Tevenvirinae (taxid:1198136)


Non-enveloped, head-tail structure. The prolate head is about 140 nm in length and 70 nm in width. The tail is contractile, has 6 long terminal fibers, 6 short spikes and a small base plate.


Linear, dsDNA genome of about 170-245 kb, encoding for 300-415 proteins.


Genes are transcribed by operons.



  1. Adsorption: the phage attaches to the target cell through its tail fibers.
  2. Viral exolysin degrades host cell wall locally.
  3. Ejection of the viral DNA into host cell cytoplasm by contraction of the tail sheath.
  4. Transcription and translation of early genes.
  5. Replication of genomic DNA. Transcription and translation of late genes.
  6. Assembly of an empty procapsid and packaging of the genome.
  7. Viral tail fibers assembly and viral tail assembly.
  8. Mature virions are released from the cell by lysis.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to uniprot.org website)

336 entries grouped by strain

269 entries

Enterobacteria phage T4 (Bacteriophage T4) reference strain

ENLYS_BPT4 Endolysin (EC (Lysis protein) (Lysozyme) (Muramidase)

pdb 102L; 103L; 104L; 107L; 108L; 109L; 110L; 111L; 112L; 113L; 114L; 115L; 118L; 119L; 120L; 122L; 123L; 125L; 126L; 127L; 128L; 129L; 130L; 131L; 137L; 138L; 139L; 140L; 141L; 142L; 143L; 144L; 145L; 146L; 147L; 148L; 149L; 150L; 151L; 152L; 155L; 156L; 157L; 158L; 159L; 160L; 161L; 162L; 163L; 164L; 165L; 166L; 167L; 168L; 169L; 170L; 171L; 172L; 173L; 174L; 175L; 176L; 177L; 178L; 180L; 181L; 182L; 183L; 184L; 185L; 186L; 187L; 188L; 189L; 190L; 191L; 192L; 195L; 196L; 197L; 198L; 199L; 1B6I; 1C60; 1C61; 1C62; 1C63; 1C64; 1C65; 1C66; 1C67; 1C68; 1C69; 1C6A; 1C6B; 1C6C; 1C6D; 1C6E; 1C6F; 1C6G; 1C6H; 1C6I; 1C6J; 1C6K; 1C6L; 1C6M; 1C6N; 1C6P; 1C6Q; 1C6T; 1CTW; 1CU0; 1CU2; 1CU3; 1CU5; 1CU6; 1CUP; 1CUQ; 1CV0; 1CV1; 1CV3; 1CV4; 1CV5; 1CV6; 1CVK; 1CX6; 1CX7; 1D2W; 1D2Y; 1D3F; 1D3J; 1D3M; 1D3N; 1D9W; 1DYA; 1DYB; 1DYC; 1DYD; 1DYE; 1DYF; 1DYG; 1EPY; 1G06; 1G07; 1G0G; 1G0J; 1G0K; 1G0L; 1G0M; 1G0P; 1G0Q; 1G1V; 1G1W; 1I6S; 1JQU; 1JTM; 1JTN; 1KNI; 1KS3; 1KW5; 1KW7; 1KY0; 1KY1; 1L00; 1L01; 1L02; 1L03; 1L04; 1L05; 1L06; 1L07; 1L08; 1L09; 1L0J; 1L0K; 1L10; 1L11; 1L12; 1L13; 1L14; 1L15; 1L16; 1L17; 1L18; 1L19; 1L20; 1L21; 1L22; 1L23; 1L24; 1L25; 1L26; 1L27; 1L28; 1L29; 1L30; 1L31; 1L32; 1L33; 1L34; 1L35; 1L36; 1L37; 1L38; 1L39; 1L40; 1L41; 1L42; 1L43; 1L44; 1L45; 1L46; 1L47; 1L48; 1L49; 1L50; 1L51; 1L52; 1L53; 1L54; 1L55; 1L56; 1L57; 1L58; 1L59; 1L60; 1L61; 1L62; 1L63; 1L64; 1L65; 1L66; 1L67; 1L68; 1L69; 1L70; 1L71; 1L72; 1L73; 1L74; 1L75; 1L76; 1L77; 1L79; 1L80; 1L81; 1L82; 1L83; 1L84; 1L85; 1L86; 1L87; 1L88; 1L89; 1L90; 1L91; 1L92; 1L93; 1L94; 1L95; 1L96; 1L97; 1L98; 1L99; 1LGU; 1LGW; 1LGX; 1LI2; 1LI3; 1LI6; 1LLH; 1LPY; 1LW9; 1LWG; 1LWK; 1LYD; 1LYE; 1LYF; 1LYG; 1LYH; 1LYI; 1LYJ; 1NHB; 1OV5; 1OV7; 1OVH; 1OVJ; 1OVK; 1OWY; 1OWZ; 1OYU; 1P2L; 1P2R; 1P36; 1P37; 1P3N; 1P46; 1P56; 1P5C; 1P64; 1P6Y; 1P7S; 1PQD; 1PQI; 1PQJ; 1PQK; 1PQM; 1PQO; 1QS5; 1QS9; 1QSB; 1QSQ; 1QT3; 1QT4; 1QT5; 1QT6; 1QT7; 1QT8; 1QTB; 1QTC; 1QTD; 1QTH; 1QTV; 1QTZ; 1QUD; 1QUG; 1QUH; 1QUO; 1SSW; 1SSY; 1SWY; 1SWZ; 1SX2; 1SX7; 1T6H; 1T8A; 1T8F; 1T8G; 1T97; 1TLA; 1XEP; 1ZUR; 1ZWN; 1ZYT; 200L; 201L; 205L; 206L; 209L; 210L; 211L; 212L; 213L; 214L; 215L; 216L; 217L; 218L; 219L; 220L; 221L; 222L; 223L; 224L; 225L; 226L; 227L; 228L; 229L; 230L; 231L; 232L; 233L; 234L; 235L; 236L; 237L; 238L; 239L; 240L; 241L; 242L; 243L; 244L; 245L; 246L; 247L; 248L; 249L; 250L; 251L; 252L; 253L; 254L; 255L; 256L; 257L; 258L; 259L; 260L; 261L; 262L; 2A4T; 2B6T; 2B6W; 2B6X; 2B6Y; 2B6Z; 2B70; 2B72; 2B73; 2B74; 2B75; 2B7X; 2CUU; 2F2Q; 2F32; 2F47; 2HUK; 2HUL; 2HUM; 2IGC; 2L78; 2LC9; 2LCB; 2LZM; 2NTG; 2NTH; 2O4W; 2O79; 2O7A; 2OE4; 2OE7; 2OE9; 2OEA; 2OTY; 2OTZ; 2OU0; 2OU8; 2OU9; 2Q9D; 2Q9E; 2QAR; 2QB0; 2RAY; 2RAZ; 2RB0; 2RB1; 2RB2; 2RBN; 2RBO; 2RBP; 2RBQ; 2RBR; 2RBS; 2RH1; 3C7W; 3C7Y; 3C7Z; 3C80; 3C81; 3C82; 3C83; 3C8Q; 3C8R; 3C8S; 3CDO; 3CDQ; 3CDR; 3CDT; 3CDV; 3D4S; 3DKE; 3DMV; 3DMX; 3DMZ; 3DN0; 3DN1; 3DN2; 3DN3; 3DN4; 3DN6; 3DN8; 3DNA; 3EML; 3F8V; 3F9L; 3FA0; 3FAD; 3FI5; 3G3V; 3G3W; 3G3X; 3GUI; 3GUJ; 3GUK; 3GUL; 3GUM; 3GUN; 3GUO; 3GUP; 3HH3; 3HH4; 3HH5; 3HH6; 3HT6; 3HT7; 3HT8; 3HT9; 3HTB; 3HTD; 3HTF; 3HTG; 3HU8; 3HU9; 3HUA; 3HUK; 3HUQ; 3HWL; 3JR6; 3K2R; 3L2X; 3L64; 3LZM; 3NY8; 3NY9; 3NYA; 3ODU; 3OE0; 3OE6; 3OE8; 3OE9; 3P0G; 3PBL; 3PDS; 3QAK; 3RUN; 3RZE; 3SB5; 3SB6; 3SB7; 3SB8; 3SB9; 3SBA; 3SBB; 3SN6; 3UON; 3V2W; 3V2Y; 3VW7; 4ARJ; 4DAJ; 4DJH; 4DKL; 4E97; 4EJ4; 4EKP; 4EKQ; 4EKR; 4EKS; 4EPI; 4EXM; 4GBR; 4GRV; 4HTT; 4I7J; 4I7K; 4I7L; 4I7M; 4I7N; 4I7O; 4I7P; 4I7Q; 4I7R; 4I7S; 4I7T; 4IAP; 4K5Y; 4LDE; 4LDL; 4LDO; 4LZM; 4N9N; 4OO9; 4PHU; 4QKX; 4RWS; 4S0W; 4TN3; 4U14; 4W51; 4W52; 4W53; 4W54; 4W55; 4W56; 4W57; 4W58; 4W59; 4W8F; 4WTV; 4XEE; 4XES; 4YX7; 4YXA; 4YXC; 4ZWJ; 5B2G; 5CGC; 5CGD; 5CXV; 5D5A; 5D5B; 5D6L; 5DGY; 5DSG; 5EE7; 5EUT; 5EWX; 5G27; 5GLH; 5GLI; 5I14; 5JDT; 5JEA; 5JGN; 5JGR; 5JGU; 5JGV; 5JGX; 5JGZ; 5JQH; 5JWS; 5JWT; 5JWU; 5JWV; 5JWW; 5KGR; 5KHZ; 5KI1; 5KI2; 5KI3; 5KI8; 5KIG; 5KII; 5KIM; 5KIO; 5KW2; 5LWO; 5LZM; 5NDD; 5NDZ; 5T04; 5T1A; 5TZR; 5TZY; 5V7D; 5V7E; 5V7F; 5V83; 5V86; 5V88; 5VBA; 5VEW; 5VEX; 5VNQ; 5VNR; 5WF5; 5WF6; 5X7D; 5X93; 5XEZ; 5XF1; 5XPE; 5XPF; 5XPR; 5XSZ; 5YQR; 5YQZ; 5ZBH; 5ZBQ; 5ZHP; 6A73; 6A9E; 6A9J; 6BG3; 6BG5; 6CM4; 6D26; 6D27; 6D9M; 6FFH; 6FFI; 6IIH; 6J20; 6J21; 6K1Q; 6K69; 6KJV; 6KK1; 6KK7; 6KPC; 6LZM; 6M9T; 6MXT; 6QAJ; 6U0B; 6U0C; 6U0F; 6WSK; 6XYR; 6ZFZ; 6ZG4; 6ZG9; 6ZX9; 7DWS; 7F8U; 7F8X; 7F8Y; 7L37; 7L38; 7L39; 7L3A; 7L3B; 7L3C; 7L3D; 7L3E; 7L3F; 7L3G; 7L3H; 7L3I; 7L3J; 7L3K; 7LOA; 7LOB; 7LOC; 7LOD; 7LOE; 7LOF; 7LOJ; 7LX6; 7LX7; 7LX8; 7LX9; 7LZM; 7MI3; 7MI6; 7MI8; 7P2L; 7RX9; 7SJ6; 7XB5; 7XK9; 7XKA; 7Z36; 8A5X; 8DCR; 8DCS; 8EIT; 8THK; 8THL; 8W1V; 9CBL; 9CBM

RLIG_BPT4 RNA ligase 1 (EC (Gene product 63) (gp63) (Rnl1)
DMA_BPT4 DNA adenine methylase (EC (DNA-(N(6)-adenine)-methyltransferase) ...
DPOL_BPT4 DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC (EC 3.1.11.-) (Gene product 43) (Gp43)
END5_BPT4 Endonuclease V (EC (DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase) (AP lyase) (EC ...
SIGML_BPT4 RNA polymerase sigma-like factor (Gene product 55) (gp55) (Promoter specificity factor)
PCPP_BPT4 Prohead core protein protease (EC 3.4.21.-) (Protein Gp21) (T4PPase)
NRDD_BPT4 Anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (EC (Class III ribonucleoside-triphosphate ...
UVSW_BPT4 ATP-dependent DNA helicase uvsW (EC (DNA 3'-5' helicase UvsW) (Dar protein)
TEV1_BPT4 Intron-associated endonuclease 1 (EC 3.1.-.-) (I-TevI) (IRF protein)
ANTIH_BPT4 Antiholin (Protein rI)
ACB2_BPT4 Anti-CBASS protein 2 (Acb2) (Protein Vs.4)
HLOAD_BPT4 DNA helicase assembly protein (Gene product 59) (Gp59) (Helicase loader) (Helicase loading protein)
NEEDL_BPT4 Pre-baseplate central spike protein Gp5 (Pre-Gp5) (Peptidoglycan hydrolase gp5) (EC ...
TERL_BPT4 Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (Gene product 17) (gp17) [Includes: ATPase (EC ...
RLIG2_BPT4 RNA ligase 2 (EC (Rnl2)
MODA_BPT4 NAD--protein ADP-ribosyltransferase modA (EC (RNA polymerase ADP-ribosylase modA)
MODB_BPT4 NAD--protein ADP-ribosyltransferase modB (EC 2.-.-.-) (EC
GLRX_BPT4 Glutaredoxin (Thioredoxin)
DNLI_BPT4 DNA ligase (EC (Polydeoxyribonucleotide synthase [ATP])
SSB_BPT4 Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB protein) (Gp32) (Helix-destabilizing protein)
CLAMP_BPT4 Sliding clamp (DNA polymerase accessory protein Gp45) (DNA polymerase clamp) (Gene product 45) ...
LOADL_BPT4 Sliding-clamp-loader large subunit (EC 3.6.4.-) (Clamp loader gp44 subunit) (Gene product 44) (gp44)
HELIC_BPT4 DnaB-like replicative helicase (EC 3.6.4.-) (Gene product 41) (Gp41)
CAPSH_BPT4 Major capsid protein (Gene product 23) (Major head protein) (gp23) [Cleaved into: Mature major ...
HOLIN_BPT4 Holin (Lysis protein) (Protein rV)
KIPN_BPT4 Polynucleotide kinase (PNK) (EC (Deoxynucleotide 3'-phosphatase) (EC ...
END2_BPT4 Endonuclease II (EC
TOP5_BPT4 DNA topoisomerase medium subunit (EC (DNA topoisomerase 51-kDa subunit) (Protein Gp52)
TOPL_BPT4 DNA topoisomerase large subunit (EC (DNA topoisomerase 64-kDa subunit) (Protein Gp39)
BP10_BPT4 Baseplate wedge protein gp10 (Gene product 10) (gp10)
ALT_BPT4 NAD(+)--arginine ADP-ribosyltransferase (EC (Alt protein) [Cleaved into: Mature ...
PORTL_BPT4 Portal protein (Gene product 20) (gp20)
END7_BPT4 Recombination endonuclease VII (Endo VII) (EC 3.1.-.-) (Gene product 49) (gp49)
DCTD_BPT4 Deoxycytidylate deaminase (EC (dCMP deaminase) (dCD)
BP27_BPT4 Baseplate central spike complex protein gp27 (Gene product 27) (gp27) (Hub protein 27)
TOPS_BPT4 DNA topoisomerase small subunit (EC (DNA topoisomerase 18-kDa subunit) (Protein Gp60)
DDA_BPT4 ATP-dependent DNA helicase dda (EC (DNA 5'-3' helicase Dda)
RIR1_BPT4 Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit alpha (EC (Protein B1) (Ribonucleotide ...
TYSY_BPT4 Thymidylate synthase (TS) (TSase) (EC
FIB35_BPT4 Long-tail fiber protein gp35 (Gene product 35) (gp35)
FIB37_BPT4 Long-tail fiber protein gp37 (Gene product 37) (gp37) (Receptor-recognizing protein)
DYR_BPT4 Dihydrofolate reductase (EC
GSTA_BPT4 DNA alpha-glucosyltransferase (AGT) (Alpha-GT) (EC
PRIM_BPT4 DNA primase (EC 2.7.7.-) (DNA priming protein)
EXO1_BPT4 Exonuclease subunit 1 (EC 3.1.11.-) (Gene product 47) (gp47)
EXO2_BPT4 Exonuclease subunit 2 (EC 3.1.11.-) (Gene product 46) (gp46)
LOADS_BPT4 Sliding-clamp-loader small subunit (Clamp loader gp62 subunit) (Gene product 62) (gp62)
UVSX_BPT4 Recombination and repair protein
DNMK_BPT4 Deoxynucleotide monophosphate kinase (DNK) (dNMP kinase) (EC (Gp1)
GP57_BPT4 Tail fiber assembly helper protein (Gene product 57) (gp57)
ACB1_BPT4 Anti-CBASS protein Acb1 (Acb1) (Gene product 57B) (gp57B)
GP68_BPT4 Prohead assembly protein gp68 (Gene product 68) (gp68) [Cleaved into: Protein gp68*]
GSTB_BPT4 DNA beta-glucosyltransferase (BGT) (Beta-GT) (EC
NRDG_BPT4 Anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase-activating protein (EC 1.97.1.-) (Class III ...
BP25_BPT4 Baseplate wedge protein gp25 (Outer wedge of baseplate protein) (Protein Gp25)
BP09_BPT4 Baseplate protein gp9 (Gene product 9) (gp9)
BP11_BPT4 Baseplate wedge protein gp11 (Gene product 11) (gp11)
FIB12_BPT4 Short tail fiber protein gp12 (Gene product 12) (gp12)
COMPL_BPT4 Tail completion protein gp15 (Gene product 15) (gp15) (Tail connector protein 15) (Tail terminator ...
RIR2_BPT4 Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit beta (EC (Protein B2) (Ribonucleotide ...
RNH_BPT4 Ribonuclease H (RNase H) (EC
TTTP_BPT4 Tail tube terminator protein (TrP) (Gene product 3) (gp3) (Tail sheath-stabilizing protein) ...
TSP_BPT4 Tail sheath protein (TSP) (Gene product 18) (gp18)
TUBE_BPT4 Tail tube protein gp19 (Gene product 19) (gp19)
LTACT_BPT4 Late transcription coactivator (Gene product 33) (gp33) (RNA polymerase-associated protein Gp33)
BP48_BPT4 Baseplate tail-tube junction protein gp48 (Baseplate-tube cap) (Gene product 48) (gp48)
BP54_BPT4 Baseplate tail-tube junction protein gp54 (Gene product 54) (gp54)
HDNUC_BPT4 Head completion nuclease (EC 3.1.-.-) (Head completion protein Gp50) (Protein Gp4)
BP53_BPT4 Baseplate wedge protein gp53 (Gene product 53) (gp53)
LINR3_BPT4 Lysis inhibition accessory protein (Protein rIII)
TERS_BPT4 Terminase, small subunit (Gene product 16) (gp16) (Packaging protein Gp16)
HOC_BPT4 Highly immunogenic outer capsid protein (Hoc)
BP06_BPT4 Baseplate wedge protein gp6 (Gene product 6) (gp6)
BP07_BPT4 Baseplate wedge protein gp7 (Gene product 7) (gp7)
BP08_BPT4 Baseplate wedge protein gp8 (Gene product 8) (gp8)
CAPSP_BPT4 Capsid vertex protein (Gene product 24) (gp24) [Cleaved into: Mature capsid vertex protein (gp24*)]
ASIA_BPT4 10 kDa anti-sigma factor (10 kDa RNA polymerase-associated protein) (Audrey Stevens' inhibitor)
SPAC_BPT4 Protein spackle
DMD_BPT4 Antitoxin Dmd
NEED5_BPT4 Baseplate puncturing device gp5.4 (Gene product 5.4) (gp5.4)
SPAN2_BPT4 Spanin, outer lipoprotein subunit (o-spanin)
SPAN1_BPT4 Spanin, inner membrane subunit (i-spanin)
VR2A_BPT4 Protein rIIA
VR2B_BPT4 Protein rIIB
SOC_BPT4 Small outer capsid protein (Soc)
IPI1_BPT4 Internal protein I (IpI)
IPI2_BPT4 Internal protein II (IpII)
VPIP_BPT4 Prehead core component PIP (Protein Gp67) [Cleaved into: Internal peptide II]
TFA_BPT4 Tail fiber assembly protein (Gene product 38) (gp38) (Receptor recognizing protein)
FIB36_BPT4 Long-tail fiber protein gp36 (Gene product 36) (gp36)
DNRE_BPT4 DNA replication protein (Gene product 69) (gp69)
SCAF_BPT4 Capsid assembly scaffolding protein (Gene product 22) (gp22) (Head morphogenesis protein) (Scaffold ...
EXOD_BPT4 Exodeoxyribonuclease (EC (3'-5' exonuclease)
UVSY_BPT4 Recombination protein uvsY
ALC_BPT4 Protein alc (Protein unf)
PIN_BPT4 Host protease inhibitor (Protein pin)
TEV2_BPT4 Intron-associated endonuclease 2 (EC 3.1.-.-) (I-TevII)
MOBC_BPT4 Probable mobile endonuclease C
VG452_BPT4 Protein gp45.2 (Gene product 45.2) (gp45.2)
RPBA_BPT4 15 kDa RNA polymerase-binding protein (P15k)
DCHM_BPT4 Deoxycytidylate 5-hydroxymethyltransferase (Deoxycytidylate hydroxymethylase) (EC (dCMP ...
BIMM_BPT4 Immunity protein
UVSW1_BPT4 Protein UvsW.1
NECK1_BPT4 Neck protein gp13 (Gene product 13) (gp13)
NECK2_BPT4 Neck protein gp14 (Gene product 14) (gp14)
KITH_BPT4 Thymidine kinase (EC
IPI3_BPT4 Internal protein III (IpIII)
VS_BPT4 Valyl--tRNA ligase modifier (Phage factor tau) (Tau peptide)
REGB_BPT4 Endoribonuclease RegB (EC 3.1.-.-) (Gp61.9)
GRCA_BPT4 Autonomous glycyl radical cofactor
DSBA_BPT4 Double-stranded DNA-binding protein (DsDNA-binding protein A)
SEGB_BPT4 Putative endonuclease segB (EC 3.1.-.-) (Endodeoxyribonuclease segB)
MOBB_BPT4 Probable mobile endonuclease B
GP26_BPT4 Baseplate hub assembly protein gp26 (Gene product 26) (gp26) (Hub protein 26)
GP28_BPT4 Baseplate hub assembly protein gp28 (Gene product 28) (gp28)
TMP_BPT4 Tape measure protein (TMP) (Gene product 29) (gp29) (Tail length regulator)
DNAPR_BPT4 Terminal DNA protecting protein (Gene product 64) (gp64) (Head protein Gp2)
NDD_BPT4 Nucleoid disruption protein
SEGC_BPT4 Putative endonuclease segC (EC 3.1.-.-) (Endodeoxyribonuclease segC)
VG40_BPT4 Head formation protein (Protein Gp40) (Protein sp)
TAP51_BPT4 Baseplate hub assembly protein gp51 (Gene product 51) (gp51) (Hub assembly chaperone gp51) (Tail ...
Y13A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 11.1 kDa protein in Gp30-rIII intergenic region (ORF D)
VG31_BPT4 Capsid assembly protein Gp31
INH_BPT4 Protein inh (Inhibitor of prohead protease gp21)
SEGE_BPT4 Putative endonuclease segE (EC 3.1.-.-) (Endodeoxyribonuclease segE)
FIBP_BPT4 Long-tail fiber proximal subunit (Gene product 34) (gp34)
AC_BPT4 Uncharacterized protein 52.2
SEGD_BPT4 Putative endonuclease segD (EC 3.1.-.-) (Endodeoxyribonuclease segD)
MOTA_BPT4 Middle transcription regulatory protein motA
REPEA_BPT4 DNA replication protein repEA (DNA-binding protein dbpB)
SEGA_BPT4 Endonuclease segA (EC 3.1.-.-) (Endodeoxyribonuclease segA)
ADFA_BPT4 Anti-DarT factor A
END4_BPT4 Endonuclease IV (EC (Deoxyribonuclease IV)
Y00H_BPT4 Uncharacterized 9.5 kDa protein in dexA-dda intergenic region
ARN_BPT4 Anti-restriction endonuclease (Anti-rgl nuclease)
TEV3_BPT4 Defective intron-associated endonuclease 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (I-TevIII)
STP_BPT4 T4 Suppressor of prr (Stp)
REGA_BPT4 Translation repressor protein
CEF_BPT4 Protein cef (MotC)
MOTB_BPT4 Transcription regulatory protein motB
REPEB_BPT4 DNA replication protein repEB
Y04K_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.6 kDa protein in pin-nrdC intergenic region
Y04L_BPT4 Uncharacterized 11.9 kDa protein in pin-nrdC intergenic region
Y04H_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.9 kDa protein in Gp55-nrdG intergenic region
Y04G_BPT4 Uncharacterized 11.8 kDa protein in Gp55-nrdG intergenic region
Y04F_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.0 kDa protein in Gp55-nrdG intergenic region
Y04E_BPT4 Uncharacterized 11.8 kDa protein in Gp55-nrdG intergenic region
Y04D_BPT4 Uncharacterized 5.1 kDa protein in Gp55-nrdG intergenic region
Y04C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 9.2 kDa protein in Gp55-nrdG intergenic region
Y04B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.7 kDa protein in Gp55-nrdG intergenic region
Y04A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 9.8 kDa protein in Gp55-nrdG intergenic region
Y05O_BPT4 Uncharacterized 14.6 kDa protein in mobD-ri intergenic region
Y05Q_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.3 kDa protein in ri-tk intergenic region
Y06A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.2 kDa protein in tk-vs intergenic region
Y06B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.1 kDa protein in tk-vs intergenic region
Y06C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.5 kDa protein in tk-vs intergenic region
Y06D_BPT4 Uncharacterized 17.5 kDa protein in tk-vs intergenic region
Y06E_BPT4 Uncharacterized 20.7 kDa protein in vs-regB intergenic region
Y06F_BPT4 Uncharacterized 10.9 kDa protein in regB-denV intergenic region
Y06H_BPT4 Uncharacterized 6.6 kDa protein in regB-denV intergenic region
Y06J_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.8 kDa protein in regB-denV intergenic region
Y06K_BPT4 Uncharacterized 25.0 kDa protein in regB-denV intergenic region
Y14F_BPT4 Uncharacterized 24.6 kDa protein in Gp32-Gp59 intergenic region
Y07D_BPT4 Uncharacterized 6.6 kDa protein in segB-ipI intergenic region (ORF2)
Y07C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 16.0 kDa protein in segB-ipI intergenic region (ORF3)
Y07B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 11.2 kDa protein in segB-ipI intergenic region (ORF4)
Y03H_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.4 kDa protein in mobB-Gp55 intergenic region (ORF A)
Y03G_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.9 kDa protein in mobB-Gp55 intergenic region (ORF B)
Y03F_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.3 kDa protein in mobB-Gp55 intergenic region (ORF C)
Y03C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 10.3 kDa protein in Gp46-Gp47 intergenic region (ORF F)
MRH_BPT4 RpoH-modulating protein
Y13C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 9.4 kDa protein in Gp31-cd intergenic region (ORF A)
Y13B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 11.5 kDa protein in Gp31-cd intergenic region (ORF B)
Y02D_BPT4 Uncharacterized 14.1 kDa protein in imm-Gp43 intergenic region
Y16J_BPT4 Uncharacterized 5.1 kDa protein in Gp52-ac intergenic region
Y01J_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.3 kDa protein in mrh-soc intergenic region
Y01I_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.6 kDa protein in mrh-soc intergenic region
Y16F_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.8 kDa protein in arn-motA intergenic region
Y16D_BPT4 Uncharacterized 17.8 kDa protein in arn-motA intergenic region
Y16C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 11.4 kDa protein in arn-motA intergenic region
Y16B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 5.2 kDa protein in arn-motA intergenic region
Y00A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.1 kDa protein in rIIA-Gp60 intergenic region
Y03B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.2 kDa protein in Gp46-Gp47 intergenic region (ORF G)
Y06L_BPT4 Uncharacterized 17.7 kDa protein in e-segB intergenic region
Y06M_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.2 kDa protein in e-segB intergenic region
Y06N_BPT4 Uncharacterized 14.2 kDa protein in e-segB intergenic region
Y12F_BPT4 Uncharacterized 32.4 kDa protein in Gp30-rIII intergenic region (URF X)
Y12G_BPT4 Uncharacterized 17.1 kDa protein in Gp30-rIII intergenic region
Y10B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 11.0 kDa protein in Gp24-hoc intergenic region (ORF2)
Y14A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.4 kDa protein in nrdA-td intergenic region
Y14B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 10.1 kDa protein in nrdA-td intergenic region
Y11B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 9.0 kDa protein in uvsW-uvsY intergenic region
MOBE_BPT4 Probable mobile endonuclease E
Y00G_BPT4 Uncharacterized protein dexA.1 (ORF1)
Y13D_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.8 kDa protein in cd-pseT intergenic region
Y12E_BPT4 Uncharacterized 10.8 kDa protein in Gp30-rIII intergenic region (URF Y)
Y06O_BPT4 Uncharacterized 15.1 kDa protein in e-segB intergenic region
Y06P_BPT4 Uncharacterized 23.8 kDa protein in e-segB intergenic region
Y06Q_BPT4 Uncharacterized 22.0 kDa protein in e-segB intergenic region
Y06R_BPT4 Uncharacterized 13.1 kDa protein in e-segB intergenic region
Y07A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 10.2 kDa protein in e-segB intergenic region
Y01K_BPT4 Uncharacterized 5.9 kDa protein in Gp58-sp intergenic region
Y02A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 10.2 kDa protein in sp-Gp41 intergenic region
Y05M_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.1 kDa protein in mobD-ri intergenic region
Y05L_BPT4 Uncharacterized 6.8 kDa protein in mobD-ri intergenic region
Y05K_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein in mobD-ri intergenic region
Y05J_BPT4 Uncharacterized 4.2 kDa protein in mobD-ri intergenic region
Y05I_BPT4 Uncharacterized 21.1 kDa protein in mobD-ri intergenic region
MOBD_BPT4 Probable mobile endonuclease D
Y05G_BPT4 Uncharacterized 38.9 kDa protein in nrdC-mobD intergenic region
Y16K_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.1 kDa protein in ndd-denB intergenic region
Y16L_BPT4 Uncharacterized 4.4 kDa protein in ndd-denB intergenic region
Y16M_BPT4 Uncharacterized 4.3 kDa protein in ndd-denB intergenic region
Y16O_BPT4 Uncharacterized 3.7 kDa protein in ndd-denB intergenic region
Y16P_BPT4 Uncharacterized 3.4 kDa protein in ndd-denB intergenic region
Y16N_BPT4 Uncharacterized 5.0 kDa protein in ndd-denB intergenic region
Y16Q_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.5 kDa protein in denB-rIIB intergenic region
Y04M_BPT4 Uncharacterized 9.4 kDa protein in nrdC-mobD intergenic region
Y04N_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.2 kDa protein in nrdC-mobD intergenic region
Y04O_BPT4 Uncharacterized 36.3 kDa protein in nrdC-mobD intergenic region
Y04P_BPT4 Uncharacterized 39.0 kDa protein in nrdC-mobD intergenic region
Y05A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 39.7 kDa protein in nrdC-mobD intergenic region
Y05B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 31.7 kDa protein in nrdC-mobD intergenic region
Y05C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 15.3 kDa protein in nrdC-mobD intergenic region
Y05D_BPT4 Uncharacterized 20.7 kDa protein in nrdC-mobD intergenic region
Y05E_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.0 kDa protein in nrdC-mobD intergenic region
Y05F_BPT4 Uncharacterized 36.7 kDa protein in nrdC-mobD intergenic region
VG56_BPT4 dCTP pyrophosphatase (dCTPase) (EC (Deoxycytidine-triphosphatase)
Y00E_BPT4 Uncharacterized 13.8 kDa protein in motB-dexA intergenic region
Y00F_BPT4 Uncharacterized 19.7 kDa protein in motB-dexA intergenic region
Y01A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.1 kDa protein in dda-modA intergenic region
Y01B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 29.0 kDa protein in dda-modA intergenic region
Y01E_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.0 kDa protein in modB-mrh intergenic region
Y01F_BPT4 Uncharacterized 18.3 kDa protein in modB-mrh intergenic region
Y01G_BPT4 Uncharacterized 6.2 kDa protein in modB-mrh intergenic region
Y01H_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.1 kDa protein in modB-mrh intergenic region
Y00B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 14.7 kDa protein in Gp60-mobA intergenic region
Y02C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 5.6 kDa protein in Gp42-imm intergenic region
Y03I_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.5 kDa protein in mobB-Gp55 intergenic region
Y04J_BPT4 Uncharacterized 6.2 kDa protein in pin-nrdC intergenic region
Y07E_BPT4 Uncharacterized 18.5 kDa protein in repEA-segC intergenic region
Y10C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 6.6 kDa protein in Gp24-hoc intergenic region
Y12A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 10.7 kDa protein in Gp54-alt intergenic region
Y12B_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.4 kDa protein in Gp54-alt intergenic region
Y12C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 6.6 kDa protein in Gp54-alt intergenic region
Y12D_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.2 kDa protein in alt-Gp30 intergenic region
Y12H_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.9 kDa protein in Gp30-rIII intergenic region
Y13E_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.7 kDa protein in cd-pseT intergenic region
Y13F_BPT4 Uncharacterized 10.1 kDa protein in cd-pseT intergenic region
Y13G_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.9 kDa protein in cd-pseT intergenic region
Y13H_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.7 kDa protein in cd-pseT intergenic region
Y13I_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.8 kDa protein in pseT-alc intergenic region
Y13L_BPT4 Uncharacterized 9.4 kDa protein in nrdB-nrdA intergenic region
Y14C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 9.5 kDa protein in frd-Gp32 intergenic region
Y14D_BPT4 Uncharacterized 14.7 kDa protein in frd-Gp32 intergenic region
Y14E_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.8 kDa protein in frd-Gp32 intergenic region
Y16H_BPT4 Uncharacterized 4.8 kDa protein in motA-Gp52 intergenic region
Y12M_BPT4 Uncharacterized 12.9 kDa protein in Gp30-rIII intergenic region
Y11A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 6.1 kDa protein in uvsW-uvsY intergenic region
Y00D_BPT4 Uncharacterized 5.1 kDa protein in Gp39-comCA intergenic region
Y00C_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.2 kDa protein in Gp39-comCA intergenic region
COMCA_BPT4 Protein comC-alpha
Y12I_BPT4 Uncharacterized 8.1 kDa protein in Gp30-rIII intergenic region
Y12J_BPT4 Uncharacterized 7.3 kDa protein in Gp30-rIII intergenic region
Y12K_BPT4 Uncharacterized 10.8 kDa protein in Gp30-rIII intergenic region
Y12L_BPT4 Uncharacterized 14.1 kDa protein in Gp30-rIII intergenic region
Y16A_BPT4 Uncharacterized 5.9 kDa protein in asiA-arn intergenic region

8 entries

Escherichia phage RB69 (Bacteriophage RB69) reference strain

EXO2_BPR69 Exonuclease subunit 2 (EC 3.1.11.-) (Protein Gp46)
LOADL_BPR69 Sliding-clamp-loader large subunit (EC 3.6.4.-) (Clamp loader gp44 subunit) (Gene product 44) (gp44)
CLAMP_BPR69 Sliding clamp (DNA polymerase accessory protein Gp45) (DNA polymerase clamp) (Gene product 45) ...
DNMK_BPR69 Deoxynucleotide monophosphate kinase (DNK) (dNMP kinase) (EC (Gp1)
ADFA_BPR69 Anti-DarT factor A
SOC_BPR69 Small outer capsid protein (Soc)
VG452_BPR69 Protein Gp45.2

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage T6 (Bacteriophage T6) reference strain

SSB_BPT6 Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB protein) (Gp32) (Helix-destabilizing protein)

3 entries

Salmonella phage S16 (Salmonella phage vB_SenM-S16) reference strain

FIB37_BPS16 Long tail fiber protein Gp37 (Gene product 37) (gp37) (Receptor-recognizing protein) [Cleaved into: ...
ACB1_BPS16 Anti-CBASS protein Acb1 (Acb1)
RBP_BPS16 Receptor-recognizing protein gp38 (Gene product 38) (gp38) (Long tail fiber adhesin)

1 entry

Erwinia phage FBB1 reference strain

ACB1_BPFBB Anti-CBASS protein Acb1 (Acb1)

1 entry

Shigella phage SP18 reference strain

ACB1_BPSP8 Anti-CBASS protein Acb1 (Acb1) (Gene product 57B) (gp57B)

1 entry

Yersinia phage phiR1-RT reference strain

ACB1_BPPR1 Anti-CBASS protein Acb1 (Acb1) (Gene product 142) (gp142)

11 entries

Enterobacteria phage T2 (Bacteriophage T2)

DCTD_BPT2 Deoxycytidylate deaminase (EC (dCMP deaminase)
DMA_BPT2 DNA adenine methylase (EC (DNA-(N(6)-adenine)-methyltransferase) ...
FIB37_BPT2 Long tail fiber protein Gp37 (Gene product 37) (gp37) (Receptor-recognizing protein) [Cleaved into: ...
SSB_BPT2 Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB protein) (Gp32) (Helix-destabilizing protein)
ALT_BPT2 NAD(+)--arginine ADP-ribosyltransferase (EC (Alt protein) [Cleaved into: Mature ...
VG36_BPT2 Tail fiber protein p36 (Protein Gp36)
RBP_BPT2 Receptor-recognizing protein gp38 (Gene product 38) (gp38) (Long tail fiber adhesin)
DCHM_BPT2 Deoxycytidylate 5-hydroxymethyltransferase (Deoxycytidylate hydroxymethylase) (EC (dCMP ...
GSTG_BPT2 Beta-glucosyl-HMC-alpha-glucosyl-transferase (EC 2.4.1.-)
NDD_BPT2 Nucleoid disruption protein (Nuclear disruption protein)
REGA_BPT2 Translation repressor protein

3 entries

Escherichia phage RB69 (Bacteriophage RB69)

LOADS_BPR69 Sliding-clamp-loader small subunit (Clamp loader gp62 subunit) (Gene product 62) (gp62)
REGA_BPR69 Translation repressor protein
NDD_BPR69 Nucleoid disruption protein (Nuclear disruption protein)

9 entries

Enterobacteria phage T6 (Bacteriophage T6)

DNLI_BPT6 DNA ligase (EC (Polydeoxyribonucleotide synthase [ATP])
ALT_BPT6 NAD(+)--arginine ADP-ribosyltransferase (EC (Alt protein) [Cleaved into: Mature ...
DCHM_BPT6 Deoxycytidylate 5-hydroxymethyltransferase (Deoxycytidylate hydroxymethylase) (EC (dCMP ...
GSTG_BPT6 Beta-glucosyl-HMC-alpha-glucosyl-transferase (EC 2.4.1.-)
TUBE_BPT6 Tail tube protein gp19 (Gene product 19) (gp19)
NDD_BPT6 Nucleoid disruption protein (Nuclear disruption protein)
REGA_BPT6 Translation repressor protein
Y14E_BPT6 Uncharacterized 8.8 kDa protein in frd-Gp32 intergenic region
Y14D_BPT6 Uncharacterized 14.8 kDa protein in frd-Gp32 intergenic region

5 entries

Enterobacteria phage K3 (Bacteriophage K3)

RBP_BPK3 Receptor-recognizing protein gp38 (Gene product 38) (gp38) (Long tail fiber adhesin)
FIB37_BPK3 Long tail fiber protein Gp37 (Protein Gp37) (Gene product 37) (gp37) (Receptor-recognizing protein) ...
VG36_BPK3 Tail fiber protein p36 (Protein Gp36)
HOLIN_BPK3 Holin (Lysis protein)
NDD_BPK3 Nucleoid disruption protein (Nuclear disruption protein)

5 entries

Escherichia phage AR1 (Bacteriophage AR1)

RBP_BPAR1 Receptor-recognizing protein gp38 (Gene product 38) (gp38) (Long tail fiber adhesin)
FIB37_BPAR1 Long tail fiber protein Gp37 (Protein Gp37) (Gene product 37) (gp37) (Receptor-recognizing protein) ...
CAPSP_BPAR1 Capsid vertex protein (Gene product 24) (gp24) [Cleaved into: Mature capsid vertex protein (gp24*)]
CAPSH_BPAR1 Major capsid protein (Gene product 23) (Major head protein) (gp23) [Cleaved into: Mature major ...
SCAF_BPAR1 Capsid assembly scaffolding protein (Gene product 22) (gp22) (Head morphogenesis protein) (Major ...

3 entries

Enterobacteria phage LZ3 (Bacteriophage LZ3)

STP_BPLZ3 Anticodon nuclease activator
Y14D_BPLZ3 Uncharacterized 14.8 kDa protein in frd-Gp32 intergenic region
Y14E_BPLZ3 Uncharacterized 8.8 kDa protein in frd-Gp32 intergenic region

3 entries

Enterobacteria phage LZ5 (Bacteriophage LZ5)

STP_BPLZ5 Anticodon nuclease activator
Y14E_BPLZ5 Uncharacterized 8.8 kDa protein in frd-Gp32 intergenic region
VG56_BPLZ5 dCTP pyrophosphatase (dCTPase) (EC (Deoxycytidine-triphosphatase)

2 entries

Enterobacteria phage LZ1 (Bacteriophage LZ1)

Y14D_BPLZ1 Uncharacterized 14.8 kDa protein in frd-Gp32 intergenic region
Y14E_BPLZ1 Uncharacterized 8.8 kDa protein in frd-Gp32 intergenic region

2 entries

Enterobacteria phage Ox2 (Bacteriophage Ox2)

RBP_BPOX2 Receptor-recognizing protein gp38 (Gene product 38) (gp38) (Long tail fiber adhesin)
VG36_BPOX2 Tail fiber protein p36 (Protein Gp36)

2 entries

Enterobacteria phage RB18 (Bacteriophage RB18)

Y43_BPR18 Uncharacterized protein ORF43.1 in regA 3'region
REGA_BPR18 Translation repressor protein

2 entries

Enterobacteria phage RB51 (Bacteriophage RB51)

Y43_BPR51 Uncharacterized protein ORF43.1 in regA 3'region
REGA_BPR51 Translation repressor protein

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage LZ4 (Bacteriophage LZ4)

Y14E_BPLZ4 Uncharacterized 8.8 kDa protein in frd-Gp32 intergenic region

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage M1 (Bacteriophage M1)

RBP_BPM1 Receptor-recognizing protein gp38 (Gene product 38) (gp38) (Long tail fiber adhesin)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage RB3 (Bacteriophage RB3)

TEV3_BPR03 Intron-associated endonuclease 3 (EC 3.1.-.-) (I-TevIII)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage RB32 (Bacteriophage RB32)

NDD_BPR32 Nucleoid disruption protein (Nuclear disruption protein)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage RB70 (Bacteriophage RB70)

NDD_BPR70 Nucleoid disruption protein (Nuclear disruption protein)