Peduovirus (taxid:140410)


Non-enveloped, head-tail structure. The icosahedral head is about 60 nm, with a T=7 dextro symmetry , composed of 72 capsomers. The tail is contractile, about 135 x 18 nm, has 6 short kinked fibers.


Linear, dsDNA genome of about 34 kb, encoding for approximately 45 proteins. The genome has cohesive ends (cos sites).


Genes are transcribed by operons.



  1. Adsorption: the phage attaches to the target cell through its tail fibers.
  2. Ejection of the viral DNA into host cell cytoplasm by contraction of the tail sheath.
  3. Transcription and translation of early genes.
  4. Synthesis of linear concatemers copies of viral DNA by rolling circle. Transcription and translation of late genes.
  5. Assembly of an empty procapsid and packaging of the genome.
  6. Viral tail fibers assembly and viral tail assembly.
  7. Mature virions are released from the cell by lysis.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

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39 entries grouped by strain

39 entries

Escherichia phage P2 (Bacteriophage P2) reference strain

VOLD_BPP2 Old nuclease (EC (Exodeoxyribonuclease Old) (Overcoming lysogenization defect protein) ...
SCAF_BPP2 Capsid assembly scaffolding protein (Gene product O) (GpO) (Head morphogenesis protein) (Scaffold ...
SPIKE_BPP2 Spike protein (Baseplate assembly protein gpV) (Gene V protein) (GpV)
VINT_BPP2 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)
ENLYS_BPP2 Endolysin (EC 4.2.2.n2) (Lysis protein) (Lysozyme) (Protein gpK) (Transglycosylase)
TAPFS_BPP2 Tail assembly protein E' (Gene product E') (gpE') (Tail assembly chaperone) (TAC)
TAP_BPP2 Tail assembly protein E (Gene product E) (gpE) (Tail assembly chaperone) (TAC)
TMP_BPP2 Probable tape measure protein (TMP) (Gene product T) (gpT)
VCOX_BPP2 Regulatory protein cox
VPB_BPP2 Replication gene B protein (GpB)
BPD_BPP2 Probable baseplate hub protein (Gene D protein) (GpD)
TSP_BPP2 Tail sheath protein (TSP) (Major tail sheath protein) (Protein FI)
TUBE_BPP2 Tail tube protein (TTP) (Protein FII)
VPL_BPP2 Head completion/stabilization protein (GpL)
VPM_BPP2 Terminase, endonuclease subunit (GpM)
CAPSD_BPP2 Capsid proteins (GpN) [Cleaved into: Minor capsid protein H1; Minor capsid protein H2; Major capsid ...
VPP_BPP2 Terminase, ATPase subunit (GpP)
PORTL_BPP2 Probable portal protein (GpQ)
TFA_BPP2 Probable tail fiber assembly protein (GpG)
FIBH_BPP2 Probable tail fiber protein (GpH)
BPI_BPP2 Baseplate protein I (Gene I protein) (GpI)
VPS_BPP2 Tail completion protein S (GpS)
BPJ_BPP2 Baseplate protein J (Gene J protein) (GpJ)
BPW_BPP2 Baseplate protein W (Gene W protein) (GpW)
ANTIH_BPP2 Putative antiholin (Protein lysA)
SPAN1_BPP2 Probable spanin, inner membrane subunit (i-spanin) (Protein lysB)
BPX_BPP2 Baseplate protein X (Gene X protein) (GpX)
VPA_BPP2 Replication gene A protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (GpA)
SPAN2_BPP2 Probable spanin, outer lipoprotein subunit (Protein lysC)
RPC_BPP2 Repressor protein C
VOGR_BPP2 Late control protein ogr
VPR_BPP2 Tail completion protein R (GpR)
YSV_BPP2 Uncharacterized 30.4 kDa protein in S-V intergenic region (ORF-30)
YO80_BPP2 Uncharacterized 8.3 kDa protein in GpA 5'region (ORF1)
YO81_BPP2 Uncharacterized 11.3 kDa protein in GpA 5'region (ORF2)
YO82_BPP2 Uncharacterized 8.2 kDa protein in gpA 5'region (ORF3)
YO83_BPP2 Uncharacterized 10.2 kDa protein in GpA 5'region (ORF4)
YO91_BPP2 Uncharacterized 12.9 kDa protein in GpA 3'region (ORF5)