Activation of host caspases by virus (kw:KW-1073)

Apoptosis (or programmed cell death) is a controlled process leading to cell death characterized by chromatin condensation, DNA fragmentation, cell shrinkage, and compartimentalization of the dead cells to apoptotic bodies. The host immune system uses apoptosis to eliminate cells infected by pathogens. Apoptosis of infected cells is caused either by cytolytic cells activated during the anti-viral response, or directly by viral infection. Host caspases, constitute an evolutionary conserved family of aspartate-specific cysteine proteases that are at the heart of the apoptotic machinery.

Viruses from several different families are able to exploit their host's cell death programmes so as to maximize viral fitness. Apoptosis activation via caspases offers several advantages for viruses. Indeed, it may facilitate progeny virion release after host cell death. Furthermore, during apoptosis, the entire content of the cell, including virions are packaged into membrane-bound apoptotic bodies that are taken by surrounding cells. This process limits the inflammatory response and allow viruses to spread without being detected. HIV protease directly cleaves procaspase-8 to promote apoptosis. HPV 18 E2 protein induces oligomerization of caspase 8 through direct interaction.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

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44 entries grouped by strain

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype A (isolate MAL) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1MA Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype A (isolate U455) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1U4 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate ARV2/SF2) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1A2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate BRU/LAI) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1BR Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate HXB2) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1H2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

pdb 1A30; 1BV7; 1BV9; 1BVE; 1BVG; 1BWA; 1BWB; 1C0T; 1C0U; 1C1B; 1C1C; 1DMP; 1DTQ; 1DTT; 1E6J; 1EP4; 1ESK; 1EX4; 1EXQ; 1FB7; 1FK9; 1FKO; 1FKP; 1G6L; 1HIV; 1HVH; 1HVR; 1HWR; 1HXB; 1JKH; 1JLA; 1JLB; 1JLC; 1JLE; 1JLF; 1JLG; 1JLQ; 1KLM; 1LV1; 1LW0; 1LW2; 1LWC; 1LWE; 1LWF; 1NCP; 1O1W; 1ODW; 1ODY; 1QBR; 1QBS; 1QBT; 1QBU; 1REV; 1RT1; 1RT2; 1RT3; 1RT4; 1RT5; 1RT6; 1RT7; 1RTD; 1RTH; 1RTI; 1RTJ; 1S1T; 1S1U; 1S1V; 1S1W; 1S1X; 1T05; 1TAM; 1TKT; 1TKX; 1TKZ; 1TL1; 1TL3; 1VRT; 1VRU; 2HND; 2HNY; 2HNZ; 2KOD; 2NPH; 2OPP; 2OPQ; 2OPR; 2OPS; 2RF2; 2RKI; 2WHH; 2WOM; 2WON; 2YNF; 2YNG; 2YNH; 2YNI; 3AO2; 3C6T; 3C6U; 3DI6; 3DLE; 3DLG; 3DM2; 3DMJ; 3DOK; 3DOL; 3DOX; 3DRP; 3DRR; 3DRS; 3DYA; 3E01; 3FFI; 3I0R; 3I0S; 3KJV; 3KK1; 3KK2; 3KK3; 3KT2; 3KT5; 3LAK; 3LAL; 3LAM; 3LAN; 3LP0; 3LP1; 3LP2; 3M8P; 3M8Q; 3MEC; 3MED; 3MEE; 3MEG; 3N3I; 3NBP; 3PHV; 3QIN; 3QIO; 3QIP; 3T19; 3T1A; 3TAM; 4B3O; 4B3P; 4B3Q; 4I7F; 4KSE; 4KV8; 4NCG; 4Q1W; 4Q1X; 4Q1Y; 4Q5M; 4QLH; 4U1H; 4U1I; 4U1J; 4U7Q; 4U7V; 5DGU; 5DGW; 5EU7; 5HRN; 5HRP; 5HRR; 5HRS; 5IM7; 5J2M; 5J2N; 5J2P; 5J2Q; 5K14; 5KAO; 5T82; 5TC2; 5VZ6; 5XOS; 5XOT; 5YRS; 6BJ2; 6BJ3; 6BSG; 6BSH; 6BSI; 6BSJ; 6DIF; 6DIL; 6DJ1; 6DJ2; 6DJ5; 6DJ7; 6DV0; 6DV4; 6E7J; 6E9A; 6EWA; 6EX9; 6GL1; 6J1V; 6J1W; 6OR7; 6OTZ; 6P1I; 6P1X; 6P2G; 6PYL; 6SKK; 6SKM; 6SKN; 6SLQ; 6SLU; 6SMU; 6UIR; 6UIS; 6UIT; 6UJX; 6UJY; 6UJZ; 6UK0; 6VPZ; 6VQ2; 6VQD; 6VQE; 6VQY; 6VQZ; 6WAZ; 6WB1; 6WPF; 6WPH; 6WPJ; 7DOZ; 7DPQ; 7DT9; 7R7V; 7R7X; 7R80; 7SLR; 7SLS; 7XIU; 7XJ4; 7XJ5; 7XJ7; 8ERX; 8ESX; 8ESY; 8F0F; 8F5A; 8F7M; 8FCC; 8FCD; 8FCE; 8JYH; 8JYI; 8JYJ

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate MN) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1MN Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate RF/HAT3) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1RH Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (strain 89.6) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1B9 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype C (isolate 92BR025) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV192 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype C (isolate ETH2220) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1ET Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype D (isolate ELI) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1EL Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F1 (isolate 93BR020) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV193 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F1 (isolate VI850) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1VI Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype H (isolate 90CF056) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV190 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group N (isolate YBF30) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1YF Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group O (isolate ANT70) (HIV-1) reference strain

POL_HV1AN Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus B (strain B1) reference strain

SH_HRSVB Small hydrophobic protein (Small protein 1A)

1 entry

Microplitis demolitor bracovirus (isolate Webb) (MdBV) reference strain

PTPH2_MDBVW Tyrosine phosphatase H2 (PTP-H2) (EC

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate BH10) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1B1 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

pdb 1A9M; 1AJV; 1AJX; 1AXA; 1BQM; 1BQN; 1D4H; 1D4I; 1D4J; 1DLO; 1DW6; 1EBK; 1EBW; 1EBY; 1EBZ; 1EC0; 1EC1; 1EC2; 1EC3; 1EET; 1G35; 1GNM; 1GNN; 1GNO; 1HAR; 1HBV; 1HEF; 1HEG; 1HIH; 1HMV; 1HNI; 1HNV; 1HOS; 1HPS; 1HPZ; 1HQE; 1HQU; 1HRH; 1HTE; 1HTF; 1HTG; 1HVI; 1HVK; 1HVU; 1HYS; 1IKV; 1IKW; 1IKX; 1IKY; 1J5O; 1KJH; 1MER; 1MES; 1MET; 1MEU; 1N5Y; 1N6Q; 1NPA; 1NPV; 1NPW; 1QE1; 1QMC; 1R0A; 1RDH; 1RTD; 1S6P; 1S6Q; 1S9E; 1S9G; 1SBG; 1SUQ; 1SV5; 1T03; 1T05; 1T7K; 1TV6; 1TVR; 1UWB; 1W5V; 1W5W; 1W5X; 1W5Y; 1YT9; 1ZP8; 1ZPA; 1ZSF; 1ZSR; 2AQU; 2B5J; 2B6A; 2BAN; 2BBB; 2BE2; 2EXF; 2G69; 2HB3; 2HMI; 2HNZ; 2HS1; 2HS2; 2I4D; 2I4U; 2I4V; 2I4W; 2I4X; 2I5J; 2IAJ; 2IC3; 2IDW; 2IEO; 2JZW; 2L45; 2L46; 2L4L; 2UXZ; 2UY0; 2VG5; 2VG6; 2VG7; 2X4U; 2YKM; 2YKN; 2ZD1; 2ZE2; 3AVI; 3BGR; 3DLK; 3GGA; 3GGV; 3GGX; 3HVT; 3IG1; 3IRX; 3IS9; 3ISN; 3ITH; 3JSM; 3JYT; 3K2P; 3K4V; 3KLE; 3KLF; 3KLG; 3KLH; 3KLI; 3NDT; 3NU3; 3NU4; 3NU5; 3NU6; 3NU9; 3NUJ; 3NUO; 3OK9; 3PSU; 3QAA; 3QLH; 3QO9; 3TKG; 3TKW; 3TL9; 3TLH; 3V4I; 3V6D; 3V81; 3ZPS; 3ZPT; 3ZPU; 4COE; 4CP7; 4CPQ; 4CPR; 4CPS; 4CPT; 4CPU; 4CPW; 4CPX; 4DG1; 4G1Q; 4G8G; 4G8I; 4G9D; 4G9F; 4H4M; 4H4O; 4I2P; 4I2Q; 4ICL; 4ID5; 4IDK; 4IFV; 4IFY; 4IG0; 4IG3; 4KFB; 4KKO; 4KO0; 4LSL; 4LSN; 4MFB; 4O44; 4O4G; 4OJR; 4PQU; 4PUO; 4PWD; 4Q0B; 4QAG; 4R5P; 4RW4; 4RW6; 4RW7; 4RW8; 4RW9; 4U8W; 4WE1; 4YE3; 4YHQ; 4ZIP; 4ZLS; 5AGZ; 5AH6; 5AH7; 5AH8; 5AH9; 5AHA; 5AHB; 5AHC; 5BRY; 5BS4; 5C24; 5C25; 5C42; 5CYM; 5CYQ; 5D3G; 5FDL; 5HBM; 5HLF; 5HP1; 5HRO; 5I3U; 5I42; 5J1E; 5JFP; 5JFU; 5JG1; 5OI2; 5OI3; 5OI5; 5OI8; 5OIA; 5T6Z; 5T70; 5TER; 5TUQ; 5TW3; 5TXL; 5TXM; 5TXN; 5TXO; 5TXP; 5UFZ; 5ULT; 5UOV; 5UPZ; 5UV5; 5V5L; 5V5M; 5VQQ; 5VQR; 5VQS; 5VQT; 5VQU; 5VQV; 5VQW; 5VQX; 5VQY; 5VQZ; 5W5W; 5YOJ; 6AMO; 6AN2; 6AN8; 6ANQ; 6AOC; 6ASW; 6AVM; 6AVT; 6B19; 6BZ2; 6C0J; 6C0K; 6C0L; 6C0N; 6C0O; 6C0P; 6C0R; 6C8X; 6C8Y; 6CGF; 6D0D; 6D0E; 6DTW; 6DTX; 6DUF; 6DUG; 6DUH; 6ECL; 6ELI; 6HAK; 6KMP; 6O48; 6O9E; 6OE3; 6OUN; 6PRF; 6UL5; 6VUG; 6WAZ; 6WB0; 6WB1; 6WB2; 6X47; 6X49; 6X4A; 6X4B; 6X4C; 6X4D; 6X4E; 6X4F; 7AHX; 7AID; 7AIF; 7AIG; 7AII; 7AIJ; 7KJV; 7KJW; 7KJX; 7KRC; 7KRD; 7KRE; 7KRF; 7KWU; 7LPW; 7LPX; 7LQU; 7LRI; 7LRM; 7LRX; 7LRY; 7LSK; 7OT6; 7OTA; 7OTK; 7OTN; 7OTX; 7OTZ; 7OUT; 7OXQ; 7OZ2; 7OZ5; 7OZW; 7P15; 7SEP; 7SIF; 7SIG; 7SIH; 7SJX; 7SNL; 7SNN; 7SNP; 7SNQ; 7SNZ; 7SO1; 7SO2; 7SO3; 7SO4; 7SO6; 7TAZ; 7U5Z; 7Z24; 7Z29; 7Z2D; 7Z2E; 7Z2G; 7Z2H; 8DX2; 8DX3; 8DX8; 8DXB; 8DXE; 8DXG; 8DXH; 8DXI; 8DXJ; 8DXK; 8DXL; 8DXM; 8FE8; 8FFX; 8STP; 8STQ; 8STR; 8STS; 8STT; 8STU; 8STV; 8U69; 8U6A; 8U6B; 8U6C; 8U6D; 8U6E; 8U6F; 8U6G; 8U6H; 8U6I; 8U6J; 8U6K; 8U6L; 8U6M; 8U6N; 8U6O; 8U6P; 8U6Q; 8U6R; 8U6S; 8U6T

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate BH5) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1B5 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate JRCSF) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1JR Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate LW123) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1LW Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate NY5) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1N5 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

pdb 1A43; 1A8O; 1AFV; 1AK4; 1AUM; 1B92; 1B9D; 1B9F; 1BAJ; 1BHL; 1BI4; 1BIS; 1BIU; 1BIZ; 1BL3; 1GWP; 1HIW; 1HYV; 1HYZ; 1ITG; 1K6Y; 1M9D; 1QS4; 1UPH; 1WJB; 1WJD; 2B4J; 2GOL; 2GON; 2H3F; 2H3I; 2H3Q; 2H3V; 2H3Z; 2HMX; 2HVP; 2ITG; 2JPR; 2JYG; 2JYL; 2LF4; 2LYA; 2LYB; 2M3Z; 2M8L; 2M8N; 2M8P; 2ONT; 2PWM; 2PWO; 2PXR; 2X2D; 2XDE; 2XV6; 2XXM; 3AV9; 3AVA; 3AVB; 3AVC; 3AVF; 3AVG; 3AVH; 3AVJ; 3AVK; 3AVL; 3AVM; 3AVN; 3DIK; 3DPH; 3DS0; 3DS1; 3DS2; 3DS3; 3DS4; 3DS5; 3DTJ; 3GV2; 3H47; 3H4E; 3L3U; 3L3V; 3LPT; 3LPU; 3LRY; 3MGE; 3NF6; 3NF7; 3NF8; 3NF9; 3NFA; 3P05; 3P0A; 3S85; 3WNE; 3WNF; 3WNG; 3WNH; 3ZCM; 3ZSO; 3ZSQ; 3ZSR; 3ZSV; 3ZSW; 3ZSX; 3ZSY; 3ZSZ; 3ZT0; 3ZT1; 3ZT2; 3ZT3; 3ZT4; 4AH9; 4AHR; 4AHS; 4AHT; 4AHU; 4AHV; 4CE9; 4CEA; 4CEB; 4CEC; 4CED; 4CEE; 4CEF; 4CEO; 4CEQ; 4CER; 4CES; 4CEZ; 4CF0; 4CF1; 4CF2; 4CF8; 4CF9; 4CFA; 4CFB; 4CFC; 4CFD; 4CGD; 4CGF; 4CGG; 4CGH; 4CGI; 4CGJ; 4CHN; 4CHO; 4CHP; 4CHQ; 4CHY; 4CHZ; 4CIE; 4CIF; 4CIG; 4CJ3; 4CJ4; 4CJ5; 4CJE; 4CJF; 4CJK; 4CJL; 4CJP; 4CJQ; 4CJR; 4CJS; 4CJT; 4CJU; 4CJV; 4CJW; 4CK1; 4CK2; 4CK3; 4COC; 4COP; 4DGA; 4DGE; 4DMN; 4E1M; 4E1N; 4E91; 4E92; 4GVM; 4GW6; 4ID1; 4IPY; 4JLH; 4JMU; 4LH4; 4LH5; 4LQW; 4NX4; 4O0J; 4O55; 4O5B; 4OVL; 4PHV; 4QNB; 4WYM; 4Y1C; 4Y1D; 4ZHR; 5HVP; 5JL4; 5KGW; 5KGX; 5KRS; 5KRT; 5TEO; 5U1C; 5VCK; 5VEA; 5VJ3; 5XN0; 5XN1; 5XN2; 6ES8; 6IK9; 6IKA; 6JCF; 6JCG; 6KDJ; 6KDK; 6KDM; 6KDN; 6KDO; 6LMI; 6LMQ; 6MCR; 6MCS; 6OOS; 6OOT; 6OOU; 6OPW; 6OPY; 6OPZ; 6OXO; 6OXP; 6OXQ; 6OXR; 6OXS; 6OXT; 6OXU; 6OXV; 6OXW; 6OXX; 6OXY; 6OXZ; 6OY0; 6OY1; 6OY2; 6OYD; 6OYR; 6PJB; 6PJC; 6PJD; 6PJE; 6PJF; 6PJG; 6PJH; 6PJI; 6PJK; 6PJL; 6PJM; 6PJN; 6PJO; 6PUT; 6PUW; 6PUY; 6PUZ; 6T6E; 6U8Q; 6UM8; 6V3K; 6VDK; 6VQS; 6VRG; 6VX2; 6W0U; 6W42; 6W6T; 7D83; 7DBM; 7DBN; 7KE0; 7L1P; 7L23; 7LDY; 7LDZ; 7LE0; 7LE1; 7LE2; 7LE3; 7LE4; 7LE5; 7LE6; 7LE7; 7LE8; 7LE9; 7LEA; 7LEB; 7LEC; 7LED; 7LEE; 7LEF; 7LEG; 7LEH; 7LEI; 7LQP; 7RQ0; 7SIA; 7T9H; 7T9O; 7U2U; 7UE1; 7UOQ; 7WBS; 7WCE; 7WCQ; 7YF6; 7ZUD; 8A1P; 8A1Q; 8BUV; 8BV2; 8CBR; 8CBS; 8CBT; 8CBU; 8CBV; 8CT5; 8CT7; 8D3S; 8F22; 8FN7; 8FND; 8FNG; 8FNH; 8FNJ; 8FNL; 8FNM; 8FNN; 8FNO; 8FNP; 8FNQ; 8S9Q; 8T52; 8T5A; 8TOV; 8TQP; 8WF7; 8X1Z; 8X20; 8X21; 8X22; 8ZH4; 8ZHA; 9HVP

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate OYI) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1OY Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate YU-2) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1Y2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype D (isolate NDK) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1ND Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype D (isolate Z2/CDC-Z34) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1Z2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F2 (isolate MP255) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1MP Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype F2 (isolate MP257) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1M2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype G (isolate 92NG083) (HIV-1)

POL_HV19N Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype G (isolate SE6165) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1SE Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype H (isolate VI991) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1V9 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype J (isolate SE9173) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1S9 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype J (isolate SE9280) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1S2 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype K (isolate 96CM-MP535) (HIV-1)

POL_HV196 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype K (isolate 97ZR-EQTB11) (HIV-1)

POL_HV197 Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group N (isolate YBF106) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1YB Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group O (isolate MVP5180) (HIV-1)

POL_HV1MV Gag-Pol polyprotein (Pr160Gag-Pol) [Cleaved into: Matrix protein p17 (MA); Capsid protein p24 (CA); ...

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus

SH_HRSV Small hydrophobic protein (Small protein 1A)

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus A (strain A2)

SH_HRSVA Small hydrophobic protein (Small protein 1A)

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus A (strain S-2) (HRSV-S2)

SH_HRSS2 Small hydrophobic protein (Small protein 1A)

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus B (strain 18537)

SH_HRSV1 Small hydrophobic protein (Small protein 1A)

1 entry

Human respiratory syncytial virus B (strain 8/60)

SH_HRSV8 Small hydrophobic protein (Small protein 1A)

1 entry

Langat virus (strain TP21)

POLG_LANVT Genome polyprotein [Cleaved into: Peptide 2k; Capsid protein C (Core protein); Protein prM; Peptide ...