Associated names: ...
taterapox virus, vaccinia virus,
variola virus,
Associated names: ...
taterapox virus, vaccinia virus,
variola virus,
Associated names: ...
taterapox virus, vaccinia virus,
variola virus,
Associated names: ...
taterapox virus, vaccinia virus,
variola virus,
Human pox vaccines
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Orthopoxvirus replication
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Monkeypoxvirus genome
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Pox host-virus interactions
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Inhibition of host TBK1 by virus
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Microtubular outwards viral transport
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Inhibition of host NF-kappa-B by virus
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Orthopoxvirus structural proteins
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Poxviruses resource
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Apoptotic mimicry
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Inhibition of host complement factors by virus
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Inhibition of host PKR by virus
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Inhibition of host STAT1 by virus
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Guanylyl transferase
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Virus budding by cellular exocytosis
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Syncytium formation induced by viral infection
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Inhibition of host MHC class II molecule presentation by virus
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Cytoplasmic inwards viral transport
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Cell-type capping
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RNA 5' triphosphatase
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Macropinocytosis of virus by host
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Actin dependent outward transport
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Inhibition of host ISG15 by virus
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Inhibition of host caspases by virus
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Inhibition of host apoptosis by viral BCL2-like protein
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PKR: dsRNA and stress sensor
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MRNA Methyltransferase
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COVID-19 vaccines
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Inhibition of host TRAFs by virus
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DsDNA cell receptors
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Viral genome evolution
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Viral budding via the host ESCRT complexes
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Human viruses table
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