Viral ADP-Ribosylhydrolase

ADP-ribosylation of proteins is a covalent modification that can be induced during a cellular antiviral response to inhibit viral replication. Some RNA viruses have macrodomains embedded in their polyproteins that reverse cellular ADP-ribosylation, potentially counteracting their antiviral effects.
Depending on the virus family, a different type of ADP-ribosylation might exerts its antiviral effect. Togaviridae are attacked by host PARP10 . The situation could be similar for Hepeviridae and Matonaviridae, which share many characteristics with togaviruses. Coronaviridae may be attacked by several host PARPs, including PARP12 .


Enzymatic reaction: Viral ADP-Ribosylhydrolase activity is performed by Macro domain that can bind ADP-ribose (an NAD metabolite).

-Mono-ADP-Ribosylhydrolase (MAR hydrolase): Rhea: 58256

Viral Macro domain IPR044371
Macro domains IPR002589
