Viral attachment to host entry receptor (kw:KW-1234)

Entry receptors trigger virus entry by endocytosis/pinocytosis or by inducing fusion/penetration. The consequences of this binding are irreversible. They have often be named "co-receptors". Entry receptors are often difficult to access for the virion, which circumvents this problem by binding first to adhesion receptors, which increases the probability of binding to the entry receptor.


In herpesviruses for example, gC makes the primary contact with the host cell surface, binding to heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Binding of gD to the entry receptors induces viral fusion to the host cell membrane and viral penetration .
In bacterial viruses, attachment to the entry receptor is often referred to as irreversible adsorption, based on experimental observations .

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

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111 entries grouped by strain

4 entries

Human cytomegalovirus (strain Merlin) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5) reference strain

GH_HCMVM Envelope glycoprotein H (gH)
GL_HCMVM Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)
UL130_HCMVM Envelope glycoprotein UL130
U131A_HCMVM Protein UL131A

4 entries

Human cytomegalovirus (strain AD169) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5) reference strain

GH_HCMVA Envelope glycoprotein H (gH)
GL_HCMVA Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)
UL130_HCMVA Uncharacterized protein UL130
UL128_HCMVA Uncharacterized protein UL128

2 entries

Human herpesvirus 6A (strain Uganda-1102) (HHV-6 variant A) (Human B lymphotropic virus) reference strain

GQ2_HHV6U Glycoprotein Q2 (gQ2) (Glycoprotein Q-37k) (gQ-37k)
GQ1_HHV6U Glycoprotein Q1 (gQ1) (Glycoprotein 105) (gp105) (Glycoprotein Q-80k) (gQ-80k) (HCLF1 protein)

1 entry

Avian leukosis virus subgroup A (isolate RSA) (ALV-A RSA) reference strain

ENV_ALVA Envelope glycoprotein gp95 (Env polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Surface protein (SU) (Glycoprotein 85) ...

1 entry

Bacillus phage SPP1 (Bacteriophage SPP1) reference strain

FIBER_BPSPP Tail spike protein (TSP) (Gene product 21) (Gp21)

1 entry

Bhanja virus (BHAV) reference strain

GP_BHAV Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (strain A51908) (BRS) reference strain

FUS_BRSVA Fusion glycoprotein F0 [Cleaved into: Fusion glycoprotein F2 (F2); p27 (Intervening segment) (Pep27) ...

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage I2-2 (Bacteriophage I2-2) reference strain

G3P_BPI22 Attachment protein G3P (Gene 3 protein) (G3P) (Minor coat protein)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage M13 (Bacteriophage M13) reference strain

G3P_BPM13 Attachment protein G3P (Gene 3 protein) (G3P) (Minor coat protein)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage T4 (Bacteriophage T4) reference strain

FIB12_BPT4 Short tail fiber protein gp12 (Gene product 12) (gp12)

1 entry

Equine herpesvirus 1 (strain Ab4p) (EHV-1) (Equine abortion virus) reference strain

GD_EHV1B Envelope glycoprotein D (gD) (Glycoprotein 17/18)

1 entry

Escherichia phage If1 (Bacteriophage If1) reference strain

G3P_BPIF1 Attachment protein G3P (Gene 3 protein) (G3P) (Minor coat protein)

1 entry

Escherichia phage P2 (Bacteriophage P2) reference strain

SPIKE_BPP2 Spike protein (Baseplate assembly protein gpV) (Gene V protein) (GpV)

1 entry

Escherichia phage T5 (Enterobacteria phage T5) reference strain

RBP5_BPT5 Receptor-binding protein pb5 (RBP-pb5) (Tail protein pb5)

1 entry

Escherichia phage lambda (Bacteriophage lambda) reference strain

TIPJ_LAMBD Tip attachment protein J (Central tail fiber) (Host specificity protein J)

1 entry

Gallid herpesvirus 2 (strain Chicken/Md5/ATCC VR-987) (GaHV-2) (Marek's disease herpesvirus type 1) reference strain

GD_GAHVM Envelope glycoprotein D (gD)

1 entry

Guinea pig cytomegalovirus (strain 22122) (GPCMV) reference strain

GL_GPCMV Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a (isolate H77) (HCV) reference strain

POLG_HCV77 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 (isolate Human/China/HeBei/1987) (HEV) reference strain

CAPSD_HEVCH Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain 17) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1) reference strain

GD_HHV11 Envelope glycoprotein D (gD)

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 2 (strain HG52) (HHV-2) (Human herpes simplex virus 2) reference strain

GD_HHV2H Envelope glycoprotein D (gD)

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 6B (strain Z29) (HHV-6 variant B) (Human B lymphotropic virus) reference strain

GQ1_HHV6Z Glycoprotein Q1 (gQ1) (Glycoprotein 105) (gp105) (Glycoprotein Q-80k) (gQ-80k) (HCLF1 protein)

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus B (strain B1) reference strain

FUS_HRSVB Fusion glycoprotein F0 (Protein F) [Cleaved into: Fusion glycoprotein F2 (F2); p27 (Intervening ...

1 entry

Lactococcus phage SK1 (Lactococcus lactis bacteriophage SK1) reference strain

RBP_BPLSK Receptor binding protein (RBP) (Gene product 18) (Gp18)

1 entry

Murine pneumonia virus (strain 15) (MPV) reference strain

FUS_MPV15 Fusion glycoprotein F0 [Cleaved into: Fusion glycoprotein F2; Fusion glycoprotein F1]

1 entry

Pseudomonas phage Pf1 (Bacteriophage Pf1) reference strain

G3P_BPPF1 Attachment protein G3P (Gene 3 protein) (G3P) (Minor coat protein)

1 entry

Pseudomonas phage Pf3 (Bacteriophage Pf3) reference strain

G3P_BPPF3 Attachment protein G3P (Gene 3 protein) (G3P) (Minor coat protein)

1 entry

Psittacid herpesvirus 1 (isolate Amazon parrot/-/97-0001/1997) (PsHV-1) (Pacheco's disease virus) reference strain

GD_PSHV1 Envelope glycoprotein D (gD)

1 entry

Rift valley fever virus (strain ZH-548 M12) (RVFV) reference strain

GP_RVFVZ Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: NSm-Gn protein (p78); Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...

1 entry

SFTS phlebovirus (isolate SFTSV/Human/China/HB29/2010) (Severe fever with thrombocytopenia virus) reference strain

GP_SFTSV Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Salmonella phage IKe (Bacteriophage IKe) reference strain

G3P_BPIKE Attachment protein G3P (Gene 3 protein) (G3P) (Minor coat protein)

1 entry

Seneca Valley virus (isolate -/United States/SSV-001/2002) (SVV) reference strain

POLG_SVV1 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Leader protein; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 ...

1 entry

Uukuniemi virus (strain S23) (UUKV) reference strain

GP_UUKS Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) (p110) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Varicella-zoster virus (strain Dumas) (HHV-3) (Human herpesvirus 3) reference strain

GE_VZVD Envelope glycoprotein E (gE)

1 entry

Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus (strain San Juan) (VSIV) reference strain

GLYCO_VSIVA Glycoprotein

1 entry

Vesicular stomatitis New Jersey virus (strain Ogden subtype Concan) (VSNJV) reference strain

GLYCO_VSNJO Glycoprotein

1 entry

Xanthomonas phage phiLf (Bacteriophage phi-Lf) reference strain

G3P_BPPHL Attachment protein G3P (Gene 3 protein) (G3P) (Minor coat protein)

1 entry

Zaire ebolavirus (strain Mayinga-76) (ZEBOV) (Zaire Ebola virus) reference strain

VGP_EBOZM Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: Shed GP (GP1,2-delta); GP1; GP2]

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain Merlin) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

UL128_HCMVM Envelope protein UL128

1 entry

Bovine herpesvirus 1.1 (strain Cooper) (BoHV-1) (Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus)

GD_BHV1C Envelope glycoprotein D (gD) (Glycoprotein IV)

1 entry

Bovine herpesvirus 1.1 (strain P8-2) (BoHV-1) (Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus)

GD_BHV1P Envelope glycoprotein D (gD) (Glycoprotein IV)

1 entry

Bovine herpesvirus 1.2 (strain ST) (BoHV-1) (Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus)

GD_BHV1S Envelope glycoprotein D (gD) (Glycoprotein IV)

1 entry

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (strain Copenhagen) (BRS)

FUS_BRSVC Fusion glycoprotein F0 [Cleaved into: Fusion glycoprotein F2 (F2); p27 (Intervening segment) (Pep27) ...

1 entry

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (strain Rb94) (BRS)

FUS_BRSVR Fusion glycoprotein F0 [Cleaved into: Fusion glycoprotein F2 (F2); p27 (Intervening segment) (Pep27) ...

1 entry

Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVC Capsid protein VP2 (Coat protein VP2)

1 entry

Canine parvovirus type 2 (isolate Dog/United States/CPV-N/1978) (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVCN Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Canine parvovirus type 2 (isolate Dog/United States/CPV-b/1978) (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVCB Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Canine parvovirustype 2 (isolate Dog/United States/CPV-d/1988) (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVCD Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1 (CeHV-1) (Simian herpes B virus)

GD_CHV1 Envelope glycoprotein D (gD)

1 entry

Classical swine fever virus (strain Alfort/Tuebingen) (CSFV) (Hog cholera virus)

POLG_CSFAT Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

1 entry

Classical swine fever virus (strain Brescia) (CSFV) (Hog cholera virus)

POLG_CSFVB Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

1 entry

Dabie bandavirus (Severe fever with thrombocytopenia virus) (Huaiyangshan banyangvirus)

GP_SFTS Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage f1 (Bacteriophage f1)

G3P_BPF1 Attachment protein G3P (Gene 3 protein) (G3P) (Minor coat protein)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage fd (Bacteriophage fd)

G3P_BPFD Attachment protein G3P (Gene 3 protein) (G3P) (Minor coat protein)

1 entry

Equine herpesvirus 1 (strain AB1) (EHV-1) (Equine abortion virus)

GD_EHV1A Envelope glycoprotein D (gD) (Glycoprotein 17/18)

1 entry

Equine herpesvirus 1 (strain Kentucky A) (EHV-1) (Equine abortion virus)

GD_EHV1K Envelope glycoprotein D (gD) (Glycoprotein 17/18)

1 entry

Equine herpesvirus 1 (strain Kentucky D) (EHV-1) (Equine abortion virus)

GD_EHV1D Envelope glycoprotein D (gD) (Glycoprotein 17/18)

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 (isolate Human/Burma) (HEV-1)

CAPSD_HEVBU Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 (isolate Human/India/Hyderabad) (HEV-1)

CAPSD_HEVHY Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 (isolate Human/Myanmar/HEVNE8L) (HEV-1)

CAPSD_HEVMY Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 (isolate Human/Pakistan/Sar-55) (HEV-1)

CAPSD_HEVPA Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain 1042) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

GL_HCMV2 Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain 119) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

GL_HCMV1 Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain 2387) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

GL_HCMV3 Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain 4654) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

GL_HCMV4 Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain 5035) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

GL_HCMV5 Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain 5040) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

GL_HCMV6 Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain 5160) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

GL_HCMV7 Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain 5508) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

GL_HCMV8 Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain PT) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

GL_HCMVP Envelope glycoprotein L (gL)

1 entry

Human cytomegalovirus (strain Towne) (HHV-5) (Human herpesvirus 5)

GH_HCMVT Envelope glycoprotein H (gH)

1 entry

Human enterovirus 71 (strain 7423/MS/87) (EV71) (EV-71)

POLG_HE71M Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain Angelotti) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

GD_HHV1A Envelope glycoprotein D (gD)

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain F) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

GD_HHV1F Envelope glycoprotein D (gD)

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain HZT) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

GD_HHV1H Envelope glycoprotein D (gD)

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain KOS) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

GD_HHV1K Envelope glycoprotein D (gD)

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 1 (strain Patton) (HHV-1) (Human herpes simplex virus 1)

GD_HHV1P Envelope glycoprotein D (gD)

1 entry

Human herpesvirus 2 (strain 333) (HHV-2) (Human herpes simplex virus 2)

GD_HHV23 Envelope glycoprotein D (gD)

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus

FUS_HRSV Fusion glycoprotein F0 [Cleaved into: Fusion glycoprotein F2 (F2); p27 (Intervening segment) (Pep27) ...

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus A (strain A2)

FUS_HRSVA Fusion glycoprotein F0 [Cleaved into: Fusion glycoprotein F2 (F2); p27 (Intervening segment) (Pep27) ...

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus A (strain RSS-2)

FUS_HRSVR Fusion glycoprotein F0 [Cleaved into: Fusion glycoprotein F2 (F2); p27 (Intervening segment) (Pep27) ...

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus B (strain 18537)

FUS_HRSV1 Fusion glycoprotein F0 [Cleaved into: Fusion glycoprotein F2 (F2); p27 (Intervening segment) (Pep27) ...

1 entry

Lactococcus phage p2 (Lactococcus lactis bacteriophage p2)

RBP_BPLP2 Receptor binding protein (RBP) (Gene product 18) (Gp18)

1 entry

Punta toro phlebovirus

GP_PTPV Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: NSm-Gn protein; Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...

1 entry

Reston ebolavirus (strain Philippines-96) (REBOV) (Reston Ebola virus)

VGP_EBORE Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]

1 entry

Reston ebolavirus (strain Reston-89) (REBOV) (Reston Ebola virus)

VGP_EBORR Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]

1 entry

Reston ebolavirus (strain Siena/Philippine-92) (REBOV) (Reston Ebola virus)

VGP_EBORS Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]

1 entry

Rift valley fever virus (RVFV)

GP_RVFV Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: NSm-Gn protein; Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...

1 entry

Sheep pulmonary adenomatosis virus (Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus) (JSRV)

ENV_JSRV Envelope glycoprotein (Env polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Surface protein (SU) (Glycoprotein 52) ...

1 entry

Sudan ebolavirus (strain Boniface-76) (SEBOV) (Sudan Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOSB Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]

1 entry

Sudan ebolavirus (strain Human/Uganda/Gulu/2000) (SEBOV) (Sudan Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOSU Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]

1 entry

Sudan ebolavirus (strain Maleo-79) (SEBOV) (Sudan Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOSM Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]

1 entry

Suid herpesvirus 1 (strain Rice) (SuHV-1) (Pseudorabies virus (strain Rice))

GD_SUHVR Envelope glycoprotein D (gD) (Protein gp50)

1 entry

Tai Forest ebolavirus (strain Cote d'Ivoire-94) (TAFV) (Cote d'Ivoire Ebola virus)

VGP_TAFVC Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; GP2-delta]

1 entry

Varicella-zoster virus (strain Oka vaccine) (HHV-3) (Human herpesvirus 3)

GE_VZVO Envelope glycoprotein E (gE)

1 entry

Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus (strain 85CLB South America) (VSIV)

GLYCO_VSIVS Glycoprotein

1 entry

Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus (strain 94GUB Central America) (VSIV)

GLYCO_VSIVC Glycoprotein

1 entry

Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus (strain 98COE North America) (VSIV)

GLYCO_VSIVN Glycoprotein

1 entry

Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus (strain Glasgow) (VSIV)

GLYCO_VSIVG Glycoprotein

1 entry

Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus (strain Mudd-Summers) (VSIV)

GLYCO_VSIVM Glycoprotein G

1 entry

Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus (strain Orsay) (VSIV)

GLYCO_VSIVO Glycoprotein

1 entry

Zaire ebolavirus (strain Eckron-76) (ZEBOV) (Zaire Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOEC Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]

1 entry

Zaire ebolavirus (strain Gabon-94) (ZEBOV) (Zaire Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOG4 Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]

1 entry

Zaire ebolavirus (strain Kikwit-95) (ZEBOV) (Zaire Ebola virus)

VGP_EBOZ5 Envelope glycoprotein (GP1,2) (GP) [Cleaved into: GP1; GP2; Shed GP (GP1,2-delta)]