Viral genome packaging (kw:KW-0231)

Large dsDNA bacteriophages, herpesviruses, adenoviruses and microviruses encode a powerful DNA-translocating machinenery that encapsidates a viral genome into a preassembled capsid or procapsid . The packaging machine is often composed of a portal structure, which provides a gate for DNA entry, and an ATP-driven motor . This motor is composed of the large subunit whose ATPase activity fuels DNA translocation, and most frequently, a small subunit that binds to the viral packaging site. DNA cleavage can be coupled to genome packaging .

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to website)

256 entries grouped by strain

6 entries

Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (strain C500) (AlHV-1) (Malignant catarrhal fever virus) reference strain

TRM1_ALHV1 Tripartite terminase subunit 1
CVC2_ALHV1 Capsid vertex component 2
TRM3_ALHV1 Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
CVC1_ALHV1 Capsid vertex component 1
PORTL_ALHV1 Portal protein
TRM2_ALHV1 Tripartite terminase subunit 2

6 entries

Equine herpesvirus 1 (strain Ab4p) (EHV-1) (Equine abortion virus) reference strain

CVC2_EHV1B Capsid vertex component 2
PORTL_EHV1B Portal protein
CVC1_EHV1B Capsid vertex component 1
TRM2_EHV1B Tripartite terminase subunit 2
TRM3_EHV1B Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
TRM1_EHV1B Tripartite terminase subunit 1

6 entries

Equine herpesvirus 2 (strain 86/87) (EHV-2) reference strain

TRM1_EHV2 Tripartite terminase subunit 1
CVC2_EHV2 Capsid vertex component 2
TRM3_EHV2 Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
CVC1_EHV2 Capsid vertex component 1
PORTL_EHV2 Portal protein
TRM2_EHV2 Tripartite terminase subunit 2

6 entries

Gallid herpesvirus 2 (strain Chicken/Md5/ATCC VR-987) (GaHV-2) (Marek's disease herpesvirus type 1) reference strain

TRM1_GAHVM Tripartite terminase subunit 1
TRM2_GAHVM Tripartite terminase subunit 2
CVC2_GAHVM Capsid vertex component 2
CVC1_GAHVM Capsid vertex component 1
TRM3_GAHVM Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
PORTL_GAHVM Portal protein

6 entries

Human cytomegalovirus (strain AD169) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5) reference strain

TRM3_HCMVA Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
TRM1_HCMVA Tripartite terminase subunit 1
CVC2_HCMVA Capsid vertex component 2
PORTL_HCMVA Portal protein
TRM2_HCMVA Tripartite terminase subunit 2
CVC1_HCMVA Capsid vertex component 1

6 entries

Human cytomegalovirus (strain Merlin) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5) reference strain

TRM1_HCMVM Tripartite terminase subunit 1
PORTL_HCMVM Portal protein
TRM3_HCMVM Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
TRM2_HCMVM Tripartite terminase subunit 2
CVC1_HCMVM Capsid vertex component 1
CVC2_HCMVM Capsid vertex component 2

6 entries

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain 17) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1) reference strain

TRM3_HHV11 Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
PORTL_HHV11 Portal protein
CVC1_HHV11 Capsid vertex component 1
CVC2_HHV11 Capsid vertex component 2
TRM1_HHV11 Tripartite terminase subunit 1
TRM2_HHV11 Tripartite terminase subunit 2

6 entries

Human herpesvirus 2 (strain HG52) (HHV-2) (Human herpes simplex virus 2) reference strain

PORTL_HHV2H Portal protein
TRM3_HHV2H Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
CVC1_HHV2H Capsid vertex component 1
CVC2_HHV2H Capsid vertex component 2
TRM1_HHV2H Tripartite terminase subunit 1
TRM2_HHV2H Tripartite terminase subunit 2

6 entries

Human herpesvirus 6A (strain Uganda-1102) (HHV-6 variant A) (Human B lymphotropic virus) reference strain

CVC1_HHV6U Capsid vertex component 1
TRM3_HHV6U Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
TRM1_HHV6U Tripartite terminase subunit 1
CVC2_HHV6U Capsid vertex component 2
PORTL_HHV6U Portal protein
TRM2_HHV6U Tripartite terminase subunit 2

6 entries

Human herpesvirus 6B (strain Z29) (HHV-6 variant B) (Human B lymphotropic virus) reference strain

PORTL_HHV6Z Portal protein
CVC2_HHV6Z Capsid vertex component 2
TRM1_HHV6Z Tripartite terminase subunit 1
CVC1_HHV6Z Capsid vertex component 1
TRM3_HHV6Z Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
TRM2_HHV6Z Tripartite terminase subunit 2

6 entries

Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) reference strain

TRM3_HHV8P Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
TRM2_HHV8P Tripartite terminase subunit 2
CVC1_HHV8P Capsid vertex component 1
PORTL_HHV8P Portal protein
CVC2_HHV8P Capsid vertex component 2
TRM1_HHV8P Tripartite terminase subunit 1

6 entries

Psittacid herpesvirus 1 (isolate Amazon parrot/-/97-0001/1997) (PsHV-1) (Pacheco's disease virus) reference strain

PORTL_PSHV1 Portal protein
CVC1_PSHV1 Capsid vertex component 1
TRM3_PSHV1 Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
TRM2_PSHV1 Tripartite terminase subunit 2
TRM1_PSHV1 Tripartite terminase subunit 1
CVC2_PSHV1 Capsid vertex component 2

6 entries

Varicella-zoster virus (strain Dumas) (HHV-3) (Human herpesvirus 3) reference strain

TRM2_VZVD Tripartite terminase subunit 2
TRM1_VZVD Tripartite terminase subunit 1
CVC2_VZVD Capsid vertex component 2
CVC1_VZVD Capsid vertex component 1
TRM3_VZVD Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit) [Cleaved into: Gene 42 ...
PORTL_VZVD Portal protein

5 entries

Epstein-Barr virus (strain B95-8) (HHV-4) (Human herpesvirus 4) reference strain

PORTL_EBVB9 Portal protein
TRM3_EBVB9 Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
TRM1_EBVB9 Tripartite terminase subunit 1
CVC1_EBVB9 Capsid vertex component 1
CVC2_EBVB9 Capsid vertex component 2

5 entries

Human adenovirus C serotype 2 (HAdV-2) (Human adenovirus 2) reference strain

PKG1_ADE02 Packaging protein 1 (Packaging protein IVa2)
PKG3_ADE02 Packaging protein 3 (L1-52/55 kDa protein) (Packaging protein 52K)
CAP3_ADE02 Pre-hexon-linking protein IIIa (Capsid vertex-specific component IIIa) (CVSC) (Protein IIIa) (pIIIa) ...
SF33K_ADE02 Protein 33K (L4-33K) (Splicing factor 33K) (Terminase, small subunit)
PKG2_ADE02 Packaging protein 2 (Packaging protein 22K) (L4-22K)

5 entries

Human adenovirus C serotype 5 (HAdV-5) (Human adenovirus 5) reference strain

SF33K_ADE05 Protein 33K (L4-33K) (Splicing factor 33K) (Terminase, small subunit)
PKG1_ADE05 Packaging protein 1 (Packaging protein IVa2)
CAP3_ADE05 Pre-hexon-linking protein IIIa (Capsid vertex-specific component IIIa) (CVSC) (Protein IIIa) (pIIIa) ...
PKG2_ADE05 Packaging protein 2 (Packaging protein 22K) (L4-22K)
PKG3_ADE05 Packaging protein 3 (L1-52/55 kDa protein) (Packaging protein 52K)

5 entries

Human herpesvirus 7 (strain JI) (HHV-7) (Human T lymphotropic virus) reference strain

CVC1_HHV7J Capsid vertex component 1
TRM1_HHV7J Tripartite terminase subunit 1
CVC2_HHV7J Capsid vertex component 2
PORTL_HHV7J Portal protein
TRM3_HHV7J Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)

5 entries

Saimiriine herpesvirus 2 (strain 11) (SaHV-2) (Herpesvirus saimiri) reference strain

TRM1_SHV21 Tripartite terminase subunit 1
CVC2_SHV21 Capsid vertex component 2
TRM3_SHV21 Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
CVC1_SHV21 Capsid vertex component 1
PORTL_SHV21 Portal protein

4 entries

Enterobacteria phage PRD1 (Bacteriophage PRD1) reference strain

PKG9_BPPRD DNA packaging ATPase P9 (Protein P9)
PKG20_BPPRD Packaging protein P20
PKG22_BPPRD Packaging protein P22 (GpK) (Protein K)
PKG6_BPPRD Packaging efficiency factor P6

4 entries

Escherichia phage lambda (Bacteriophage lambda) reference strain

TERS_LAMBD Terminase small subunit (EC 3.6.4.-) (DNA-packaging protein Nu1) (Gene product Nu1) (gpNu1)
TERL_LAMBD Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein A) (Large terminase protein) (gpA) [Includes: ...
PORTL_LAMBD Portal protein B (GpB) (Minor capsid protein B) [Cleaved into: Protein B*]
FI_LAMBD DNA-packaging protein FI

3 entries

Bacillus phage SPP1 (Bacteriophage SPP1) reference strain

TERL_BPSPP Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (Gene product 2) (gp2) [Includes: Endonuclease (EC ...
PORTL_BPSPP Portal protein (Gene product 6) (gp6) (Portal vertex protein)
TERS_BPSPP Terminase small subunit (G1P) (Terminase, small subunit gp1)

3 entries

Bacillus phage phi29 (Bacteriophage phi-29) reference strain

TERM_BPPH2 Primer terminal protein (TP) (DNA terminal protein) (Gene product 3) (gp3) (Protein p3) (Terminal ...
PORTL_BPPH2 Portal protein (Connector protein) (Gene product 10) (gp10) (Gene product 19) (gp19) (Head-to-tail ...
PKG16_BPPH2 DNA packaging protein (ATPase gp16) (EC 3.6.4.-) (Gene product 16) (gp16) (Protein p16)

3 entries

Enterobacteria phage T4 (Bacteriophage T4) reference strain

TERL_BPT4 Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (Gene product 17) (gp17) [Includes: ATPase (EC ...
PORTL_BPT4 Portal protein (Gene product 20) (gp20)
TERS_BPT4 Terminase, small subunit (Gene product 16) (gp16) (Packaging protein Gp16)

3 entries

Epstein-Barr virus (strain AG876) (HHV-4) (Human herpesvirus 4) reference strain

CVC2_EBVA8 Capsid vertex component 2
TRM3_EBVA8 Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
PORTL_EBVA8 Portal protein

3 entries

Escherichia phage Mu (Bacteriophage Mu) reference strain

PORTL_BPMU Portal protein (Gene product 29) (gp29) (Gene product H) (gpH) (Head-tail connector)
TERL_BPMU Probable terminase, large subunit gp28 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Gene product 28) (gp28) (Gene product E) (gpE) ...
TERS_BPMU Probable terminase, small subunit gp27 (Gene product 27) (gp27) (Gene product D) (gpD) (Pacase, ...

3 entries

Escherichia phage P2 (Bacteriophage P2) reference strain

VPM_BPP2 Terminase, endonuclease subunit (GpM)
VPP_BPP2 Terminase, ATPase subunit (GpP)
PORTL_BPP2 Probable portal protein (GpQ)

3 entries

Escherichia phage T7 (Bacteriophage T7) reference strain

TERL_BPT7 Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (Gene product 19) (Gp19) [Includes: ATPase (EC ...
PORTL_BPT7 Portal protein (Gene product 8) (Gp8) (Head-to-tail connector)
TERS_BPT7 Terminase, small subunit gp18 (DNA-packaging protein A) (Gene product 18) (Gp18)

3 entries

Fowl adenovirus A serotype 1 (strain CELO / Phelps) (FAdV-1) (Avian adenovirus gal1 (strain Phelps)) reference strain

PKG1_ADEG1 Packaging protein 1 (Packaging protein IVa2)
PKG3_ADEG1 Packaging protein 3 (L1-52/55 kDa protein) (Packaging protein 52K)
CAP3_ADEG1 Pre-hexon-linking protein IIIa (Capsid vertex-specific component IIIa) (CVSC) (Protein IIIa) (pIIIa) ...

3 entries

Haemophilus phage HP1 (strain HP1c1) (Bacteriophage HP1) reference strain

PORTL_BPHC1 Probable portal protein (ORF15)
VPP_BPHC1 Probable terminase, ATPase subunit (ORF16)
VPM_BPHC1 Probable terminase, endonuclease subunit (ORF19)

3 entries

Human adenovirus A serotype 12 (HAdV-12) (Human adenovirus 12) reference strain

PKG1_ADE12 Packaging protein 1 (Packaging protein IVa2)
CAP3_ADE12 Pre-hexon-linking protein IIIa (Capsid vertex-specific component IIIa) (CVSC) (Protein IIIa) (pIIIa) ...
PKG3_ADE12 Packaging protein 3 (L1-52/55 kDa protein) (Packaging protein 52K)

3 entries

Lactococcus phage SK1 (Lactococcus lactis bacteriophage SK1) reference strain

TERL_BPLSK Terminase large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (Gene product 2) (gp2) [Includes: Endonuclease (EC ...
PORTL_BPLSK Probable portal protein (Gene product 4) (gp4) (Putative portal protein)
TERS_BPLSK Terminase small subunit (Gene product 1) (gp1)

3 entries

Salmonella phage P22 (Bacteriophage P22) reference strain

TERL_BPP22 Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein gp2) [Includes: Endonuclease (EC 3.1.21.-); ATPase ...
TERS_BPP22 Terminase, small subunit (DNA-packaging protein gp3)
PORTL_BPP22 Portal protein (Gene product 1) (Gp1) (Head-to-tail connector)

3 entries

Snake adenovirus serotype 1 (SnAdV-1) reference strain

PKG1_ADES1 Packaging protein 1 (Packaging protein IVa2)
CAP3_ADES1 Pre-hexon-linking protein IIIa (Capsid vertex-specific component IIIa) (CVSC) (Protein IIIa) (pIIIa) ...
PKG3_ADES1 Packaging protein 3 (L1-52/55 kDa protein) (Packaging protein 52K)

3 entries

Thermus virus P23-45 (Thermus thermophilus phage P23-45) reference strain

TERL_BP234 Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (Gene product 85) (gp85) [Includes: ATPase (EC ...
TERS_BP234 Terminase, small subunit (DNA-packaging protein gp84) (Gene product 84) (gp84)
PORTL_BP234 Portal protein (Gene product 86) (gp86)

2 entries

Escherichia phage P1 (Bacteriophage P1) reference strain

DAM_BPP1 DNA N-6-adenine-methyltransferase (DAM) (EC (EcoP1I DNA MTase) (M.EcoP1I) (Type II ...
TERL_BPP1 Probable terminase, large subunit (EC 3.1.-.-) (DNA-packaging protein B) (PACase B protein) ...

2 entries

Escherichia phage T5 (Enterobacteria phage T5) reference strain

TERL_BPT5 Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) [Includes: ATPase (EC 3.6.4.-); Endonuclease (EC ...
PORTL_BPT5 Portal protein (Capsid protein pb7)

2 entries

Human adenovirus F serotype 40 (HAdV-40) (Human adenovirus 40) reference strain

SF33K_ADE40 Protein 33K (L4-33K) (Splicing factor 33K) (Terminase, small subunit)
PKG1_ADE40 Packaging protein 1 (Packaging protein IVa2)

2 entries

Pseudomonas phage phi6 (Bacteriophage phi-6) reference strain

P4_BPPH6 Packaging enzyme P4 (EC
P7_BPPH6 Assembly protein P7

1 entry

Acyrthosiphon pisum secondary endosymbiont phage 1 (Bacteriophage APSE-1) reference strain

PORTL_BPAPS Portal protein (Gene product 19) (Gp19) (Head-to-tail connector)

1 entry

Aedes albopictus densovirus (isolate Boublik/1994) (AalDNV) reference strain

NS1_AADNV Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (Non-structural protein 1) (Non-structural ...

1 entry

Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (strain G) (ADV) reference strain

NS1_ADVG Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (Non-structural protein 1) (Non-structural ...

1 entry

Bacillus phage SP01 (Bacteriophage SP01) reference strain

PORTL_BPSP1 Probable portal protein

1 entry

Bacteroides phage crAss001 (Bacteroides phage PhiCrAss001) reference strain

PORTL_BPCA1 Portal protein (Gene product 20) (gp20)

1 entry

Bordetella phage BPP-1 reference strain

PORTL_BPBPP Probable portal protein (Gene product 21) (gp21) (Head-to-tail connector)

1 entry

Canine adenovirus serotype 2 (strain Toronto A 26-61) (CAdV-2) (Canine adenovirus 2 (strain Toronto A 26-61)) reference strain

PKG1_ADECT Packaging protein 1 (Packaging protein IVa2)

1 entry

Clostridium phage phiCD119 (strain Clostridium difficile/United States/Govind/2006) (Bacteriophage phiCD119) reference strain

PORTL_BPPCD Portal protein (Portal vertex protein)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage N4 (Bacteriophage N4) reference strain

PORTL_BPN4 Probable portal protein (94 kDa protein) (Gene product 59) (gp59) (Head-to-tail connector)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage SP6 (Bacteriophage SP6) reference strain

PORTL_BPSP6 Portal protein (Head-to-tail connector)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage phiX174 (Isolate Sanger) (Bacteriophage phi-X174) reference strain

J_BPPHS DNA-binding protein J (J protein) (Small core protein)

1 entry

Enterococcus phage phiEF24C (Enterococcus bacteriophage phi-EF24C) reference strain

PORTL_BPPHE Probable portal protein

1 entry

Escherichia phage G4 (Bacteriophage G4) reference strain

J_BPG4 DNA-binding protein J (J protein) (Small core protein)

1 entry

Escherichia phage N15 (Bacteriophage N15) reference strain

PORTL_BPN15 Portal protein [Cleaved into: Protein B*]

1 entry

Escherichia phage alpha3 (Bacteriophage alpha-3) reference strain

J_BPAL3 DNA-binding protein J (J protein) (Small core protein)

1 entry

Halomonas phage phiHAP-1 (isolate -/Gulf of Mexico/-/2001) (Bacteriophage phiHAP-1) reference strain

PORTL_BPHA1 Probable portal protein

1 entry

Helicobacter pylori bacteriophage KHP30 reference strain

PORTL_BPKHP Portal protein (Head-to-tail connector gp8) (Putative portal protein ORF17)

1 entry

Ictalurid herpesvirus 1 (strain Auburn) (IcHV-1) (Channel catfish herpesvirus) reference strain

VTER_ICHVA Probable DNA-packaging protein (Terminase)

1 entry

Junonia coenia densovirus (isolate pBRJ/1990) (JcDNV) reference strain

NS1_JDNVP Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (Non-structural protein 1) (Non-structural ...

1 entry

Murid herpesvirus 1 (strain Smith) (MuHV-1) (Mouse cytomegalovirus) reference strain

TRM1_MUHVS Tripartite terminase subunit 1

1 entry

Murine minute virus (strain MVM prototype) (MVM) (Murine minute virus (strain MVM(p))) reference strain

NS1_MUMIP Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...

1 entry

Mycobacterium phage D29 (Mycobacteriophage D29) reference strain

PORTL_BPMD2 Portal protein (Gene product 14) (gp14) (Portal vertex protein)

1 entry

Mycobacterium phage L5 (Mycobacteriophage L5) reference strain

PORTL_BPML5 Portal protein (Gene product 14) (gp14) (Portal vertex protein)

1 entry

Pseudomonas phage phiKMV reference strain

PORTL_BPKMV Portal protein (Head-to-tail connector)

1 entry

Salmonella phage ViI reference strain

PORTL_BPSAV Portal protein (gp20)

1 entry

Salmonella phage epsilon15 reference strain

PORTL_BPE15 Portal protein (Head-to-tail connector)

1 entry

Shigella phage SfV (Shigella flexneri bacteriophage V) (Bacteriophage SfV) reference strain

TERL_BPSF5 Putative terminase large subunit

1 entry

Staphylococcus phage 44AHJD reference strain

PORTL_BP44A Portal protein (Connector protein) (Gene product 19) (gp19) (Head-to-tail connector) (Probable ...

1 entry

Staphylococcus phage 80alpha reference strain

TERS_BP80A Terminase small subunit

1 entry

Staphylococcus phage Twort (strain DSM 17442 / HER 48) (Bacteriophage Twort) reference strain

PORTL_BPTWO Probable portal protein

1 entry

Streptomyces phage phiC31 (Bacteriophage phi-C31) reference strain

PORTL_BPPHC Probable portal protein

1 entry

Vibrio phage KVP40 (isolate Vibrio parahaemolyticus/Japan/Matsuzaki/1991) (KVP40) (Bacteriophage KVP40) reference strain

PORTL_BPKVM Portal protein (gp20)

4 entries

Elephantid herpesvirus 1 (isolate Asian elephant/Berlin/Kiba/1998) (EIHV-1) (Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus)

CVC1_ELHVK Capsid vertex component 1
TRM3_ELHVK Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
CVC2_ELHVK Capsid vertex component 2
TRM1_ELHVK Tripartite terminase subunit 1

4 entries

Equine herpesvirus 1 (strain V592) (EHV-1) (Equine abortion virus)

TRM3_EHV1V Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
PORTL_EHV1V Portal protein
TRM1_EHV1V Tripartite terminase subunit 1
CVC2_EHV1V Capsid vertex component 2

3 entries

Canine adenovirus serotype 1 (strain CLL) (CAdV-1) (Canine adenovirus 1 (strain CLL))

PKG1_ADECC Packaging protein 1 (Packaging protein IVa2)
CAP3_ADECC Pre-hexon-linking protein IIIa (Capsid vertex-specific component IIIa) (CVSC) (Protein IIIa) (pIIIa) ...
PKG3_ADECC Packaging protein 3 (L1-52/55 kDa protein) (Packaging protein 52K)

3 entries

Canine adenovirus serotype 1 (strain RI261) (CAdV-1) (Canine adenovirus 1 (strain RI261))

PKG1_ADECR Packaging protein 1 (Packaging protein IVa2)
CAP3_ADECR Pre-hexon-linking protein IIIa (Capsid vertex-specific component IIIa) (CVSC) (Protein IIIa) (pIIIa) ...
PKG3_ADECR Packaging protein 3 (L1-52/55 kDa protein) (Packaging protein 52K)

3 entries

Enterobacteria phage P21 (Bacteriophage 21) (Bacteriophage P21)

TERL_BPP21 Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (DNA-packaging protein gp2) (Gene product 2) (gp2) ...
PORTL_BPP21 Portal protein B (GpB) (Minor capsid protein B)
TERS_BPP21 Terminase, small subunit (Gp1)

3 entries

Enterobacteria phage T3 (Bacteriophage T3)

TERL_BPT3 Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (Gene product 19) (gp19) [Includes: ATPase (EC ...
VDMA_BPT3 DNA maturase A (DNA-packaging protein A) (GP18)
PORTL_BPT3 Portal protein (Gene product 8) (Gp8) (Head-to-tail connector)

3 entries

Epstein-Barr virus (strain GD1) (HHV-4) (Human gammaherpesvirus 4)

CVC2_EBVG Capsid vertex component 2
TRM3_EBVG Tripartite terminase subunit 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (Terminase large subunit)
PORTL_EBVG Portal protein

3 entries

Lactococcus phage p2 (Lactococcus lactis bacteriophage p2)

TERL_BPLP2 Terminase large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (Gene product 2) (gp2) [Includes: Endonuclease (EC ...
PORTL_BPLP2 Probable portal protein (Gene product 4) (gp4)
TERS_BPLP2 Terminase small subunit (Gene product 1) (gp1)

3 entries

Thermus phage G20c (Thermus thermophilus phage G20c)

TERL_BPG20 Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (DNA-packaging protein gp80) (Gene product 80) ...
TERS_BPG20 Terminase, small subunit (DNA-packaging protein gp79) (Gene product 79) (gp79)
PORTL_BPG20 Portal protein (Gene product 81) (gp81)

2 entries

Bacillus phage B103 (Bacteriophage B103)

PORTL_BPB03 Portal protein (Gene product 10) (gp10) (Head-to-tail connector) (Upper collar protein)
PKG16_BPB03 DNA packaging protein (ATPase gp16) (EC 3.6.4.-) (Gene product 16) (gp16) (Protein p16)

2 entries

Bacillus phage PZA (Bacteriophage PZA)

PORTL_BPPZA Portal protein (Connector protein) (Gene product 10) (gp10) (Gene product 19) (gp19) (Head-to-tail ...
PKG16_BPPZA DNA packaging protein (ATPase gp16) (EC 3.6.4.-) (Gene product 16) (gp16) (Protein p16)

2 entries

Murine adenovirus A serotype 1 (MAdV-1) (Murine adenovirus 1)

CAP3_ADEM1 Pre-hexon-linking protein IIIa (Capsid vertex-specific component IIIa) (CVSC) (Protein IIIa) (pIIIa) ...
PKG1_ADEM1 Packaging protein 1 (Packaging protein IVa2)

1 entry

Aedes densonucleosis virus (strain GKV 002 002) (Aedes densovirus)

NS1_AEDEV Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (Non-structural protein 1) (Non-structural ...

1 entry

Bacillus phage SF6 (Bacteriophage SF6)

TERS_BPSF6 Terminase small subunit (G1P) (Terminase, small subunit)

1 entry

Bacillus phage rho15 (Bacteriophage rho-15)

TERS_BPRH5 Terminase small subunit (G1P)

1 entry

Bombyx mori densovirus (BmDNV) (Bombyx densonucleosis virus)

NS1_BMDNV Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (Non-structural protein 1) (Non-structural ...

1 entry

Bovine herpesvirus 2 (strain BMV) (BoHV-2) (Bovine mammillitis virus)

TRM1_BHV2B Tripartite terminase subunit 1

1 entry

Canine parvovirus type 2 (isolate Dog/United States/CPV-N/1978) (CPV-2)

NS1_PAVCN Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...

1 entry

Diatraea saccharalis densovirus (DsDNV)

NS1_DSDNV Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (Non-structural protein 1) (Non-structural ...

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage HK97 (Bacteriophage HK97)

PORTL_BPHK7 Portal protein (GP3)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage LP7 (Bacteriophage LP7)

TERS_BPLP7 Terminase, small subunit (DNA-packaging protein gp3)

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Enterobacteria phage P7 (Bacteriophage P7)

TERL_BPP7 Probable terminase, large subunit (EC 3.1.-.-) (DNA-packaging protein B) (PACase B protein) ...

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Enterobacteria phage phiK (Bacteriophage phi-K)

J_BPPHK DNA-binding protein J (J protein) (Small core protein)

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Equine herpesvirus 1 (strain HVS25A) (EHV-1) (Equine abortion virus)

TRM1_EHV1 Tripartite terminase subunit 1

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Feline panleukopenia virus (strain 193) (FPV)

NS1_FPV19 Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...

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Hamster parvovirus H1

NS1_PAVHH Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...

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Human adenovirus B serotype 7 (HAdV-7) (Human adenovirus 7)

PKG1_ADE07 Packaging protein 1 (Packaging protein IVa2)

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Human adenovirus F serotype 41 (HAdV-41) (Human adenovirus 41)

SF33K_ADE41 Protein 33K (L4-33K) (Splicing factor 33K) (Terminase, small subunit)

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Human herpesvirus 1 (strain Angelotti) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

TRM1_HHV1A Tripartite terminase subunit 1

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Human herpesvirus 1 (strain F) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

TRM1_HHV1F Tripartite terminase subunit 1

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Infectious laryngotracheitis virus (strain Thorne V882) (ILTV) (Gallid herpesvirus 1)

CVC2_ILTVT Capsid vertex component 2

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Mink enteritis virus (strain Abashiri) (MEV)

NS1_MEVA Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...

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Murine minute virus (strain MVMi) (MVM) (Murine parvovirus)

NS1_MUMIM Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...

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Parvovirus LuIII

NS1_PAVL3 Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...

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Porcine parvovirus (strain Kresse) (PPV)

NS1_PAVPK Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...

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Porcine parvovirus (strain NADL-2) (PPV)

NS1_PAVPN Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...

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Suid herpesvirus 1 (strain Indiana-Funkhauser / Becker) (SuHV-1) (Pseudorabies virus (strain Indiana-Funkhauser / Becker))

TRM1_SUHVF Tripartite terminase subunit 1

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Tipula iridescent virus (TIV) (Insect iridescent virus type 1)

VL96_IRV1 Putative ubiquitin thioesterase L96 (EC

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Tupaiid herpesvirus (strain 2) (TuHV-2) (Herpesvirus tupaia (strain 2))

TRM1_TUHV2 Tripartite terminase subunit 1

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Vibrio phage CP-T1 (Bacteriophage CP-T1)

PACK_BPCPT Putative packaging signal terminase (PAC site terminase)