Non-enveloped, rod of filaments of 70-90 nm long and 14-16 nm in diameter.
Circular, ssDNA genome (+) of 4.5 to 8kb encoding for 4 to 10 proteins. Replication occurs via dsDNA intermediate and rolling circle.
Each gene is transcribed by host cellular machinery, via a specific promoter. Some genes end by a transcription terminator.
- Viral protein mediates binding to host membrane.
- The proteins of the capsid perform the injection of the viral DNA through bacterial membranes into cell cytoplasm.
- Host polymerase convert the (+)ssDNA viral genome into a covalently closed dsDNA called replicative form DNA (RF).
- dsDNA transcription by host RNA polymerase gives rise to viral mRNAs.
- (+) strand replication occurs by rolling circle.
- New (+)ssDNA genomes are converted into new RF molecules, and further transcription occurs.
- Viral proteins interaction with ssDNA genome trigger the assembly of the viral capsid.
- New virions are secreted from host cell.