovine leukemia virus (isolate Japanese BLV-1) (BLV)

POL_BLVJ Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Cas-Br-E murine leukemia virus

POL_MLVCB Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr180gag-pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15; RNA-binding phosphoprotein p12 ...

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage 434 (Bacteriophage 434)

VINT_BP434 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage P21 (Bacteriophage 21) (Bacteriophage P21)

VINT_BPP21 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage phi80 (Bacteriophage phi-80)

VINT_BPPH8 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Equine infectious anemia virus (isolate 1369) (EIAV)

POL_EIAV9 Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Protease (Retropepsin) (EC 3.4.23.-); Reverse ...

1 entry

Equine infectious anemia virus (isolate CL22) (EIAV)

POL_EIAVC Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Protease (Retropepsin) (EC 3.4.23.-); Reverse ...

1 entry

Equine infectious anemia virus (strain Wyoming) (EIAV)

POL_EIAVY Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Protease (Retropepsin) (EC 3.4.23.-); Reverse ...

1 entry

Escherichia phage HK022 (Bacteriophage HK022)

VINT_BPHK0 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Feline foamy virus (FFV) (Feline syncytial virus)

POL_FFV Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr125Pol) [Cleaved into: Protease/Reverse transcriptase/ribonuclease H (EC ...

1 entry

Feline immunodeficiency virus (isolate TM2) (FIV)

POL_FIVT2 Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Protease (EC 3.4.23.-) (Retropepsin); Reverse ...

1 entry

Feline immunodeficiency virus (strain San Diego) (FIV)

POL_FIVSD Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Protease (EC 3.4.23.-) (Retropepsin); Reverse ...

1 entry

Feline leukemia virus

POL_FLV Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15; RNA-binding phosphoprotein p12 (pp12); Capsid ...

1 entry

Friend murine leukemia virus (isolate 57) (FrMLV)

POL_MLVF5 Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15; RNA-binding phosphoprotein p12 (pp12); Capsid ...

1 entry

Friend murine leukemia virus (isolate FB29) (FrMLV)

POL_MLVFF Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15; RNA-binding phosphoprotein p12 (pp12); Capsid ...

1 entry

Friend murine leukemia virus (isolate PVC-211) (FrMLV)

POL_MLVFP Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15; RNA-binding phosphoprotein p12 (pp12); Capsid ...

1 entry

Gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV)

POL_GALV Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); RNA-binding phosphoprotein p12 (pp12); ...

1 entry

Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (isolate Melanesia mel5 subtype C) (HTLV-1)

POL_HTL1L Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Human T-cell leukemia virus 3 (strain Pyl43) (HTLV-3)

POL_HTL3P Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate BH10) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1B1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

pdb 1A9M; 1AJV; 1AJX; 1AXA; 1BQM; 1BQN; 1D4H; 1D4I; 1D4J; 1DLO; 1DW6; 1EBK; 1EBW; 1EBY; 1EBZ; 1EC0; 1EC1; 1EC2; 1EC3; 1EET; 1G35; 1GNM; 1GNN; 1GNO; 1HAR; 1HBV; 1HEF; 1HEG; 1HIH; 1HMV; 1HNI; 1HNV; 1HOS; 1HPS; 1HPZ; 1HQE; 1HQU; 1HRH; 1HTE; 1HTF; 1HTG; 1HVI; 1HVK; 1HVU; 1HYS; 1IKV; 1IKW; 1IKX; 1IKY; 1J5O; 1KJH; 1MER; 1MES; 1MET; 1MEU; 1N5Y; 1N6Q; 1NPA; 1NPV; 1NPW; 1QE1; 1QMC; 1R0A; 1RDH; 1RTD; 1S6P; 1S6Q; 1S9E; 1S9G; 1SBG; 1SUQ; 1SV5; 1T03; 1T05; 1T7K; 1TV6; 1TVR; 1UWB; 1W5V; 1W5W; 1W5X; 1W5Y; 1YT9; 1ZP8; 1ZPA; 1ZSF; 1ZSR; 2AQU; 2B5J; 2B6A; 2BAN; 2BBB; 2BE2; 2EXF; 2G69; 2HB3; 2HMI; 2HNZ; 2HS1; 2HS2; 2I4D; 2I4U; 2I4V; 2I4W; 2I4X; 2I5J; 2IAJ; 2IC3; 2IDW; 2IEO; 2JZW; 2L45; 2L46; 2L4L; 2UXZ; 2UY0; 2VG5; 2VG6; 2VG7; 2X4U; 2YKM; 2YKN; 2ZD1; 2ZE2; 3AVI; 3BGR; 3DLK; 3GGA; 3GGV; 3GGX; 3HVT; 3IG1; 3IRX; 3IS9; 3ISN; 3ITH; 3JSM; 3JYT; 3K2P; 3K4V; 3KLE; 3KLF; 3KLG; 3KLH; 3KLI; 3NDT; 3NU3; 3NU4; 3NU5; 3NU6; 3NU9; 3NUJ; 3NUO; 3OK9; 3PSU; 3QAA; 3QLH; 3QO9; 3TKG; 3TKW; 3TL9; 3TLH; 3V4I; 3V6D; 3V81; 3ZPS; 3ZPT; 3ZPU; 4COE; 4CP7; 4CPQ; 4CPR; 4CPS; 4CPT; 4CPU; 4CPW; 4CPX; 4DG1; 4G1Q; 4G8G; 4G8I; 4G9D; 4G9F; 4H4M; 4H4O; 4I2P; 4I2Q; 4ICL; 4ID5; 4IDK; 4IFV; 4IFY; 4IG0; 4IG3; 4KFB; 4KKO; 4KO0; 4LSL; 4LSN; 4MFB; 4O44; 4O4G; 4OJR; 4PQU; 4PUO; 4PWD; 4Q0B; 4QAG; 4R5P; 4RW4; 4RW6; 4RW7; 4RW8; 4RW9; 4U8W; 4WE1; 4YE3; 4YHQ; 4ZIP; 4ZLS; 5AGZ; 5AH6; 5AH7; 5AH8; 5AH9; 5AHA; 5AHB; 5AHC; 5BRY; 5BS4; 5C24; 5C25; 5C42; 5CYM; 5CYQ; 5D3G; 5FDL; 5HBM; 5HLF; 5HP1; 5HRO; 5I3U; 5I42; 5J1E; 5JFP; 5JFU; 5JG1; 5OI2; 5OI3; 5OI5; 5OI8; 5OIA; 5T6Z; 5T70; 5TER; 5TUQ; 5TW3; 5TXL; 5TXM; 5TXN; 5TXO; 5TXP; 5UFZ; 5ULT; 5UOV; 5UPZ; 5UV5; 5V5L; 5V5M; 5VQQ; 5VQR; 5VQS; 5VQT; 5VQU; 5VQV; 5VQW; 5VQX; 5VQY; 5VQZ; 5W5W; 5YOJ; 6AMO; 6AN2; 6AN8; 6ANQ; 6AOC; 6ASW; 6AVM; 6AVT; 6B19; 6BZ2; 6C0J; 6C0K; 6C0L; 6C0N; 6C0O; 6C0P; 6C0R; 6C8X; 6C8Y; 6CGF; 6D0D; 6D0E; 6DTW; 6DTX; 6DUF; 6DUG; 6DUH; 6ECL; 6ELI; 6HAK; 6KMP; 6O48; 6O9E; 6OE3; 6OUN; 6PRF; 6UL5; 6VUG; 6WAZ; 6WB0; 6WB1; 6WB2; 6X47; 6X49; 6X4A; 6X4B; 6X4C; 6X4D; 6X4E; 6X4F; 7AHX; 7AID; 7AIF; 7AIG; 7AII; 7AIJ; 7KJV; 7KJW; 7KJX; 7KRC; 7KRD; 7KRE; 7KRF; 7KWU; 7LPW; 7LPX; 7LQU; 7LRI; 7LRM; 7LRX; 7LRY; 7LSK; 7OT6; 7OTA; 7OTK; 7OTN; 7OTX; 7OTZ; 7OUT; 7OXQ; 7OZ2; 7OZ5; 7OZW; 7P15; 7SEP; 7SIF; 7SIG; 7SIH; 7SJX; 7SNL; 7SNN; 7SNP; 7SNQ; 7SNZ; 7SO1; 7SO2; 7SO3; 7SO4; 7SO6; 7TAZ; 7U5Z; 7Z24; 7Z29; 7Z2D; 7Z2E; 7Z2G; 7Z2H; 8DX2; 8DX3; 8DX8; 8DXB; 8DXE; 8DXG; 8DXH; 8DXI; 8DXJ; 8DXK; 8DXL; 8DXM; 8FE8; 8FFX; 8STP; 8STQ; 8STR; 8STS; 8STT; 8STU; 8STV; 8U69; 8U6A; 8U6B; 8U6C; 8U6D; 8U6E; 8U6F; 8U6G; 8U6H; 8U6I; 8U6J; 8U6K; 8U6L; 8U6M; 8U6N; 8U6O; 8U6P; 8U6Q; 8U6R; 8U6S; 8U6T

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate BH5) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1B5 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate JRCSF) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1JR Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate LW123) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1LW Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate NY5) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1N5 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

pdb 1A43; 1A8O; 1AFV; 1AK4; 1AUM; 1B92; 1B9D; 1B9F; 1BAJ; 1BHL; 1BI4; 1BIS; 1BIU; 1BIZ; 1BL3; 1GWP; 1HIW; 1HYV; 1HYZ; 1ITG; 1K6Y; 1M9D; 1QS4; 1UPH; 1WJB; 1WJD; 2B4J; 2GOL; 2GON; 2H3F; 2H3I; 2H3Q; 2H3V; 2H3Z; 2HMX; 2HVP; 2ITG; 2JPR; 2JYG; 2JYL; 2LF4; 2LYA; 2LYB; 2M3Z; 2M8L; 2M8N; 2M8P; 2ONT; 2PWM; 2PWO; 2PXR; 2X2D; 2XDE; 2XV6; 2XXM; 3AV9; 3AVA; 3AVB; 3AVC; 3AVF; 3AVG; 3AVH; 3AVJ; 3AVK; 3AVL; 3AVM; 3AVN; 3DIK; 3DPH; 3DS0; 3DS1; 3DS2; 3DS3; 3DS4; 3DS5; 3DTJ; 3GV2; 3H47; 3H4E; 3L3U; 3L3V; 3LPT; 3LPU; 3LRY; 3MGE; 3NF6; 3NF7; 3NF8; 3NF9; 3NFA; 3P05; 3P0A; 3S85; 3WNE; 3WNF; 3WNG; 3WNH; 3ZCM; 3ZSO; 3ZSQ; 3ZSR; 3ZSV; 3ZSW; 3ZSX; 3ZSY; 3ZSZ; 3ZT0; 3ZT1; 3ZT2; 3ZT3; 3ZT4; 4AH9; 4AHR; 4AHS; 4AHT; 4AHU; 4AHV; 4CE9; 4CEA; 4CEB; 4CEC; 4CED; 4CEE; 4CEF; 4CEO; 4CEQ; 4CER; 4CES; 4CEZ; 4CF0; 4CF1; 4CF2; 4CF8; 4CF9; 4CFA; 4CFB; 4CFC; 4CFD; 4CGD; 4CGF; 4CGG; 4CGH; 4CGI; 4CGJ; 4CHN; 4CHO; 4CHP; 4CHQ; 4CHY; 4CHZ; 4CIE; 4CIF; 4CIG; 4CJ3; 4CJ4; 4CJ5; 4CJE; 4CJF; 4CJK; 4CJL; 4CJP; 4CJQ; 4CJR; 4CJS; 4CJT; 4CJU; 4CJV; 4CJW; 4CK1; 4CK2; 4CK3; 4COC; 4COP; 4DGA; 4DGE; 4DMN; 4E1M; 4E1N; 4E91; 4E92; 4GVM; 4GW6; 4ID1; 4IPY; 4JLH; 4JMU; 4LH4; 4LH5; 4LQW; 4NX4; 4O0J; 4O55; 4O5B; 4OVL; 4PHV; 4QNB; 4WYM; 4Y1C; 4Y1D; 4ZHR; 5HVP; 5JL4; 5KGW; 5KGX; 5KRS; 5KRT; 5TEO; 5U1C; 5VCK; 5VEA; 5VJ3; 5XN0; 5XN1; 5XN2; 6ES8; 6IK9; 6IKA; 6JCF; 6JCG; 6KDJ; 6KDK; 6KDM; 6KDN; 6KDO; 6LMI; 6LMQ; 6MCR; 6MCS; 6OOS; 6OOT; 6OOU; 6OPW; 6OPY; 6OPZ; 6OXO; 6OXP; 6OXQ; 6OXR; 6OXS; 6OXT; 6OXU; 6OXV; 6OXW; 6OXX; 6OXY; 6OXZ; 6OY0; 6OY1; 6OY2; 6OYD; 6OYR; 6PJB; 6PJC; 6PJD; 6PJE; 6PJF; 6PJG; 6PJH; 6PJI; 6PJK; 6PJL; 6PJM; 6PJN; 6PJO; 6PUT; 6PUW; 6PUY; 6PUZ; 6T6E; 6U8Q; 6UM8; 6V3K; 6VDK; 6VQS; 6VRG; 6VX2; 6W0U; 6W42; 6W6T; 7D83; 7DBM; 7DBN; 7KE0; 7L1P; 7L23; 7LDY; 7LDZ; 7LE0; 7LE1; 7LE2; 7LE3; 7LE4; 7LE5; 7LE6; 7LE7; 7LE8; 7LE9; 7LEA; 7LEB; 7LEC; 7LED; 7LEE; 7LEF; 7LEG; 7LEH; 7LEI; 7LQP; 7RQ0; 7SIA; 7T9H; 7T9O; 7U2U; 7UE1; 7UOQ; 7WBS; 7WCE; 7WCQ; 7YF6; 7ZUD; 8A1P; 8A1Q; 8BUV; 8BV2; 8CBR; 8CBS; 8CBT; 8CBU; 8CBV; 8CT5; 8CT7; 8D3S; 8F22; 8FN7; 8FND; 8FNG; 8FNH; 8FNJ; 8FNL; 8FNM; 8FNN; 8FNO; 8FNP; 8FNQ; 9HVP

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate OYI) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1OY Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate YU-2) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1Y2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype D (isolate NDK) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1ND Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype D (isolate Z2/CDC-Z34) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1Z2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F1 (isolate 93BR020) (HIV-1)

POL_HV193 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F2 (isolate MP255) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1MP Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F2 (isolate MP257) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1M2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype G (isolate 92NG083) (HIV-1)

POL_HV19N Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype G (isolate SE6165) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1SE Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype H (isolate VI991) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1V9 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype J (isolate SE9173) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1S9 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype J (isolate SE9280) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1S2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype K (isolate 96CM-MP535) (HIV-1)

POL_HV196 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype K (isolate 97ZR-EQTB11) (HIV-1)

POL_HV197 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group N (isolate YBF106) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1YB Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group O (isolate MVP5180) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1MV Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate CAM2) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2CA Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate D194) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2D1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate Ghana-1) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2G1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate KR) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2KR Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate NIH-Z) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2NZ Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate ROD) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2RO Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate SBLISY) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2SB Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate ST) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2ST Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype B (isolate D205) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2D2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype B (isolate EHO) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2EH Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype B (isolate UC1) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2UC Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Koala retrovirus (KoRV)

POL_KORV Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr125Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); RNA-binding phosphoprotein ...

1 entry

Maedi visna virus (strain 1514 / clone LV1-1KS1) (MVV) (Visna lentivirus)

POL_VILV1 Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14; ...

1 entry

Maedi visna virus (strain 1514 / clone LV1-1KS2) (MVV) (Visna lentivirus)

POL_VILV2 Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14; ...

1 entry

Maedi visna virus (strain 1514) (MVV) (Visna lentivirus)

POL_VILV Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14; ...

1 entry

Maedi visna virus (strain KV1772) (MVV) (Visna lentivirus)

POL_VILVK Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14; ...

1 entry

Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV) (Simian Mason-Pfizer virus)

POL_MPMV Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr180) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; ...

1 entry

Murine leukemia virus (strain BM5 eco)

POL_MLVBM Gag-pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15; RNA-binding phosphoprotein p12 (pp12); Capsid ...

1 entry

Mycobacterium phage FRAT1 (Mycobacteriophage FRAT1)

VINT_BPMFR Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Ovine maedi visna related virus (strain South Africa) (SA-OMVV) (Ovine lentivirus)

POL_OMVVS Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Protease (EC 3.4.23.-) (Retropepsin); Reverse ...

1 entry

Radiation murine leukemia virus

POL_MLVRD Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); RNA-binding phosphoprotein p12 (pp12); ...

1 entry

Rous sarcoma virus subgroup B (strain Schmidt-Ruppin) (RSV-SR-B)

POL_RSVSB Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; p2A; p2B; p10; Capsid protein p27, alternate ...

1 entry

Rous sarcoma virus subgroup C (strain Prague) (RSV-Pr-C)

POL_RSVP Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; p2A; p2B; p10; Capsid protein p27, alternate ...

1 entry

Sheep pulmonary adenomatosis virus (Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus) (JSRV)

POL_JSRV Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein; p12; Capsid ...

1 entry

Shigella phage Sf6 (Shigella flexneri bacteriophage VI) (Bacteriophage SfVI)

VINT_BPSFV Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Simian foamy virus type 1 (SFVmac) (SFV-1)

POL_SFV1 Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr125Pol) [Cleaved into: Protease/Reverse transcriptase/ribonuclease H (EC ...

1 entry

Simian foamy virus type 3 (strain LK3) (SFVagm) (SFV-3)

POL_SFV3L Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr125Pol) [Cleaved into: Protease/Reverse transcriptase/ribonuclease H (EC ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate F236/smH4) (SIV-sm) (Simian immunodeficiency virus sooty mangabey monkey)

POL_SIVS4 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate GB1) (SIV-mnd) (Simian immunodeficiency virus mandrill)

POL_SIVGB Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate K6W) (SIV-mac) (Simian immunodeficiency virus rhesus monkey)

POL_SIVMK Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate Mm142-83) (SIV-mac) (Simian immunodeficiency virus rhesus monkey)

POL_SIVM1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus agm.grivet (isolate AGM gr-1) (SIV-agm.gri) (Simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey grivet)

POL_SIVG1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus agm.vervet (isolate AGM TYO-1) (SIV-agm.ver) (Simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey vervet)

POL_SIVVT Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus agm.vervet (isolate AGM155) (SIV-agm.ver) (Simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey vervet)

POL_SIVV1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus agm.vervet (isolate AGM3) (SIV-agm.ver) (Simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey vervet)

POL_SIVVG Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Simian retrovirus SRV-1

POL_SRV1 Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; ...

1 entry

Simian retrovirus SRV-2

POL_SRV2 Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; ...

1 entry

Squirrel monkey retrovirus (SMRV-H) (SMRV-HLB)

POL_SMRVH Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; Core protein p16; Capsid protein p35 ...

1 entry

Staphylococcus phage L54a (Bacteriophage L54a)

VINT_BPL54 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)

1 entry

Woolly monkey sarcoma virus (WMSV) (Simian sarcoma-associated virus)

POL_WMSV Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); RNA-binding phosphoprotein p12 (pp12); ...

1 entry

Xenotropic MuLV-related virus (isolate VP35) (XMRV)

POL_XMRV3 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr180gag-pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); RNA-binding ...

1 entry

Xenotropic MuLV-related virus (isolate VP42) (XMRV)

POL_XMRV4 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr180gag-pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); RNA-binding ...