Ribosomal frameshifting (kw:KW-0688)

Programmed Ribosomal frameshifting is an alternate mechanism of translation to merge proteins encoded by two overlapping open reading frames. The frameshift occurs at low frequency and consists of ribosomes slipping by one base in either the 5'(-1) or 3'(+1) directions during translation. Some viruses contains both a +1 and a -1 ribosomal frameshifts


-1 Ribosomal frameshift


All cis-acting frameshift signals encoded in mRNAs are minimally composed of two functional elements: a heptanucleotide "slippery sequence" conforming to the general form X XXY YYZ, followed by a RNA structural element, usually a H-type RNA pseudoknot, positioned an optimal number of nucleotides (5 to 9) downstream. Mechanistically, the ribosome is stalled on the slippery sequence by the pseudoknot structure in 3'. In about 10% cases, the ribosome will backtrack one nucleotide, creating one or more mismatchs between tRNAs and mRNA. Translation resolves on the backtracked ribosome in the -1 frame.

Family Genus Virus Type RefSeq .......... XXXYYYZ .......... Frameshift position Freq Ref
Totiviridae Giardiavirus Giardia lamblia virus -1 NC_003555 CGUGCGCCAU CCCUUUA UCCGAUCGUG 2871
Totivirus Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-A -1 NC_003745 GUACUCAGCA GGGUUUA GGAGUGGUAG 1964
Astroviridae Avastrovirus Turkey astrovirus 1 -1 NC_002470 CUACGUGUUC AAAAAAC UAGAUAGUCA 3307
Mamastrovirus Human astrovirus 1 -1 NC_001943 ACAAGGCCCC AAAAAAC UACAAAGGGC 2845
Luteoviridae Enamovirus Pea enation mosaic virus-1 -1 NC_003629 CCAGACGCUC GGGAAAC GGAUUAUUCC 2035
Luteovirus Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV -1 NC_004750 TTGACTCTGT GGGUUUU AGAGGGGCTC 1159
Polerovirus Potato leafroll virus -1 NC_001747 CAAACAAGCC UUUAAAU GGGCAAGCGG 1774
Arteriviridae Arterivirus Equine arteritis virus -1 NC_002532 CAGUGAAUCA GUUAAAC UGAGAGCGCC 5405
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus -2 NC_001961 UGAGCCGUCA GGUUUUU GACCUCGUCU 3887-3888
Coronaviridae Alphacoronavirus Human coronavirus 229E -1 NC_002645 AUAACAGUUA UUUAAAC GAGUCCGGGG 12520
Betacoronavirus Human SARS coronavirus -1 NC_004718 CAUCAACGUU UUUAAAC GGGUUUGCGG 13398
Gammacoronavirus Avian Infectious bronchitis virus -1 NC_002645 AUAAGAAUUA UUUAAAC GGGUACGGGG 12354
Bafinivirus White bream virus -1 NC_008516 AGCAGCCGCC UUUAAAC TGGAGGGCAG 14555 -
Torovirus Breda virus -1 NC_007447 CUGUUGGUGA UUUAAAC UGCUGAGAGA 14184 -
FLaviviridae Flavivirus West nile virus -1 NC_009942 UAUGAUUGAC CCUUUUC AGUUGGGCCU 3552 30-50%
Mesoniviridae Mesonivirus Alphamesonivirus 1 -1 NC_015668 GCACCCUUUG GAUUUUC CAAAGUGGGC 7841
Picornaviridae Cardiovirus Encephalomyocardidis virus -1 NC_001479 CAAGGAAACA GGUUUUC CAGACCCAAG 3998
Tombusviridae Dianthovirus Red clover necrotic mosaic virus -1 NC_003756 AAUCCCUUGA GGAUUUU UAGGCGGCGG 831
Retroviridae Alpharetrovirus Avian leukosis virus -1 NC_001408 UCCGCUUGAC AAAUUUA UAGGGAGGGC 2474
Betaretrovirus Mouse mammary tumor virus -1 NC_001503 CUGAAAAUUC AAAAAAC UUGUAAAGGG 2082
Deltaretrovirus Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 -1 NC_001436 UCCCACACCC AAAAAAC UCCAUAGGGG 1718
Lentivirus Human immunodeficiency virus 1 -1 NC_001802 GACAGGCUAA UUUUUUA GGGAAGAUCU 1637
Unclassified Sobemovirus Cocksfoot mottle sobemovirus -1 NC_002618 CAAUCCGGCC UUUAAAC UACCAGCGGG 1640
Umbravirus Groundnut rosette virus -1 NC_003603 CCGGGGCACA AAAUUUU UAGUUGGGGA 867
Myoviridae Mulikevirus Mu phage -2 NC_000929 CGCUGACACA AGAACGG GGGCGAGUGG 23960
Myoviridae P2likeviruses Enterobacteria phage P2 -1 NC_003603 CGGUAAGGUG GUCGGUU UUUUGUCGCC 19679
Siphoviridae Lambdalikevirus Phage lambda +1 NC_001416 AGAGCCUGUU UCUGCGG GAAAGTGTTC 10110
Togaviridae Alphavirus Sindbis virus +1 NC_001547 GCUGCCUGCC UUUUUUA GUGGUUCCGG 10028 10-18%

Source:Michael Bekaert, thesis (in french) etude du decalage de phase de lecture dans le genome de Saccharomyces cerevisiae

+1 ribosomal frameshift

This frameshift is mechanistically different from the -1. The ribosome stalls on a slippery sequence, making a long pause at a rare codon for which few tRNAs are available. This long pause can be resolved by a movement forward of one nucleotide, creating one or more mismatchs between tRNAs and mRNA. Translation resolves on the advanced ribosome in the +1 frame.


Family Genus Virus Type RefSeq .......... XXXYYYZ .......... *{color:white}Frameshift position *{color:white}Freq *{color:white}Ref
+1 FRAMESHIFTS (rare codon in yellow)
Orthomyxoviridae Influenzavirus A Influenzavirus A +1 NC_002022 UCUGGGAUUC CUUUCGU CAGUCCGAG 599
Totiviridae Leishmaniavirus Leishmania RNA virus 1-4 +1 NC_003601 Not Identified NA
Siphoviridae Lambdalikevirus Bacillus phage SPP1 +1 NC_004166 ACTGTTCCCG CTCCCC TAATGCGCC 11,111 ~10%

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to uniprot.org website)

597 entries grouped by strain

4 entries

Escherichia phage T7 (Bacteriophage T7) reference strain

CAPSA_BPT7 Major capsid protein (Gene product 10A) (Gp10A) (Major head protein)
CAPSB_BPT7 Minor capsid protein (Gene product 10B) (Gp10B) (Minor head protein)
V5557_BPT7 Fusion protein 5.5/5.7
SGS_BPT7 Protein suppressor of silencing (Gene product 5.5)

3 entries

Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (isolate Caribbea HS-35 subtype A) (HTLV-1) reference strain

PRO_HTL1C Gag-Pro polyprotein (Pr76Gag-Pro) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HTL1C Gag polyprotein (Pr53Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
POL_HTL1C Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...

3 entries

Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (strain Japan ATK-1 subtype A) (HTLV-1) reference strain

GAG_HTL1A Gag polyprotein (Pr53Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
POL_HTL1A Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...
PRO_HTL1A Gag-Pro polyprotein (Pr76Gag-Pro) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

3 entries

Human T-cell leukemia virus 2 (HTLV-2) reference strain

GAG_HTLV2 Gag polyprotein (Pr53Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
PRO_HTLV2 Gag-Pro polyprotein (Pr76Gag-Pro) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
POL_HTLV2 Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...

3 entries

Human T-cell leukemia virus 3 (strain 2026ND) (HTLV-3) reference strain

POL_HTL32 Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...
PRO_HTL32 Gag-Pro polyprotein (Pr76Gag-Pro) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HTL32 Gag polyprotein (Pr53Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

3 entries

Mouse mammary tumor virus (strain BR6) (MMTV) reference strain

POL_MMTVB Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp21; Protein p3; ...
GAG_MMTVB Gag polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp21; Protein p3; Protein ...
PRO_MMTVB Gag-Pro polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp21; Protein p3; ...

3 entries

Mouse mammary tumor virus (strain C3H) (MMTV) reference strain

POL_MMTVC Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp21; Protein p3; ...
GAG_MMTVC Gag polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp21; Protein p3; Protein ...
PRO_MMTVC Gag-Pro polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp21; Protein p3; ...

2 entries

Avian infectious bronchitis virus (strain Beaudette) (IBV) reference strain

R1A_IBVB Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 (nsp2) ...
R1AB_IBVB Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 ...

2 entries

Avian leukosis virus subgroup A (isolate RSA) (ALV-A RSA) reference strain

GAG_ALVA Gag polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; p2A; p2B; p10; Capsid protein p27, alternate ...
POL_ALVA Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; p2A; p2B; p10; Capsid protein p27, alternate ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus HKU4 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/HKU4/2004) reference strain

R1A_BCHK4 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BCHK4 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus HKU5 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/HKU5/2004) reference strain

R1A_BCHK5 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BCHK5 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus HKU9 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/HKU9) reference strain

R1A_BCHK9 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BCHK9 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Breda virus 1 (BRV-1) reference strain

R1AB_BRV1 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Putative papain-like ...
R1A_BRV1 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Papain-like proteinase (PL-PRO) ...

2 entries

Chikungunya virus (strain S27-African prototype) (CHIKV) reference strain

POLSF_CHIKS Frameshifted structural polyprotein (p130) [Cleaved into: Capsid protein (EC (Coat ...
POLS_CHIKS Structural polyprotein (p130) [Cleaved into: Capsid protein (EC (Coat protein) (C); ...

2 entries

Cocksfoot mottle virus (isolate Dactylis glomerata/Norway/CfMV-NO/1995) (CfMV) reference strain

RDRP_CFMVN Replicase polyprotein P2AB [Cleaved into: N-terminal protein; Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); VPg; ...
P2A_CFMVN Polyprotein P2A [Cleaved into: N-terminal protein; Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); VPg; Putative ...

2 entries

Encephalomyocarditis virus (strain Rueckert) (EMCV) reference strain

POLG_EMCVR Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...
ALT2B_EMCVR Protein 2B*

2 entries

Escherichia phage Mu (Bacteriophage Mu) reference strain

TAPFS_BPMU Probable tail assembly protein FS-gp41
TAP_BPMU Probable tail assembly protein gp41 (Gene product 41) (gp41) (Tail assembly chaperone)

2 entries

Escherichia phage N15 (Bacteriophage N15) reference strain

G_BPN15 Tail assembly protein G (Gene product 14) (gp14) (Gene product G) (gpG) (Minor tail protein G) (Tail ...
GT_BPN15 Tail assembly protein GT (Gene product 15) (gp15) (Gene product GT) (gpGT) (Minor tail protein GT)

2 entries

Escherichia phage P2 (Bacteriophage P2) reference strain

TAPFS_BPP2 Tail assembly protein E' (Gene product E') (gpE') (Tail assembly chaperone) (TAC)
TAP_BPP2 Tail assembly protein E (Gene product E) (gpE) (Tail assembly chaperone) (TAC)

2 entries

Escherichia phage lambda (Bacteriophage lambda) reference strain

G_LAMBD Tail assembly protein G (Gene product G) (gpG) (Minor tail protein G) (Tail assembly chaperone) ...
GT_LAMBD Tail assembly protein GT (Gene product 15) (gp15) (Gene product GT) (gpGT) (Minor tail protein GT)

2 entries

Giardia lamblia virus (isolate Wang) (GLV) reference strain

CAPSD_GLVWB Major capsid protein (Gag protein) (Major coat protein)
RDRP_GLVWB Probable RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC (Gag-Pol protein)

2 entries

Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (isolate United States/NY1) (GLRaV-3) (Grapevine leafroll-associated closterovirus (isolate 109)) reference strain

R1AB_GLRV3 Replicase polyprotein 1ab [Cleaved into: Leader protease (L-Pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Papain-like cysteine ...
R1A_GLRV3 Replicase protein 1a [Cleaved into: Leader protease (L-Pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Papain-like cysteine ...

2 entries

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a (isolate H77) (HCV) reference strain

F_HCV77 F protein (Alternate reading frame protein/F-protein) (ARFP/F) (Frameshifted protein) (p16) (p17)
POLG_HCV77 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

2 entries

Human astrovirus-1 (HAstV-1) reference strain

NS1A_HASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...
NS1AB_HASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) reference strain

R1A_CVH22 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVH22 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus HKU1 (isolate N5) (HCoV-HKU1) reference strain

R1A_CVHN5 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVHN5 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63) reference strain

R1A_CVHNL Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVHNL Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43) reference strain

R1A_CVHOC Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVHOC Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype A (isolate MAL) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1MA Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV1MA Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype A (isolate U455) (HIV-1) reference strain

GAG_HV1U4 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1U4 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate ARV2/SF2) (HIV-1) reference strain

GAG_HV1A2 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1A2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate BRU/LAI) (HIV-1) reference strain

GAG_HV1BR Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1BR Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate HXB2) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1H2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

pdb 1A30; 1BV7; 1BV9; 1BVE; 1BVG; 1BWA; 1BWB; 1C0T; 1C0U; 1C1B; 1C1C; 1DMP; 1DTQ; 1DTT; 1E6J; 1EP4; 1ESK; 1EX4; 1EXQ; 1FB7; 1FK9; 1FKO; 1FKP; 1G6L; 1HIV; 1HVH; 1HVR; 1HWR; 1HXB; 1JKH; 1JLA; 1JLB; 1JLC; 1JLE; 1JLF; 1JLG; 1JLQ; 1KLM; 1LV1; 1LW0; 1LW2; 1LWC; 1LWE; 1LWF; 1NCP; 1O1W; 1ODW; 1ODY; 1QBR; 1QBS; 1QBT; 1QBU; 1REV; 1RT1; 1RT2; 1RT3; 1RT4; 1RT5; 1RT6; 1RT7; 1RTD; 1RTH; 1RTI; 1RTJ; 1S1T; 1S1U; 1S1V; 1S1W; 1S1X; 1T05; 1TAM; 1TKT; 1TKX; 1TKZ; 1TL1; 1TL3; 1VRT; 1VRU; 2HND; 2HNY; 2HNZ; 2KOD; 2NPH; 2OPP; 2OPQ; 2OPR; 2OPS; 2RF2; 2RKI; 2WHH; 2WOM; 2WON; 2YNF; 2YNG; 2YNH; 2YNI; 3AO2; 3C6T; 3C6U; 3DI6; 3DLE; 3DLG; 3DM2; 3DMJ; 3DOK; 3DOL; 3DOX; 3DRP; 3DRR; 3DRS; 3DYA; 3E01; 3FFI; 3I0R; 3I0S; 3KJV; 3KK1; 3KK2; 3KK3; 3KT2; 3KT5; 3LAK; 3LAL; 3LAM; 3LAN; 3LP0; 3LP1; 3LP2; 3M8P; 3M8Q; 3MEC; 3MED; 3MEE; 3MEG; 3N3I; 3NBP; 3PHV; 3QIN; 3QIO; 3QIP; 3T19; 3T1A; 3TAM; 4B3O; 4B3P; 4B3Q; 4I7F; 4KSE; 4KV8; 4NCG; 4Q1W; 4Q1X; 4Q1Y; 4Q5M; 4QLH; 4U1H; 4U1I; 4U1J; 4U7Q; 4U7V; 5DGU; 5DGW; 5EU7; 5HRN; 5HRP; 5HRR; 5HRS; 5IM7; 5J2M; 5J2N; 5J2P; 5J2Q; 5K14; 5KAO; 5T82; 5TC2; 5VZ6; 5XOS; 5XOT; 5YRS; 6BJ2; 6BJ3; 6BSG; 6BSH; 6BSI; 6BSJ; 6DIF; 6DIL; 6DJ1; 6DJ2; 6DJ5; 6DJ7; 6DV0; 6DV4; 6E7J; 6E9A; 6EWA; 6EX9; 6GL1; 6J1V; 6J1W; 6OR7; 6OTZ; 6P1I; 6P1X; 6P2G; 6PYL; 6SKK; 6SKM; 6SKN; 6SLQ; 6SLU; 6SMU; 6UIR; 6UIS; 6UIT; 6UJX; 6UJY; 6UJZ; 6UK0; 6VPZ; 6VQ2; 6VQD; 6VQE; 6VQY; 6VQZ; 6WAZ; 6WB1; 6WPF; 6WPH; 6WPJ; 7DOZ; 7DPQ; 7DT9; 7R7V; 7R7X; 7R80; 7SLR; 7SLS; 7XIU; 7XJ4; 7XJ5; 7XJ7; 8ERX; 8ESX; 8ESY; 8F0F; 8F5A; 8F7M; 8FCC; 8FCD; 8FCE; 8JYH; 8JYI; 8JYJ

GAG_HV1H2 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate MN) (HIV-1) reference strain

GAG_HV1MN Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1MN Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate RF/HAT3) (HIV-1) reference strain

GAG_HV1RH Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1RH Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (strain 89.6) (HIV-1) reference strain

GAG_HV1B9 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1B9 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype C (isolate 92BR025) (HIV-1) reference strain

GAG_HV192 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV192 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype C (isolate ETH2220) (HIV-1) reference strain

GAG_HV1ET Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1ET Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype D (isolate ELI) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1EL Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV1EL Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F1 (isolate 93BR020) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV193 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV193 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F1 (isolate VI850) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1VI Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV1VI Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype H (isolate 90CF056) (HIV-1) reference strain

GAG_HV190 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV190 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group N (isolate YBF30) (HIV-1) reference strain

GAG_HV1YF Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1YF Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group O (isolate ANT70) (HIV-1) reference strain

GAG_HV1AN Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1AN Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate BEN) (HIV-2) reference strain

GAG_HV2BE Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV2BE Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Goose/Guangdong/1/1996 H5N1 genotype Gs/Gd) reference strain

PA_I96A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I96A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 H1N1) reference strain

PA_I34A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I34A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Jembrana disease virus (JDV) reference strain

POL_JEMBR Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr170Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16 (MA); Capsid protein p26 (CA); ...
GAG_JEMBR Gag polyprotein (Pr53Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16 (MA); Capsid protein p26 (CA); ...

2 entries

Lettuce infectious yellows virus (isolate United States/92) (LIYV) reference strain

R1AB_LIYV9 Replicase polyprotein 1ab [Cleaved into: Leader protease (L-PRO) (EC 3.4.22.-); ...
R1A_LIYV9 Replicase polyprotein 1a [Cleaved into: Leader protease (L-PRO) (EC 3.4.22.-); ...

2 entries

Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (isolate United Kingdom/H123990006/2012) (MERS-CoV) (Betacoronavirus England 1) reference strain

R1A_MERS1 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor nsp1 ...
R1AB_MERS1 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

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Murine coronavirus (strain 2) (MHV-2) (Murine hepatitis virus) reference strain

R1A_CVM2 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVM2 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

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Murine coronavirus (strain A59) (MHV-A59) (Murine hepatitis virus) reference strain

R1A_CVMA5 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVMA5 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

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Mycobacterium phage D29 (Mycobacteriophage D29) reference strain

VG24_BPMD2 Tail assembly protein Gp24 (Gene product 24) (Gp24) (Minor tail protein Gp24)
TAP25_BPMD2 Tail assembly protein Gp25 (Gene 25 protein) (Gp25)

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Mycobacterium phage L5 (Mycobacteriophage L5) reference strain

VG24_BPML5 Tail assembly protein Gp24 (Gene product 24) (Gp24) (Minor tail protein Gp24)
TAP25_BPML5 Tail assembly protein Gp25 (Gene 25 protein) (Gp25)

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Pea enation mosaic virus-1 (strain WSG) (PEMV-1) reference strain

RDRP_PEMVW Protein P1-P2 [Cleaved into: Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC ...
P1_PEMVW Protein P1 (Genome-linked protein precursor) (ORF1 protein) [Cleaved into: Serine protease (EC ...

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Poinsettia latent virus (isolate Euphorbia pulcherrima/Germany/Siepen/2005) (PnLV) (Poinsettia cryptic virus) reference strain

RDRP_PNLV Protein P2-P3 [Cleaved into: Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC ...
P1_PNLV Genome-linked protein precursor [Cleaved into: Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); VPg]

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Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (strain Lelystad) (PRRSV) reference strain

RPOTF_PRRSL Replicase polyprotein 1TF (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1 (EC 3.4.22.-); Nsp1-alpha ...
RPOA_PRRSL Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1 (EC 3.4.22.-); Nsp1-alpha ...

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Porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (strain Purdue) (TGEV) reference strain

R1A_CVPPU Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVPPU Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

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Potato leafroll virus (strain Potato/Scotland/strain 1/1984) (PLrV) reference strain

P1_PLRV1 Protein P1 (69.7 kDa protein) (Genome-linked protein precursor) (Protein ORF1) [Cleaved into: Serine ...
RDRP_PLRV1 Protein P1-P2 [Cleaved into: Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC ...

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Potato virus Y (strain N) (PVY) reference strain

POLG_PVYN Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_PVYN P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

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Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-A (ScV-L-A) (ScVL1) reference strain

GAG_SCVLA Major capsid protein (Gag protein) (Major coat protein)
RDRP_SCVLA Probable RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC (Gag-Pol protein)

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Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-BC (ScV-L-BC) (ScVLa) reference strain

RDRP_SCVLB Probable RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC (Gag-Pol protein)
GAG_SCVLB Major capsid protein (Gag protein) (Major coat protein)

1 entry

Semliki forest virus (SFV) reference strain

POLS_SFV Structural polyprotein (p130) [Cleaved into: Capsid protein (EC (Coat protein) (C); ...

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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) reference strain

R1A_SARS Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor nsp1 ...
R1AB_SARS Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (2019-nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) reference strain

R1A_SARS2 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor nsp1 ...

pdb 6Y2E; 6Y2F; 6Y2G; 6YHU; 6YYT; 7BV2; 7C33; 7CZ4; 7D3I; 7D47; 7D64; 7D6H; 7DAT; 7DAU; 7DAV; 7DCD; 7DGB; 7DGF; 7DGG; 7DGH; 7DGI; 7DHJ; 7DJR; 7DK1; 7DPP; 7DPU; 7DPV; 7E35; 7EIN; 7EIZ; 7EN8; 7EN9; 7EXM; 7FAY; 7FAZ; 7JIR; 7JIT; 7JIV; 7JIW; 7JN2; 7JRN; 7KOJ; 7KOK; 7KOL; 7KRX; 7M1Y; 7NT1; 7NT2; 7NT3; 7NTQ; 7NTT; 7NTV; 7NTW; 7NUK; 7NW2; 7NWX; 7NXH; 7OFS; 7OFT; 7OFU; 7P51; 7QCG; 7QCH; 7QCI; 7QCJ; 7QCK; 7QCM; 7QL8; 7RBR; 7RBS; 7RZC; 7SDR; 7SGU; 7SGV; 7SGW; 7SQE; 7TIA; 7TIU; 7TIV; 7TIW; 7TIX; 7TIY; 7TIZ; 7TJ0; 7TLL; 7TOB; 7TUU; 7TVS; 7TVX; 7TZJ; 7U28; 7U29; 7UJ9; 7UJG; 7UJU; 7UV5; 7V1T; 7V7M; 7VFA; 7VFB; 7VH8; 7VIC; 7VJW; 7VJX; 7VJY; 7VJZ; 7VK0; 7VK1; 7VK2; 7VK3; 7VK4; 7VK5; 7VK6; 7VK7; 7VK8; 7VLP; 7VLQ; 7VTH; 7VU6; 7VVT; 7W9G; 7WO1; 7WO2; 7WO3; 7WOF; 7WQB; 7WYM; 7WYP; 7WZO; 7X6J; 7X6K; 7XAR; 7XB3; 7XB4; 7XC3; 7XC4; 7XQ6; 7XQ7; 7XRS; 7YBG; 7Z0P; 7Z4S; 8AYS; 8AZC; 8AZD; 8AZI; 8AZL; 8AZM; 8AZN; 8AZO; 8AZP; 8B0S; 8B0T; 8C9L; 8C9O; 8C9P; 8C9Q; 8C9U; 8CA6; 8CA8; 8CAC; 8CAJ; 8CRF; 8CRM; 8CX9; 8DI3; 8DKJ; 8EIR; 8FIG; 8G62; 8GQC; 8GQT; 8GTV; 8GTW; 8GVD; 8GVY; 8GW1; 8GWB; 8GWE; 8GWF; 8GWG; 8GWI; 8GWK; 8GWM; 8GWN; 8GWO; 8GXG; 8GXH; 8GXI; 8GY6; 8GZB; 8H3G; 8H3K; 8H3L; 8H4Y; 8H51; 8H57; 8H5F; 8H5P; 8H6I; 8H6N; 8H7K; 8H7W; 8H82; 8HBK; 8HBL; 8HHT; 8HHU; 8HI9; 8HOL; 8HOM; 8HOZ; 8HQG; 8HQH; 8HQI; 8HQJ; 8HTV; 8HUR; 8HUV; 8HUW; 8HUX; 8HVK; 8HVL; 8HVM; 8HVN; 8HVO; 8HVU; 8HVV; 8HVW; 8HVX; 8HVY; 8HVZ; 8HZR; 8I30; 8IFP; 8IFQ; 8IFR; 8IFS; 8IFT; 8IG4; 8IG7; 8IG8; 8IG9; 8IGA; 8IGB; 8IGN; 8IGO; 8IGX; 8IGY; 8IHO; 8ILC; 8J35; 8J37; 8J3A; 8J3B; 8JOP; 8R0V; 8R11; 8R12; 8R14; 8R16; 8R19; 8RV4; 8RV5; 8RV6; 8RV7; 8RV8; 8RV9; 8RVA; 8RVB; 8RZC; 8RZD; 8RZE; 8SPJ; 8SXO; 8UFM; 8UHO; 8UIA; 8UOB; 8UUF; 8UUH; 8UUU; 8UUV; 8UUW; 8UUY; 8WTI; 8WZP; 8YA5; 8YLS; 9BRW; 9BRX; 9EPL; 9EPM; 9EWM; 9EWN; 9EWO; 9FQ9; 9FQA; 9FW2; 9FX6; 9FZ4; 9FZK; 9IK2

R1AB_SARS2 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

pdb 5R7Y; 5R7Z; 5R80; 5R81; 5R82; 5R83; 5R84; 5R8T; 5RE4; 5RE5; 5RE6; 5RE7; 5RE8; 5RE9; 5REA; 5REB; 5REC; 5RED; 5REE; 5REF; 5REG; 5REH; 5REI; 5REJ; 5REK; 5REL; 5REM; 5REN; 5REO; 5REP; 5RER; 5RES; 5RET; 5REU; 5REV; 5REW; 5REX; 5REY; 5REZ; 5RF0; 5RF1; 5RF2; 5RF3; 5RF4; 5RF5; 5RF6; 5RF7; 5RF8; 5RF9; 5RFA; 5RFB; 5RFC; 5RFD; 5RFE; 5RFF; 5RFG; 5RFH; 5RFI; 5RFJ; 5RFK; 5RFL; 5RFM; 5RFN; 5RFO; 5RFP; 5RFQ; 5RFR; 5RFS; 5RFT; 5RFU; 5RFV; 5RFW; 5RFX; 5RFY; 5RFZ; 5RG0; 5RG1; 5RG2; 5RG3; 5RGG; 5RGH; 5RGI; 5RGJ; 5RGK; 5RGL; 5RGM; 5RGN; 5RGO; 5RGP; 5RGQ; 5RGR; 5RGS; 5RGT; 5RGU; 5RGV; 5RGW; 5RGX; 5RGY; 5RGZ; 5RH0; 5RH1; 5RH2; 5RH3; 5RH4; 5RH5; 5RH6; 5RH7; 5RH8; 5RH9; 5RHA; 5RHB; 5RHC; 5RHD; 5RHE; 5RHF; 5RL0; 5RL1; 5RL2; 5RL3; 5RL4; 5RL5; 5RL6; 5RL7; 5RL8; 5RL9; 5RLB; 5RLC; 5RLD; 5RLE; 5RLF; 5RLG; 5RLH; 5RLI; 5RLJ; 5RLK; 5RLL; 5RLM; 5RLN; 5RLO; 5RLP; 5RLQ; 5RLR; 5RLS; 5RLT; 5RLU; 5RLV; 5RLW; 5RLY; 5RLZ; 5RM0; 5RM1; 5RM2; 5RM3; 5RM4; 5RM5; 5RM6; 5RM7; 5RM8; 5RM9; 5RMA; 5RMB; 5RMC; 5RMD; 5RME; 5RMF; 5RMG; 5RMH; 5RMI; 5RMJ; 5RMK; 5RML; 5RMM; 5ROB; 5RS7; 5RS8; 5RS9; 5RSB; 5RSC; 5RSD; 5RSE; 5RSF; 5RSG; 5RSH; 5RSI; 5RSJ; 5RSK; 5RSL; 5RSM; 5RSN; 5RSO; 5RSP; 5RSQ; 5RSR; 5RSS; 5RST; 5RSU; 5RSV; 5RSW; 5RSX; 5RSY; 5RSZ; 5RT0; 5RT1; 5RT2; 5RT3; 5RT4; 5RT5; 5RT6; 5RT7; 5RT8; 5RT9; 5RTA; 5RTB; 5RTC; 5RTD; 5RTE; 5RTF; 5RTG; 5RTH; 5RTI; 5RTJ; 5RTK; 5RTL; 5RTM; 5RTN; 5RTO; 5RTP; 5RTQ; 5RTR; 5RTS; 5RTT; 5RTU; 5RTV; 5RTW; 5RTX; 5RTY; 5RTZ; 5RU0; 5RU1; 5RU2; 5RU3; 5RU4; 5RU5; 5RU6; 5RU7; 5RU8; 5RU9; 5RUA; 5RUC; 5RUD; 5RUE; 5RUF; 5RUG; 5RUH; 5RUI; 5RUJ; 5RUK; 5RUL; 5RUM; 5RUN; 5RUO; 5RUP; 5RUQ; 5RUR; 5RUS; 5RUT; 5RUU; 5RUV; 5RUW; 5RUX; 5RUY; 5RUZ; 5RV0; 5RV1; 5RV2; 5RV3; 5RV4; 5RV5; 5RV6; 5RV7; 5RV8; 5RV9; 5RVA; 5RVB; 5RVC; 5RVD; 5RVE; 5RVF; 5RVG; 5RVH; 5RVI; 5RVJ; 5RVK; 5RVL; 5RVM; 5RVN; 5RVO; 5RVP; 5RVQ; 5RVR; 5RVS; 5RVT; 5RVU; 5RVV; 5S18; 5S1A; 5S1C; 5S1E; 5S1G; 5S1I; 5S1K; 5S1M; 5S1O; 5S1Q; 5S1S; 5S1U; 5S1W; 5S1Y; 5S20; 5S22; 5S24; 5S26; 5S27; 5S28; 5S29; 5S2A; 5S2B; 5S2C; 5S2D; 5S2E; 5S2F; 5S2G; 5S2H; 5S2I; 5S2J; 5S2K; 5S2L; 5S2M; 5S2N; 5S2O; 5S2P; 5S2Q; 5S2R; 5S2S; 5S2T; 5S2U; 5S2V; 5S2W; 5S2X; 5S2Y; 5S2Z; 5S30; 5S31; 5S32; 5S33; 5S34; 5S35; 5S36; 5S37; 5S38; 5S39; 5S3A; 5S3B; 5S3C; 5S3D; 5S3E; 5S3F; 5S3G; 5S3H; 5S3I; 5S3J; 5S3K; 5S3L; 5S3M; 5S3N; 5S3O; 5S3P; 5S3Q; 5S3R; 5S3S; 5S3T; 5S3U; 5S3V; 5S3W; 5S3X; 5S3Y; 5S3Z; 5S40; 5S41; 5S42; 5S43; 5S44; 5S45; 5S46; 5S47; 5S48; 5S49; 5S4A; 5S4B; 5S4C; 5S4D; 5S4E; 5S4F; 5S4G; 5S4H; 5S4I; 5S4J; 5S4K; 5S6X; 5S6Y; 5S6Z; 5S70; 5S71; 5S72; 5S73; 5S74; 5SA4; 5SA5; 5SA6; 5SA7; 5SA8; 5SA9; 5SAA; 5SAB; 5SAC; 5SAD; 5SAE; 5SAF; 5SAG; 5SAH; 5SAI; 5SBF; 5SKW; 5SKX; 5SKY; 5SKZ; 5SL0; 5SL1; 5SL2; 5SL3; 5SL4; 5SL5; 5SL6; 5SL7; 5SL8; 5SL9; 5SLA; 5SLB; 5SLC; 5SLD; 5SLE; 5SLF; 5SLG; 5SLH; 5SLI; 5SLJ; 5SLK; 5SLL; 5SLM; 5SLN; 5SLO; 5SLP; 5SLQ; 5SLR; 5SLS; 5SLT; 5SLU; 5SLV; 5SLW; 5SLX; 5SLY; 5SLZ; 5SM0; 5SM1; 5SM2; 5SM3; 5SM4; 5SM5; 5SM6; 5SM7; 5SM8; 5SM9; 5SMA; 5SMB; 5SMC; 5SMD; 5SME; 5SMF; 5SMG; 5SMH; 5SMI; 5SMK; 5SML; 5SMM; 5SMN; 5SOI; 5SOJ; 5SOK; 5SOL; 5SOM; 5SON; 5SOO; 5SOP; 5SOQ; 5SOR; 5SOS; 5SOT; 5SOU; 5SOV; 5SOW; 5SOX; 5SOY; 5SOZ; 5SP0; 5SP1; 5SP2; 5SP3; 5SP4; 5SP6; 5SP7; 5SP8; 5SP9; 5SPA; 5SPB; 5SPC; 5SPD; 5SPE; 5SPF; 5SPG; 5SPH; 5SPI; 5SPJ; 5SPK; 5SPL; 5SPM; 5SPN; 5SPO; 5SPP; 5SPQ; 5SPR; 5SPS; 5SPT; 5SPU; 5SPV; 5SPW; 5SPX; 5SPY; 5SPZ; 5SQ0; 5SQ1; 5SQ2; 5SQ3; 5SQ4; 5SQ5; 5SQ6; 5SQ7; 5SQ8; 5SQ9; 5SQA; 5SQB; 5SQC; 5SQD; 5SQE; 5SQF; 5SQG; 5SQH; 5SQI; 5SQJ; 5SQK; 5SQL; 5SQM; 5SQN; 5SQO; 5SQP; 5SQQ; 5SQR; 5SQS; 5SQT; 5SQU; 5SQV; 5SQW; 5SQX; 5SQY; 5SQZ; 5SR0; 5SR1; 5SR2; 5SR3; 5SR4; 5SR5; 5SR6; 5SR7; 5SR8; 5SR9; 5SRA; 5SRB; 5SRC; 5SRD; 5SRE; 5SRF; 5SRG; 5SRH; 5SRI; 5SRJ; 5SRK; 5SRL; 5SRM; 5SRN; 5SRO; 5SRP; 5SRQ; 5SRR; 5SRS; 5SRT; 5SRU; 5SRV; 5SRW; 5SRX; 5SRY; 5SRZ; 5SS0; 5SS1; 5SS2; 5SS3; 5SS4; 5SS5; 5SS6; 5SS7; 5SS8; 5SS9; 5SSA; 5SSB; 5SSC; 5SSD; 5SSE; 5SSF; 5SSG; 5SSH; 5SSI; 5SSJ; 5SSK; 5SSL; 5SSM; 5SSN; 5SSO; 5SSP; 5SSQ; 5SSR; 6LU7; 6LZE; 6M03; 6M0K; 6M2N; 6M2Q; 6M71; 6VWW; 6VXS; 6W01; 6W02; 6W4B; 6W4H; 6W61; 6W63; 6W6Y; 6W75; 6W9C; 6W9Q; 6WC1; 6WCF; 6WEN; 6WEY; 6WIQ; 6WJT; 6WKQ; 6WKS; 6WLC; 6WNP; 6WOJ; 6WQ3; 6WQD; 6WQF; 6WRH; 6WRZ; 6WTC; 6WTJ; 6WTK; 6WTM; 6WTT; 6WUU; 6WVN; 6WX4; 6WXC; 6WXD; 6WZU; 6X1B; 6X4I; 6XA4; 6XA9; 6XAA; 6XB0; 6XB1; 6XB2; 6XBG; 6XBH; 6XBI; 6XCH; 6XDH; 6XFN; 6XG3; 6XHM; 6XHU; 6XIP; 6XKF; 6XKH; 6XKM; 6XMK; 6XOA; 6XQS; 6XQT; 6XQU; 6XR3; 6Y2E; 6Y2F; 6Y2G; 6Y84; 6YB7; 6YNQ; 6YVA; 6YVF; 6YWK; 6YWL; 6YWM; 6YYT; 6YZ1; 6Z2E; 6Z5T; 6Z6I; 6Z72; 6ZCT; 6ZLW; 6ZM7; 6ZME; 6ZMI; 6ZMO; 6ZMT; 6ZN5; 6ZOJ; 6ZOK; 6ZON; 6ZP4; 6ZPE; 6ZRT; 6ZRU; 6ZSL; 7A1U; 7ABU; 7ADW; 7AEG; 7AEH; 7AF0; 7AGA; 7AHA; 7AK4; 7AKU; 7ALH; 7ALI; 7AMJ; 7ANS; 7AOL; 7AP6; 7APH; 7AQE; 7AQI; 7AQJ; 7AR5; 7AR6; 7ARF; 7AU4; 7AVD; 7AWR; 7AWS; 7AWU; 7AWW; 7AX6; 7AXM; 7AXO; 7AY7; 7B2J; 7B2U; 7B3E; 7B5Z; 7B77; 7B83; 7BAJ; 7BAK; 7BAL; 7BB2; 7BE7; 7BF3; 7BF4; 7BF5; 7BF6; 7BFB; 7BGP; 7BIJ; 7BQ7; 7BQY; 7BRO; 7BRP; 7BTF; 7BUY; 7BV1; 7BV2; 7BWQ; 7BZF; 7C2I; 7C2J; 7C2K; 7C2Q; 7C2Y; 7C6S; 7C6U; 7C7P; 7C8B; 7C8R; 7C8T; 7C8U; 7CA8; 7CAM; 7CB7; 7CBT; 7CJD; 7CJM; 7CMD; 7COM; 7CUT; 7CUU; 7CWB; 7CWC; 7CX9; 7CYQ; 7D1M; 7D1O; 7D7K; 7D7L; 7DDC; 7DG6; 7DIY; 7DVX; 7DVY; 7DW0; 7DW6; 7E18; 7E19; 7E5X; 7E6K; 7EQ4; 7FR0; 7FR1; 7FR2; 7FR3; 7FR4; 7FR5; 7FR6; 7FR7; 7FR8; 7FR9; 7FRA; 7FRB; 7FRC; 7FRD; 7GAV; 7GAW; 7GAX; 7GAY; 7GAZ; 7GB0; 7GB1; 7GB2; 7GB3; 7GB4; 7GB5; 7GB6; 7GB7; 7GB8; 7GB9; 7GBA; 7GBB; 7GBC; 7GBD; 7GBE; 7GBF; 7GBG; 7GBH; 7GBI; 7GBJ; 7GBK; 7GBL; 7GBM; 7GBN; 7GBO; 7GBP; 7GBQ; 7GBR; 7GBS; 7GBT; 7GBU; 7GBV; 7GBW; 7GBX; 7GBY; 7GBZ; 7GC0; 7GC1; 7GC2; 7GC3; 7GC4; 7GC5; 7GC6; 7GC7; 7GC8; 7GC9; 7GCA; 7GCB; 7GCC; 7GCD; 7GCE; 7GCF; 7GCG; 7GCI; 7GCJ; 7GCK; 7GCL; 7GCM; 7GCN; 7GCO; 7GCP; 7GCQ; 7GCR; 7GCS; 7GCT; 7GCU; 7GCV; 7GCW; 7GCX; 7GCY; 7GCZ; 7GD0; 7GD1; 7GD2; 7GD3; 7GD4; 7GD5; 7GD6; 7GD7; 7GD8; 7GD9; 7GDA; 7GDB; 7GDC; 7GDD; 7GDE; 7GDF; 7GDG; 7GDH; 7GDI; 7GDJ; 7GDK; 7GDL; 7GDM; 7GDN; 7GDO; 7GDP; 7GDQ; 7GDR; 7GDS; 7GDT; 7GDU; 7GDV; 7GDW; 7GDX; 7GDY; 7GDZ; 7GE0; 7GE1; 7GE2; 7GE3; 7GE4; 7GE5; 7GE6; 7GE7; 7GE8; 7GE9; 7GEA; 7GEB; 7GEC; 7GED; 7GEE; 7GEF; 7GEG; 7GEH; 7GEI; 7GEJ; 7GEK; 7GEL; 7GEM; 7GEN; 7GEO; 7GEQ; 7GER; 7GES; 7GET; 7GEU; 7GEV; 7GEW; 7GEX; 7GEY; 7GEZ; 7GF0; 7GF1; 7GF2; 7GF3; 7GF4; 7GF5; 7GF6; 7GF7; 7GF8; 7GF9; 7GFA; 7GFB; 7GFC; 7GFD; 7GFE; 7GFF; 7GFG; 7GFH; 7GFI; 7GFJ; 7GFK; 7GFL; 7GFM; 7GFN; 7GFO; 7GFP; 7GFQ; 7GFR; 7GFS; 7GFT; 7GFU; 7GFV; 7GFW; 7GFX; 7GFY; 7GFZ; 7GG0; 7GG1; 7GG2; 7GG3; 7GG4; 7GG5; 7GG6; 7GG7; 7GG8; 7GG9; 7GGA; 7GGB; 7GGC; 7GGD; 7GGE; 7GGF; 7GGG; 7GGH; 7GGI; 7GGJ; 7GGK; 7GGL; 7GGM; 7GGN; 7GGO; 7GGP; 7GGQ; 7GGR; 7GGS; 7GGT; 7GGU; 7GGV; 7GGW; 7GGX; 7GGY; 7GGZ; 7GH0; 7GH1; 7GH2; 7GH3; 7GH4; 7GH5; 7GH6; 7GH7; 7GH8; 7GH9; 7GHA; 7GHB; 7GHC; 7GHD; 7GHE; 7GHF; 7GHG; 7GHH; 7GHI; 7GHJ; 7GHK; 7GHL; 7GHM; 7GHN; 7GHO; 7GHP; 7GHQ; 7GHR; 7GHS; 7GHT; 7GHU; 7GHV; 7GHW; 7GHX; 7GHY; 7GHZ; 7GI0; 7GI1; 7GI2; 7GI3; 7GI4; 7GI5; 7GI6; 7GI7; 7GI8; 7GI9; 7GIA; 7GIB; 7GIC; 7GID; 7GIE; 7GIF; 7GIG; 7GIH; 7GII; 7GIJ; 7GIK; 7GIL; 7GIM; 7GIN; 7GIO; 7GIP; 7GIQ; 7GIR; 7GIS; 7GIT; 7GIU; 7GIV; 7GIW; 7GIX; 7GIY; 7GIZ; 7GJ0; 7GJ1; 7GJ2; 7GJ3; 7GJ4; 7GJ5; 7GJ6; 7GJ7; 7GJ8; 7GJ9; 7GJA; 7GJB; 7GJC; 7GJD; 7GJE; 7GJF; 7GJG; 7GJH; 7GJI; 7GJJ; 7GJK; 7GJL; 7GJM; 7GJN; 7GJO; 7GJP; 7GJQ; 7GJR; 7GJS; 7GJT; 7GJU; 7GJV; 7GJW; 7GJX; 7GJY; 7GJZ; 7GK0; 7GK1; 7GK2; 7GK3; 7GK4; 7GK5; 7GK6; 7GK7; 7GK8; 7GK9; 7GKA; 7GKB; 7GKC; 7GKD; 7GKE; 7GKF; 7GKG; 7GKH; 7GKI; 7GKJ; 7GKK; 7GKL; 7GKM; 7GKN; 7GKO; 7GKP; 7GKQ; 7GKR; 7GKS; 7GKT; 7GKU; 7GKV; 7GKW; 7GKX; 7GKY; 7GKZ; 7GL0; 7GL1; 7GL2; 7GL3; 7GL4; 7GL5; 7GL6; 7GL7; 7GL8; 7GL9; 7GLA; 7GLB; 7GLC; 7GLD; 7GLE; 7GLF; 7GLG; 7GLH; 7GLI; 7GLJ; 7GLK; 7GLL; 7GLM; 7GLN; 7GLO; 7GLP; 7GLQ; 7GLR; 7GLS; 7GLT; 7GLU; 7GLV; 7GLW; 7GLX; 7GLY; 7GLZ; 7GM0; 7GM1; 7GM2; 7GM3; 7GM4; 7GM5; 7GM6; 7GM7; 7GM8; 7GM9; 7GMA; 7GMB; 7GMC; 7GMD; 7GME; 7GMF; 7GMG; 7GMH; 7GMI; 7GMJ; 7GMK; 7GML; 7GMM; 7GMN; 7GMO; 7GMP; 7GMQ; 7GMR; 7GMS; 7GMT; 7GMU; 7GMV; 7GMW; 7GMX; 7GMY; 7GMZ; 7GN0; 7GN1; 7GN2; 7GN3; 7GN4; 7GN5; 7GN6; 7GN7; 7GN8; 7GN9; 7GNA; 7GNB; 7GNC; 7GND; 7GNE; 7GNF; 7GNG; 7GNH; 7GNI; 7GNJ; 7GNK; 7GNL; 7GNM; 7GNN; 7GNO; 7GNP; 7GNQ; 7GNR; 7GNS; 7GNT; 7GNU; 7GRE; 7GRF; 7GRG; 7GRH; 7GRI; 7GRJ; 7GRK; 7GRL; 7GRM; 7GRN; 7GRO; 7GRP; 7GRQ; 7GRR; 7GRS; 7GRT; 7GRU; 7GRV; 7GRW; 7GRX; 7GRY; 7GRZ; 7GS0; 7GS1; 7GS2; 7GS3; 7GS4; 7GS5; 7GS6; 7GYY; 7GYZ; 7GZ0; 7GZ1; 7GZ2; 7GZ3; 7GZ4; 7GZ5; 7GZ6; 7GZ7; 7GZ8; 7GZ9; 7GZA; 7GZB; 7GZC; 7GZD; 7GZE; 7GZF; 7GZG; 7GZH; 7GZI; 7GZJ; 7GZK; 7GZL; 7GZM; 7GZN; 7GZO; 7GZQ; 7GZR; 7GZS; 7GZT; 7GZU; 7GZV; 7GZW; 7GZX; 7GZY; 7GZZ; 7H00; 7H01; 7H02; 7H03; 7H04; 7H05; 7H06; 7H07; 7H08; 7H09; 7H0A; 7H0B; 7H0C; 7H0D; 7H0E; 7H0F; 7H0G; 7H0H; 7H0I; 7H0J; 7H0K; 7H0L; 7H0M; 7H0N; 7H0O; 7H0P; 7H0Q; 7H0R; 7H0S; 7H0T; 7H0U; 7H0V; 7H0W; 7H0X; 7H0Y; 7H0Z; 7H10; 7H11; 7H12; 7H13; 7H14; 7H15; 7H16; 7H17; 7H18; 7H19; 7H1A; 7H1B; 7H1C; 7H1D; 7H1E; 7H1F; 7H1G; 7JFQ; 7JHE; 7JIB; 7JKV; 7JME; 7JOY; 7JP0; 7JP1; 7JPE; 7JPY; 7JPZ; 7JQ0; 7JQ1; 7JQ2; 7JQ3; 7JQ4; 7JQ5; 7JQB; 7JQC; 7JR3; 7JR4; 7JST; 7JSU; 7JT0; 7JT7; 7JU7; 7JUN; 7JVZ; 7JW8; 7JYC; 7JYY; 7JZ0; 7K0E; 7K0F; 7K0R; 7K1L; 7K1O; 7K3N; 7K3T; 7K40; 7K5I; 7K6D; 7K6E; 7K7P; 7K9P; 7KAG; 7KEG; 7KEH; 7KF4; 7KFI; 7KG3; 7KHP; 7KOA; 7KPH; 7KQO; 7KQP; 7KQW; 7KR0; 7KR1; 7KRI; 7KVL; 7KVR; 7KX5; 7KXB; 7KYU; 7L0D; 7L10; 7L11; 7L12; 7L13; 7L14; 7L1F; 7L5D; 7L6R; 7L6T; 7L8I; 7L8J; 7LB7; 7LBN; 7LBR; 7LBS; 7LCO; 7LCR; 7LCS; 7LCT; 7LDL; 7LDX; 7LFE; 7LFP; 7LFZ; 7LG2; 7LG3; 7LG7; 7LGO; 7LHQ; 7LKD; 7LKE; 7LKR; 7LKS; 7LKT; 7LKU; 7LKV; 7LKW; 7LKX; 7LLF; 7LLZ; 7LMD; 7LME; 7LMF; 7LOS; 7LTJ; 7LTN; 7LW3; 7LW4; 7LYH; 7LYI; 7LZT; 7LZU; 7LZV; 7LZW; 7LZX; 7LZY; 7LZZ; 7M00; 7M01; 7M02; 7M03; 7M04; 7M2P; 7M8M; 7M8N; 7M8O; 7M8P; 7M8X; 7M8Y; 7M8Z; 7M90; 7M91; 7MAT; 7MAU; 7MAV; 7MAW; 7MAX; 7MAZ; 7MB0; 7MB1; 7MB2; 7MB3; 7MB6; 7MB7; 7MB8; 7MB9; 7MBG; 7MBI; 7MC5; 7MC6; 7ME0; 7MGR; 7MGS; 7MHF; 7MHG; 7MHH; 7MHI; 7MHJ; 7MHK; 7MHL; 7MHM; 7MHN; 7MHO; 7MHP; 7MHQ; 7MLF; 7MLG; 7MNG; 7MPB; 7MRR; 7MSW; 7MSX; 7N06; 7N0B; 7N0C; 7N0D; 7N33; 7N3K; 7N44; 7N5Z; 7N6N; 7N7R; 7N7U; 7N7W; 7N7Y; 7N83; 7N89; 7N8C; 7NBR; 7NBS; 7NBT; 7NBY; 7NEO; 7NEV; 7NF5; 7NFV; 7NG3; 7NG6; 7NIJ; 7NIO; 7NN0; 7NNG; 7NT4; 7NTS; 7O46; 7O7Y; 7O7Z; 7O80; 7O81; 7ORR; 7ORU; 7ORV; 7ORW; 7P2G; 7P2O; 7PFL; 7PFM; 7PHZ; 7PKU; 7PXZ; 7PZQ; 7Q5E; 7Q5F; 7QBB; 7QG7; 7QGI; 7QIF; 7QKA; 7QT5; 7QT6; 7QT7; 7QT8; 7QT9; 7R1T; 7R1U; 7R2V; 7R7H; 7RB0; 7RB2; 7RBZ; 7RC0; 7RFR; 7RFS; 7RFU; 7RFW; 7RLS; 7RM2; 7RMB; 7RME; 7RMT; 7RMZ; 7RN0; 7RN1; 7RN4; 7RNH; 7RNK; 7RNW; 7RQG; 7RVM; 7RVN; 7RVO; 7RVP; 7RVQ; 7RVR; 7RVS; 7RVT; 7RVU; 7RVV; 7RVW; 7RVX; 7RVY; 7RVZ; 7RW0; 7RW1; 7S3K; 7S3S; 7S4B; 7S6W; 7S6X; 7S6Y; 7S6Z; 7S70; 7S71; 7S72; 7S73; 7S74; 7S75; 7S82; 7SD9; 7SDA; 7SDC; 7SET; 7SF1; 7SF3; 7SFB; 7SFH; 7SFI; 7SGH; 7SH7; 7SH8; 7SH9; 7SHB; 7SI9; 7T2T; 7T2U; 7T2V; 7T42; 7T43; 7T44; 7T45; 7T46; 7T48; 7T49; 7T4A; 7T4B; 7T70; 7T8M; 7T8R; 7T9W; 7T9Y; 7TA4; 7TA7; 7TB2; 7TBT; 7TC4; 7TDU; 7TE0; 7TEH; 7TEK; 7TEL; 7TFR; 7TGR; 7THH; 7TI9; 7TJ2; 7TQ2; 7TQ3; 7TQ4; 7TQ5; 7TQ6; 7TQV; 7TW7; 7TW8; 7TW9; 7TWF; 7TWG; 7TWH; 7TWI; 7TWJ; 7TWN; 7TWO; 7TWP; 7TWQ; 7TWR; 7TWS; 7TWT; 7TWV; 7TWW; 7TWX; 7TWY; 7TX0; 7TX1; 7TX3; 7TX4; 7TX5; 7U92; 7UKK; 7ULT; 7UR9; 7URB; 7US4; 7UU6; 7UU7; 7UU8; 7UU9; 7UUA; 7UUB; 7UUC; 7UUD; 7UUE; 7UUG; 7UUP; 7VAH; 7VVP; 7WHC; 7WOH; 7WQ8; 7WQ9; 7WQA; 7WQK; 7X6Y; 7X6Z; 7X70; 7YWR; 7Z2K; 7Z3U; 7Z59; 7ZB6; 7ZB7; 7ZB8; 7ZQV; 7ZV5; 7ZV7; 7ZV8; 8A23; 8A4Q; 8A4T; 8A4Y; 8A55; 8ACD; 8ACL; 8AEB; 8AIQ; 8AIU; 8AIV; 8AIZ; 8AJ0; 8AOU; 8AZ8; 8B2T; 8B56; 8BFO; 8BFQ; 8BGA; 8BGD; 8BS1; 8BS2; 8BSD; 8BWU; 8BZN; 8BZV; 8C19; 8C1A; 8C5M; 8CDC; 8CMF; 8CMG; 8CRF; 8CRK; 8CRM; 8CYU; 8CYZ; 8CZ4; 8CZ7; 8CZW; 8CZX; 8D34; 8D35; 8D4J; 8D4K; 8D4L; 8D4M; 8D4N; 8D4P; 8DCZ; 8DD1; 8DD6; 8DD9; 8DDI; 8DDL; 8DDM; 8DFE; 8DFN; 8DGB; 8DIB; 8DIC; 8DID; 8DIE; 8DIF; 8DIG; 8DIH; 8DII; 8DJJ; 8DK8; 8DKH; 8DKK; 8DKL; 8DKZ; 8DL9; 8DLB; 8DMD; 8DMN; 8DOX; 8DOY; 8DPR; 8DQU; 8DRR; 8DRS; 8DRT; 8DRU; 8DRV; 8DRW; 8DRX; 8DRY; 8DRZ; 8DS0; 8DS1; 8DS2; 8DSU; 8DT9; 8DZ0; 8DZ1; 8DZ2; 8DZ6; 8DZ9; 8DZA; 8DZB; 8DZC; 8E1Y; 8E25; 8E26; 8E4J; 8E4R; 8E4W; 8E5C; 8E5X; 8E5Z; 8E61; 8E63; 8E64; 8E65; 8E68; 8E69; 8E6A; 8EHJ; 8EHK; 8EHL; 8EHM; 8EIR; 8EJ7; 8EJ9; 8EKE; 8EOY; 8ERS; 8EUA; 8EY2; 8EYJ; 8EZV; 8EZZ; 8F02; 8F2C; 8F2D; 8F2E; 8F44; 8F45; 8F46; 8F4S; 8F4Y; 8FIV; 8FIW; 8FRJ; 8FRK; 8FTC; 8FTL; 8FWN; 8FWO; 8FY6; 8FY7; 8GFK; 8GFN; 8GFO; 8GFR; 8GFU; 8GIA; 8GW4; 8GWJ; 8GWS; 8GY6; 8HDA; 8HEF; 8HQF; 8I4S; 8INQ; 8INT; 8INU; 8INW; 8INX; 8INY; 8J32; 8J36; 8J38; 8J39; 8JCJ; 8JCK; 8JCL; 8JCM; 8JCN; 8JCO; 8JPQ; 8JUX; 8K67; 8K68; 8K6A; 8K6B; 8K6C; 8K6D; 8OKB; 8OKC; 8OKK; 8OKL; 8OKM; 8OKN; 8OSX; 8OT0; 8OTO; 8OTR; 8OV1; 8OV2; 8OV3; 8OV4; 8P54; 8P55; 8P56; 8P57; 8P58; 8P5A; 8P5B; 8P5C; 8P86; 8P87; 8PH4; 8Q71; 8QDC; 8RF2; 8RF3; 8RF4; 8RF5; 8RF6; 8RF8; 8RFC; 8RFD; 8RFF; 8RJV; 8RJY; 8RJZ; 8RV4; 8RV5; 8RV6; 8RV7; 8RV8; 8RV9; 8RVA; 8RVB; 8RZC; 8RZD; 8RZE; 8S8W; 8S8X; 8S9Z; 8SG6; 8SH6; 8SH8; 8SK4; 8SKH; 8STY; 8STZ; 8SXR; 8T7Y; 8TBE; 8TPB; 8TPC; 8TPD; 8TPE; 8TPF; 8TPG; 8TPH; 8TPI; 8TQH; 8TQJ; 8TQL; 8TQT; 8TQU; 8TV6; 8TV7; 8TY3; 8TY4; 8TY5; 8TYJ; 8U2X; 8UAB; 8UD2; 8UD3; 8UD4; 8UD5; 8UH5; 8UH8; 8UH9; 8UIF; 8UPS; 8UPV; 8UPW; 8UR9; 8UTE; 8UUG; 8UVM; 8V4U; 8V7T; 8V7W; 8V8E; 8V8G; 8VD7; 8VDJ; 8VEC; 8VQX; 8VSG; 8WZQ; 8XAB; 8YRH; 8YSA; 9ARQ; 9ARS; 9ART; 9ASV; 9ASW; 9ASY; 9ASZ; 9AT0; 9AT1; 9AT3; 9AT4; 9AT5; 9AT6; 9AT7; 9AUJ; 9AUK; 9AUL; 9AUM; 9AUN; 9AUO; 9AVQ; 9AZX; 9BPF; 9BRV; 9EMJ; 9EML; 9EMV; 9EO6; 9EOR; 9EOX; 9EUN; 9FEH; 9FW2; 9FX7; 9FZ4; 9FZK

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate CPZ GAB1) (SIV-cpz) (Chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus) reference strain

GAG_SIVCZ Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_SIVCZ Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate EK505) (SIV-cpz) (Chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus) reference strain

POL_SIVEK Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_SIVEK Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate MB66) (SIV-cpz) (Chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus) reference strain

POL_SIVMB Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_SIVMB Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate TAN1) (SIV-cpz) (Chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus) reference strain

POL_SIVTN Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_SIVTN Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Sindbis virus (SINV) reference strain

POLS_SINDV Structural polyprotein (p130) [Cleaved into: Capsid protein (EC (Coat protein) (C); ...
POLSF_SINDV Frameshifted structural polyprotein (p130) [Cleaved into: Capsid protein (EC (Coat ...

2 entries

Solenopsis invicta virus 3 (SINV-3) reference strain

POL_SINV3 Polyprotein [Cleaved into: Helicase (EC; 3C-like protease (3CL-PRO) (EC 3.4.22.-); ...
POLFS_SINV3 Polyprotein-FSD [Cleaved into: Helicase (EC; 3C-like protease (3CL-PRO) (EC 3.4.22.-); ...

2 entries

Southern bean mosaic virus (isolate Bean/United States/Arkansas) (SBMV) reference strain

RDRP_SBMVA Replicase polyprotein P2AB [Cleaved into: N-terminal protein; Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); VPg; ...
P2A_SBMVA Polyprotein P2A [Cleaved into: N-terminal protein; Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); VPg; Putative ...

2 entries

Southern cowpea mosaic virus (SCPMV) (Southern bean mosaic virus (strain cowpea)) reference strain

RDRP_SCPMV Replicase polyprotein P2AB [Cleaved into: N-terminal protein; Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); VPg; ...
P2A_SCPMV Polyprotein P2A [Cleaved into: N-terminal protein; Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); VPg; Putative ...

2 entries

Soybean mosaic virus (strain N) (SMV) reference strain

POLG_SBMVN Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_SBMVN P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Turkey astrovirus 1 (TAstV-1) reference strain

NS1AB_TASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...
NS1A_TASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...

2 entries

Turnip mosaic virus (strain Japanese) (TuMV) reference strain

MVP_TUMVJ P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...
POLG_TUMVJ Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...

2 entries

Turnip yellows virus (isolate FL-1) (TuYV) (BWYV-FL1) reference strain

P1_TYYVF Protein P1 (66.2 kDa protein) (Genome-linked protein precursor) (Protein ORF1) [Cleaved into: Serine ...
RDRP_TYYVF Protein P1-P2 [Cleaved into: Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC ...

2 entries

White bream virus (isolate Blicca bjoerkna L./Germany/DF24/00) (WBV) reference strain

R1A_WBV24 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: N7-guanine methyltransferase (EC ...
R1AB_WBV24 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: N7-guanine methyltransferase ...

1 entry

Bacillus phage SPP1 (Bacteriophage SPP1) reference strain

TUBE_BPSPP Tail tube protein gp17.1* (TTP) (Gene product 17.1) (gp17.1) (Major tail protein) (MTP)

1 entry

Barley yellow dwarf virus (isolate MAV) (BYDV) reference strain

RDRP_BYDVM Putative RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC

1 entry

Barley yellow dwarf virus (isolate PAV) (BYDV) reference strain

RDRP_BYDVP Putative RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC

1 entry

Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (isolate Japan/S) (BNYVV) reference strain

CAPSD_BNYVS Capsid readthrough protein (CP-RT)

1 entry

Beet yellows virus (isolate Ukraine) (BYV) (Sugar beet yellows virus) reference strain

R1AB_BYVU Replicase polyprotein 1ab [Cleaved into: Leader protease (L-Pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Papain-like cysteine ...

1 entry

Carnation ringspot virus (isolate Lommel) (CRSV) reference strain

RDRP_CRSVL RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC (Protein p88)

1 entry

Equine arteritis virus (strain Bucyrus) (EAV) reference strain

RPOA_EAVBU Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1 papain-like cysteine proteinase ...

1 entry

Feline coronavirus (strain FIPV WSU-79/1146) (FCoV) reference strain

R1AB_FIPV Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

1 entry

Groundnut rosette virus (strain MC1) (GRV) reference strain

RDRP_GRVMC RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRp) (EC

1 entry

Influenza B virus (strain B/Lee/1940) reference strain

PA_INBLE Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)

1 entry

Influenza C virus (strain C/Ann Arbor/1/1950) reference strain

PA_INCAA Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)

1 entry

Lactate dehydrogenase elevating virus (strain Plagemann) (LDV) reference strain

RPOA_LDVP Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1-alpha papain-like cysteine ...

1 entry

Red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV) reference strain

RDRP_RCNMV RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC (Protein p88)

1 entry

Simian hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV) reference strain

RPOA_SHFV Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1-alpha papain-like cysteine ...

3 entries

Bovine leukemia virus (isolate Australian) (BLV)

PRO_BLVAU Gag-Pro polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Nucleocapsid ...
GAG_BLVAU Gag polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Nucleocapsid ...
POL_BLVAU Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

3 entries

Bovine leukemia virus (isolate Japanese BLV-1) (BLV)

POL_BLVJ Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
PRO_BLVJ Gag-Pro polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Nucleocapsid ...
GAG_BLVJ Gag polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p15 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Nucleocapsid ...

3 entries

Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (isolate Melanesia mel5 subtype C) (HTLV-1)

GAG_HTL1L Gag polyprotein (Pr53Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
PRO_HTL1L Gag-Pro polyprotein (Pr76Gag-Pro) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
POL_HTL1L Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...

3 entries

Human T-cell leukemia virus 3 (strain Pyl43) (HTLV-3)

PRO_HTL3P Gag-Pro polyprotein (Pr76Gag-Pro) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
POL_HTL3P Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pro-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein ...
GAG_HTL3P Gag polyprotein (Pr53Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

3 entries

Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV) (Simian Mason-Pfizer virus)

GAG_MPMV Gag polyprotein (Core polyprotein) (Pr78) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein ...
PRO_MPMV Gag-Pro polyprotein (Pr95) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; ...
POL_MPMV Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein (Pr180) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; ...

3 entries

Sheep pulmonary adenomatosis virus (Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus) (JSRV)

GAG_JSRV Gag polyprotein (Core polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; ...
POL_JSRV Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein; p12; Capsid ...
PRO_JSRV Gag-Pro polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein; p12; Capsid protein ...

3 entries

Simian retrovirus SRV-1

GAG_SRV1 Gag polyprotein (Core polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; ...
PRO_SRV1 Gag-Pro polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; Phosphorylated ...
POL_SRV1 Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; ...

3 entries

Simian retrovirus SRV-2

GAG_SRV2 Gag polyprotein (Core polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; ...
POL_SRV2 Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; ...
PRO_SRV2 Gag-Pro polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p10; Phosphorylated protein pp24; Phosphorylated ...

3 entries

Squirrel monkey retrovirus (SMRV-H) (SMRV-HLB)

POL_SMRVH Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; Core protein p16; Capsid protein p35 ...
PRO_SMRVH Gag-Pro polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; Core protein p16; Capsid protein p35 (Capsid ...
GAG_SMRVH Gag polyprotein (Core polyprotein) (Pr72) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; Core protein p16; ...

2 entries

Avian infectious bronchitis virus (strain Beaudette CK) (IBV)

R1A_IBVBC Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 (nsp2) ...
R1AB_IBVBC Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 ...

2 entries

Avian infectious bronchitis virus (strain M41) (IBV)

R1A_IBVM Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 (nsp2) ...
R1AB_IBVM Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 ...

2 entries

Avian nephritis virus 1 (ANV-1)

NS1AB_ANV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...
NS1A_ANV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus 133/2005 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/133/2005)

R1A_BC133 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BC133 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus 279/2005 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/279/2005)

R1A_BC279 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BC279 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus 512/2005 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/512/2005)

R1A_BC512 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BC512 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus HKU3 (BtCoV) (SARS-like coronavirus HKU3)

R1A_BCHK3 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BCHK3 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus Rp3/2004 (BtCoV/Rp3/2004) (SARS-like coronavirus Rp3)

R1A_BCRP3 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BCRP3 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bean common mosaic necrosis virus (strain NL-3) (BCMNV) (Bean common mosaic virus serotype A (strain NL-3))

POLG_BCMNN Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_BCMNN P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Bean yellow mosaic virus

POLG_BYMV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_BYMV P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Beet mosaic virus (BtMV)

POLG_BTMV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_BTMV P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Berne virus (BEV)

R1A_BEV Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Papain-like proteinase (PL-PRO) ...
R1AB_BEV Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Putative papain-like ...

2 entries

Bovine coronavirus (strain 98TXSF-110-ENT) (BCoV-ENT) (BCV)

R1A_CVBEN Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVBEN Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bovine coronavirus (strain 98TXSF-110-LUN) (BCoV-LUN) (BCV)

R1A_CVBLU Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVBLU Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bovine coronavirus (strain Mebus) (BCoV) (BCV)

R1A_CVBM Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVBM Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bovine coronavirus (strain Quebec) (BCoV) (BCV)

R1A_CVBQ Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVBQ Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bovine immunodeficiency virus (strain R29) (BIV) (Bovine immunodeficiency-like virus)

GAG_BIV29 Gag polyprotein (Pr53Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16 (MA); p2L; Capsid protein p26 (CA); p3; ...
POL_BIV29 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr170Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16 (MA); p2L; Capsid protein p26 ...

2 entries

Encephalomyocarditis virus

POLG_EMCV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...
ALT2B_EMCV Protein 2B*

2 entries

Enterobacteria phage T3 (Bacteriophage T3)

CAPSB_BPT3 Minor capsid protein (Gene product 10B) (Gp10B) (Minor head protein)
CAPSA_BPT3 Major capsid protein (Gene product 10A) (Gp10A) (Major head protein)

2 entries

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a (isolate 1) (HCV)

POLG_HCV1 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...
F_HCV1 F protein (Alternate reading frame protein/F-protein) (ARFP/F) (Frameshifted protein) (p16) (p17)

2 entries

Human astrovirus-4 (HAstV-4)

NS1AB_HASV4 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...
NS1A_HASV4 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...

2 entries

Human astrovirus-5 (HAstV-5)

NS1AB_HASV5 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...
NS1A_HASV5 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...

2 entries

Human astrovirus-8 (HAstV-8)

NS1AB_HASV8 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...
NS1A_HASV8 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus HKU1 (isolate N1) (HCoV-HKU1)

R1A_CVHN1 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVHN1 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus HKU1 (isolate N2) (HCoV-HKU1)

R1A_CVHN2 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVHN2 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate BH10) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1B1 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1B1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

pdb 1A9M; 1AJV; 1AJX; 1AXA; 1BQM; 1BQN; 1D4H; 1D4I; 1D4J; 1DLO; 1DW6; 1EBK; 1EBW; 1EBY; 1EBZ; 1EC0; 1EC1; 1EC2; 1EC3; 1EET; 1G35; 1GNM; 1GNN; 1GNO; 1HAR; 1HBV; 1HEF; 1HEG; 1HIH; 1HMV; 1HNI; 1HNV; 1HOS; 1HPS; 1HPZ; 1HQE; 1HQU; 1HRH; 1HTE; 1HTF; 1HTG; 1HVI; 1HVK; 1HVU; 1HYS; 1IKV; 1IKW; 1IKX; 1IKY; 1J5O; 1KJH; 1MER; 1MES; 1MET; 1MEU; 1N5Y; 1N6Q; 1NPA; 1NPV; 1NPW; 1QE1; 1QMC; 1R0A; 1RDH; 1RTD; 1S6P; 1S6Q; 1S9E; 1S9G; 1SBG; 1SUQ; 1SV5; 1T03; 1T05; 1T7K; 1TV6; 1TVR; 1UWB; 1W5V; 1W5W; 1W5X; 1W5Y; 1YT9; 1ZP8; 1ZPA; 1ZSF; 1ZSR; 2AQU; 2B5J; 2B6A; 2BAN; 2BBB; 2BE2; 2EXF; 2G69; 2HB3; 2HMI; 2HNZ; 2HS1; 2HS2; 2I4D; 2I4U; 2I4V; 2I4W; 2I4X; 2I5J; 2IAJ; 2IC3; 2IDW; 2IEO; 2JZW; 2L45; 2L46; 2L4L; 2UXZ; 2UY0; 2VG5; 2VG6; 2VG7; 2X4U; 2YKM; 2YKN; 2ZD1; 2ZE2; 3AVI; 3BGR; 3DLK; 3GGA; 3GGV; 3GGX; 3HVT; 3IG1; 3IRX; 3IS9; 3ISN; 3ITH; 3JSM; 3JYT; 3K2P; 3K4V; 3KLE; 3KLF; 3KLG; 3KLH; 3KLI; 3NDT; 3NU3; 3NU4; 3NU5; 3NU6; 3NU9; 3NUJ; 3NUO; 3OK9; 3PSU; 3QAA; 3QLH; 3QO9; 3TKG; 3TKW; 3TL9; 3TLH; 3V4I; 3V6D; 3V81; 3ZPS; 3ZPT; 3ZPU; 4COE; 4CP7; 4CPQ; 4CPR; 4CPS; 4CPT; 4CPU; 4CPW; 4CPX; 4DG1; 4G1Q; 4G8G; 4G8I; 4G9D; 4G9F; 4H4M; 4H4O; 4I2P; 4I2Q; 4ICL; 4ID5; 4IDK; 4IFV; 4IFY; 4IG0; 4IG3; 4KFB; 4KKO; 4KO0; 4LSL; 4LSN; 4MFB; 4O44; 4O4G; 4OJR; 4PQU; 4PUO; 4PWD; 4Q0B; 4QAG; 4R5P; 4RW4; 4RW6; 4RW7; 4RW8; 4RW9; 4U8W; 4WE1; 4YE3; 4YHQ; 4ZIP; 4ZLS; 5AGZ; 5AH6; 5AH7; 5AH8; 5AH9; 5AHA; 5AHB; 5AHC; 5BRY; 5BS4; 5C24; 5C25; 5C42; 5CYM; 5CYQ; 5D3G; 5FDL; 5HBM; 5HLF; 5HP1; 5HRO; 5I3U; 5I42; 5J1E; 5JFP; 5JFU; 5JG1; 5OI2; 5OI3; 5OI5; 5OI8; 5OIA; 5T6Z; 5T70; 5TER; 5TUQ; 5TW3; 5TXL; 5TXM; 5TXN; 5TXO; 5TXP; 5UFZ; 5ULT; 5UOV; 5UPZ; 5UV5; 5V5L; 5V5M; 5VQQ; 5VQR; 5VQS; 5VQT; 5VQU; 5VQV; 5VQW; 5VQX; 5VQY; 5VQZ; 5W5W; 5YOJ; 6AMO; 6AN2; 6AN8; 6ANQ; 6AOC; 6ASW; 6AVM; 6AVT; 6B19; 6BZ2; 6C0J; 6C0K; 6C0L; 6C0N; 6C0O; 6C0P; 6C0R; 6C8X; 6C8Y; 6CGF; 6D0D; 6D0E; 6DTW; 6DTX; 6DUF; 6DUG; 6DUH; 6ECL; 6ELI; 6HAK; 6KMP; 6O48; 6O9E; 6OE3; 6OUN; 6PRF; 6UL5; 6VUG; 6WAZ; 6WB0; 6WB1; 6WB2; 6X47; 6X49; 6X4A; 6X4B; 6X4C; 6X4D; 6X4E; 6X4F; 7AHX; 7AID; 7AIF; 7AIG; 7AII; 7AIJ; 7KJV; 7KJW; 7KJX; 7KRC; 7KRD; 7KRE; 7KRF; 7KWU; 7LPW; 7LPX; 7LQU; 7LRI; 7LRM; 7LRX; 7LRY; 7LSK; 7OT6; 7OTA; 7OTK; 7OTN; 7OTX; 7OTZ; 7OUT; 7OXQ; 7OZ2; 7OZ5; 7OZW; 7P15; 7SEP; 7SIF; 7SIG; 7SIH; 7SJX; 7SNL; 7SNN; 7SNP; 7SNQ; 7SNZ; 7SO1; 7SO2; 7SO3; 7SO4; 7SO6; 7TAZ; 7U5Z; 7Z24; 7Z29; 7Z2D; 7Z2E; 7Z2G; 7Z2H; 8DX2; 8DX3; 8DX8; 8DXB; 8DXE; 8DXG; 8DXH; 8DXI; 8DXJ; 8DXK; 8DXL; 8DXM; 8FE8; 8FFX; 8STP; 8STQ; 8STR; 8STS; 8STT; 8STU; 8STV; 8U69; 8U6A; 8U6B; 8U6C; 8U6D; 8U6E; 8U6F; 8U6G; 8U6H; 8U6I; 8U6J; 8U6K; 8U6L; 8U6M; 8U6N; 8U6O; 8U6P; 8U6Q; 8U6R; 8U6S; 8U6T

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate BH5) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1B5 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV1B5 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate JRCSF) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1JR Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1JR Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate LW123) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1LW Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV1LW Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate NY5) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1N5 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1N5 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

pdb 1A43; 1A8O; 1AFV; 1AK4; 1AUM; 1B92; 1B9D; 1B9F; 1BAJ; 1BHL; 1BI4; 1BIS; 1BIU; 1BIZ; 1BL3; 1GWP; 1HIW; 1HYV; 1HYZ; 1ITG; 1K6Y; 1M9D; 1QS4; 1UPH; 1WJB; 1WJD; 2B4J; 2GOL; 2GON; 2H3F; 2H3I; 2H3Q; 2H3V; 2H3Z; 2HMX; 2HVP; 2ITG; 2JPR; 2JYG; 2JYL; 2LF4; 2LYA; 2LYB; 2M3Z; 2M8L; 2M8N; 2M8P; 2ONT; 2PWM; 2PWO; 2PXR; 2X2D; 2XDE; 2XV6; 2XXM; 3AV9; 3AVA; 3AVB; 3AVC; 3AVF; 3AVG; 3AVH; 3AVJ; 3AVK; 3AVL; 3AVM; 3AVN; 3DIK; 3DPH; 3DS0; 3DS1; 3DS2; 3DS3; 3DS4; 3DS5; 3DTJ; 3GV2; 3H47; 3H4E; 3L3U; 3L3V; 3LPT; 3LPU; 3LRY; 3MGE; 3NF6; 3NF7; 3NF8; 3NF9; 3NFA; 3P05; 3P0A; 3S85; 3WNE; 3WNF; 3WNG; 3WNH; 3ZCM; 3ZSO; 3ZSQ; 3ZSR; 3ZSV; 3ZSW; 3ZSX; 3ZSY; 3ZSZ; 3ZT0; 3ZT1; 3ZT2; 3ZT3; 3ZT4; 4AH9; 4AHR; 4AHS; 4AHT; 4AHU; 4AHV; 4CE9; 4CEA; 4CEB; 4CEC; 4CED; 4CEE; 4CEF; 4CEO; 4CEQ; 4CER; 4CES; 4CEZ; 4CF0; 4CF1; 4CF2; 4CF8; 4CF9; 4CFA; 4CFB; 4CFC; 4CFD; 4CGD; 4CGF; 4CGG; 4CGH; 4CGI; 4CGJ; 4CHN; 4CHO; 4CHP; 4CHQ; 4CHY; 4CHZ; 4CIE; 4CIF; 4CIG; 4CJ3; 4CJ4; 4CJ5; 4CJE; 4CJF; 4CJK; 4CJL; 4CJP; 4CJQ; 4CJR; 4CJS; 4CJT; 4CJU; 4CJV; 4CJW; 4CK1; 4CK2; 4CK3; 4COC; 4COP; 4DGA; 4DGE; 4DMN; 4E1M; 4E1N; 4E91; 4E92; 4GVM; 4GW6; 4ID1; 4IPY; 4JLH; 4JMU; 4LH4; 4LH5; 4LQW; 4NX4; 4O0J; 4O55; 4O5B; 4OVL; 4PHV; 4QNB; 4WYM; 4Y1C; 4Y1D; 4ZHR; 5HVP; 5JL4; 5KGW; 5KGX; 5KRS; 5KRT; 5TEO; 5U1C; 5VCK; 5VEA; 5VJ3; 5XN0; 5XN1; 5XN2; 6ES8; 6IK9; 6IKA; 6JCF; 6JCG; 6KDJ; 6KDK; 6KDM; 6KDN; 6KDO; 6LMI; 6LMQ; 6MCR; 6MCS; 6OOS; 6OOT; 6OOU; 6OPW; 6OPY; 6OPZ; 6OXO; 6OXP; 6OXQ; 6OXR; 6OXS; 6OXT; 6OXU; 6OXV; 6OXW; 6OXX; 6OXY; 6OXZ; 6OY0; 6OY1; 6OY2; 6OYD; 6OYR; 6PJB; 6PJC; 6PJD; 6PJE; 6PJF; 6PJG; 6PJH; 6PJI; 6PJK; 6PJL; 6PJM; 6PJN; 6PJO; 6PUT; 6PUW; 6PUY; 6PUZ; 6T6E; 6U8Q; 6UM8; 6V3K; 6VDK; 6VQS; 6VRG; 6VX2; 6W0U; 6W42; 6W6T; 7D83; 7DBM; 7DBN; 7KE0; 7L1P; 7L23; 7LDY; 7LDZ; 7LE0; 7LE1; 7LE2; 7LE3; 7LE4; 7LE5; 7LE6; 7LE7; 7LE8; 7LE9; 7LEA; 7LEB; 7LEC; 7LED; 7LEE; 7LEF; 7LEG; 7LEH; 7LEI; 7LQP; 7RQ0; 7SIA; 7T9H; 7T9O; 7U2U; 7UE1; 7UOQ; 7WBS; 7WCE; 7WCQ; 7YF6; 7ZUD; 8A1P; 8A1Q; 8BUV; 8BV2; 8CBR; 8CBS; 8CBT; 8CBU; 8CBV; 8CT5; 8CT7; 8D3S; 8F22; 8FN7; 8FND; 8FNG; 8FNH; 8FNJ; 8FNL; 8FNM; 8FNN; 8FNO; 8FNP; 8FNQ; 8S9Q; 8T52; 8T5A; 8TOV; 8TQP; 8WF7; 8X1Z; 8X20; 8X21; 8X22; 8ZH4; 8ZHA; 9HVP

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate OYI) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1OY Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1OY Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate YU-2) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1Y2 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1Y2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype D (isolate NDK) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1ND Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1ND Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype D (isolate Z2/CDC-Z34) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1Z2 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1Z2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F2 (isolate MP255) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1MP Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV1MP Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F2 (isolate MP257) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1M2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV1M2 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype G (isolate 92NG083) (HIV-1)

POL_HV19N Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV19N Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype G (isolate SE6165) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1SE Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1SE Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype H (isolate VI991) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1V9 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV1V9 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype J (isolate SE9173) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1S9 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1S9 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype J (isolate SE9280) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1S2 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1S2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype K (isolate 96CM-MP535) (HIV-1)

POL_HV196 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV196 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype K (isolate 97ZR-EQTB11) (HIV-1)

POL_HV197 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV197 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group N (isolate YBF106) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1YB Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1YB Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group O (isolate MVP5180) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1MV Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV1MV Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate CAM2) (HIV-2)

GAG_HV2CA Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV2CA Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate D194) (HIV-2)

GAG_HV2D1 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV2D1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate Ghana-1) (HIV-2)

GAG_HV2G1 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV2G1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate KR) (HIV-2)

GAG_HV2KR Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV2KR Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate NIH-Z) (HIV-2)

GAG_HV2NZ Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV2NZ Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate ROD) (HIV-2)

POL_HV2RO Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_HV2RO Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate SBLISY) (HIV-2)

GAG_HV2SB Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV2SB Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype A (isolate ST) (HIV-2)

GAG_HV2ST Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV2ST Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype B (isolate D205) (HIV-2)

GAG_HV2D2 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV2D2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype B (isolate EHO) (HIV-2)

GAG_HV2EH Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV2EH Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 subtype B (isolate UC1) (HIV-2)

GAG_HV2UC Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_HV2UC Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Ann Arbor/6/1960 H2N2)

PA_I60A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I60A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Beijing/39/1975 H3N2)

PA_I75A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I75A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Brazil/11/1978 H1N1)

PA_I77AA Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I77AA Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Brevig Mission/1/1918 H1N1) (Influenza A virus (strain A/South Carolina/1/1918 H1N1))

PA_I18A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I18A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Brescia/1902 H7N7)

PA_I02A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I02A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/220/1997 H5N1 genotype Gs/Gd)

PA_I97A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I97A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/31.2/2002 H5N1 genotype X1)

PA_I02A2 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I02A2 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/715.5/2001 H5N1 genotype E)

PA_I01A3 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I01A3 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/96.1/2002 H5N1 genotype Y)

PA_I02A5 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I02A5 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Hong Kong/YU22/2002 H5N1 genotype Z)

PA_I02A6 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I02A6 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Pennsylvania/1/1983 H5N2)

PA_I83A5 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I83A5 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Scotland/1959 H5N1)

PA_I59A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I59A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chicken/Victoria/1/1985 H7N7)

PA_I85A3 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I85A3 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Chile/1/1983 H1N1)

PA_I83A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I83A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/China:Nanchang/11/1996 H1N1)

PA_I96A3 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I96A3 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Duck/Czechoslovakia/1956 H4N6)

PA_I56A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I56A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Duck/England/1/1956 H11N6)

PA_I56A2 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I56A2 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Duck/Germany/1949 H10N7)

PA_I49A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I49A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Duck/Hokkaido/8/1980 H3N8)

PA_I80A6 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I80A6 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Duck/Hong Kong/2986.1/2000 H5N1 genotype C)

PA_I00A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I00A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/England/878/1969 H3N2)

PA_I69A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I69A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Equine/London/1416/1973 H7N7)

PA_I73A4 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I73A4 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Equine/Tennessee/5/1986 H3N8)

PA_I86A3 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I86A3 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Fort Monmouth/1/1947 H1N1)

PA_I47A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I47A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Fowl plague virus/Rostock/8/1934 H7N1)

PA_I34A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I34A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Goose/Guangxi/345/2005 H5N1 genotype G)

PA_I05A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I05A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Grey teal/Australia/2/1979 H4N4)

PA_I79A7 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I79A7 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Guinea fowl/Hong Kong/38/2002 H5N1 genotype X0)

PA_I02A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I02A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Gull/Maryland/704/1977 H13N6)

PA_I77AF Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I77AF Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Gull/Minnesota/945/1980 H13N6)

PA_I80AD Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I80AD Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Henry/1936 H1N1)

PA_I36A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I36A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Hickox/1940 H1N1)

PA_I40A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I40A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Hong Kong/1/1968 H3N2)

PA_I68A4 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I68A4 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Hong Kong/156/1997 H5N1 genotype Gs/Gd)

PA_I97A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I97A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Hong Kong/5/1983 H3N2)

PA_I83A8 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I83A8 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/India/6263/1980 H1N1)

PA_I80AA Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I80AA Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Japan/305/1957 H2N2)

PA_I57A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I57A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Kitakyushu/159/1993 H3N2)

PA_I93A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I93A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Korea/426/1968 H2N2)

PA_I68A5 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I68A5 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningrad/134/17/1957 H2N2)

PA_I57A2 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I57A2 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningrad/134/1957 H2N2)

PA_I57A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I57A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Leningrad/134/47/1957 H2N2)

PA_I57A3 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I57A3 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Malaysia:Malaya/302/1954 H1N1)

PA_I54A2 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I54A2 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Mallard/New York/6750/1978 H2N2)

PA_I78A3 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I78A3 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/1/1971 H3N2)

PA_I71A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I71A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/101/1972 H3N2)

PA_I72A4 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I72A4 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/102/1972 H3N2)

PA_I72A3 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I72A3 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/110/1976 H3N2)

PA_I76A6 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I76A6 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/18/1978 H3N2)

PA_I78A8 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I78A8 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/2/1978 H3N2)

PA_I78A7 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I78A7 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Memphis/4/1980 H3N2)

PA_I80A4 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I80A4 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/New Zealand:South Canterbury/35/2000 H1N1)

PA_I00A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I00A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Northern Territory/60/1968 H3N2) (Influenza A virus (strain NT60)) (Influenza A virus (strain A/NT/60/1968 H3N2))

PA_I68A6 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I68A6 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Pintail/Alberta/119/1979 H4N6)

PA_I79A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I79A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Port Chalmers/1/1973 H3N2)

PA_I73A5 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I73A5 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Qu/7/1970 H3N2)

PA_I70A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I70A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Ruddy Turnstone/New Jersey/47/1985 H4N6)

PA_I85A7 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I85A7 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Russia:St.Petersburg/8/2006 H1N1)

PA_I06A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I06A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Seal/Massachusetts/1/1980 H7N7)

PA_I80A2 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I80A2 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Silky Chicken/Hong Kong/SF189/2001 H5N1 genotype A)

PA_I01A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I01A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Silky Chicken/Hong Kong/YU100/2002 H5N1 genotype X3)

PA_I02A4 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I02A4 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Singapore/1/1957 H2N2)

PA_I57A5 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I57A5 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Colorado/1/1977 H3N2)

PA_I77A4 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I77A4 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Hong Kong/126/1982 H3N2)

PA_I82A4 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I82A4 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Hong Kong/81/1978 H3N2)

PA_I78A9 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I78A9 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Iowa/15/1930 H1N1)

PA_I30A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I30A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Tennessee/26/1977 H1N1)

PA_I77AD Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I77AD Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Wisconsin/1/1961 H1N1)

PA_I61A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I61A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Swine/Wisconsin/1/1967 H1N1)

PA_I67A2 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I67A2 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Tokyo/3/1967 H2N2)

PA_I67A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I67A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Ireland/1378/1983 H5N8)

PA_I83A4 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I83A4 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Minnesota/501/1978 H6N8)

PA_I78AC Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I78AC Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Minnesota/833/1980 H4N2)

PA_I80A8 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I80A8 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Ontario/6118/1968 H8N4)

PA_I68A3 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I68A3 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Turkey/Wisconsin/1/1966 H9N2)

PA_I66A1 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I66A1 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Albany/12/1951 H1N1)

PA_I51A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I51A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Huston/AA/1945 H1N1)

PA_I45A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I45A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Iowa/1943 H1N1)

PA_I43A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I43A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Memphis/10/1996 H1N1)

PA_I96A2 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I96A2 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Phila/1935 H1N1)

PA_I35A3 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I35A3 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USA:Texas/UR06-0195/2007 H1N1)

PA_I07A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I07A0 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/USSR/90/1977 H1N1)

PA_I77AB Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I77AB Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Udorn/307/1972 H3N2)

PA_I72A2 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I72A2 Protein PA-X

2 entries

Influenza A virus (strain A/Wilson-Smith/1933 H1N1) (Influenza A virus (strain A/WS/1933 H1N1))

PA_I33A0 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I33A0 Protein PA-X

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Influenza A virus (strain A/X-31 H3N2)

PA_I000X Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PAX_I000X Protein PA-X

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Japanese encephalitis virus (strain Jaoars982) (JEV)

POLS_JAEVJ Structural polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; ...
POLG_JAEVJ Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

2 entries

Japanese encephalitis virus (strain M28) (JEV)

POLG_JAEVM Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...
POLS_JAEVM Structural polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; ...

2 entries

Japanese encephalitis virus (strain SA(v)) (JEV)

POLS_JAEV5 Structural polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; ...
POLG_JAEV5 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

2 entries

Japanese encephalitis virus (strain SA-14) (JEV)

POLS_JAEV1 Structural polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; ...
POLG_JAEV1 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

2 entries

Lettuce mosaic virus (strain 0 / isolate French) (LMV)

POLG_LMV0 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_LMV0 P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Lettuce mosaic virus (strain E) (LMV)

POLG_LMVE Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 proteinase (EC 3.4.-.-) (N-terminal protein); Helper component ...
MVP_LMVE P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Maedi visna virus (strain 1514 / clone LV1-1KS1) (MVV) (Visna lentivirus)

POL_VILV1 Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14; ...
GAG_VILV1 Gag polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14]

2 entries

Maedi visna virus (strain 1514 / clone LV1-1KS2) (MVV) (Visna lentivirus)

POL_VILV2 Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14; ...
GAG_VILV2 Gag polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14]

2 entries

Maedi visna virus (strain 1514) (MVV) (Visna lentivirus)

POL_VILV Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14; ...
GAG_VILV Gag polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14]

2 entries

Maedi visna virus (strain KV1772) (MVV) (Visna lentivirus)

POL_VILVK Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14; ...
GAG_VILVK Gag polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p16; Capsid protein p25; Nucleocapsid protein p14]

2 entries

Mengo encephalomyocarditis virus

POLG_ENMGO Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...
ALT2B_ENMGO Protein 2B*

2 entries

Mink astrovirus 1 (MAstV-1)

NS1AB_MASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...
NS1A_MASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...

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Murine coronavirus (strain JHM) (MHV-JHM) (Murine hepatitis virus)

R1A_CVMJH Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVMJH Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

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Ovine astrovirus 1 (OAstV-1)

NS1AB_OASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...
NS1A_OASV1 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...

2 entries

Papaya ringspot virus (strain P / mutant HA)

POLG_PRSVH Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 proteinase (EC 3.4.-.-) (N-terminal protein); Helper component ...
MVP_PRSVH P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (strain DPD1)

POLG_PSBMV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 proteinase (EC 3.4.-.-) (N-terminal protein); Helper component ...
MVP_PSBMV P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Peanut mottle virus (strain M)

POLG_PEMVM Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_PEMVM P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Pepper mottle virus (isolate California) (PeMV) (PepMoV C)

POLG_PEMVC Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_PEMVC P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Plum pox potyvirus (isolate NAT) (PPV)

POLG_PPVNA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_PPVNA P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Plum pox potyvirus (strain D) (PPV)

POLG_PPVD Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_PPVD P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Plum pox potyvirus (strain SK 68) (PPV)

POLG_PPVSK Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_PPVSK P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (strain CV777) (PEDV)

R1A_PEDV7 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_PEDV7 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (isolate Pig/United States/SD 01-08/2001) (PRRSV)

RPOA_PRRSS Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1 (EC 3.4.22.-); Nsp1-alpha ...
1ATF_PRRSS Truncated polyprotein 1aTF [Cleaved into: Nsp1 (EC 3.4.22.-); Nsp1-alpha papain-like cysteine ...

2 entries

Potato leafroll virus (strain Potato/Netherlands/Wageningen/1989) (PLrV)

P1_PLRVW Protein P1 (69.7 kDa protein) (Genome-linked protein precursor) (Protein ORF1) [Cleaved into: Serine ...
RDRP_PLRVW Protein P1-P2 [Cleaved into: Serine protease (EC 3.4.21.-); RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC ...

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Potato virus A (PVA)

POLG_PVMA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_PVMA P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Potato virus Y (strain Hungarian) (PVY)

POLG_PVYHU Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_PVYHU P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Rous sarcoma virus subgroup B (strain Schmidt-Ruppin) (RSV-SR-B)

GAG_RSVSB Gag polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; p2A; p2B; p10; Capsid protein p27, alternate ...
POL_RSVSB Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; p2A; p2B; p10; Capsid protein p27, alternate ...

2 entries

Rous sarcoma virus subgroup C (strain Prague) (RSV-Pr-C)

GAG_RSVP Gag polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; p2A; p2B; p10; Capsid protein p27, alternate ...
POL_RSVP Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; p2A; p2B; p10; Capsid protein p27, alternate ...

1 entry

Semliki forest virus (SFV)

POLSF_SFV Frameshifted structural polyprotein (p130) [Cleaved into: Capsid protein (EC (Coat ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate F236/smH4) (SIV-sm) (Simian immunodeficiency virus sooty mangabey monkey)

GAG_SIVS4 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_SIVS4 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate GB1) (SIV-mnd) (Simian immunodeficiency virus mandrill)

GAG_SIVGB Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_SIVGB Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate Mm142-83) (SIV-mac) (Simian immunodeficiency virus rhesus monkey)

GAG_SIVM1 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_SIVM1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate Mm251) (SIV-mac) (Simian immunodeficiency virus rhesus monkey)

GAG_SIVM2 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_SIVM2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate PBj14/BCL-3) (SIV-sm) (Simian immunodeficiency virus sooty mangabey monkey)

GAG_SIVSP Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_SIVSP Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus agm.grivet (isolate AGM gr-1) (SIV-agm.gri) (Simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey grivet)

POL_SIVG1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...
GAG_SIVG1 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus agm.vervet (isolate AGM TYO-1) (SIV-agm.ver) (Simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey vervet)

GAG_SIVVT Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_SIVVT Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus agm.vervet (isolate AGM155) (SIV-agm.ver) (Simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey vervet)

GAG_SIVV1 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_SIVV1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Simian immunodeficiency virus agm.vervet (isolate AGM3) (SIV-agm.ver) (Simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey vervet)

GAG_SIVVG Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...
POL_SIVVG Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

2 entries

Soybean mosaic virus (strain G2) (SMV)

POLG_SBMVG Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_SBMVG P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (strain GDVII) (TMEV)

POLG_TMEVG Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein (L); Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...
ALT2B_TMEVG Protein 2B*

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Tobacco etch virus (TEV)

POLG_TEV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_TEV P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Tobacco vein mottling virus (TVMV)

POLG_TVMV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_TVMV P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Turkey astrovirus 2 (TAstV-2)

NS1AB_TASV2 Non-structural polyprotein 1AB [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...
NS1A_TASV2 Non-structural polyprotein 1A [Cleaved into: Protein p19; Transmembrane protein 1A; Serine protease ...

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Turnip mosaic virus (strain Quebec) (TuMV)

POLG_TUMVQ Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 proteinase (EC 3.4.-.-) (N-terminal protein); Helper component ...
MVP_TUMVQ P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (strain California) (ZYMV)

POLG_ZYMVC Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_ZYMVC P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (strain Reunion Island) (ZYMV)

POLG_ZYMVR Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 proteinase (EC 3.4.-.-) (N-terminal protein); Helper component ...
MVP_ZYMVR P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

2 entries

Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (strain Singapore) (ZYMV)

POLG_ZYMVS Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Leader protease P1) (N-terminal ...
MVP_ZYMVS P3N-PIPO polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1 protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (N-terminal protein) (P1 proteinase); ...

1 entry

Avian leukosis virus (ALV)

POL_ALV Gag-Pol polyprotein [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19; p2A; p2B; p10; Capsid protein p27, alternate ...

1 entry

Barley yellow dwarf virus (isolate P-PAV) (BYDV)

RDRP_BYDVR Putative RNA-directed RNA polymerase (EC

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Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (strain Japan MT-2 subtype A) (HTLV-1)

GAG_HTL1M Gag polyprotein (Pr53Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p19 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate CDC-451) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1C4 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate JH32) (HIV-1)

GAG_HV1J3 Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...

1 entry

Influenza A virus (strain A/Victoria/3/1975 H3N2)

PA_I75A3 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)

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Influenza B virus (strain B/Ann Arbor/1/1966 [cold-adapted])

PA_INBAC Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)

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Influenza B virus (strain B/Ann Arbor/1/1966 [wild-type])

PA_INBAD Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)

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Influenza B virus (strain B/Panama/45/1990)

PA_INBP9 Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)

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Influenza B virus (strain B/Singapore/222/1979)

PA_INBSI Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)

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Influenza C virus (strain C/JJ/1950)

PA_INCJJ Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)

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Influenza C virus (strain C/Johannesburg/1/1966)

PA_INCJH Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)

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Lactate dehydrogenase elevating virus (strain C) (LDV)

RPOA_LDVC Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1-alpha papain-like cysteine ...

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Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)

RPOA_PRRSV Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1 (EC 3.4.22.-); Nsp1-alpha ...

1 entry

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (strain 16244B) (PRRSV)

RPOA_PRRS1 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1 (EC 3.4.22.-); Nsp1-alpha ...

1 entry

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (strain HB-1) (PRRSV)

RPOA_PRRSB Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1 (EC 3.4.22.-); Nsp1-alpha ...

1 entry

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (strain VR-2332) (PRRSV)

RPOA_PRRSR Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1 (EC 3.4.22.-); Nsp1-alpha ...

1 entry

Simian immunodeficiency virus (isolate STM) (SIV-mac) (Simian immunodeficiency virus rhesus monkey)

GAG_SIVMS Gag polyprotein (Pr55Gag) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); Spacer ...