Comovirinae (taxid:675075)



Non-enveloped, 28-30 nm in diameter, pseudo T=3 icosahedral capsid. Genome segments are encapsidated separately into two different types of particle similar in size.



Segmented, bipartite linear ssRNA(+) genome composed of RNA-1=6-8 kb and RNA-2=4-7 kb. Each genomic segment has a VPg linked to its 5'end and a 3' poly(A) tract.


The virion RNA is infectious and serves as both the genome and mRNA.
RNA-1 and RNA-2 are translated into two polyproteins, which are then processed into functional proteins. RNA-1 encodes proteins necessary for replication, while RNA-2 encodes one or two capsid proteins and product(s) involved in cell-to-cell movement.




  1. Virus penetrates into the cell.
  2. Uncoating, and release of the viral genomic RNA into the cytoplasm.
  3. Synthesis and proteolytic cleavage of the replicase polyprotein RNA-1.
  4. Replication occurs in viral factories made of membrane vesicles derived from the ER. A dsRNA genome is synthesized from the genomic ssRNA(+).
  5. The dsRNA genome is transcribed/replicated thereby providing viral mRNAs/new ssRNA(+) genomes.
  6. Assembly of new virus particles.
  7. Movement protein allows cell-to-cell movement.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to website)

45 entries grouped by strain

4 entries

Tomato ringspot virus (isolate raspberry) (ToRSV) reference strain

POL1_TORVR RNA1 polyprotein (P1) [Cleaved into: Protein X1; Protein X2; Putative ATP-dependent helicase (EC ...
POL2_TORVR RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein X3; Protein X4; Movement protein (MP); Coat protein ...
YR21_TORVR Uncharacterized protein in RNA2
YR22_TORVR Uncharacterized protein in RNA2

2 entries

Broad bean wilt virus 1 (strain Spinach/United States/ATCC PV-132/1963) (BBWV-1) reference strain

POL1_BBWVS RNA1 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein B) [Cleaved into: Protease cofactor; Putative helicase (EC ...
POL2_BBWVS RNA2 polyprotein (119kDa protein) (Genome polyprotein M) [Cleaved into: VP53 (53 kDa protein); ...

2 entries

Cowpea mosaic virus (strain SB) (CPMV) reference strain

POL2_CPMVS RNA2 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein M) (M RNA polyprotein) (Middle component RNA polyprotein) (P2) ...
POL1_CPMVS RNA1 polyprotein (B RNA polyprotein) (Bottom component polyprotein) (Genome polyprotein B) (P1) ...

3 entries

Beet ringspot virus (BRSV) (Tomato black ring virus (strain S))

POL1_BRSV RNA1 polyprotein (P1) [Cleaved into: P1A protein (1A) (Protease cofactor); Putative ATP-dependent ...
POL2_BRSV RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein 2A (P2A); Movement protein (2B-MP); Coat protein ...
VS48_BRSV Satellite RNA 48 kDa protein

3 entries

Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV)

POL2_GFLV RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein 2A (P2A); Movement protein (2B-MP); Coat protein ...
POL1_GFLV RNA1 polyprotein (P1) [Cleaved into: P1A protein (1A) (Protease cofactor); Putative ATP-dependent ...
VP3_GFLV Protein P3

2 entries

Arabis mosaic virus (isolate NW) (ArMV)

POL1_ARMVN RNA1 polyprotein (P1) [Cleaved into: P1A protein (1A) (Protease cofactor); Putative ATP-dependent ...
POL2_ARMVN RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein 2A (P2A); Movement protein (2B-MP); Coat protein ...

2 entries

Bean-pod mottle virus (strain Kentucky G7) (BPMV)

POL2_BPMV RNA2 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein M) (M RNA polyprotein) (Middle component RNA polyprotein) (P2) ...
POL1_BPMV RNA1 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein B) (P1) [Cleaved into: Protease cofactor (32 kDa protein); ...

2 entries

Blackcurrant reversion association virus (BRAV)

POL1_BRAV RNA1 polyprotein (P1) [Cleaved into: Protein X1; Protein X2; Putative ATP-dependent helicase (EC ...
POL2_BRAV RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein 2A; Movement protein (MP); Coat protein (CP)]

2 entries

Broad bean wilt virus 2 (BBWV-2)

POL2_BBWV2 RNA2 polyprotein (119kDa protein) (Genome polyprotein M) [Cleaved into: VP53 (53 kDa protein); ...
POL1_BBWV2 RNA1 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein B) [Cleaved into: Protease cofactor; Putative helicase (EC ...

2 entries

Cowpea severe mosaic virus (strain DG) (CPSMV)

POL2_CPSMV RNA2 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein M) (M RNA polyprotein) (Middle component RNA polyprotein) (P2) ...
POL1_CPSMV RNA1 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein B) (P1) [Cleaved into: Protease cofactor (32 kDa protein); ...

2 entries

Cycas necrotic stunt virus (CNSV)

POL1_CNSV RNA1 polyprotein (P1) [Cleaved into: P1A protein (1A) (Protease cofactor); Putative ATP-dependent ...
POL2_CNSV RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein 2A (P2A); Movement protein (2B-MP); Coat protein ...

2 entries

Grapevine chrome mosaic virus (GCMV) (Hungarian grapevine chrome mosaic virus)

POL1_GCMV RNA1 polyprotein (P1) [Cleaved into: P1A protein (1A) (Protease cofactor); Putative ATP-dependent ...
POL2_GCMV RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein 2A (P2A); Movement protein (2B-MP); Coat protein ...

2 entries

Raspberry ringspot virus (strain cherry) (RpRSV)

POL1_RRVC RNA1 polyprotein (P1) [Cleaved into: P1A protein (1A) (Protease cofactor); Putative ATP-dependent ...
POL2_RRVC RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein 2A (P2A); Movement protein (2B-MP); Coat protein ...

2 entries

Red clover mottle virus (RCMV)

POL2_RCMV RNA2 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein M) (M RNA polyprotein) (Middle component RNA polyprotein) (P2) ...
POL1_RCMV RNA1 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein B) (P1) [Cleaved into: Protease cofactor (32 kDa protein); ...

2 entries

Tobacco ringspot virus (TobRV) (TRSV)

POL2_TRSV RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein 2A (P2A); Movement protein (2B-MP); Coat protein ...
CAPSD_TRSV Capsid protein (Coat protein)

1 entry

Andean potato mottle virus (APMV)

POL2_APMV RNA2 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein M) (M RNA polyprotein) (Middle component RNA polyprotein) (P2) ...

1 entry

Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV)

VP3_ARMV Protein P3

1 entry

Arabis mosaic virus (isolate Syrah) (ArMV)

POL2_ARMVS RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein 2A (P2A); Movement protein (2B-MP); Coat protein ...

1 entry

Grapevine fanleaf virus (isolate NW) (GFLV)

POL2_GFLVN RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein 2A (P2A); Movement protein (2B-MP); Coat protein ...

1 entry

Raspberry ringspot virus (strain S) (RpRSV)

POL2_RRVS RNA2 polyprotein (P2) [Cleaved into: Protein 2A (P2A); Movement protein (2B-MP); Coat protein ...

1 entry

Squash mosaic virus (strain melon) (SqMV)

POL2_SQMVM RNA2 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein M) (M RNA polyprotein) (Middle component RNA polyprotein) (P2) ...

1 entry

Tobacco ringspot virus (strain Bud Blight) (TobRV) (TRSV)

POL1_TRSVB RNA1 polyprotein (P1) [Cleaved into: P1A protein (1A) (Protease cofactor); Putative ATP-dependent ...

1 entry

Tomato black ring virus (strain C) (TBRV)

VS48_TBRVC Satellite RNA 48 kDa protein

1 entry

Tomato black ring virus (strain E) (TBRV)

VS48_TBRVE Satellite RNA 48 kDa protein

1 entry

Tomato black ring virus (strain L) (TBRV)

VS48_TBRVL Satellite RNA 48 kDa protein

1 entry

Tomato black ring virus (strain MJ) (TBRV)

POL1_TBRVM RNA1 polyprotein (P1) [Cleaved into: P1A protein (1A) (protease cofactor); Putative ATP-dependent ...
These structures were created with the help of Colabfold by Jason Nomburg, Nathan Price and Jennifer Doudna (ModelArchive).

Bean rugose mosaic virus taxid:128790

Protein ModelArchive
RNA2 polyprotein (Genome polyprotein M) (M RNA polyprotein) (Middle component RNA polyprotein)... ma-jd-viral-08198

Petunia chlorotic mottle virus taxid:1935922

Protein ModelArchive
Polyprotein ma-jd-viral-08197

Potato black ringspot virus taxid:257464

Protein ModelArchive
RNA 2 polyprotein ma-jd-viral-08194

Soybean latent spherical virus taxid:1927714

Protein ModelArchive
Polyprotein ma-jd-viral-08193