Hpunavirus (taxid:1196844)



Non-enveloped, head-tail structure. Heads are about 60 nm in diameter and tails 135 x 18 nm. The tail is contractile, has 6 long terminal fibers, 6 short spikes and a small base plate. The capsid has an elongated icosahedral symmetry T=7, composed of 72 capsomers (60 hexamers and 12 pentamers). Upon contraction, the tail sheath becomes loose and slides along the tail core.


Linear, dsDNA genome of about 33 kb, encoding for about 45 proteins.


Genes are transcribed by operons.



  1. Adsorption: the phage attaches to the target cell through its tail fibers.
  2. Viral exolysin degrades cell wall locally
  3. Ejection of the viral DNA into host cell cytoplasm by contraction of the tail sheath.
  4. Transcription and translation of early genes.
  5. Replication of genomic DNA by rolling circle. Linear molecules are generated from closed circular monomer product by viral terminase proteins.
  6. Transcription and translation of late genes.
  7. Assembly of an empty procapsid and packaging of the genome.
  8. Viral tail fibers assembly and viral tail assembly.
  9. Mature virions are released from the cell by lysis.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to uniprot.org website)

41 entries grouped by strain

41 entries

Haemophilus phage HP1 (strain HP1c1) (Bacteriophage HP1) reference strain

VINT_BPHC1 Integrase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC 3.1.-.-)
DAM_BPHC1 DNA N-6-adenine-methyltransferase (DAM) (EC (ORF13) (Orphan methyltransferase M.HinHP1Dam) ...
SCAF_BPHC1 Capsid assembly scaffolding protein (Gene product 17) (Gp17) (Head morphogenesis protein) (Scaffold ...
ENLYS_BPHC1 SAR-endolysin (EC (Endolysin) (Lysis protein) (Lysozyme) (Muramidase)
RPC1_BPHC1 Repressor protein CI
REP_BPHC1 Replication protein (EC 3.1.-.-)
PORTL_BPHC1 Probable portal protein (ORF15)
CAPSD_BPHC1 Major capsid protein (Gene product 18) (gp18) (Major head protein) (ORF18)
HOLIN_BPHC1 Holin (Pinholin)
BP29_BPHC1 Putative baseplate protein gp29 (Gene 29 protein) (Gp29)
FIB31_BPHC1 Probable tail fiber protein (Gene product 31) (gp31) (ORF31)
YO01_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 23.2 kDa protein in int-C1 intergenic region (ORF1)
YO02_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 7.9 kDa protein in int-C1 intergenic region (ORF16) (ORF2)
YO03_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 8.9 kDa protein in int-C1 intergenic region (ORF17) (ORF3)
YO04_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 8.9 kDa protein in int-C1 intergenic region (ORF18) (ORF4)
VCOX_BPHC1 Regulatory protein cox
YO05_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 19.2 kDa protein in cox-rep intergenic region (ORF21) (ORF5)
YO06_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 14.1 kDa protein in cox-rep intergenic region (ORF22) (ORF6)
YO10_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 11.1 kDa protein in rep-hol intergenic region (ORF10)
YO11_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 8.3 kDa protein in rep-hol intergenic region (ORF11)
YO12_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 18.2 kDa protein in rep-hol intergenic region (ORF12)
YO14_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 14.9 kDa protein in rep-hol intergenic region (ORF14)
VPP_BPHC1 Probable terminase, ATPase subunit (ORF16)
VPM_BPHC1 Probable terminase, endonuclease subunit (ORF19)
VPL_BPHC1 Probable head completion/stabilization protein (ORF20)
YO21_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 19.2 kDa protein in rep-hol intergenic region (ORF21)
YO22_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 26.0 kDa protein in rep-hol intergenic region (ORF22)
YO23_BPHC1 Putative tail sheath protein (ORF23)
YO24_BPHC1 Putative tail tube protein (ORF24)
YO25_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 13.1 kDa protein in lys 3'region (ORF25)
YO26_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 11.3 kDa protein in lys 3'region (ORF26)
TMP_BPHC1 Probable tape measure protein (TMP) (Gene product 27) (gp27)
YO28_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 12.7 kDa protein in lys 3'region (ORF28)
TAIL1_BPHC1 Putative tail protein gp30 (Gene product 30) (gp30)
YO32_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 23.3 kDa protein in lys 3'region (ORF32)
YO33_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 28.3 kDa protein in lys 3'region (ORF33)
YO34_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 20.8 kDa protein in lys 3'region (ORF34)
YO35_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 58.7 kDa protein in lys 3'region (ORF35)
YO07_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 7.3 kDa protein in cox-rep intergenic region (ORF23) (ORF7)
YO08_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 10.8 kDa protein in cox-rep intergenic region (ORF24) (ORF8)
YO09_BPHC1 Uncharacterized 9.7 kDa protein in cox-rep intergenic region (ORF25) (ORF9)