T=1 icosahedral capsid protein (kw:KW-1140)

image The capsid is composed 60 asymmetric units made of 1 protein (T=1), for a total of 60 capsid proteins.


Icosahedric triangulation number is calculated following Caspar and Klug system

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to uniprot.org website)

129 entries grouped by strain

1 entry

Abutilon mosaic virus (isolate West India) (AbMV) reference strain

CAPSD_ABMVW Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Adeno-associated virus 2 (isolate Srivastava/1982) (AAV-2) reference strain

CAPSD_AAV2S Capsid protein VP1

1 entry

Aedes albopictus densovirus (isolate Boublik/1994) (AalDNV) reference strain

CAPSD_AADNV Capsid protein VP1/VP2 (Coat protein VP1/VP2)

1 entry

African cassava mosaic virus (isolate Nigerian) (ACMV) (Cassava latent virus (isolate Nigerian)) reference strain

CAPSD_CLVN Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (strain G) (ADV) reference strain

CAPSD_ADVG Capsid protein VP1

1 entry

Avian hepatitis E virus (isolate Chicken/California/Meng) (AHEV) reference strain

CAPSD_AHEV Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Banana bunchy top virus (isolate Autralia) (BBTV) reference strain

CAPSD_BBTVA Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Bdellovibrio phage phiMH2K (Bacteriophage phiMH2K) reference strain

CAPSD_BPPHM Capsid protein VP1 (VP1)

1 entry

Beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) reference strain

CAPSD_BFDV Capsid protein

1 entry

Bean golden yellow mosaic virus (isolate Puerto Rico) (BGYMV) (Bean golden mosaic virus (isolate Puerto Rico)) reference strain

CAPSD_BGYMV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Bean golden yellow mosaic virus (isolate Puerto Rico-Japan) (BGYMV) reference strain

CAPSD_BGYMJ Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Bean yellow dwarf virus (BeYDV) reference strain

CAPSD_BEYDV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Beet curly top virus (strain California/Logan) (BCTV) reference strain

CAPSD_BCTVC Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Bovine parvovirus 1 (BPV-1) reference strain

CAPSD_PAVBP Minor capsid protein VP1 (EC

1 entry

Canary circovirus (CaCV) reference strain

CAPSD_CACV Probable capsid protein

1 entry

Chicken anemia virus (isolate Germany Cuxhaven-1) (CAV) reference strain

CAPSD_CAVC1 Capsid protein (CA1) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Chlamydia phage 1 (Bacteriophage Chp1) reference strain

CAPSD_BPCHP Capsid protein VP1 (Protein VP1) (VP1)

1 entry

Chloris striate mosaic virus (CSMV) reference strain

CAPSD_CSMV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Cryptosporidium parvum virus 1 (strain KSU-1) reference strain

CAPSD_CPVKS Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage S13 (Bacteriophage S13) reference strain

CAPSD_BPS13 Capsid protein F (F protein) (GPF)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage phiX174 (Isolate Sanger) (Bacteriophage phi-X174) reference strain

CAPSD_BPPHS Capsid protein F (F protein) (GPF)

1 entry

Escherichia phage G4 (Bacteriophage G4) reference strain

CAPSD_BPG4 Capsid protein F (F protein) (GPF)

1 entry

Escherichia phage alpha3 (Bacteriophage alpha-3) reference strain

CAPSD_BPAL3 Capsid protein F (F protein) (GPF)

1 entry

Faba bean necrotic yellows virus (isolate Egyptian EV1-93) (FBNYV) reference strain

CAPSD_FBNY1 Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Faba bean necrotic yellows virus (isolate Syrian SV292-88) (FBNYV) reference strain

CAPSD_FBNY2 Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Goose circovirus (GoCV) reference strain

CAPSD_GOCV Probable capsid protein

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 (isolate Human/China/HeBei/1987) (HEV) reference strain

CAPSD_HEVCH Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Human associated cyclovirus 1 (isolate Homo sapiens/Pakistan/PK5510/2007) (HuCyV-1) (Cyclovirus PK5510) reference strain

CAPSD_HCYV5 Capsid protein

1 entry

Human parvovirus B19 (strain HV) (HPV B19) reference strain

CAPSD_PAVHV Minor capsid protein VP1 (EC (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Junonia coenia densovirus (isolate pBRJ/1990) (JcDNV) reference strain

CAPSD_JDNVP Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1) (Structural protein VP1)

1 entry

Maize streak virus genotype A (isolate South Africa) (MSV) reference strain

CAPSD_MSVS Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Maize streak virus genotype D (isolate Raw) (MSV) reference strain

CAPSD_MSVRA Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Milk vetch dwarf virus (isolate N) (MDV) reference strain

CAPSD_MDV1 Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Miscanthus streak virus (isolate 91) (MiSV) reference strain

CAPSD_MISV9 Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (strain Vigna) (MYMV) reference strain

CAPSD_MYMVV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Murine minute virus (strain MVM prototype) (MVM) (Murine minute virus (strain MVM(p))) reference strain

CAPSD_MUMIP Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Mushroom bacilliform virus (isolate Australia/AUS LF-1) (MBV) reference strain

CAPSD_MBVLF Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Ourmia melon virus (isolate Melon/Iran/VE9) (OuMV) reference strain

CAPSD_OUMVV Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Panicum streak virus (isolate Kenya) (PanSV) reference strain

CAPSD_PASVK Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Penicillium chrysogenum virus (isolate Caston/2003) (PcV) reference strain

CAPSD_PCVC Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Pepper huasteco yellow vein virus (PHYVV) (Pepper huasteco virus) reference strain

CAPSD_PHUV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Porcine circovirus 1 (PCV1) reference strain

CAPSD_PCV1 Capsid protein

1 entry

Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) reference strain

CAPSD_PCV2 Capsid protein

1 entry

Potato yellow mosaic virus (isolate Venezuela) (PYMV) reference strain

CAPSD_PYMVV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Primate bocaparvovirus 1 (strain Human bocavirus 1 type 1) (HBoV1) (Human bocavirus type 1) reference strain

CAPSD_HBOC1 Minor capsid protein VP1 (EC

1 entry

Spiroplasma virus 4 (SpV4) reference strain

CAPSD_SPV4 Capsid protein VP1 (VP1)

1 entry

Squash leaf curl virus (SLCV) reference strain

CAPSD_SLCV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Subterranean clover stunt virus (strain F) (SCSV) reference strain

CAPSD_SCSVF Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Sugarcane streak virus (isolate South Africa) (SSV) (Sugarcane streak virus (isolate Natal)) reference strain

CAPSD_SSVN Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Tomato golden mosaic virus (strain Yellow vein) (TGMV) reference strain

CAPSD_TGMVY Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Tomato leaf curl virus (strain Australia) (ToLCV) reference strain

CAPSD_TLCVA Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Tomato pseudo-curly top virus (TPCTV) reference strain

CAPSD_TPCTV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus (TYLCCNV) reference strain

CAPSD_TYLCC Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV) reference strain

CAPSD_TYCSV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (strain Israel) (TYLCV) reference strain

CAPSD_TYLCI Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Torque teno canis virus (isolate Cf-TTV10) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVT1 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno douroucouli virus (isolate At-TTV3) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVZ1 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno felis virus (isolate Fc-TTV4) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVF1 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno midi virus 1 (isolate MD1-073) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVG1 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno mini virus 1 (isolate TLMV-CBD279) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVB1 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno sus virus 1 (isolate Sd-TTV31) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVI1 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno tamarin virus (isolate So-TTV2) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVE1 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno tupaia virus (isolate Tbc-TTV14) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVD1 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno virus (isolate Chimpanzee/Japan/Pt-TTV6/2000) (TTV) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVV8 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno virus (isolate Human/China/CT23F/2001) (TTV) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVV6 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno virus (isolate Human/China/CT39F/2001) (TTV) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVV7 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno virus (isolate Human/Finland/Hel32/2002) (TTV) (Torque teno virus genotype 6) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVV3 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno virus (isolate Human/Germany/KAV/2001) (TTV) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVV4 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno virus (isolate Human/Ghana/GH1/1996) (TTV) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVVG Probable capsid and replication-associated protein

1 entry

Torque teno virus (isolate Human/Japan/SANBAN/1999) (TTV) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVV5 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno virus (isolate Human/Japan/TRM1/1999) (TTV) (Torque teno virus genotype 1a) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVV2 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno virus (isolate Japanese macaque/Japan/Mf-TTV9/2000) (TTV) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVV9 Capsid protein

1 entry

Torque teno virus 1 (isolate TA278) reference strain

CAPSD_TTVA1 Capsid protein

1 entry

Turkey astrovirus 1 (TAstV-1) reference strain

CAPSD_TASV1 Capsid polyprotein VP90

1 entry

Wheat dwarf virus (isolate Sweden) (WDV) reference strain

CAPSD_WDVS Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

White clover cryptic virus 1 (isolate Boccardo/2004) (WCCV-1) reference strain

CAPSD_WCCVB Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Aedes densonucleosis virus (strain GKV 002 002) (Aedes densovirus)

CAPSD_AEDEV Capsid protein VP1/VP2 (Coat protein VP1/VP2)

1 entry

African cassava mosaic virus (isolate West Kenyan 844) (ACMV) (Cassava latent virus (isolate West Kenyan 844))

CAPSD_CLVK Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Avian nephritis virus 1 (ANV-1)

CAPSD_ANV1 Capsid polyprotein VP90

1 entry

Cabbage leaf curl virus (isolate Jamaica) (CaLCuV)

CAPSD_CALCV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVC Capsid protein VP2 (Coat protein VP2)

1 entry

Canine parvovirus type 2 (isolate Dog/United States/CPV-N/1978) (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVCN Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Canine parvovirus type 2 (isolate Dog/United States/CPV-b/1978) (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVCB Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Canine parvovirus type 2 (strain Dog/United States/780929/-) (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVC7 Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Canine parvovirustype 2 (isolate Dog/United States/CPV-d/1988) (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVCD Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Chicken anemia virus (isolate Australia) (CAV)

CAPSD_CAVAU Capsid protein (CA1) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Chicken anemia virus (isolate Australia/CAU269-7/2000) (CAV)

CAPSD_CAVCA Capsid protein (CA1) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Chicken anemia virus (isolate Japan 82-2) (CAV)

CAPSD_CAV82 Capsid protein (CA1) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Chicken anemia virus (isolate USA 26p4) (CAV)

CAPSD_CAV26 Capsid protein (CA1) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Chicken anemia virus (isolate USA CIA-1) (CAV)

CAPSD_CAVCI Capsid protein (CA1) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Diatraea saccharalis densovirus (DsDNV)

CAPSD_DSDNV Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1) (Structural protein VP1)

1 entry

Enterobacteria phage phiK (Bacteriophage phi-K)

CAPSD_BPPHK Capsid protein F (F protein) (GPF)

1 entry

Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV)

CAPSD_FPV Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Feline panleukopenia virus (strain 193) (FPV)

CAPSD_FPV19 Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Galleria mellonella densovirus (GmDNV)

CAPSD_GMDNV Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1) (Structural protein VP1)

1 entry

Hamster parvovirus H1

CAPSD_PAVHH Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 (isolate Human/Burma) (HEV-1)

CAPSD_HEVBU Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 (isolate Human/India/Hyderabad) (HEV-1)

CAPSD_HEVHY Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 (isolate Human/Myanmar/HEVNE8L) (HEV-1)

CAPSD_HEVMY Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 (isolate Human/Pakistan/Sar-55) (HEV-1)

CAPSD_HEVPA Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 2 (isolate Human/Mexico) (HEV-2)

CAPSD_HEVME Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 3 (isolate Human/United States/US2) (HEV-3)

CAPSD_HEVUS Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 3 (isolate Swine/United States/swUS1) (HEV-3) (Hepatitis E virus genotype 3 (isolate Swine/United States/Meng))

CAPSD_HEVMG Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Hepatitis E virus genotype 4 (isolate Human/China/T1) (HEV-4) (Hepatitis E virus genotype 4 (isolate Human/China/Ct1))

CAPSD_HEVCT Pro-secreted protein ORF2 (Protein ORF2) (pORF2) [Cleaved into: Secreted protein ORF2 (ORF2s)]

1 entry

Human bocavirus 2 (HBoV2) (Human bocavirus type 2)

CAPSD_HBOC2 Minor capsid protein VP1 (EC

1 entry

Human bocavirus 3 (HBoV3) (Adelavirus W471)

CAPSD_HBOC3 Minor capsid protein VP1 (EC

1 entry

Human bocavirus 4 (HBoV4) (Human bocavirus type 4)

CAPSD_HBOC4 Minor capsid protein VP1 (EC

1 entry

Human parvovirus B19 (isolate AU) (HPV B19)

CAPSD_PAVHU Minor capsid protein VP1 (EC (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Indian cassava mosaic virus (ICMV)

CAPSD_ICMV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Maize streak virus genotype A (isolate Kenya) (MSV)

CAPSD_MSVK Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Maize streak virus genotype A (isolate Nigeria) (MSV)

CAPSD_MSVN Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Maize streak virus genotype B (isolate Tas) (MSV)

CAPSD_MSVTA Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Maize streak virus genotype C (isolate Set) (MSV)

CAPSD_MSVSE Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Maize streak virus genotype E (isolate Pat) (MSV)

CAPSD_MSVPA Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Milk vetch dwarf virus (isolate 9) (MDV)

CAPSD_MDV9 Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Mink enteritis virus (strain Abashiri) (MEV)

CAPSD_MEVA Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1) [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP2 (Coat protein VP2)]

1 entry

Murine minute virus (strain MVMi) (MVM) (Murine parvovirus)

CAPSD_MUMIM Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Parvovirus LuIII

CAPSD_PAVL3 Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Pigeon circovirus (PiCV) (Columbid circovirus)

CAPSD_PICV Probable capsid protein

1 entry

Porcine parvovirus (strain 90HS) (PPV)

CAPSD_PAVP9 Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Porcine parvovirus (strain Kresse) (PPV)

CAPSD_PAVPK Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Porcine parvovirus (strain NADL-2) (PPV)

CAPSD_PAVPN Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Subterranean clover stunt virus (strain J) (SCSV)

CAPSD_SCSVJ Capsid protein (CP) (Coat protein)

1 entry

Tobacco yellow dwarf virus (strain Australia) (TYDV)

CAPSD_TYDVA Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Tomato mottle virus (isolate Florida) (ToMoV)

CAPSD_TMOV Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (isolate Spain-1) (TYLCSV)

CAPSD_TYCS1 Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (isolate Spain-2) (TYLCSV)

CAPSD_TYCS2 Capsid protein (Coat protein) (CP)

1 entry

Torque teno virus (strain VT416) (TTV)

CAPSD_TTVV1 Probable capsid and replication-associated protein

1 entry

Turkey astrovirus 2 (TAstV-2)

CAPSD_TASV2 Capsid polyprotein VP90