Activation of host autophagy by virus (kw:KW-1072)

Autophagy is an evolutionary conserved mechanism for the sequestration and subsequent lysosomal degradation of discrete intracellular portions of eukaryotic cells, facilitating the removal of materials not degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. In addition, autophagy plays important roles in innate and adaptive immune responses to pathogens.

Several viruses are able to activate host autophagy as a cellular survival mechanism. Indeed, viruses can activate programmed cell death during infection that prevent them from spreading to healthy tissue. By activating autophagy, viruses delay or inhibit apoptosis. For example, SV40 ST antigen protects cancer cells under glucose deprivation by triggering autophagy. KSHV Rta is able to enhance the autophagic process in order to facilitate viral lytic replication.

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264 entries grouped by strain

3 entries

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (2019-nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) reference strain

R1A_SARS2 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor nsp1 ...
AP3A_SARS2 ORF3a protein (ORF3a) (Accessory protein 3a) (Protein 3a) (Protein U274) (Protein X1)
R1AB_SARS2 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

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7MHL; 7MHM; 7MHN; 7MHO; 7MHP; 7MHQ; 7MLF; 7MLG; 7MNG; 7MPB; 7MRR; 7MSW; 7MSX; 7N06; 7N0B; 7N0C; 7N0D; 7N33; 7N3K; 7N44; 7N5Z; 7N6N; 7N7R; 7N7U; 7N7W; 7N7Y; 7N83; 7N89; 7N8C; 7NBR; 7NBS; 7NBT; 7NBY; 7NEO; 7NEV; 7NF5; 7NFV; 7NG3; 7NG6; 7NIJ; 7NIO; 7NN0; 7NNG; 7NT4; 7NTS; 7O46; 7O7Y; 7O7Z; 7O80; 7O81; 7ORR; 7ORU; 7ORV; 7ORW; 7P2G; 7P2O; 7PFL; 7PFM; 7PHZ; 7PKU; 7PXZ; 7PZQ; 7Q5E; 7Q5F; 7QBB; 7QG7; 7QGI; 7QIF; 7QKA; 7QT5; 7QT6; 7QT7; 7QT8; 7QT9; 7R1T; 7R1U; 7R2V; 7R7H; 7RB0; 7RB2; 7RBZ; 7RC0; 7RFR; 7RFS; 7RFU; 7RFW; 7RLS; 7RM2; 7RMB; 7RME; 7RMT; 7RMZ; 7RN0; 7RN1; 7RN4; 7RNH; 7RNK; 7RNW; 7RQG; 7RVM; 7RVN; 7RVO; 7RVP; 7RVQ; 7RVR; 7RVS; 7RVT; 7RVU; 7RVV; 7RVW; 7RVX; 7RVY; 7RVZ; 7RW0; 7RW1; 7S3K; 7S3S; 7S4B; 7S6W; 7S6X; 7S6Y; 7S6Z; 7S70; 7S71; 7S72; 7S73; 7S74; 7S75; 7S82; 7SD9; 7SDA; 7SDC; 7SET; 7SF1; 7SF3; 7SFB; 7SFH; 7SFI; 7SGH; 7SH7; 7SH8; 7SH9; 7SI9; 7T2T; 7T2U; 7T2V; 7T42; 7T43; 7T44; 7T45; 7T46; 7T48; 7T49; 7T4A; 7T4B; 7T70; 7T8M; 7T8R; 7T9W; 7T9Y; 7TA4; 7TA7; 7TB2; 7TBT; 7TC4; 7TDU; 7TE0; 7TEH; 7TEK; 7TEL; 7TFR; 7TGR; 7THH; 7TI9; 7TJ2; 7TQ2; 7TQ3; 7TQ4; 7TQ5; 7TQ6; 7TQV; 7TW7; 7TW8; 7TW9; 7TWF; 7TWG; 7TWH; 7TWI; 7TWJ; 7TWN; 7TWO; 7TWP; 7TWQ; 7TWR; 7TWS; 7TWT; 7TWV; 7TWW; 7TWX; 7TWY; 7TX0; 7TX1; 7TX3; 7TX4; 7TX5; 7U92; 7UKK; 7ULT; 7UR9; 7URB; 7US4; 7UU6; 7UU7; 7UU8; 7UU9; 7UUA; 7UUB; 7UUC; 7UUD; 7UUE; 7UUG; 7UUP; 7VAH; 7VVP; 7WHC; 7WOH; 7WQ8; 7WQ9; 7WQA; 7WQK; 7X6Y; 7X6Z; 7X70; 7YWR; 7Z2K; 7Z3U; 7Z59; 7ZB6; 7ZB7; 7ZB8; 7ZQV; 7ZV5; 7ZV7; 7ZV8; 8A23; 8A4Q; 8A4T; 8A4Y; 8A55; 8ACD; 8ACL; 8AEB; 8AIQ; 8AIU; 8AIV; 8AIZ; 8AJ0; 8AOU; 8AZ8; 8B2T; 8B56; 8BFO; 8BFQ; 8BGA; 8BGD; 8BSD; 8BWU; 8BZV; 8C19; 8C1A; 8C5M; 8CMF; 8CMG; 8CRF; 8CRK; 8CRM; 8CYU; 8CYZ; 8CZ4; 8CZ7; 8CZW; 8CZX; 8D34; 8D35; 8D4J; 8D4K; 8D4L; 8D4M; 8D4N; 8D4P; 8DCZ; 8DD1; 8DD9; 8DDI; 8DDM; 8DFE; 8DFN; 8DGB; 8DIB; 8DIC; 8DID; 8DIE; 8DIF; 8DIG; 8DIH; 8DII; 8DJJ; 8DK8; 8DKH; 8DKK; 8DKL; 8DKZ; 8DL9; 8DLB; 8DMD; 8DMN; 8DOX; 8DOY; 8DPR; 8DQU; 8DRR; 8DRS; 8DRT; 8DRU; 8DRV; 8DRW; 8DRX; 8DRY; 8DRZ; 8DS0; 8DS1; 8DS2; 8DSU; 8DZ0; 8DZ1; 8DZ2; 8DZ6; 8DZ9; 8DZA; 8DZB; 8DZC; 8E1Y; 8E25; 8E26; 8E4J; 8E4R; 8E5X; 8E5Z; 8E61; 8E63; 8E64; 8E65; 8E68; 8E69; 8E6A; 8EHJ; 8EHK; 8EHL; 8EHM; 8EIR; 8EJ7; 8EJ9; 8EKE; 8EOY; 8ERS; 8EUA; 8EY2; 8EYJ; 8EZV; 8EZZ; 8F02; 8F2C; 8F2D; 8F2E; 8F44; 8F45; 8F46; 8F4S; 8F4Y; 8FIV; 8FIW; 8FRJ; 8FRK; 8FTC; 8FWN; 8FY6; 8FY7; 8GFK; 8GFN; 8GFO; 8GFR; 8GFU; 8GIA; 8GW4; 8GWJ; 8GWS; 8GY6; 8HDA; 8HEF; 8OKK; 8OKL; 8OKM; 8OKN; 8OSX; 8OT0; 8OTO; 8OTR; 8OV1; 8OV2; 8OV3; 8OV4; 8Q71; 8SG6; 8SK4; 8SKH; 8STY; 8STZ; 8SXR; 8TBE; 8U2X

2 entries

African swine fever virus (strain Badajoz 1971 Vero-adapted) (Ba71V) (ASFV) reference strain

VF199_ASFB7 Inner membrane protein E199L (pE199L)
VF205_ASFB7 Uncharacterized protein K205R (pK205R)

2 entries

Avian infectious bronchitis virus (strain Beaudette) (IBV) reference strain

R1A_IBVB Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 (nsp2) ...
R1AB_IBVB Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus HKU4 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/HKU4/2004) reference strain

R1A_BCHK4 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BCHK4 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus HKU5 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/HKU5/2004) reference strain

R1A_BCHK5 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BCHK5 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus HKU9 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/HKU9) reference strain

R1A_BCHK9 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BCHK9 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) reference strain

R1A_CVH22 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVH22 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus HKU1 (isolate N2) (HCoV-HKU1) reference strain

R1A_CVHN2 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVHN2 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43) reference strain

R1A_CVHOC Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVHOC Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (isolate United Kingdom/H123990006/2012) (MERS-CoV) (Betacoronavirus England 1) reference strain

R1A_MERS1 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor nsp1 ...
R1AB_MERS1 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Murine coronavirus (strain A59) (MHV-A59) (Murine hepatitis virus) reference strain

R1A_CVMA5 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVMA5 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (strain Purdue) (TGEV) reference strain

R1A_CVPPU Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVPPU Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) reference strain

R1A_SARS Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor nsp1 ...
R1AB_SARS Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

1 entry

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (isolate NADL) (BVDV) (Mucosal disease virus) reference strain

POLG_BVDVN Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 1 (strain Nauru/West Pac/1974) (DENV-1) reference strain

POLG_DEN1W Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Capsid protein) (Core protein); Protein prM ...

1 entry

Feline coronavirus (strain FIPV WSU-79/1146) (FCoV) reference strain

R1AB_FIPV Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

1 entry

Hantaan virus (strain 76-118) (Korean hemorrhagic fever virus) reference strain

GP_HANTV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a (isolate H77) (HCV) reference strain

POLG_HCV77 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus A serotype 89 (strain 41467-Gallo) (HRV-89) reference strain

POLG_HRV8A Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Poliovirus type 1 (strain Mahoney) reference strain

POLG_POL1M Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (strain Lelystad) (PRRSV) reference strain

RPOA_PRRSL Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1 (EC 3.4.22.-); Nsp1-alpha ...

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Monkey/South Africa/SA11-H96/1958/G3P5B[2]) (RV-A) (Simian Agent 11 (isolate SI/South Africa/H96/58)) reference strain

NSP4_ROTSH Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/SA11-Both/G3P5B[2]) (RV-A) (Simian Agent 11 (strain Both)) reference strain

NSP4_ROTS1 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus C (isolate RVC/Human/United Kingdom/Bristol/1989) (RV-C) reference strain

NSP4_ROTHC Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus X (strain RVX/Human/China/NADRV-J19/1997/GXP[X]) (RV ADRV-N) (Rotavirus (isolate novel adult diarrhea rotavirus-J19)) reference strain

NSP4_ROTJ1 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Yellow fever virus (strain 17D vaccine) (YFV) reference strain

POLG_YEFV1 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Zika virus (ZIKV) reference strain

POLG_ZIKV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Capsid protein) (Core protein); Protein prM ...

2 entries

African swine fever virus (isolate Tick/Malawi/Lil 20-1/1983) (ASFV)

VF205_ASFM2 Uncharacterized protein K205R (pK205R)
VF199_ASFM2 Inner membrane protein E199L (pE199L)

2 entries

African swine fever virus (isolate Tick/South Africa/Pretoriuskop Pr4/1996) (ASFV)

VF199_ASFP4 Inner membrane protein E199L (pE199L)
VF205_ASFP4 Uncharacterized protein K205R (pK205R)

2 entries

African swine fever virus (isolate Warthog/Namibia/Wart80/1980) (ASFV)

VF199_ASFWA Inner membrane protein E199L (pE199L)
VF205_ASFWA Uncharacterized protein K205R (pK205R)

2 entries

Avian infectious bronchitis virus (strain Beaudette CK) (IBV)

R1A_IBVBC Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 (nsp2) ...
R1AB_IBVBC Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 ...

2 entries

Avian infectious bronchitis virus (strain M41) (IBV)

R1A_IBVM Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 (nsp2) ...
R1AB_IBVM Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 2 ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus 133/2005 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/133/2005)

R1A_BC133 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BC133 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus 279/2005 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/279/2005)

R1A_BC279 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BC279 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus 512/2005 (BtCoV) (BtCoV/512/2005)

R1A_BC512 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BC512 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus HKU3 (BtCoV) (SARS-like coronavirus HKU3)

R1A_BCHK3 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BCHK3 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bat coronavirus Rp3/2004 (BtCoV/Rp3/2004) (SARS-like coronavirus Rp3)

R1A_BCRP3 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_BCRP3 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bovine coronavirus (strain 98TXSF-110-ENT) (BCoV-ENT) (BCV)

R1A_CVBEN Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVBEN Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bovine coronavirus (strain 98TXSF-110-LUN) (BCoV-LUN) (BCV)

R1A_CVBLU Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVBLU Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bovine coronavirus (strain Mebus) (BCoV) (BCV)

R1A_CVBM Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVBM Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Bovine coronavirus (strain Quebec) (BCoV) (BCV)

R1A_CVBQ Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVBQ Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus HKU1 (isolate N1) (HCoV-HKU1)

R1A_CVHN1 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVHN1 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus HKU1 (isolate N5) (HCoV-HKU1)

R1A_CVHN5 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVHN5 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63)

R1A_CVHNL Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVHNL Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

2 entries

Murine coronavirus (strain 2) (MHV-2) (Murine hepatitis virus)

R1A_CVM2 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVM2 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Murine coronavirus (strain JHM) (MHV-JHM) (Murine hepatitis virus)

R1A_CVMJH Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_CVMJH Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Host translation inhibitor ...

2 entries

Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (strain CV777) (PEDV)

R1A_PEDV7 Replicase polyprotein 1a (pp1a) (ORF1a polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) ...
R1AB_PEDV7 Replicase polyprotein 1ab (pp1ab) (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Non-structural protein 1 ...

1 entry

African swine fever virus (isolate Pig/Kenya/KEN-50/1950) (ASFV)

VF205_ASFK5 Uncharacterized protein K205R (pK205R)

1 entry

Alkhumra hemorrhagic fever virus (ALKV) (Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever virus)

POLG_ALKV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Andes orthohantavirus (ANDV) (Andes virus)

GP_ANDV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...

1 entry

Banzi virus (BANV)

POLG_BANV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Black Creek Canal orthohantavirus (BCCV) (Black Creek Canal virus)

GP_BCCV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...

1 entry

Bovine enterovirus (strain VG-5-27) (BEV)

POLG_BOVEV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (strain CP7) (BVDV) (Mucosal disease virus)

POLG_BVDVC Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

1 entry

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (strain SD-1) (BVDV) (Mucosal disease virus)

POLG_BVDVS Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

1 entry

Bussuquara virus (BUSV)

POLG_BUSV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Classical swine fever virus (strain Alfort) (CSFV) (Hog cholera virus)

POLG_CSFVA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

1 entry

Classical swine fever virus (strain Brescia) (CSFV) (Hog cholera virus)

POLG_CSFVB Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: N-terminal protease (N-pro) (EC 3.4.22.-) (Autoprotease p20); ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus A16 (strain G-10)

POLG_CX16G Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus A16 (strain Tainan/5079/98)

POLG_CX16T Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus A21 (strain Coe)

POLG_CXA21 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus A24 (strain EH24/70)

POLG_CXA24 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus A9 (strain Griggs)

POLG_CXA9 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B1 (strain Japan)

POLG_CXB1J Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P3; Protein 3AB; P2; P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B2 (strain Ohio-1)

POLG_CXB2O Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B3 (strain Nancy)

POLG_CXB3N Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B3 (strain Woodruff)

POLG_CXB3W Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B4 (strain E2)

POLG_CXB4E Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B4 (strain JVB / Benschoten / New York/51)

POLG_CXB4J Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B5 (strain Peterborough / 1954/UK/85)

POLG_CXB5P Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Coxsackievirus B6 (strain Schmitt)

POLG_CXB6S Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 1 (strain Brazil/97-11/1997) (DENV-1)

POLG_DEN1B Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small envelope ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 1 (strain Singapore/S275/1990) (DENV-1)

POLG_DEN1S Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 2 (isolate Thailand/0168/1979) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN28 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 2 (strain 16681-PDK53) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN27 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 2 (strain Jamaica/1409/1983) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN2J Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 2 (strain Peru/IQT2913/1996) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN2Q Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 2 (strain Puerto Rico/PR159-S1/1969) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN2P Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 2 (strain Thailand/16681/1984) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN26 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 2 (strain Thailand/NGS-C/1944) (DENV-2)

POLG_DEN2N Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 3 (strain China/80-2/1980) (DENV-3)

POLG_DEN3C Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 3 (strain Martinique/1243/1999) (DENV-3)

POLG_DEN3M Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 3 (strain Philippines/H87/1956) (DENV-3)

POLG_DEN3P Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 3 (strain Singapore/8120/1995) (DENV-3)

POLG_DEN3I Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 3 (strain Sri Lanka/1266/2000) (DENV-3)

POLG_DEN3S Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 4 (strain Dominica/814669/1981) (DENV-4)

POLG_DEN4D Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 4 (strain Philippines/H241/1956) (DENV-4)

POLG_DEN4P Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 4 (strain Singapore/8976/1995) (DENV-4)

POLG_DEN4S Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 4 (strain Thailand/0348/1991) (DENV-4)

POLG_DEN4T Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dengue virus type 4 (strain Thailand/0476/1997) (DENV-4)

POLG_DEN4H Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Dobrava-Belgrade orthohantavirus (DOBV) (Dobrava virus)

GP_DOBV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...

1 entry

Echovirus 1 (strain Human/Egypt/Farouk/1951) (E-1)

POLG_EC01F Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 11 (strain Gregory)

POLG_EC11G Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 12 (strain Travis)

POLG_EC12T Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 30 (strain Bastianni)

POLG_EC30B Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 5 (strain Noyce)

POLG_EC05N Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 6 (strain Charles)

POLG_EC06C Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 9 (strain Barty)

POLG_EC09B Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Echovirus 9 (strain Hill)

POLG_EC09H Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Edge Hill virus (EHV)

POLG_EHV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a (isolate 1) (HCV)

POLG_HCV1 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate BK) (HCV)

POLG_HCVBK Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate Con1) (HCV)

POLG_HCVCO Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate HC-J1) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJ1 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate HC-JT) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJT Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate HCR6) (HCV)

POLG_HCVR6 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate Japanese) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (isolate Taiwan) (HCV)

POLG_HCVTW Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (strain HC-J4) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJ4 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1c (isolate HC-G9) (HCV)

POLG_HCVH9 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 1c (isolate India) (HCV)

POLG_HCVIN Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2a (isolate HC-J6) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJ6 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2a (isolate JFH-1) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJF Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2b (isolate HC-J8) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJ8 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2b (isolate JPUT971017) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJP Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2c (isolate BEBE1) (HCV)

POLG_HCVBB Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 2k (isolate VAT96) (HCV)

POLG_HCVVA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 3a (isolate NZL1) (HCV)

POLG_HCVNZ Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 3a (isolate k3a) (HCV)

POLG_HCVK3 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 3b (isolate Tr-Kj) (HCV)

POLG_HCVTR Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 3k (isolate JK049) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJK Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 4a (isolate ED43) (HCV)

POLG_HCVED Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 5a (isolate EUH1480) (HCV)

POLG_HCVEV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 5a (isolate SA13) (HCV)

POLG_HCVSA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6a (isolate 6a33) (HCV)

POLG_HCV6A Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6a (isolate EUHK2) (HCV)

POLG_HCVEU Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6b (isolate Th580) (HCV)

POLG_HCVT5 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6d (isolate VN235) (HCV)

POLG_HCVVN Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6g (isolate JK046) (HCV)

POLG_HCVJL Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6h (isolate VN004) (HCV)

POLG_HCVVP Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis C virus genotype 6k (isolate VN405) (HCV)

POLG_HCVVO Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein precursor (Capsid protein C) (p23); Mature core ...

1 entry

Hepatitis GB virus B (GBV-B) (GB virus B)

POLG_GBVB Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Core protein; Envelope glycoprotein E1; Envelope glycoprotein E2 ...

1 entry

Human enterovirus 70 (strain J670/71) (EV70) (EV-70)

POLG_HE701 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human enterovirus 71 (EV71) (EV-71)

POLG_HE71 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human enterovirus 71 (strain 7423/MS/87) (EV71) (EV-71)

POLG_HE71M Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human enterovirus 71 (strain USA/BrCr/1970) (EV71) (EV-71)

POLG_HE71B Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human enterovirus D68 (EV68) (EV-68)

POLG_HED68 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 14 (HRV-14)

POLG_HRV14 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 16 (HRV-16)

POLG_HRV16 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 1A (HRV-1A)

POLG_HRV1A Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 1B (HRV-1B)

POLG_HRV1B Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 2 (HRV-2)

POLG_HRV2 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus 3 (HRV-3)

POLG_HRV3 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Human rhinovirus C (strain C15) (HRV-C15)

POLG_HRV15 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Ilheus virus (ILHV)

POLG_ILHV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Japanese encephalitis virus (strain Jaoars982) (JEV)

POLG_JAEVJ Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Japanese encephalitis virus (strain M28) (JEV)

POLG_JAEVM Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Japanese encephalitis virus (strain SA(v)) (JEV)

POLG_JAEV5 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Japanese encephalitis virus (strain SA-14) (JEV)

POLG_JAEV1 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Kokobera virus (KOKV)

POLG_KOKV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Kunjin virus (strain MRM61C)

POLG_KUNJM Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Peptide 2k; Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide ...

1 entry

Kyasanur forest disease virus (KFDV)

POLG_KFDV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Langat virus (strain TP21)

POLG_LANVT Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Peptide 2k; Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide ...

1 entry

Louping ill virus (Li)

POLG_LIV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Mosquito cell fusing agent (CFA flavivirus)

POLG_MCFA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Capsid protein) (Core protein); Protein prM; ...

1 entry

Murray valley encephalitis virus (strain MVE-1-51) (MVEV)

POLG_MVEV5 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Peptide 2k; Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide ...

1 entry

Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus (OHFV)

POLG_OHFV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Poliovirus type 1 (strain Sabin)

POLG_POL1S Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Poliovirus type 2 (strain Lansing)

POLG_POL2L Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Poliovirus type 2 (strain W-2)

POLG_POL2W Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Poliovirus type 3 (strain 23127)

POLG_POL32 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P3; Protein 3AB; P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein ...

1 entry

Poliovirus type 3 (strains P3/Leon/37 and P3/Leon 12A[1]B)

POLG_POL3L Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Porcine enterovirus 9 (strain UKG/410/73)

POLG_PEV9U Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)

RPOA_PRRSV Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Nsp1 (EC 3.4.22.-); Nsp1-alpha ...

1 entry

Rocio virus (ROCV)

POLG_ROCV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Cat/Japan/FRV64/1989/G3P5B[3]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTF6 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Cow/India/Hg18/2000/G15P[21]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROT18 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Cow/United States/B223/1983/G10P8[11]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTBB Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Dog/United States/Cu-1/1982/G3P5A[3]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTCU Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Equine/United Kingdom/H2/1976/G3P4[12]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (isolate H-2))

NSP4_ROTEH Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Equine/United States/FI-23/1981/G14P4[12]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain FI23))

NSP4_ROTE2 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Human/Belgium/B4106/2000/G3P11[14]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (isolate B4106))

NSP4_ROT41 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Human/Italy/VA70/1975/G4P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTHV Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Human/Sweden/1076/1983/G2P2A[6]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTH1 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Human/United Kingdom/A64/1987/G10P11[14]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTH7 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Human/United States/WI61/1983/G9P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTWI Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Mouse/Brazil/EHP/1981/G16P[20]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTME Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Mouse/United States/Eb/1982/G16P10[16]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTMB Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Cow/France/RF/1975/G6P6[1]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTRF Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Cow/United Kingdom/UK/1975/G6P7[5]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTBU Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Cow/United States/NCDV-Lincoln/1969/G6P6[1]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain Nebraska calf diarrhea virus))

NSP4_ROTBN Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Cow/United States/WC3/1981/G6P7[5]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus (strain Wistar calf 3))

NSP4_ROTW3 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Equine/United States/FI-14/1980/G3P4[12]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain FI14))

NSP4_ROTE1 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Australia/RV-4/1977/G1P1A[8]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain RV4))

NSP4_ROTH4 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Australia/RV-5/1981/G2P1B[4]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain RV5))

NSP4_ROTH5 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Indonesia/69M/1980/G8P4[10]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTH6 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Japan/AU-1/1982/G3P3[9]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTH3 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Japan/KU/1995/G1P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTHK Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Japan/KUN/1980/G2P1B[4]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTKU Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Japan/MO/1982/G3P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTHO Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Japan/S2/1980/G2P1B[4]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTHS Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Japan/YO/1977/G3P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTYO Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Philippines/L26/1987/G12P1B[4]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTHL Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United Kingdom/A28/1987/G10P[X]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTH2 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United Kingdom/ST3/1975/G4P2A[6]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain St. Thomas 3))

NSP4_ROTHT Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United States/D/1974/G1P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTAD Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United States/DS-1/1976/G2P1B[4]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain DS1))

NSP4_ROTHD Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United States/M/1976/G3P[X]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTAM Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United States/P/1974/G3P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTHP Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/United States/Wa/1974/G1P1A[8]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTHW Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Human/Venezuela/M37/1982/G1P2A[6]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTHM Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Pig/Mexico/YM/1983/G11P9[7]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTPY Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Pig/United States/OSU/1977/G5P9[7]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain Ohio State University))

NSP4_ROTP5 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Rabbit/United States/ALA/XXXX/G3P11[14]) (RV-A) (Rotavirus A (strain Alabama))

NSP4_ROTRA Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Turkey/Ireland/Ty-1/1978/G7P[17]) (RV-A)

NSP4_ROTA1 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus B (isolate RVB/Human/China/ADRV/1982) (RV-B) (Rotavirus B (isolate adult diarrhea rotavirus))

NSP4_ROTGA Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus C (strain RVC/Pig/United States/Cowden/1980) (RV-C)

NSP4_ROTPC Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Rotavirus X (isolate RVX/Human/Bangladesh/NADRV-B219/2002/GXP[X]) (RV ADRV-N) (Rotavirus (isolate novel adult diarrhea rotavirus-B219))

NSP4_ROTB2 Non-structural glycoprotein 4 (NSP4) (NCVP5) (NS28)

1 entry

Sin Nombre orthohantavirus (SNV) (Sin Nombre virus)

GP_SINV Envelopment polyprotein (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) (Glycoprotein G1); ...

1 entry

Swine vesicular disease virus (strain H/3 '76) (SVDV)

POLG_SVDVH Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Swine vesicular disease virus (strain UKG/27/72) (SVDV)

POLG_SVDVU Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: P1; Capsid protein VP0 (VP4-VP2); Capsid protein VP4 (P1A) (Virion ...

1 entry

Tick-borne encephalitis virus (strain Hypr) (TBEV)

POLG_TBEVH Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Peptide 2k; Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide ...

1 entry

Tick-borne encephalitis virus European subtype (strain Neudoerfl) (NEUV) (Neudoerfl virus)

POLG_TBEVW Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Peptide 2k; Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide ...

1 entry

Tick-borne encephalitis virus Far Eastern subtype (strain Sofjin) (SOFV) (Sofjin virus)

POLG_TBEVS Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Peptide 2k; Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide ...

1 entry

Tick-borne powassan virus (strain LB) (POWV) (Powassan virus)

POLG_POWVL Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Peptide 2k; Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide ...

1 entry

Tula orthohantavirus (TULV) (Tula virus)

GP_TULV Envelopment polyprotein (Glycoprotein precursor) (M polyprotein) [Cleaved into: Glycoprotein N (Gn) ...

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Usutu virus (USUV)

POLG_USUV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Peptide 2k; Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide ...

1 entry

Wesselsbron virus (WSLV)

POLG_WSLV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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West Nile virus (WNV)

POLG_WNV Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Peptide 2k; Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide ...

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West Nile virus (strain NY-99) (WNV) (West Nile virus (strain NY-1999))

POLG_WNV9 Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Peptide 2k; Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide ...

1 entry

Yellow fever virus (isolate Angola/14FA/1971) (YFV)

POLG_YEFVN Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

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Yellow fever virus (isolate Ethiopia/Couma/1961) (YFV)

POLG_YEFVE Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Yellow fever virus (isolate Ivory Coast/1999) (YFV)

POLG_YEFVC Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Yellow fever virus (isolate Ivory Coast/85-82H/1982) (YFV)

POLG_YEFVI Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Yellow fever virus (isolate Uganda/A7094A4/1948) (YFV)

POLG_YEFVU Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Yellow fever virus (strain French neurotropic vaccine FNV) (YFV)

POLG_YEFVF Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Yellow fever virus (strain Ghana/Asibi/1927) (YFV)

POLG_YEFVA Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Yellow fever virus (strain Trinidad/TRINID79A/1979) (YFV)

POLG_YEFVT Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide pr; Small ...

1 entry

Zika virus (isolate ZIKV/Human/Cambodia/FSS13025/2010) (ZIKV)

POLG_ZIKVK Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Capsid protein) (Core protein); Protein prM ...

1 entry

Zika virus (isolate ZIKV/Human/French Polynesia/10087PF/2013) (ZIKV)

POLG_ZIKVF Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Capsid protein C (Capsid protein) (Core protein); Protein prM ...