Teseptimavirus (taxid:110456)



Non-enveloped, head-tail structure. Head is about 60 nm in diameter. The tail is non-contractile, has 6 short subterminal fibers. The capsid is icosahedral with a T=7 symmetry.



Linear, dsDNA genome of about 40-42 kb encoding for about 55 genes.





  1. The phage attaches to target cell adhesion receptors through its tail fibers.
  2. Ejection by short tail system: viral DNA is injected in host cell periplasm.
  3. Transcription of class I genes by host RNA polymerase before the viral genome completely exits out of capsid.
  4. Transcription of class II genes by T7 RNA polymerase.
  5. Bacterial genome degradation
  6. Replication of genomic DNA by T7 DNA polymerase, formation of viral genome concatemers.
  7. Transcription of class III genes by T7 RNA polymerase.
  8. Assembly of empty procapsids and viral genome packaging.
  9. Mature virions are released from the cell by lysis.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to uniprot.org website)

57 entries grouped by strain

57 entries

Escherichia phage T7 (Bacteriophage T7) reference strain

PK_BPT7 Protein kinase 0.7 (EC (Gene product 0.7) (Gp0.7) (Protein kinase gp0.7)
RPOL_BPT7 T7 RNA polymerase (DNA-directed RNA polymerase) (EC
DPOL_BPT7 DNA-directed DNA polymerase (EC (EC 3.1.11.-) (Gene product 5) (Gp5)
ENLYS_BPT7 Endolysin (EC (N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase) (T7 endolysin)
HELIC_BPT7 DNA helicase/primase (EC 2.7.7.-) (EC (Gene product 4) (Gp4)
EXLYS_BPT7 Peptidoglycan transglycosylase gp16 (EC 4.2.2.n1) (Internal core protein gp16)
DNLI_BPT7 DNA ligase (EC (DNA ligase gp1.3) (Gene product 1.3) (Gp1.3)
TERL_BPT7 Terminase, large subunit (DNA-packaging protein) (Gene product 19) (Gp19) [Includes: ATPase (EC ...
FIBER_BPT7 Tail fiber protein (Gene product 17) (Gp17) (Tail fiber protein gp17)
CAPSA_BPT7 Major capsid protein (Gene product 10A) (Gp10A) (Major head protein)
ENDO_BPT7 Endonuclease I (EC (Gene product 3) (Gp3) (Junction-resolving enzyme gp3)
SSB_BPT7 Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB protein) (2.5 protein) (Gene product 2.5) (gp2.5)
GP15_BPT7 Internal virion protein gp15 (Gene product 15) (Gp15)
PORTL_BPT7 Portal protein (Gene product 8) (Gp8) (Head-to-tail connector)
OCR_BPT7 Protein Ocr (Gene product 0.3) (Gp0.3) (Overcome classical restriction) (Ocr)
NUCK_BPT7 Nucleotide kinase gp1.7 (Gene product 1.7) (Gp1.7)
CAPSB_BPT7 Minor capsid protein (Gene product 10B) (Gp10B) (Minor head protein)
EXRN_BPT7 Exonuclease (Exonuclease gp6) (Gene product 6) (Gp6) (EC
TERS_BPT7 Terminase, small subunit gp18 (DNA-packaging protein A) (Gene product 18) (Gp18)
VRPI_BPT7 Bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor (Gene product 2) (Gp2)
SCAF_BPT7 Capsid assembly scaffolding protein (Gene product 9) (Gp9) (Head morphogenesis protein) (Scaffold ...
GP14_BPT7 Internal virion protein gp14 (Gene product 14) (Gp14)
TUBE1_BPT7 Tail tubular protein gp11 (Gene product 11) (Gp11)
TUBE2_BPT7 Tail tubular protein gp12 (Gene product 12) (Gp12)
GP73_BPT7 Protein 7.3 (Gene product 7.3) (Gp7.3)
GP04_BPT7 Gene 0.4 protein (Gene product 0.4) (Gp0.4)
Y06_BPT7 Protein 0.6B [Cleaved into: Protein 0.6A]
GP12_BPT7 Inhibitor of dGTPase (Gene product 1.2) (Gp1.2) (Inhibitor of dGTPase gp1.2)
ITAS_BPT7 Inhibitor of toxin/antitoxin system (Gene product 4.5) (Gp4.5)
V5557_BPT7 Fusion protein 5.5/5.7
SPAN2_BPT7 Spanin, outer lipoprotein subunit (o-spanin) (Gene product 18.7) (Gp18.7) (Protein 18.7)
GP67_BPT7 Protein 6.7 (Gene product 6.7) (Gp6.7)
HOLIN_BPT7 Holin (Gene product 17.5) (Gp17.5)
SPAN1_BPT7 Spanin, inner membrane subunit (i-spanin) (Gene product 18.5) (Gp18.5)
SGS_BPT7 Protein suppressor of silencing (Gene product 5.5)
GP59_BPT7 Probable RecBCD inhibitor gp5.9 (Gene product 5.9) (Gp5.9)
GP13_BPT7 Probable scaffold protein gp13 (Gene product 13) (Gp13)
Y7_BPT7 Protein 7 (Gene product 7) (Gp7)
Y05_BPT7 Protein 0.5 (Gene product 0.5) (Gp0.5)
Y11_BPT7 Uncharacterized protein 1.1 (Gene product 1.1) (Gp1.1)
Y41_BPT7 Protein 4.1 (Gene product 4.1) (Gp4.1)
Y42_BPT7 Protein 4.2 (Gene product 4.2) (Gp4.2)
Y43_BPT7 Protein 4.3 (Gene product 4.3) (Gp4.3)
Y47_BPT7 Protein 4.7 (Gene product 4.7) (Gp4.7)
Y192_BPT7 Protein 19.2 (Gene product 19.2) (Gp19.2)
Y193_BPT7 Protein 19.3 (Gene product 19.3) (Gp19.2)
Y14_BPT7 Protein 1.4 (Gene product 1.4) (Gp1.4)
Y15_BPT7 Protein 1.5 (Gene product 1.5) (Gp1.5)
Y16_BPT7 Protein 1.6 (Gene product 1.6) (Gp1.6)
Y18_BPT7 Protein 1.8 (Gene product 1.8) (Gp1.8)
Y28_BPT7 Protein 2.8 (Gene product 2.8) (Gp2.8)
Y77_BPT7 Protein 7.7 (Gene product 7.7) (Gp7.7)
Y38_BPT7 Protein 3.8 (Gene product 3.8) (Gp3.8)
Y53_BPT7 Protein 5.3 (Gene product 5.3) (Gp5.3)
Y63_BPT7 Protein 6.3 (Gene product 6.3) (Gp6.3)
Y65_BPT7 Protein 6.5 (Gene product 6.5) (Gp6.5)
Y195_BPT7 Protein 19.5 (Gene product 19.5) (Gp19.5)