Skunavirus (taxid:1623305)



Non-enveloped, head-tail structure. The capsid is icosahedral, about 45 nm in diameter. The non-contractile tail is about 120 nm in length.


Linear, dsDNA genome of about 28 kb, containing about 54-59 genes. The genome has cohesive ends (cos sites) .




  1. Adsorption: The phage attaches to target cell adhesion receptors through its tail fibers.
  2. Ejection of the viral DNA into host cell cytoplasm by long flexible tail ejection system.
  3. Transcription and translation of early genes.
  4. Replication of genomic DNA.
  5. Transcription and translation of late genes
  6. Assembly of an empty procapsid and packaging of the genome.
  7. Viral tail fiber assembly and viral tail assembly.
  8. Mature virions are released from the cell by lysis.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

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36 entries grouped by strain

17 entries

Lactococcus phage SK1 (Lactococcus lactis bacteriophage SK1) reference strain

TERL_BPLSK Terminase large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (Gene product 2) (gp2) [Includes: Endonuclease (EC ...
ENDON_BPLSK Probable HNH endonuclease (EC 3.1.-.-) (Gene product 3) (gp3)
PORTL_BPLSK Probable portal protein (Gene product 4) (gp4) (Putative portal protein)
PRO_BPLSK Probable capsid maturation protease (EC 3.4.-.-) (Gene product 5) (gp5)
CAPSD_BPLSK Capsid protein (Gene product 6) (gp6)
HCP1_BPLSK Probable head completion protein 1 (HCP1) (Connector protein gp8) (Putative connector protein gp8)
HCP2_BPLSK Probable head completion protein 2 (Connector protein gp9) (Gene product 9) (gp9) (Putative stopper ...
TTTP_BPLSK Probable tail terminator protein (Gene product 10) (gp10)
TUBE_BPLSK Tail tube protein (TTP) (Gene product 11) (gp11) (Major tail protein) (MTP)
GP12_BPLSK Chaperone protein gp12 (Gene product 12) (gp12) (Probable chaperone protein gp12)
TMP_BPLSK Probable tape measure protein (TMP) (Gene product 14) (gp14)
DIT_BPLSK Distal tail protein (Dit) (Gene product 15) (Gp15)
GP16_BPLSK Baseplate protein gp16 (Exolysin) (Gene product 16) (Gp16) (Tail lysozyme-like) (Tail-associated ...
RBP_BPLSK Receptor binding protein (RBP) (Gene product 18) (Gp18)
SSB_BPLSK SSB protein (Gene product 34) (Gp34) (Single-stranded DNA binding protein)
TERS_BPLSK Terminase small subunit (Gene product 1) (gp1)
SAV_BPLSK SaV protein (Gene product 26) (Gp26)

1 entry

Lactococcus phage P008 reference strain

GP38_BPLP0 Gene product 38 (gp38) (AbiQ resistance protein) (ORF38)

17 entries

Lactococcus phage p2 (Lactococcus lactis bacteriophage p2)

RBP_BPLP2 Receptor binding protein (RBP) (Gene product 18) (Gp18)
GP16_BPLP2 Baseplate protein gp16 (Gene product 16) (Gp16) (Tail-associated lysine-like protein)
TERL_BPLP2 Terminase large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (Gene product 2) (gp2) [Includes: Endonuclease (EC ...
CAPSD_BPLP2 Capsid protein (Gene product 6) (gp6)
DIT_BPLP2 Distal tail protein (Dit) (Gene product 15) (Gp15)
SSB_BPLP2 SSB protein (Gene product 34) (Gp34) (Single-stranded DNA binding protein)
TUBE_BPLP2 Tail tube protein (TTP) (Gene product 11) (gp11) (Major tail protein) (MTP)
SAV_BPLP2 SaV protein (Gene product 26) (Gp26)
ENDON_BPLP2 Probable HNH endonuclease (EC 3.1.-.-) (Gene product 3) (gp3)
PORTL_BPLP2 Probable portal protein (Gene product 4) (gp4)
PRO_BPLP2 Probable capsid maturation protease (EC 3.4.-.-) (Gene product 5) (gp5)
HCP1_BPLP2 Probable head completion protein 1 (HCP1) (Connector protein gp8)
HCP2_BPLP2 Probable head completion protein 2 (Connector protein gp9) (Gene product 9) (gp9) (Stopper protein ...
TTTP_BPLP2 Probable tail terminator protein (Gene product 10) (gp10)
GP12_BPLP2 Chaperone protein gp12 (Gene product 12) (gp12)
TMP_BPLP2 Probable tape measure protein (TMP) (Gene product 14) (gp14)
TERS_BPLP2 Terminase small subunit (Gene product 1) (gp1)

1 entry

Lactococcus phage F4-1 (Lactococcus lactis bacteriophage F4-1)

TUBE_BPF41 Tail tube protein (TTP) (Major tail protein) (MTP)